Ten Christ Like Figures Who Pre Date Hey Zeus

You get some crazy whore jew embarrassed by her self and loses it. Starts claiming God raped her and she is going to have his son. Then this kid comes and is raised being worshipped and shit so he develops advanced social skills and mental illness. BOOM. Unoriginal religion tree is born.
Not to be disrespectful to Christians, but this is just the way I see man-made Christianity.. The facts are there. If this is the same link I have seen before, a couple(I don't remember which) were proven to be falsified a long time ago.

WTF are you talking about? Rape? Don't make yourself look foolish on this
yes, raped. Spiritually, I reckon. I don't really think my choice of terminology is that important. My point was.

Mary agreed to carry the child. No rape regardless of the terminology used
You get some crazy whore jew embarrassed by her self and loses it. Starts claiming God raped her and she is going to have his son. Then this kid comes and is raised being worshipped and shit so he develops advanced social skills and mental illness. BOOM. Unoriginal religion tree is born.
Not to be disrespectful to Christians, but this is just the way I see man-made Christianity..

This I respect--someone who can forthrightly say how he sees the story. Couldn't you be a little kinder to Mary (who was thought to be around fourteen or fifteen) at the time and thought to have been raised in a protected environment? For example, I've heard some Jews opine that a young, naive girl had been seduced by a Roman soldier, telling her he was an angel.

Second, Jesus was not raised being worshiped, but it does appear the story of is birth was well-known--that his mother was already pregnant when she was married. She must have told him the circumstances (as she saw them) surrounding his birth.

Christianity is original in many ways, but I do concede there are also similarities.

Anyway, just a thought, and I do get that you may well prefer to keep your story as you see it. You know, the cynical version. ;)
You get some crazy whore jew embarrassed by her self and loses it. Starts claiming God raped her and she is going to have his son. Then this kid comes and is raised being worshipped and shit so he develops advanced social skills and mental illness. BOOM. Unoriginal religion tree is born.
Not to be disrespectful to Christians, but this is just the way I see man-made Christianity..

This I respect--someone who can forthrightly say how he sees the story. Couldn't you be a little kinder to Mary (who was thought to be around fourteen or fifteen) at the time and thought to have been raised in a protected environment? For example, I've heard some Jews opine that a young, naive girl had been seduced by a Roman soldier, telling her he was an angel.

Second, Jesus was not raised being worshiped, but it does appear the story of is birth was well-known--that his mother was already pregnant when she was married. She must have told him the circumstances (as she saw them) surrounding his birth.

Christianity is original in many ways, but I do concede there are also similarities.

Anyway, just a thought, and I do get that you may well prefer to keep your story as you see it. You know, the cynical version. ;)
If im not mistaken, someone else told Joseph Mary was pregnant out of wedlock and he should take it as his own.
It has its originality, sure. But the basis is ripped off. Most plagiarized works have originality..
You get some crazy whore jew embarrassed by her self and loses it. Starts claiming God raped her and she is going to have his son. Then this kid comes and is raised being worshipped and shit so he develops advanced social skills and mental illness. BOOM. Unoriginal religion tree is born.
Not to be disrespectful to Christians, but this is just the way I see man-made Christianity.. The facts are there. If this is the same link I have seen before, a couple(I don't remember which) were proven to be falsified a long time ago.

WTF are you talking about? Rape? Don't make yourself look foolish on this
yes, raped. Spiritually, I reckon. I don't really think my choice of terminology is that important. My point was.

Mary agreed to carry the child. No rape regardless of the terminology used
So she said.. That's my whole thing, really. It makes TOTAL sense, at that point in time, her being scared of getting pregnant with a bastard child. Imagine what they would have done to her. She would have never gotten married and probably exiled; if not murdered.
You get some crazy whore jew embarrassed by her self and loses it. Starts claiming God raped her and she is going to have his son. Then this kid comes and is raised being worshipped and shit so he develops advanced social skills and mental illness. BOOM. Unoriginal religion tree is born.
Not to be disrespectful to Christians, but this is just the way I see man-made Christianity.. The facts are there. If this is the same link I have seen before, a couple(I don't remember which) were proven to be falsified a long time ago.

