Tell me . . .

If you are voting for either Hillary or Trump, tell me why.

1. What is about these candidates that attracts you?
2. Which of your chosen candidate's platforms/stances do you agree with?
3. Why are you against the "other guy"?

PLEASE answer the questions and stay on topic. Thanks. :)
This election cycle I am not voting for President.
I am voting for a supreme court justice.

I believe Hillary will pick a left leaning justice.

I believe Trump will pick a moderate slanting right.

In my opinion, the court requires a moderate leaning right.

I agree with this. This is the one thing that would make me vote for Trump instead of Gary Johnson. My rights are too important to be trusted in the hands of a left leaning Supreme Court.
It is the only reason I am voting for Trump. I fear Trump (as well as Hillary) will get nothing done because congress will fight them tooth and nail.
If you are voting for either Hillary or Trump, tell me why.

1. What is about these candidates that attracts you?
2. Which of your chosen candidate's platforms/stances do you agree with?
3. Why are you against the "other guy"?

PLEASE answer the questions and stay on topic. Thanks. :)
This election cycle I am not voting for President.
I am voting for a supreme court justice.

I believe Hillary will pick a left leaning justice.

I believe Trump will pick a moderate slanting right.

In my opinion, the court requires a moderate leaning right.

It's truly a pity that the Supreme Court has been politicized. Justices are supposed to decide cases based on the laws on the books and the precedents that either support or weaken a case presented by counsel, and not their personal political beliefs.
1. Trumps frankness

2. Trumps stances

3. The "other guy" is a lying, thieving murderer
Thanks, but I don't know if "trump" answers the second question. :D It was which platforms of his do you agree with?
No more Muslims without DEEP vetting
Build the wall
Deport my competitors employees that allow them to undercut industry pay standards
Put tariffs on US products shipped back into the US.
Lower the corporate tax rate to compete globally
Stop meddling in Muslim nations & KILL terrorists wherever they may be.
Rip up out trade agreements that hurt American jobs
School vouchers

I agree with a lot of this as well, but the corporate shilling is a big turn off for me. I do not think we should cut corporate taxes. We've already done this and it hasn't really worked very well. We need new ideas when it comes to our jobs/employment situation, IMO.
There is no corporate shilling lol

Our corporate taxes combined with higher wages make it impossible for corporations to compete globally which is why they move away. So that leaves two options, would you rather live on Chinese wages or have your government tighten it's belt instead?

I do want the government to stop wasteful spending and redundancy. However, we taxpayers already pay enough for corporate subsidies.
Have you forgotten that millions of Americans are employed by those corporations? And the only taxpayers that pay for their subsidies are the ones who are employed by them (on the most part).

Those that are not employed, are not paying for their subsidies.

It is a symbiotic relationship.

Do not lose sight of this.

My point is that WE are paying for their subsidies. We also pay for those who collect social services because they don't pay their workers enough to get by on. We help big corporations and conglomerates in all kinds of ways. Lol.
If you are voting for either Hillary or Trump, tell me why.

1. What is about these candidates that attracts you?
2. Which of your chosen candidate's platforms/stances do you agree with?
3. Why are you against the "other guy"?

PLEASE answer the questions and stay on topic. Thanks. :)
This election cycle I am not voting for President.
I am voting for a supreme court justice.

I believe Hillary will pick a left leaning justice.

I believe Trump will pick a moderate slanting right.

In my opinion, the court requires a moderate leaning right.

I agree with this. This is the one thing that would make me vote for Trump instead of Gary Johnson. My rights are too important to be trusted in the hands of a left leaning Supreme Court.
It is the only reason I am voting for Trump. I fear Trump (as well as Hillary) will get nothing done because congress will fight them tooth and nail.

Dear Mr. Jar, Mr. Trump won't even recognize Congress as a legislative body. He will get them very confused with players on the set of a reality television show.
If you are voting for either Hillary or Trump, tell me why.

1. What is about these candidates that attracts you?
2. Which of your chosen candidate's platforms/stances do you agree with?
3. Why are you against the "other guy"?

PLEASE answer the questions and stay on topic. Thanks. :)
This election cycle I am not voting for President.
I am voting for a supreme court justice.

I believe Hillary will pick a left leaning justice.

I believe Trump will pick a moderate slanting right.

In my opinion, the court requires a moderate leaning right.

