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Tell me again we aren't moving toward a police state

I don't think we've become a police state, because there aren't armed troops patrolling the streets of my hometown.

What do I call this? Same thing I call every incident involving a policeman violating the rights of another citizen..........................a poorly trained cop who should be fired from the force.

If these things happened every day in almost every city in America, I'd be more inclined to agree with you, but they don't, so I won't agree.

A landslide begins with one pebble.
It is s a police state but it's not practicing hard tyranny on the level most would expect or notice so it's easy to say that the police state isn't a problem until it affects you negatively. People think of the DPRK when they think of a police state and they're willing to ignore the problem until it becomes the USSA but by then it will be too late.

Yeah tell the folks in Waco it's not a police state.

Or Ruby Ridge....

Damned subversive kids!
Okay....................then it should be easy to show me 10 ways that America is currently a police state.

I notice that you've yet to respond to the request.

Lol, I have posted the items several times, but here, just for your lame ass:

An American designated as a terrorist can be:

1) deliberately targeted and killed by the government without trial.

2) arrested in secret and held in a secret prison.

3) arrested and not charged with a crime for an indefinite period of time.

4) sent to do labor by force without compensation.

5) arrested and held without the right to legal counsel.

6) so designated and lose considerable rights without the means to clear their name.

7) handed over to a third party to be tortured

Even without a designation as a terrorist, an American citizen can still be:

8) targeted by the government for witch hunts for technical bureaucratic violations of regulatory law and there is no redress. The IRS investigations of Tea Party groups is an example.

9) subjected to a SWAT raid based on no evidence other than an anonymous call.

10) be stopped and searched with no probable cause.

All these are hallmarks of a police state.

The leftists used to get all pissy about it when Pinochet or some right wing dictator did it, but now it's OK since Obama the Messiah is doing it.

watching too many movies

or too much fox news

Tell me about it lol.
watching too many movies

or too much fox news

And each and every point I made is true, moron.

Nope. Still don't believe we're in a police state. Most of what you posted isn't because of a police state, it's because of bad policemen.

All that sounds like is a bunch of talking points from FAUX Nooze. I asked for examples, meaning I want you to tell me (via a news source), where each and every one of those things has happened.


José Padilla an American citizen was held without being charged (held as a material witness) in violation of habeus corpus rights for over three and a half years, dude. He was held in a military prison and tortured during that time. He had no lawyer or visitation for that time and was mostly in solitary confinement. For three and a half years.

He had no ability to challenge his designation as an 'enemy combatant'. The SCOTUS appeal was thrown out on technical grounds and so still stands as viable under US laws.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Al-Awlaki was designated a terrorist for recruiting terrorists, and without a single violent act committed by himself. President Obama authorized the CIA to kill him without any trial or due process or the opportunity to defend himself. He was killed in a drone strike and two weeks later his 16 year old son, also a US citizen, was also killed in a drone strike, though his son was not ever designated as a terrorist.

Two US citizens killed without trial or the chance to defend themselves. When Senator Rand Paul asked the Obama regime if it believed it had the right to similarly kill Americans on American soil, it took weeks and a filibuster to get a tepid 'no' that has no legal standing.

Extraordinary rendition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Under extraordinary rendition policies, anyone can be sent to any country if they are from that country, to be 'interogated' by local authorities. There are documented cases of German, Italian, Canadian and UK citizens being subjected to this process so far and being sent to some dictatorial hellhole like the Egyptian prison/military black-holes, but not of a US citizen yet, but that only covers documented cases. Thousands of secret prisoners have been processed through our secret prison system that is totally controlled by secret government entities. We have no way to corroborate the data given; we just have to trust them that none are US citizens.

Obama wins back the right to indefinitely detain under NDAA ? RT USA

The Obama administration has won the latest battle in their fight to indefinitely detain US citizens and foreigners suspected of being affiliated with terrorists under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

Congress granted the president the authority to arrest and hold individuals accused of terrorism without due process under the NDAA, but Mr. Obama said in an accompanying signing statement that he will not abuse these privileges to keep American citizens imprisoned indefinitely. These assurances, however, were not enough to keep a group of journalists and human rights activists from filing a federal lawsuit last year, which contested the constitutionality of Section 1021, the particular provision that provides for such broad power.