WTF are you talking about? Rape? Don't make yourself look foolish on this
yes, raped. Spiritually, I reckon. I don't really think my choice of terminology is that important. My point was.

Mary agreed to carry the child. No rape regardless of the terminology used
So she said.. That's my whole thing, really. It makes TOTAL sense, at that point in time, her being scared of getting pregnant with a bastard child. Imagine what they would have done to her. She would have never gotten married and probably exiled; if not murdered.

You have your thoughts and I have my beliefs, let's leave it at that.
In fact just yesterday TBN was trying to make excuses f

damn. You sure seem to spend a lot of time watching christian televangelists.

Don't you have anything better to do?

um you already noticed that was gonna come back at ya right? *L*
But did you learn anything from having said it yourself applied back at ya?

We really are gonna have to put oven mits on your hands like Bric's friend in "TheMiddle", so that you won't hurt yourself hitting yourself with your own backhands all the time..
You get some crazy whore jew embarrassed by her self and loses it. Starts claiming God raped her and she is going to have his son. Then this kid comes and is raised being worshipped and shit so he develops advanced social skills and mental illness. BOOM. Unoriginal religion tree is born.
Not to be disrespectful to Christians, but this is just the way I see man-made Christianity.. The facts are there. If this is the same link I have seen before, a couple(I don't remember which) were proven to be falsified a long time ago.

WTF are you talking about? Rape? Don't make yourself look foolish on this
yes, raped. Spiritually, I reckon. I don't really think my choice of terminology is that important. My point was.

Mary agreed to carry the child. No rape regardless of the terminology used
So she said.. That's my whole thing, really. It makes TOTAL sense, at that point in time, her being scared of getting pregnant with a bastard child. Imagine what they would have done to her. She would have never gotten married and probably exiled; if not murdered.

You have your thoughts and I have my beliefs, let's leave it at that.
That's fine. I normally don't get to talk about things like this with believers anyways. lol
If im not mistaken, someone else told Joseph Mary was pregnant out of wedlock and he should take it as his own.
It has its originality, sure. But the basis is ripped off. Most plagiarized works have originality..

Joseph had a dream. An angel appeared in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife.

Just because there is nothing new under the sun doesn't mean original works have been plagiarized. Mary Stewart, JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien--and more--all wrote about wizards, and wizards interacting with normal people. It is the differences (you might say) that make the difference.
Yo Hairy Back, your constant following me and ankle snapping (aka hitting funny) is sort of childish and sad. Take your mental issues elsewhere ya old hag...and get a real life instead of some made up when you created for the Internet
You get some crazy whore jew embarrassed by her self and loses it. Starts claiming God raped her and she is going to have his son. Then this kid comes and is raised being worshipped and shit so he develops advanced social skills and mental illness. BOOM. Unoriginal religion tree is born.
Not to be disrespectful to Christians, but this is just the way I see man-made Christianity.. The facts are there. If this is the same link I have seen before, a couple(I don't remember which) were proven to be falsified a long time ago.

WTF are you talking about? Rape? Don't make yourself look foolish on this

Actually that is the historically correct description except it was Pantheras the Roman soldier who actually raped her or at least had a fling with her, thus
in Matthew it says Joseph had wanted to divorce her Quietly (as to not get her stoned). But that isn't even the same figure as the 6bc Galulean or AD era Jordan river christ so Sassy is historically illiterate and will never adjust her knowledge and find truth because she put oeople like me on iggy. *L*
Just like in real life outside of forums, they tune out knowledge and truth if it's unpopular but true.
If im not mistaken, someone else told Joseph Mary was pregnant out of wedlock and he should take it as his own.
It has its originality, sure. But the basis is ripped off. Most plagiarized works have originality..