It's truly a pity that the Supreme Court has been politicized. Justices are supposed to decide cases based on the laws on the books and the precedents that either support or weaken a case presented by counsel, and not their personal political beliefs.
Actually, they are picked based on their interpretation of the constitution...and we need different ideologies to ensure a fair interpretation overall. It is not so much politicizing it (although it appears that way) is more about having different interpretations.

I support a very diverse supreme court.

Obama supports left leaning and I believe so does Hillary.

GWB believed in moderate thus why Roberts.
No more Muslims without DEEP vetting
Build the wall
Deport my competitors employees that allow them to undercut industry pay standards
Put tariffs on US products shipped back into the US.
Lower the corporate tax rate to compete globally
Stop meddling in Muslim nations & KILL terrorists wherever they may be.
Rip up out trade agreements that hurt American jobs
School vouchers

I agree with a lot of this as well, but the corporate shilling is a big turn off for me. I do not think we should cut corporate taxes. We've already done this and it hasn't really worked very well. We need new ideas when it comes to our jobs/employment situation, IMO.
There is no corporate shilling lol

Our corporate taxes combined with higher wages make it impossible for corporations to compete globally which is why they move away. So that leaves two options, would you rather live on Chinese wages or have your government tighten it's belt instead?

I do want the government to stop wasteful spending and redundancy. However, we taxpayers already pay enough for corporate subsidies.
Have you forgotten that millions of Americans are employed by those corporations? And the only taxpayers that pay for their subsidies are the ones who are employed by them (on the most part).

Those that are not employed, are not paying for their subsidies.

It is a symbiotic relationship.

Do not lose sight of this.

My point is that WE are paying for their subsidies. We also pay for those who collect social services because they don't pay their workers enough to get by on. We help big corporations and conglomerates in all kinds of ways. Lol.
You blame the wrong person/entity. Your gripe should be with the government if you don't like how they spend your money not the person/entity they give it to. You want businesses to pay more get the government to charge them less. They are for profit businesses not charities.
If you are voting for either Hillary or Trump, tell me why.

1. What is about these candidates that attracts you?
2. Which of your chosen candidate's platforms/stances do you agree with?
3. Why are you against the "other guy"?

PLEASE answer the questions and stay on topic. Thanks. :)
This election cycle I am not voting for President.
I am voting for a supreme court justice.

I believe Hillary will pick a left leaning justice.

I believe Trump will pick a moderate slanting right.

In my opinion, the court requires a moderate leaning right.

I agree with this. This is the one thing that would make me vote for Trump instead of Gary Johnson. My rights are too important to be trusted in the hands of a left leaning Supreme Court.
It is the only reason I am voting for Trump. I fear Trump (as well as Hillary) will get nothing done because congress will fight them tooth and nail.

Dear Mr. Jar, Mr. Trump won't even recognize Congress as a legislative body. He will get them very confused with players on the set of a reality television show.
That's just rhetoric...I will not debate rhetoric that is based on nothing other than what his opponents claim
I agree with a lot of this as well, but the corporate shilling is a big turn off for me. I do not think we should cut corporate taxes. We've already done this and it hasn't really worked very well. We need new ideas when it comes to our jobs/employment situation, IMO.
There is no corporate shilling lol

Our corporate taxes combined with higher wages make it impossible for corporations to compete globally which is why they move away. So that leaves two options, would you rather live on Chinese wages or have your government tighten it's belt instead?

I do want the government to stop wasteful spending and redundancy. However, we taxpayers already pay enough for corporate subsidies.
Have you forgotten that millions of Americans are employed by those corporations? And the only taxpayers that pay for their subsidies are the ones who are employed by them (on the most part).

Those that are not employed, are not paying for their subsidies.

It is a symbiotic relationship.

Do not lose sight of this.

My point is that WE are paying for their subsidies. We also pay for those who collect social services because they don't pay their workers enough to get by on. We help big corporations and conglomerates in all kinds of ways. Lol.
You blame the wrong person/entity. Your gripe should be with the government if you don't like how they spend your money not the person/entity they give it to. You want businesses to pay more get the government to charge them less. They are for profit businesses not charities.

