Teddy...Say It Isn't So...You Sired An Illegitimate Child Too?


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2005
I know it is the National Enquirier but...they have been right before....

I bet Jesse Jackson is so proud.

The National Enquirer splashes this week with a shocking story about Sen. Ted Kennedy’s secret love child with a Cape Cod woman whom the mag says he dated during his days as a swinging single.
According to the tabloid’s source, the boy, named Christopher, just celebrated his 21st birthday and is “mature enough to make his own choices about his background and biological father.”
A Kennedy family confidante told the Enquirer, “This is one of the biggest secrets in the Kennedy family and known to only a few people including Ted’s ex-wife, Joan.”
As for the senator, his spokesgal Melissa Wagoner last night called the tabloid tale “irresponsible fiction.”
Here’s the story according to the Enquirer: Back in 1983, Kennedy, then 51, took up with Caroline Bilodeau, an attractive brunette, several months before divorcing Joan, the mother of his three kids — Kara, Ted Jr. and Patrick.
Bilodeau’s friends told the Enquirer the local lass became so smitten with the senator, she “had dreams about being the next Mrs. Ted Kennedy.” But the love affair came crashing down when Bilodeau told Ted a baby was on the way, the mag reports.
“Caroline announced to the family that she was two months pregnant around May 1984,” blabbed a Bilodeau confidante. “Ted was not happy about the news. He already had three kids with Joan and knew a baby out of wedlock could hurt him politically.”
According to the Enquirer, the scandal-scarred senator begged Bilodeau to have an abortion, but she refused.
“He told her he couldn’t undergo another scandal — not after Chappaquiddick, not so close to his divorce from Joan” said the source. “He was very angry when she defied him and had the child.”
During her pregnancy, Caroline’s friends noticed the unemployed young woman who lived with her parents bought a black Mustang convertible, an expensive Shar-pei puppy and moved into her own apartment.
“Later we learned she received about $15,000 from someone in the Kennedy camp,” said the friend.
When Christopher was born in a Cape Cod hospital in December 1984, Kennedy was nowhere near the delivery room. But he did, according to the Enquirer, take a paternity test shortly thereafter to determine if the child was his.
After Bilodeau got the results, she moved back in with her parents but “always seemed to have money,” said the source.
Kennedy’s former flame did eventually find love with a man she met in a pizzeria. They married and he legally adopted Christopher and raised him as his own son, sources said.
“She has always been very protective of Christopher and wanted him to have a normal life, not the life a Kennedy lives,” said the friend.

The National Enquirer!!??!?!

And you believe it?????

You can't mean the magazine that says space aliens went to last years Mardi Gras, Batboy is a secret US government agent, The Olsen twins are actually triplets, and that the US economy is going to crash in six months, every six months. If anything this proves that Ted Kennedy did no such thing.
The DUmmies and Kos Kidz treated the National Enquirer like the New York Times when it ran a story on Bush getting drunk. :shrug:
If the story turns out to be true, then the real news will be that Ted Kennedy doesn't have more than one love child.

I'm surprised that he doesn't have one in every state.
KarlMarx said:
If the story turns out to be true, then the real news will be that Ted Kennedy doesn't have more than one love child.

I'm surprised that he doesn't have one in every state.

In every blue state, anyway. ;)
Shocking! Or not.

What's there to be outraged about? Is Ted Kennedy some sort of well known prude or moralist or something?
jAZ said:
Shocking! Or not.

What's there to be outraged about? Is Ted Kennedy some sort of well known prude or moralist or something?

nothing...sounds like you are proud of your liberal icon's behaviour....not everyone can say the have mudering, adulterous, alcoholic, men's club hypocrite as a role model....

right on dude.... :rock:

rep yea if i could but i have to spread it around first :boobies:
jAZ said:
Shocking! Or not.

What's there to be outraged about? Is Ted Kennedy some sort of well known prude or moralist or something?

The outrage is that someone that is supposed to know better is acts like, shall we say... a stud in heat, then goes on to lecture people on their shortcomings. The hypocrisy of this person is incredible and the fact that he is so brazen about it, without any shame at all, is what enrages most people.

I believe that Ted Kennedy does not hold a candle to his brother John. Although the reputation of the Kennedy licentiousness is known far and wide and is well deserved. The Kennedys have slept with starlets from Gloria Swanson to Darryl Hannah and Marilyn Monroe. Even so, at least John was willing to stand up for America, which is more than I can say for Teddy Kennedy.