A federal judge sided with the plaintiffs originally by granting an injunction against Section 1021, prompting the Obama administration to request an appeal last year. On Wednesday this week, an appeals court in New York ruled in favor of the government and once again allowed the White House to legally indefinitely detain persons that fit in the category of enemy combatants or merely provide them with support.

Yes, we live in an early stage Police State even if the gullible fools like you are too stupid to realize it, retarded fascist ass-holes that you are.

And just for the record:

An American designated as a terrorist can be:

1) deliberately targeted and killed by the government without trial.

2) arrested in secret and held in a secret prison.

3) arrested and not charged with a crime for an indefinite period of time.

4) sent to do labor by force without compensation.

5) arrested and held without the right to legal counsel.

6) so designated and lose considerable rights without the means to clear their name.

7) handed over to a third party to be tortured

Even without a designation as a terrorist, an American citizen can still be:

8) targeted by the government for witch hunts for technical bureaucratic violations of regulatory law and there is no redress. The IRS investigations of Tea Party groups is an example.

9) subjected to a SWAT raid based on no evidence other than an anonymous call.

10) be stopped and searched with no probable cause.

11) can have their emails and telephone conversations recorded and stored indefinitely. There is a complex legal route to access that information, but the potential for government abuse is ginormous as exemplified by the Snowden fiasco.

All these are hallmarks of a police state and all of these have happened in the US.
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Lol, I have posted the items several times, but here, just for your lame ass:

An American designated as a terrorist can be:

1) deliberately targeted and killed by the government without trial.

2) arrested in secret and held in a secret prison.

3) arrested and not charged with a crime for an indefinite period of time.

4) sent to do labor by force without compensation.

5) arrested and held without the right to legal counsel.

6) so designated and lose considerable rights without the means to clear their name.

7) handed over to a third party to be tortured

Even without a designation as a terrorist, an American citizen can still be:

8) targeted by the government for witch hunts for technical bureaucratic violations of regulatory law and there is no redress. The IRS investigations of Tea Party groups is an example.

9) subjected to a SWAT raid based on no evidence other than an anonymous call.

10) be stopped and searched with no probable cause.

All these are hallmarks of a police state.

The leftists used to get all pissy about it when Pinochet or some right wing dictator did it, but now it's OK since Obama the Messiah is doing it.

watching too many movies

or too much fox news

Tell me about it lol.

Lol, so you are as big a fool as Hazl-nut.

That explains a lot.
Yes I am a clueless Leftytoon. Read my sig and call me one again.

Why don't you read the few cases I have given and realize that could happen to ANYONE?

Fucking idiots.

Don't worry, when Obama is replaced by a republican the lefties will go back to complaining about the republican police state. Then we'll have a chance to get rid of it... but only if we've replaced enough of the authoritarian republicans in DC. Funny how Obama got elected based on a promise to end the police state and the democrats roared in applause, then when he gets in he turns the screws up on the police state making it even worse, and the democrats bend over in obedience.
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The fact is that this ‘police state’ ignorance and nonsense as expressed by most on the right is purely partisan, having solely to do with the political affiliation of the current president.
The fact is that this ‘police state’ ignorance and nonsense as expressed by most on the right is purely partisan, having solely to do with the political affiliation of the current president.

No. We are quite literally living in a police state. You can deny it till you are blue in the face. But you can't get on a public airplane without being frisked and scanned. You can't use the internet without everything you do being frisked and scanned. You can't complain about the government without being put on a list. Hell you might even be put on the list for some dumb ass reason and be there for the rest of your life as they keep an eye on you.

My son just happens to share the same first and last name as some Irish dude that lives in Europe. As such his name was put on the "list" by some asshole in England when he was 3years old. To this day every time he flies he has to bring a bucket load of proof that he's not the irish dude they are looking for. I guarantee you the government is watching everything he does, just waiting for my child to step out of line so they'll have proof he's a domestic terrorist and they did not make a mistake putting a 3year old on the "list." There is a convicted murderer that shares my first middle and last name. Ugg... he escaped and was on America's Most Wanted. I received dozens of phone calls from bounty hunters and police trying to ascertain if I was the guy. They caught him.. so it died down. But still, simple coincidences can be used to put you under scrutiny. And it does not appear to me, anyway, that the folks in DC give a shit about who they step on to get to the truth.