Lol. I'm sorry, but I think greed has become a huge problem in today's society, especially when it comes to big business. I doubt that any tax savings would go to the employees. More like, "more corporate jets and extravagant parties!" *eye roll*
No more Muslims without DEEP vetting
Build the wall
Deport my competitors employees that allow them to undercut industry pay standards
Put tariffs on US products shipped back into the US.
Lower the corporate tax rate to compete globally
Stop meddling in Muslim nations & KILL terrorists wherever they may be.
Rip up out trade agreements that hurt American jobs
School vouchers

I agree with a lot of this as well, but the corporate shilling is a big turn off for me. I do not think we should cut corporate taxes. We've already done this and it hasn't really worked very well. We need new ideas when it comes to our jobs/employment situation, IMO.
There is no corporate shilling lol

Our corporate taxes combined with higher wages make it impossible for corporations to compete globally which is why they move away. So that leaves two options, would you rather live on Chinese wages or have your government tighten it's belt instead?

I do want the government to stop wasteful spending and redundancy. However, we taxpayers already pay enough for corporate subsidies.
Have you forgotten that millions of Americans are employed by those corporations? And the only taxpayers that pay for their subsidies are the ones who are employed by them (on the most part).

Those that are not employed, are not paying for their subsidies.

It is a symbiotic relationship.

Do not lose sight of this.

My point is that WE are paying for their subsidies. We also pay for those who collect social services because they don't pay their workers enough to get by on. We help big corporations and conglomerates in all kinds of ways. Lol.
Yes. We pay for their subsidies so they can pay us. They pay their employees plenty if they are successful, contribute and irreplaceable.

And it is up to the individual to make themselves irreplaceable. But that is a topic for another thread
If you are voting for either Hillary or Trump, tell me why.

1. What is about these candidates that attracts you?
2. Which of your chosen candidate's platforms/stances do you agree with?
3. Why are you against the "other guy"?

PLEASE answer the questions and stay on topic. Thanks. :)
This election cycle I am not voting for President.
I am voting for a supreme court justice.

I believe Hillary will pick a left leaning justice.

I believe Trump will pick a moderate slanting right.

In my opinion, the court requires a moderate leaning right.

It's truly a pity that the Supreme Court has been politicized. Justices are supposed to decide cases based on the laws on the books and the precedents that either support or weaken a case presented by counsel, and not their personal political beliefs.

Says the side that nominated gay justices, justices who support undermining constitution, and pro abortion baby killer justices. /eyeroll
There is no corporate shilling lol

Our corporate taxes combined with higher wages make it impossible for corporations to compete globally which is why they move away. So that leaves two options, would you rather live on Chinese wages or have your government tighten it's belt instead?

I do want the government to stop wasteful spending and redundancy. However, we taxpayers already pay enough for corporate subsidies.
Have you forgotten that millions of Americans are employed by those corporations? And the only taxpayers that pay for their subsidies are the ones who are employed by them (on the most part).

Those that are not employed, are not paying for their subsidies.

It is a symbiotic relationship.

Do not lose sight of this.

My point is that WE are paying for their subsidies. We also pay for those who collect social services because they don't pay their workers enough to get by on. We help big corporations and conglomerates in all kinds of ways. Lol.
You blame the wrong person/entity. Your gripe should be with the government if you don't like how they spend your money not the person/entity they give it to. You want businesses to pay more get the government to charge them less. They are for profit businesses not charities.

Lol. I'm sorry, but I think greed has become a huge problem in today's society, especially when it comes to big business. I doubt that any tax savings would go to the employees. More like, "more corporate jets and extravagant parties!" *eye roll*
I have been a small to medium sized business owner for owning my 5th company. Never had extravagant parties or corporate jets. Just employed dozens of people and made big bucks.

But I still pay plenty in taxes....including payroll taxes.....
1. Trumps frankness

2. Trumps stances

3. The "other guy" is a lying, thieving murderer

Is there any stance that Trump has that you disagree with?
Depends on his stance about abortion and gay marriage.

And don't you think those are personal issues? Why do you want the government to say who you can or cannot marry and to force women (alcoholics, drug addicts, mentally ill women) to have to carry through pregnancies against their wills? Don't you see that these women will just give up those babies to state custody and then YOU pay for those unwanted and probably medically needy babies/children?
If you are voting for either Hillary or Trump, tell me why.

1. What is about these candidates that attracts you?
2. Which of your chosen candidate's platforms/stances do you agree with?
3. Why are you against the "other guy"?