Joseph had a dream. An angel appeared in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife.

Just because there is nothing new under the sun doesn't mean original works have been plagiarized. Mary Stewart, JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien--and more--all wrote about wizards, and wizards interacting with normal people. It is the differences (you might say) that make the difference.
Like all the major points of their life? Virgin birth, crucifixion, visited by "wise men" following a star, resurrection, last suppers etc
we see Baal Jesus=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.

If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin but because you say, "We see", your guilt remains.

the number 666 has absolutely nothing whatever to do with numerology.

The only other time the number 666 is used in the entire Bible is when describing Solomon's yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold that he received from the temple treasury.

The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, (25 tons) 1 Kings 10:14

"This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666." rev. 13:18

With your openly expressed primary concern with and dedication to reestablishing the corruption inherent in a theocracy based on temple worship and ritual sacrifice you might as well have the number of the beast 666 tattooed right in the middle of your forehead .
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You get some crazy whore jew embarrassed by her self and loses it. Starts claiming God raped her and she is going to have his son. Then this kid comes and is raised being worshipped and shit so he develops advanced social skills and mental illness. BOOM. Unoriginal religion tree is born.
Not to be disrespectful to Christians, but this is just the way I see man-made Christianity.. The facts are there. If this is the same link I have seen before, a couple(I don't remember which) were proven to be falsified a long time ago.

WTF are you talking about? Rape? Don't make yourself look foolish on this
yes, raped. Spiritually, I reckon. I don't really think my choice of terminology is that important. My point was.

Mary agreed to carry the child. No rape regardless of the terminology used
So she said.. That's my whole thing, really. It makes TOTAL sense, at that point in time, her being scared of getting pregnant with a bastard child. Imagine what they would have done to her. She would have never gotten married and probably exiled; if not murdered.

You have your thoughts and I have my beliefs, let's leave it at that.
Like all the major points of their life? Virgin birth, crucifixion, visited by "wise men" following a star, resurrection, last suppers etc

Find the differences in each of them. I especially like the one of a virgin birth from a stone as compared to a virgin birth from a woman. And, no matter how stupid we try to be, there are always those wise men getting in our way. There are differences in the other similarities as well. Stars shine upon all of us, and I remember many last suppers in my own life. The similarity is that these suppers were "last." After that, the differences start.

There are many things I would never try, for many good (and some not so good reasons). I wouldn't buy a sailboat and sail around the world by myself, climb Mount Everest, work on hydrogen or atomic bombs, spend my entire life teaching focusing on special needs children, spend my entire life teaching focusing on honor students, etc. Much of my (non-working) time has been focused on theology and mythology. It is my observation some people do not want to explore theology any more than I want to explore the world in a sailboat. We all miss out, one way or another.

I have not found anything more rewarding than God in my life, or in this world. God truly is the treasure that once truly found (or discovered), there is no way we are letting go. I understand some people do not see, do not get religion. They sincerely think they are in a version ofThe Emperor's New Clothes, where people are claiming to see/find/experience something that simply isn't there. It's there all right, and once found, people are not going to return to the twilight zone. (Yes, pun intended ;) )
All the stories about Jesus were written down decades after his death by his believers. Their goal was to spread Christianity, not to write history, so liberties were taken with facts for the sake of theology. To show Jesus was at least as powerful as the pagan gods tales of his virgin birth and miracles were woven into the narrative for the benefit of the gentiles. In a similar way, stories were spread about how Jesus fulfilled OT prophesies to convince Jews he was the messiah.
we see Baal Jesus=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.

If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin but because you say, "We see", your guilt remains.

the number 666 has absolutely nothing whatever to do with numerology.

The only other time the number 666 is used in the entire Bible is when describing Solomon's yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold that he received from the temple treasury.