Look at what they did in Fast and Furious. One arm of our government paying drug lords to buy machine guns from another arm of our government. Guns used to kill Americans.

The fact is that there are some people, like you, who prefer to deny it when their party is in power, and still others who prefer to only deny it when their party is in power.
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The fact is that this ‘police state’ ignorance and nonsense as expressed by most on the right is purely partisan, having solely to do with the political affiliation of the current president.

No. We are quite literally living in a police state. You can deny it till you are blue in the face. But you can't get on a public airplane without being frisked and scanned. You can't use the internet without everything you do being frisked and scanned. You can't complain about the government without being put on a list. Hell you might even be put on the list for some dumb ass reason and be there for the rest of your life as they keep an eye on you.

My son just happens to share the same first and last name as some Irish dude that lives in Europe. As such his name was put on the "list" by some asshole in England when he was 3years old. To this day every time he flies he has to bring a bucket load of proof that he's not the irish dude they are looking for. I guarantee you the government is watching everything he does, just waiting for my child to step out of line so they'll have proof he's a domestic terrorist and they did not make a mistake putting a 3year old on the "list." There is a convicted murderer that shares my first middle and last name. Ugg... he escaped and was on America's Most Wanted. I received dozens of phone calls from bounty hunters and police trying to ascertain if I was the guy. They caught him.. so it died down. But still, simple coincidences can be used to put you under scrutiny. And it does not appear to me, anyway, that the folks in DC give a shit about who they step on to get to the truth.

Look at what they did in Fast and Furious. One arm of our government paying drug lords to buy machine guns from another arm of our government. Guns used to kill Americans.

The fact is that there are some people, like you, who prefer to deny it when their party is in power, and still others who prefer to only deny it when their party is in power.

Excellent post and I have to spread more rep around to do what I should.....
The fact is that this ‘police state’ ignorance and nonsense as expressed by most on the right is purely partisan, having solely to do with the political affiliation of the current president.

No. We are quite literally living in a police state. You can deny it till you are blue in the face. But you can't get on a public airplane without being frisked and scanned. You can't use the internet without everything you do being frisked and scanned. You can't complain about the government without being put on a list. Hell you might even be put on the list for some dumb ass reason and be there for the rest of your life as they keep an eye on you.

My son just happens to share the same first and last name as some Irish dude that lives in Europe. As such his name was put on the "list" by some asshole in England when he was 3years old. To this day every time he flies he has to bring a bucket load of proof that he's not the irish dude they are looking for. I guarantee you the government is watching everything he does, just waiting for my child to step out of line so they'll have proof he's a domestic terrorist and they did not make a mistake putting a 3year old on the "list." There is a convicted murderer that shares my first middle and last name. Ugg... he escaped and was on America's Most Wanted. I received dozens of phone calls from bounty hunters and police trying to ascertain if I was the guy. They caught him.. so it died down. But still, simple coincidences can be used to put you under scrutiny. And it does not appear to me, anyway, that the folks in DC give a shit about who they step on to get to the truth.

Look at what they did in Fast and Furious. One arm of our government paying drug lords to buy machine guns from another arm of our government. Guns used to kill Americans.

The fact is that there are some people, like you, who prefer to deny it when their party is in power, and still others who prefer to only deny it when their party is in power.

Excellent post and I have to spread more rep around to do what I should.....


IMO for the most part, the enemy we are fighting is our own inherent Fear.

Fear is the mind killer. (Frank Herbert, Dune)

Not sure how we can get the folks living in fear to let go of it, so we can return to living our lives as we wish in liberty. I think the Tea Party was a good start.. to bad it got co-opted by pubs.
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I'd like to see the TSA disbanded, the Unpatriotic Act ended, and we go back to not having a DHS that all to often resembles the german SS. What happened to the idea that the FBI and ATF were supposed to have very limited roles? What happened to the idea that CIA tactics were only to be used on our enemies not Americans?
Because, frankly, I have no idea what else to call it when a cop arrests a fireman for illegally parking a firetruck during a rescue operation.

Best part, he did it with cameras running.


