Teen pregnancies down except in red states

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
US Teen Pregnancy Rate Drops Due To Contraception Access, Remains High In Abstinence-Only Red States -

According to CDC surveys of high schoolers examined by Dr. John Santelli, the trend downward is the result of increased usage of contraception.

“There is not much evidence of a change in abortion use and not much change in sexual activity,” Santelli says. “What we have seen is greater availability of much more effective birth control methods".

Teen birth rate hits historic low, federal report says - NBC News.com

The birth rate among teenagers reached another historic low in 2012, government researchers announced Friday, and there is evidence that a switch to more effective means of birth control is a factor.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the birth rate among young women ages 15 to 19 fell 6 percent last year, to 29.4 births per thousand, the lowest rate in the 73 years the government has been collecting the data. The decline was across all racial and ethnic groups.

And, when will men take their share of the responsibility?

If this means more white babies are being born, this is great news!
stop LYING.

some race and ethnic groups consider it totally normal to have kids at 18 or 19 - and the stats include that age as well.

18 and 19 are ADULTS.

Nothing wrong with having a child if one chooses to.

Hispanic rates are skyrocketing - sometimes three times higher than whites and two times higher than blacks.

But considering that most girls get married and have kids early in Latin America - this is to be expected.
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Yes, thank you.

The OP posted from the link:
The birth rate among teenagers reached another historic low in 2012

That's the study I'm asking for.
The OP posted from the link:
The birth rate among teenagers reached another historic low in 2012

That's the study I'm asking for.



comment on the issue:

well, you can not lump together adults and under-aged girls, because it is a huge bias and makes results irrelevant.

So even the statistics in CDC site are irrelevant - because as I have said in a lot of cultures girls at 18 and 19 are expected to be wives and have kids.

If one really wants to know the trend - one should separate the age and the marital status as well.
According to fanstical liberal totalitarians, red states have more welfare.
Welfare rewards teenage girls for getting pregnant.

I can see a clear way to end this problem.

Can You?


But before making any changes one actually has to be able to analyze the CORRECT data - and we do not have them.

If you have the vast majority of those babies being born to young Latino women being married to their husbands at 17-18 - that is a lot different than having babies out of the wedlock at 15.

And we have no idea how many of each kind do we have.

Because they do not distinguish them.

Addressing the problem of underage pregnancy out-of the wedlock and pregnancy in very young couples - will require absolutely different approach.
they confuse birth rate with pregnancy rate. you can get pregnant without giving birth. liberals love abortion so they should understand this very well.
US Teen Pregnancy Rate Drops Due To Contraception Access, Remains High In Abstinence-Only Red States -

According to CDC surveys of high schoolers examined by Dr. John Santelli, the trend downward is the result of increased usage of contraception.

“There is not much evidence of a change in abortion use and not much change in sexual activity,” Santelli says. “What we have seen is greater availability of much more effective birth control methods".

Teen birth rate hits historic low, federal report says - NBC News.com

The birth rate among teenagers reached another historic low in 2012, government researchers announced Friday, and there is evidence that a switch to more effective means of birth control is a factor.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the birth rate among young women ages 15 to 19 fell 6 percent last year, to 29.4 births per thousand, the lowest rate in the 73 years the government has been collecting the data. The decline was across all racial and ethnic groups.

And, when will men take their share of the responsibility?


Education (not just sex education but education in general), sex education, and access to birth control will prevent unwanted teen pregnancies. In Europe and other progessive, modern, industrialized nations, teens have access to birth control. They are highly educated and have access to sex education. They don't live in a repressive, conservative religious atmosphere that has its head in the sand when it comes to sex. Therefore, they have a very low rate of teen pregnancy compared to the US. The Northern states are more like Europe than the Southern states in this regard.
Education (not just sex education but education in general), sex education, and access to birth control will prevent unwanted teen pregnancies. In Europe and other progessive, modern, industrialized nations, teens have access to birth control. They are highly educated and have access to sex education. They don't live in a repressive, conservative religious atmosphere that has its head in the sand when it comes to sex. Therefore, they have a very low rate of teen pregnancy compared to the US. The Northern states are more like Europe than the Southern states in this regard.