The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, (25 tons) 1 Kings 10:14

"This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666." rev. 13:18

With your openly expressed primary concern with and dedication to reestablishing the corruption inherent in a theocracy based on temple worship and ritual sacrifice you might as well have the number of the beast 666 tattooed right in the middle of your forehead .

"The only other time the number 666 is used in the entire Bible is when"

The only time JESUS is used in the entire HEBREW Bible is:NONE.
UNLESS you count the term Morning Star as acceptable the name Jesus=0 times.
CHECK MATE using your own move to trap you. :) Want those oven mits now?
Jesus is not even in the name of the Mikra, name of the Mikdash, name of the Holy City, name of the Sheva day, name of the Torah portions as required in secreting Moshiach [prerequisites].
Nor Sheva Heaven, nor Sheva Day Advent...

What was it Rev 13;13?
They had SUN Coins and other coins which =666 in it’s collumns but also blatantly had it marked with the number 666.
Researchers believe the coins were used as currency during the Fatimid period by Christians seeking to evangelize Muslims. The recent find also proves during the Middle ages, in and about the area of Tiberius and the Sea of Galilee, only Christians could buy and sell goods.
Today Christians use the mark of death the cross (mark of the beast) and fish symbol in yellow page ads, signs, & trade papers, to symbolize buying and selling with other beast worshipers.
You buy and sell with the mark of the beast.

In Hebrew numerics: "ROMIITH"=666 means the Roman Kingdom which instituted the
66 books of man(6) you promote of the
"Holy Bible"=666
created by "the Roman Man"=666
under AsVatican( the Vatican)=666
through the Roman one world religion
"Vaticanas"(Vatican Unity movement)=666
Creating the group called:
using the idol son of baal as one in the same mythology
thus the number of his nsme Baal Jesus=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.

You are a satanist, a known liar, a known abusive human being set on destructive behavior whereby we have seen no good in anything you have ever posted. Not one post uplifting human beings nor teaching of scripture to advance learning in how things are and ought to be. Satanists never Teshuva, they rile in others sinning in similar manner, offer nothing but darkness and vile behavior- therefore I rebuke you and the donkey that your lucifer character rode up on for the fallen star surely made you wormwood (bitter and poisonous).
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Then there is the admission of plagiarizing from the OT stories to create his image:

Luke 24:44-45 "Then he said to them, 'everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets and the psalms.' (-Meaning, fit me in every verse to make me out to be the one)
Thus They rewrote Matthew 1.1 through 4:11 to create his Genesis (Luke 1:5 - 4:13). He leaned on Mark 1:21 through 3:19 to create his Exodus (Luke 4:14 - 6:19).
He quarried Matthew in rather unique ways to develop his readings for Leviticus (Luke 6:20 - 8:25).
He transcribed Mark 4 through 9 with some rather gaping omissions to provide appropriate readings to correspond with the material found in Numbers (Luke 8:26 - 9:50).
Finally, in his most imaginative piece of writing, Luke created the expanded journey section of his gospel (Luke 9:51 - 18:14) to correspond to the readings from Deuteronomy.
In order to show Jesus as the fulfillment of the Torah, Luke wrote his infancy story against the background of the Book of Genesis.
The blood atonement borrowed from
Deut 21.
Jeremiah 13:13-14 was used in emulating out of it’s context of time and message to create a disturbing threat in
Matthew 10: 34-40 and Thomas Verse 16.

2Samuel 1:10 &1:12 were re rewritten in the crucifixion scene of Jesus to be about him not Israel.
Even 1Sa 5:3 &5:4 mirrors his crucifixion that was written to emulate these verses about the Philistine deity “Dagon” he represents as the son of DAGON'S son Baal.
And read II Kings 4: 42 - 43(sound familiar to the loaves of bread story placed upon Jesus?)
Not only did they rehash text that was already in the bible but they also manipulate text that their teachings are based on making excuses for not fulfilling things or for problems that arise like his death etc. All the stories are based on twisted reasoning trying to avoid the inevitable questions like how could God die and allow himself to be tortured by his enemies etc. So they wrote the story and religion around these complications and twisted reason and common sense to make excuses for these things.