A California cop is under investigation after he was allegedly caught in a local news video handcuffing an on-duty firefighter who was helping car accident victims.
CBS 8 reports that the incident occurred when Chula Vista Fire Department Engineer Jacob Gregoire, 36, refused to move his engine from the fast lane on I-805 between Telegraph Canyon Road and East Orange Avenue.
The station's camera appears to show an unnamed California Highway Patrol officer handcuffing Gregoire. He then detains Gregoire, a 12-year firefighting veteran, in the back of his police car while other firefighters continue to tend to accident victims.
Cop Cuffs Firefighter Trying To Help Accident Victims (VIDEO)

We should all bow down before the cops.

We are not moving toward a police state.
Because, frankly, I have no idea what else to call it when a cop arrests a fireman for illegally parking a firetruck during a rescue operation.

Best part, he did it with cameras running.


A California cop is under investigation after he was allegedly caught in a local news video handcuffing an on-duty firefighter who was helping car accident victims.
CBS 8 reports that the incident occurred when Chula Vista Fire Department Engineer Jacob Gregoire, 36, refused to move his engine from the fast lane on I-805 between Telegraph Canyon Road and East Orange Avenue.
The station's camera appears to show an unnamed California Highway Patrol officer handcuffing Gregoire. He then detains Gregoire, a 12-year firefighting veteran, in the back of his police car while other firefighters continue to tend to accident victims.
Cop Cuffs Firefighter Trying To Help Accident Victims (VIDEO)

We should all bow down before the cops.

We are not moving toward a police state.

Ayup the acts are well under way, everyone has been violated already. So really, we are down to just arguing over the severity of the attack on our liberty as to whether we are comfortable living in tyranny or not. No they have not started up the mass political internments or ovens yet. But they do have the mass prisons built around the country, and the bullets, and the coffins. US Postal office buying up tons of ammo this week. Yeah like the postal service, who are deeply in debt, need piles of ammo.
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The fact is that this ‘police state’ ignorance and nonsense as expressed by most on the right is purely partisan, having solely to do with the political affiliation of the current president.

No. We are quite literally living in a police state. You can deny it till you are blue in the face. But you can't get on a public airplane without being frisked and scanned. You can't use the internet without everything you do being frisked and scanned. You can't complain about the government without being put on a list. Hell you might even be put on the list for some dumb ass reason and be there for the rest of your life as they keep an eye on you.

My son just happens to share the same first and last name as some Irish dude that lives in Europe. As such his name was put on the "list" by some asshole in England when he was 3years old. To this day every time he flies he has to bring a bucket load of proof that he's not the irish dude they are looking for. I guarantee you the government is watching everything he does, just waiting for my child to step out of line so they'll have proof he's a domestic terrorist and they did not make a mistake putting a 3year old on the "list." There is a convicted murderer that shares my first middle and last name. Ugg... he escaped and was on America's Most Wanted. I received dozens of phone calls from bounty hunters and police trying to ascertain if I was the guy. They caught him.. so it died down. But still, simple coincidences can be used to put you under scrutiny. And it does not appear to me, anyway, that the folks in DC give a shit about who they step on to get to the truth.

Look at what they did in Fast and Furious. One arm of our government paying drug lords to buy machine guns from another arm of our government. Guns used to kill Americans.

The fact is that there are some people, like you, who prefer to deny it when their party is in power, and still others who prefer to only deny it when their party is in power.

I am really sick of how this debate keeps switching based on who is in charge. The problem is that the fucking government is just the same whoever is in charge, and we need to do something to reduce the ability they have to harass people.
Because, frankly, I have no idea what else to call it when a cop arrests a fireman for illegally parking a firetruck during a rescue operation.

Best part, he did it with cameras running.


A California cop is under investigation after he was allegedly caught in a local news video handcuffing an on-duty firefighter who was helping car accident victims.
CBS 8 reports that the incident occurred when Chula Vista Fire Department Engineer Jacob Gregoire, 36, refused to move his engine from the fast lane on I-805 between Telegraph Canyon Road and East Orange Avenue.
The station's camera appears to show an unnamed California Highway Patrol officer handcuffing Gregoire. He then detains Gregoire, a 12-year firefighting veteran, in the back of his police car while other firefighters continue to tend to accident victims.
Cop Cuffs Firefighter Trying To Help Accident Victims (VIDEO)

We should all bow down before the cops.

We are not moving toward a police state.

Prove it.

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