CDZ Teen pregnancy rate reduced; abortion rate reduced: what's wrong with this?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2013
Colorado Teen Pregnancy Rates Drop With Birth Control Initiative - NBC News

40% decrease in teen pregnancy rate
40% decrease in abortion rate

It seems like a great idea to me. The 'drawback' seems to be the cost: it's $900 and free to teens, but the amount of money NOT spent on abortions and welfare for teen moms would make up for that. It seems reasonable and practical. Sex education is mentioned as an alternative, and I'm not against sex education but, rather, very much for it. But it isn't that effective alone, not anywhere near as effective as this program. This program should be implemented nationwide.
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I see it as a more then viable option to abortion.
Did you read the article? It's not something to do after you get pregnant; it's something to prevent pregnancy. As a result it lowers the number of teen pregnancies and the need for teen abortions. I think it is a great idea. It's not forced: it's by choice. And it's far more effective than sex education, though sex education should be a part of everyone's education.
I think it's an excellent plan to reduce unwanted pregnancies. Compared to SNAP and WIC benefits, it's very cheap.
I see it as a more then viable option to abortion.
I do think the Right should be behind it because it has such a significant effect on lowering the rate of abortions and also reducing the rate of welfare payments to young, teenage mothers.
Long acting contraceptive, implanted in the arm, works for 3-10 years.


Been going in in Colorado since 2009.
The program is going to end because a private grant funding it will end soon and the Colorado state legislature voted down continuning it taxpayer funded.

To me, this kind of thing is frustratring and stupid. It works to prevent a problem but they don't want to pay for it. They would rather pay for the results in welfare to teen mothers or in state funded abortions. They put their head in the sand and say we should pay for sex education and make abortiions illegal, and they want to end the welfare program.

Look at reality: sex education has little or no effect on the rate of teen pregnancy. Abortion is legal and that isn't going to go away. Welfare also is not going to go away. Reality: this works and drastically reduces the need for welfare and abortion, which cost a lot, so the cost of this program is worth it.
Que the right wing outrage from people who think teen pregnancy is just punishment for sinful teens. You know they are probably making up their self rightous protest signs right now.
Since Obamacare already covers free contraception let's just extend it to cover these long acting contraceptives too.

It is a win-win because it eliminates abortions while giving teenagers the opportunity to complete their education thereby eventually becoming taxpayers.
Since Obamacare already covers free contraception let's just extend it to cover these long acting contraceptives too.

It is a win-win because it eliminates abortions while giving teenagers the opportunity to complete their education thereby eventually becoming taxpayers.
Excellent post.

It's taking care of a problem before it happens rather than dealing with it after it happens.

If this caught on, we could possibly eliminate, or nearly, the problem of unwanted pregnancies throughout the country, and, consequently, the need for abortions.
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Since Obamacare already covers free contraception let's just extend it to cover these long acting contraceptives too.

It is a win-win because it eliminates abortions while giving teenagers the opportunity to complete their education thereby eventually becoming taxpayers.
Excellent post.

It's taking care of a problem before it happens rather than dealing with it after it happens.

If this caught on, we could possibly eliminate, or nearly, the problem of unwanted pregnancies throughout the country, and, consequently, the need for abortions.
I amso IR resonds;

Why don't we have a "free" heroin program also? All illegal drugs for that matter. That also would would eliminate much of the abuse problem. The solution would be "dirt" cheap!
Since Obamacare already covers free contraception let's just extend it to cover these long acting contraceptives too.

It is a win-win because it eliminates abortions while giving teenagers the opportunity to complete their education thereby eventually becoming taxpayers.
Excellent post.

It's taking care of a problem before it happens rather than dealing with it after it happens.

If this caught on, we could possibly eliminate, or nearly, the problem of unwanted pregnancies throughout the country, and, consequently, the need for abortions.
I amso IR resonds;

Why don't we have a "free" heroin program also? All illegal drugs for that matter. That also would would eliminate much of the abuse problem. The solution would be "dirt" cheap!
This is completely unrelated to the topic. You are trying to equate heroin addiction to the teen pregnancy problem? How is it similar?

