Ted Cruz Would Get Crushed By Hillary

We all know this. This is why the libtards are saying all manner of nonsense against Trump. They're scared. But watching Lyin' Ted on his FNC Town Hall, he is presenting a losing strategy. He'll take on Hillary based on 'substance' and not make it 'personal.' Then, he listed a litany of memorized issues; eliminating Obamacare and taking on ISIS. Dude couldn't have sounded more vanilla.

Too many Americans want their entitlements. They want to make so-called-history by electing the first woman president. All this sh** is in the bag for her unless a charismatic, pulls-no-punches guy like Trump comes along and makes the slam dunk case that Crooked Hillary is not our friend.

Cryin Donald insulting everyone and pissing them off has sure risen his personal approval numbers. What's it, like 25 or 30 percent now? People just love the guy
Cruz would kick Hillary's ass as soon as the first debate is over. Cruz is 100 times smarter than she is and will mop the floor with her corrupt lying ass. After that she would be toast.

Cruz would be Paul Ryan Part II. Talks a good game to the base and then flounders when the spotlight is the brightest and all his political indiscretions come to light.

Yeah you are dead wrong.

Cruz is a plutocrat. It would come to light. And all his small actions contrasting with his big talk would make him look like a little b*tch. He doesn't want to take on Hillary on a personal level, either b/c, his skeletons would bury him even further. The guy holding the Bible high isn't supposed to be so damn dirty; but he is.

Proven bull shit. You are desperate and that won't hold water during the general. Hillary is dirty, corrupt, and a shrieking harpy. After the first debate, she will be done. None of your insane lies will matter to anyone.

Nope. I've observed this guy from the outset. Cruz is a calculated a-hole who is up for sale to the highest bidder. If you're stupid enough to buy it; well, that's on you.

Wow, if you can make up shit like that about him, Cruz supporters really do need to question supporting him
I am not a Trump supporter, but I know the whole idea was to beat Clinton, or Sanders. Trump, Cruz, and Kasich have decided what is most important, is to beat each other..........and that is why they will lose in the general!

Ask a Cruz supporter if they will vote Trump. Ask a Trump supporter if they will even vote if he is not the nominee! So lets all face the reality------------>you people have made it so nasty, that none of them are going to win anything. Add to that, the REAL independents who just follow this in the news are going to stay home too. We have seen this before with Ron Paul supporters, and now it is times 2!

Imagine the mighty Ron Paul supporters, Trump supporters, and Cruz supporters all have 1 thing in common------------> they will have taken an easy victory against weak opponents, and through total incompetence, turned it to defeat. With your acid tongues, I hope you realize that the situation you have created, is pushing YOUR candidate to be the last loser. If that is victory for you, congratulations, you have pulled it off perfectly!
We all know this. This is why the libtards are saying all manner of nonsense against Trump. They're scared. But watching Lyin' Ted on his FNC Town Hall, he is presenting a losing strategy. He'll take on Hillary based on 'substance' and not make it 'personal.' Then, he listed a litany of memorized issues; eliminating Obamacare and taking on ISIS. Dude couldn't have sounded more vanilla.

Too many Americans want their entitlements. They want to make so-called-history by electing the first woman president. All this sh** is in the bag for her unless a charismatic, pulls-no-punches guy like Trump comes along and makes the slam dunk case that Crooked Hillary is not our friend.

Cryin Donald insulting everyone and pissing them off has sure risen his personal approval numbers. What's it, like 25 or 30 percent now? People just love the guy

You're hysterical.
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The jack ass would be fucked in the ass by Hillary so hard that he'd lose by more then any candidate of the past 120 years. Hillary would get 450 delegates against Mr.Jackass!

Well Hillary does have a bigger dick than he does.

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