Tekken Tourney: Christian Cleansing [Gender Tree]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Tekken has become an iconic video-game 'empire' and Tekken tournaments represent new age aesthetics.

How do video-game customs-themed parables (e.g., The Wizard) reflect the 'consumerism politics' of human dalliances in the modern age?

Is there a link between commerce and chanting?

Anyone a fan of E3?


"Americans cared about consumerism and merchandising and the aesthetics of capitalism. Popular/iconic brands such as Coke and Band-Aid became synonymous with modern civilization lifestyle couture. Marketing was suddenly cool."


"Countless women from Europe and Asia registered themselves on the Internet as mail-order-brides, seeking residence permits with American grooms whom they would marry and share the American Dream. The conveniences of networking technologies had turned traffic into a thing of philosophy. This was the 'Diary Age of NASDAQ'."


"A Tekken video-game tournament in California (USA) represented all the bravado and aesthetics of this marketing/networking modern age. Tekken had become one of the most popular combat video-games on the global market, and Tekken tournaments were therefore very symbolic. A band of female video-game players/competitors, calling themselves the Hateful Eight, registered at the Tekken tourney and competed with various female warrior-avatars, hoping to create a 'gender stamp' in video-game culture."


"The Hateful Eight chose from a wide array of colorful and energized female Tekken warrior-avatars for the tourney in California. The Hateful Eight believed that gender-consciousness in the video-game market would certainly highlight a modern spiritual 'investment' in the 'yoga' of pluralism-politics (in the age of consumerism and merchandising!). One video-game society writer wrote that the Hateful Eight were adding 'spice' to the conversation about Christian values in capitalism-based bureaucracy. Was this an 'incendiary gender tree'?"


"The Hateful Eight made it all the way to the Finals of the Tekken tourney in California. However, they lost in the championship to the Gregarious Gentlemen, a team of Korean males who were equally-skilled at Tekken video-game maneuvers. However, the press declared the Hateful Eight to be an incredible 'feather' in the emerging world of video-game based merchandising and its contributions to 'traffic politics' and 'capitalism sensuality.' Would the Hateful Eight's successes at that Tekken tourney in California draw in comments by the Christian Coalition (regarding gender research)?"


TRUMP: What do you think of the Hateful Eight?
CARTER: They are excellent 'Tekken diplomats.'
TRUMP: The Christian Coalition is perhaps interested...
CARTER: Pluralism creates much sociopolitical intrigue.
TRUMP: This is the age of media and dialogue!
CARTER: Women in media have done much.
TRUMP: There're so many gender-themed programs.
CARTER: Sure. Supergirl, Alice, She-Devil, Elizabeth.
TRUMP: Kids love comic books and video-games.
CARTER: Yes, they offer many gender-gods.
TRUMP: There's nothing wrong with 'designed politics.'
CARTER: Consumerism is a fine 'dogma-madness.'




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