PLEASE answer the questions and stay on topic. Thanks. :)
1. His brash unapologetic politically incorrect speech,his toughness,his groundbreaking practices of putting women in charge on construction sites,his common sense on trade and foreign relations.

2. Trade,immigration,nato, wanting closer ties to Russia, his stance on veterans

3. Because she is a liar,backstabbing bitch she is untrustworthy she slept while our ppl in Benghazi were killed she thinks she is above the law she wants to destroy what's left of white American with uncontrolled immigration and sending our jobs out of the country via bad trade policies. She is the ultimate Washington insider
There is no corporate shilling lol

Our corporate taxes combined with higher wages make it impossible for corporations to compete globally which is why they move away. So that leaves two options, would you rather live on Chinese wages or have your government tighten it's belt instead?

I do want the government to stop wasteful spending and redundancy. However, we taxpayers already pay enough for corporate subsidies.
Have you forgotten that millions of Americans are employed by those corporations? And the only taxpayers that pay for their subsidies are the ones who are employed by them (on the most part).

Those that are not employed, are not paying for their subsidies.

It is a symbiotic relationship.

Do not lose sight of this.

My point is that WE are paying for their subsidies. We also pay for those who collect social services because they don't pay their workers enough to get by on. We help big corporations and conglomerates in all kinds of ways. Lol.
You blame the wrong person/entity. Your gripe should be with the government if you don't like how they spend your money not the person/entity they give it to. You want businesses to pay more get the government to charge them less. They are for profit businesses not charities.

Lol. I'm sorry, but I think greed has become a huge problem in today's society, especially when it comes to big business. I doubt that any tax savings would go to the employees. More like, "more corporate jets and extravagant parties!" *eye roll*
I have run a business my entire adult life. It isn't about greed, it's about balance and being profitable to the point it is worth the headaches.
You've been listening to too much propaganda
I do want the government to stop wasteful spending and redundancy. However, we taxpayers already pay enough for corporate subsidies.
Have you forgotten that millions of Americans are employed by those corporations? And the only taxpayers that pay for their subsidies are the ones who are employed by them (on the most part).

Those that are not employed, are not paying for their subsidies.

It is a symbiotic relationship.

Do not lose sight of this.

My point is that WE are paying for their subsidies. We also pay for those who collect social services because they don't pay their workers enough to get by on. We help big corporations and conglomerates in all kinds of ways. Lol.
You blame the wrong person/entity. Your gripe should be with the government if you don't like how they spend your money not the person/entity they give it to. You want businesses to pay more get the government to charge them less. They are for profit businesses not charities.

Lol. I'm sorry, but I think greed has become a huge problem in today's society, especially when it comes to big business. I doubt that any tax savings would go to the employees. More like, "more corporate jets and extravagant parties!" *eye roll*
I have been a small to medium sized business owner for owning my 5th company. Never had extravagant parties or corporate jets. Just employed dozens of people and made big bucks.

But I still pay plenty in taxes....including payroll taxes.....

I'm not talking about small businesses. I'm talking about multi billion dollar corporations.
I do want the government to stop wasteful spending and redundancy. However, we taxpayers already pay enough for corporate subsidies.
Have you forgotten that millions of Americans are employed by those corporations? And the only taxpayers that pay for their subsidies are the ones who are employed by them (on the most part).

Those that are not employed, are not paying for their subsidies.

It is a symbiotic relationship.

Do not lose sight of this.

My point is that WE are paying for their subsidies. We also pay for those who collect social services because they don't pay their workers enough to get by on. We help big corporations and conglomerates in all kinds of ways. Lol.
You blame the wrong person/entity. Your gripe should be with the government if you don't like how they spend your money not the person/entity they give it to. You want businesses to pay more get the government to charge them less. They are for profit businesses not charities.

Lol. I'm sorry, but I think greed has become a huge problem in today's society, especially when it comes to big business. I doubt that any tax savings would go to the employees. More like, "more corporate jets and extravagant parties!" *eye roll*
I have run a business my entire adult life. It isn't about greed, it's about balance and being profitable to the point it is worth the headaches.
You've been listening to too much propaganda

No I haven't. Those "businesses" that were bailed out with TARP monies were multi billion dollar businesses who showed up to their hearings on private jets and were found to have huge extravagant parties and wasting their money, while we the poor taxpayers had to pick up after them and "fix" it.

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