I'm a conservative,got my daughters birthcontrol and condoms before age 16. While I'd prefer abstinence and try not to let my daughters be in a situation where she is alone with a boy, I can't be everywhere she is 100% of the time. I don't beleive in abortion so it's "the talk" and to the doctor they go.
US Teen Pregnancy Rate Drops Due To Contraception Access, Remains High In Abstinence-Only Red States -

According to CDC surveys of high schoolers examined by Dr. John Santelli, the trend downward is the result of increased usage of contraception.

“There is not much evidence of a change in abortion use and not much change in sexual activity,” Santelli says. “What we have seen is greater availability of much more effective birth control methods".

Teen birth rate hits historic low, federal report says - NBC News.com

The birth rate among teenagers reached another historic low in 2012, government researchers announced Friday, and there is evidence that a switch to more effective means of birth control is a factor.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the birth rate among young women ages 15 to 19 fell 6 percent last year, to 29.4 births per thousand, the lowest rate in the 73 years the government has been collecting the data. The decline was across all racial and ethnic groups.

And, when will men take their share of the responsibility?


Education (not just sex education but education in general), sex education, and access to birth control will prevent unwanted teen pregnancies. In Europe and other progessive, modern, industrialized nations, teens have access to birth control. They are highly educated and have access to sex education. They don't live in a repressive, conservative religious atmosphere that has its head in the sand when it comes to sex. Therefore, they have a very low rate of teen pregnancy compared to the US. The Northern states are more like Europe than the Southern states in this regard.

why are we blaming conservatives? I'm a conservative, I have three daughters 24,21,16 and none have ever been pregnant. I rasied them in the church,we go every Sunday. My girls are all on Birth control and I bought them condoms until they could afford to buy them themselves. While I wish their decisions would follow their religious instruction, I also understand that shit happens and get them the Birth control/condoms. I'd rather do that than have them have a baby,abortions are barbaric and I would hope they wouldn't have one and I don't want them to contract HIV. My head is not in the sand on this issue.
Education (not just sex education but education in general), sex education, and access to birth control will prevent unwanted teen pregnancies. In Europe and other progessive, modern, industrialized nations, teens have access to birth control. They are highly educated and have access to sex education. They don't live in a repressive, conservative religious atmosphere that has its head in the sand when it comes to sex. Therefore, they have a very low rate of teen pregnancy compared to the US. The Northern states are more like Europe than the Southern states in this regard.


I bet if there was a map for teen abortions the blue states would have the highest.

Would that make Luddy proud?
According to fanstical liberal totalitarians, red states have more welfare.
Welfare rewards teenage girls for getting pregnant.

I can see a clear way to end this problem.

Can You?

The obvious answer would be to end welfare payments to red state recipients, I suppose.
Education (not just sex education but education in general), sex education, and access to birth control will prevent unwanted teen pregnancies. In Europe and other progessive, modern, industrialized nations, teens have access to birth control. They are highly educated and have access to sex education. They don't live in a repressive, conservative religious atmosphere that has its head in the sand when it comes to sex. Therefore, they have a very low rate of teen pregnancy compared to the US. The Northern states are more like Europe than the Southern states in this regard.


I bet if there was a map for teen abortions the blue states would have the highest.

Would that make Luddy proud?

I was thinking the same thing. Is this all pregnancies including abortions,still births and miscarriages or is this only pregnancies sucessfully brought to term? If it doesn't include all pregnancies even the ones that don't come to term,it's an inaccurate study. There could be equal pregnancies in both regions of the country with different ways to deal with unwanted pregnancies. Northern women chose abortion while Southern women chose to give birth.

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