Kennedy is no friend of the right. He's always shooting his mouth off about Bush, Iraq, Social Security, the latest judicial nominee and trying his damnedest to obstruct the conservative agenda. Thanks to him (and Dubya's complicity) we have a very expensive Medicare reform package (a misnomer to say the least) which we can't afford. Although, I have to say, one that you and those of your generation will be paying for till your dying day.

Kennedy is responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick island, then there's the famous "waitress sandwich" incident where he and Sen Chris Dodd of Connecticut shared a waitress in a restaurant (and I don't mean split the tip, either).

To say the guy is a walking hard on, is to be charitable.

I can't say I'm shocked at this development, only that #1) someone didn't come forward sooner and #2) there aren't more of them
I can't say I'm shocked at this development, only that #1) someone didn't come forward sooner and #2) there aren't more of them

Please don't tell me you all are taking this seriously. I know that Ted Kennedy has done a lot of dubious things in his life, but this is the National Enquirer, you can't take seriously anything they print. If I saw this on CNN, Time, Fox, MSNBC I'd believe but not from the Enquirer rag.
Mr.Conley said:
Please don't tell me you all are taking this seriously. I know that Ted Kennedy has done a lot of dubious things in his life, but this is the National Enquirer, you can't take seriously anything they print. If I saw this on CNN, Time, Fox, MSNBC I'd believe but not from the Enquirer rag.

It's the pile on effect---Kennedy has been just an ass lately even the Enquirer is gonna take a shot at him and in my mind, deservedly so. :rock:
dilloduck said:
It's the pile on effect---Kennedy has been just an ass lately even the Enquirer is gonna take a shot at him and in my mind, deservedly so. :rock:

the men's club member called a us judge a biggot on national tv and made the judge's wife cry .... the gloves are off .... he gets whatever comes his way...and deserves it
Still there is a deference between taking a shot at someone if they've done something bad and libeling a person. Regardless of what Kennedy has done, it should not be nessicary to accuse him of things he has not done.

In responce to the next poster: It doe not matter whatever lies Kennedy has said, responding in kind makes you no better than him.

In responce to the poster after that: No I am not equating a person who lies about Kennedy as being his moral equivalent. I know that Kennedy has, in all likelyhood, commited murder, but that still doesn't make waving false charges at him right.
Mr.Conley said:
Still there is a deference between taking a shot at someone if they've done something bad and libeling a person. Regardless of what Kennedy has done, it should not be nessicary to accuse him of things he has not done.

In responce to the next poster: It doe not matter whatever lies Kennedy has said, responding in kind makes you no better than him.

In responce to the poster after that: No I am not equating a person who lies about Kennedy as being his moral equivalent. I know that Kennedy has, in all likelyhood, commited murder, but that still doesn't make waving false charges at him right.

OK lets all play nice now. :laugh:
manu1959 said:
nothing...sounds like you are proud of your liberal icon's behaviour....not everyone can say the have mudering, adulterous, alcoholic, men's club hypocrite as a role model....

right on dude.... :rock:

rep yea if i could but i have to spread it around first :boobies:
Who said proud of anything?
OK lets all play nice now.

Libel is a serious criminal charge. Not only does it damage the victim, but hurts the person who commits the act as well. I know that in politics this still occurs all the time; however, just because everyone else is doing to it does not mean we as people and participants on this board should not strive to be fair. truthful, and honest in everything we say.
KarlMarx said:
The outrage is that someone that is supposed to know better is acts like, shall we say... a stud in heat, then goes on to lecture people on their shortcomings. The hypocrisy of this person is incredible and the fact that he is so brazen about it, without any shame at all, is what enrages most people.
Like I said, what exactly is there to be outraged about? This stuff is nothing new from Republicans politicians & religious conservatives.

Newt Gingrich
Why he might be annoying
* He spoke out against gay rights despite having a lesbian sister.
* He spoke on the morality of the family, despite leaving his wife for another woman he was having an affair with.
* He begins attacking the ethics of Democrat Speaker of the House, Jim Wright (1987), who eventually resigned in 1989.
* He attacks the Democrats for bouncing checks yet he did the same thing in his personal life.
* He was forced to return $4.5 million in a book advance deal (1994).
* He was fined $300,000 by the ethics committee because he violated House rules that bar use of tax-exempt foundations for political purposes (January 16, 1997).
* In disgrace, he did not seek his congressional seat in 1998.

Bob Barr
Why he might be annoying
* He has been married three times and divorced twice.
* He skipped out on paying child support.
* He is anti-abortion, but encouraged his second wife to have one.
* Even after his third marriage, he was photographed licking whipped cream off strippers.