Anyway, I believe we do have a free 'heroin' progam. There are thousands of free Methadone programs throughout the country that are aimed at getting people off heroin. But, I see drug addiction and teen pregnancy as two completely separate issues.
Since Obamacare already covers free contraception let's just extend it to cover these long acting contraceptives too.

It is a win-win because it eliminates abortions while giving teenagers the opportunity to complete their education thereby eventually becoming taxpayers.
Excellent post.

It's taking care of a problem before it happens rather than dealing with it after it happens.

If this caught on, we could possibly eliminate, or nearly, the problem of unwanted pregnancies throughout the country, and, consequently, the need for abortions.
I amso IR resonds;

Why don't we have a "free" heroin program also? All illegal drugs for that matter. That also would would eliminate much of the abuse problem. The solution would be "dirt" cheap!

Off topic! Treating a medical condition like addiction as a criminal offense has caused a great deal of harm to this nation so if you want to start a CDZ thread on the topic I will be glad to engage you on that topic.

But let's stick with this OP topic which is the effective reduction of teen pregnancies by long acting contraceptives.
Colorado Teen Pregnancy Rates Drop With Birth Control Initiative - NBC News

40% decrease in teen pregnancy rate
40% decrease in abortion rate

It seems like a great idea to me. The 'drawback' seems to be the cost: it's $900 and free to teens, but the amount of money NOT spent on abortions and welfare for teen moms would make up for that. It seems reasonable and practical. Sex education is mentioned as an alternative, and I'm not against sex education but, rather, very much for it. But it isn't that effective alone, not anywhere near as effective as this program. This program should be implemented nationwide.

Free contraceptives? Well you know conservatives are going to have a fit over that.....:badgrin: I can just hear's going to encourage them having sex.....! And, why should they get them for free?

I think it is great, too bad that here in Texas, the conservatives run the state government and they see contraceptives as evil liberal creation. They rather see teens saddled with babies so they can then criticize them for needing welfare (and not making better choices).

I would certainly be in favor of such a program being nationwide.
Since Obamacare already covers free contraception let's just extend it to cover these long acting contraceptives too.

It is a win-win because it eliminates abortions while giving teenagers the opportunity to complete their education thereby eventually becoming taxpayers.
Excellent post.

It's taking care of a problem before it happens rather than dealing with it after it happens.

If this caught on, we could possibly eliminate, or nearly, the problem of unwanted pregnancies throughout the country, and, consequently, the need for abortions.
I amso IR resonds;

Why don't we have a "free" heroin program also? All illegal drugs for that matter. That also would would eliminate much of the abuse problem. The solution would be "dirt" cheap!'ll have to pay for your own heroine....providing it for free wouldn't make the country better, but if you really believe that it would, I'm sure you wouldn't understand why not.
Colorado teens got hooked on pot? :badgrin:
Pot doesn't make you less likely to have sex, quite the contrary.

"...In another study, 75 percent of men said that marijuana increased sexual pleasure and satisfaction, 68 percent reported that it enhanced their orgasm, and 39 percent found that it increased the duration of intercourse.
  • Women are even more likely than men to report enhanced sexual desire with marijuana use. In one study, 90 percent of women reported that marijuana increased feelings of sexual pleasure and satisfaction to varying degrees, and 40 percent of women reported that marijuana increased the quality of their orgasm...."

What Are the Sex Effects of Marijuana
Colorado teens got hooked on pot? :badgrin:
Pot doesn't make you less likely to have sex, quite the contrary.

"...In another study, 75 percent of men said that marijuana increased sexual pleasure and satisfaction, 68 percent reported that it enhanced their orgasm, and 39 percent found that it increased the duration of intercourse.
  • Women are even more likely than men to report enhanced sexual desire with marijuana use. In one study, 90 percent of women reported that marijuana increased feelings of sexual pleasure and satisfaction to varying degrees, and 40 percent of women reported that marijuana increased the quality of their orgasm...."

What Are the Sex Effects of Marijuana

I can personally attest that the above is true. :D

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