Tom Delay
Why he might be annoying
* He was known as 'Hot Tub Tommy' for his frequent partying and drinking to excess.

Bill Bennett
Why he might be annoying
* He wrote an entire book bashing Bill Clinton's moral shortcomings, yet was found to have lost millions of dollars in casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City over the past decade.
* He thinks America's cultural values are in decline and gets paid to lecture on the world's sins and vices.
* Unlike many fellow right-wing activists, he doesn't see gambling as a 'vice' or 'sin,' leading many to think that he's a hypocrite.

Jim Bakker
Why he might be annoying
* A lot of the donation money he raised for furthering religious causes went into his pocket.
* He raped Jessica Hahn.
* In the name of God he bilked many seniors out of their life savings.

Jimmy Swaggart
Why he might be annoying
* He raised huge sums of money in the name of God, for his personal gain.
* He was caught with prostitutes, then went to his congregation crying 'I Sinned my Lord.'
* His flock forgave him, within days he was again photographed with prostitutes.
* Again he tried the same schtick with his congregation, and they forgave him, for his moral problems.
* It is said that he has 1,000 suits all costing over $1,000. (wonder how this despicable disciple could afford them?)

Rush Limbaugh
Why he might be annoying
* He is a hypocrit, claimed drug abusers should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, yet when his drug abuse was made public, he used his lawyers to block investigators.
* Instead of taking responsibility and owning up to his illegal drug usage, he blamed it on his doctors and his back pain.

George W. Bush
Why he might be annoying
* He pled guilty to a DWI.
* Although both he and his father declared war, not one of his twenty plus children, nieces or nephews have served in the armed forces.
jAZ said:
Like I said, what exact is there to be outraged out? This stuff is nothing new from Republicans politicians & religious conservatives.

Newt Gingrich
Why he might be annoying
* He spoke out against gay rights despite having a lesbian sister.
* He spoke on the morality of the family, despite leaving his wife for another woman he was having an affair with.
* He begins attacking the ethics of Democrat Speaker of the House, Jim Wright (1987), who eventually resigned in 1989.
* He attacks the Democrats for bouncing checks yet he did the same thing in his personal life.
* He was forced to return $4.5 million in a book advance deal (1994).
* He was fined $300,000 by the ethics committee because he violated House rules that bar use of tax-exempt foundations for political purposes (January 16, 1997).
* In disgrace, he did not seek his congressional seat in 1998.

Bob Barr
Why he might be annoying
* He has been married three times and divorced twice.
* He skipped out on paying child support.
* He is anti-abortion, but encouraged his second wife to have one.
* Even after his third marriage, he was photographed licking whipped cream off strippers.

Tom Delay
Why he might be annoying
* He was known as 'Hot Tub Tommy' for his frequent partying and drinking to excess.

Bill Bennett
Why he might be annoying
* He wrote an entire book bashing Bill Clinton's moral shortcomings, yet was found to have lost millions of dollars in casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City over the past decade.
* He thinks America's cultural values are in decline and gets paid to lecture on the world's sins and vices.
* Unlike many fellow right-wing activists, he doesn't see gambling as a 'vice' or 'sin,' leading many to think that he's a hypocrite.

Jim Bakker
Why he might be annoying
* A lot of the donation money he raised for furthering religious causes went into his pocket.
* He raped Jessica Hahn.
* In the name of God he bilked many seniors out of their life savings.

Jimmy Swaggart
Why he might be annoying
* He raised huge sums of money in the name of God, for his personal gain.
* He was caught with prostitutes, then went to his congregation crying 'I Sinned my Lord.'
* His flock forgave him, within days he was again photographed with prostitutes.
* Again he tried the same schtick with his congregation, and they forgave him, for his moral problems.
* It is said that he has 1,000 suits all costing over $1,000. (wonder how this despicable disciple could afford them?)

Rush Limbaugh
Why he might be annoying
* He is a hypocrit, claimed drug abusers should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, yet when his drug abuse was made public, he used his lawyers to block investigators.
* Instead of taking responsibility and owning up to his illegal drug usage, he blamed it on his doctors and his back pain.

George W. Bush
Why he might be annoying
* He pled guilty to a DWI.
* Although both he and his father declared war, not one of his twenty plus children, nieces or nephews have served in the armed forces.

Not going to argue or bother pulling out all the liberal hypocrisy, since a book has already been written on it. Both sides sin, get on with it.

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