When Jesus' biography was being compiled was to attribute to him, miracles and anecdotes recorded in the Hebrew Bible. The following examples illustrate this ruse:
The Hebrew Bible relates that before she gave birth to Samuel, Hannah had been childless. And to show her gratitude to G--d for blessing her with a son, “...she brought him to the House of the L--rd,...” “...along with three bullocks,...” to be sacrificed there.
Mary was also said to have been without children prior to the birth of Jesus, and that after she bore him, “...they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the L--rd....” “and to offer a sacrifice....”
In both narratives, the families were greeted at the Temple by holy people. Eli the High Priest received Samuel, and “...Simeon, a man righteous and devout,...” together with a “prophetess,” were on hand to sing the praises of Jesus. Interestingly, her name is given as Anna which in Hebrew is Hannah!
Even the description of Jesus' spiritual progress is curiously similar to Samuel's:
“Now the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature, and in favor with the L--rd and with men.”
“And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with G--d and man.”
John the Baptist, supposedly Jesus' cousin, is represented in the New Testament as being a reincarnation of Elijah the prophet.
The account of John's birth was derived from the chronicles of Samson:
Both their mothers are described as being barren, and childless when an angel appears announcing the forthcoming birth of an illustrious son.
Samson's mother was warned that she must “...drink no wine or strong drink,...” Similarly, the angel said that John “...shall drink no wine or strong drink,....”
The reason for this abstention in both instances were identical:
“...The child [Samson] shall be a Nazirite to G--d from the womb....” “...he [John] shall be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb.”
The closing statements of both narratives are also strikingly similar:
“...and the child [Samson] grew, and the L--rd blessed him.”
“And the child [John] grew, and became strong in the spirit,....”
The feasibility that Jesus brought a dead man back to life is dramatically reduced when one compares the details of this report with a miracle performed by Elijah the prophet:
Both episodes begin with the words:
“As he drew near to the gate of the city, behold,....They, then both continue to relate that a widow's son had died, and subsequently was resurrected, one by Elijah, and one by Jesus.
Each, in turn, then “...gave him to his mother.”
Elisha the prophet fed a large group of people with a small quantity of food consisting of first fruits, twenty loaves of barley, and fresh ears of grain. His disciples at first expressed disbelief that this would suffice for so many people. However, not only was it enough, but food was left over.
Jesus is said to have fed a large group of people with a small quantity of food consisting of seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. His disciples at first expressed disbelief that this would suffice for so many people. However, it is claimed that not only was it enough, but food was left over.

The Hebrew Bible informs us that the prophet Elijah abstained from all food and drink in the wilderness for a forty day period. The writers of Jesus' biography knew that this feat clearly proved Elijah's unique holiness. Therefore, with a few strokes of their pens, billions of people during the past two thousand years were falsely misled into believing that Jesus also fasted for forty days in the wilderness!
The writings of Josephus, published prior to 100 C.E. were also a source from which the compilers of the New Testament freely drew upon.
From his autobiography, we read:
“When I was fourteen years old, I was commended by everyone for the love I had for learning. Because of this, the high priests, and learned men of the city [Jerusalem] came often to me to enquire about the accurate understanding of points of the Law.”

The New Testament is mysteriously silent about what transpired during the first thirty years of Jesus' life. Therefore, the insertion of a similar passage insinuating that he was a recognized child prodigy ideally filled this void. Thus, we read:
“When he was twelve years old, they went up according to custom [to Jerusalem],... After three days they found him in the Temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions, and all who heard him were amazed at his understanding, and his answers.”
Josephus recounts that during the Roman war against Jerusalem when escape by a Jew was nearly impossible, the following scheme was put into effect:
“And now Simon, thinking he might be able to scare and delude the Romans, put on a white robe,...and appeared out of the ground.... Those who saw him were greatly horrified, and remained motionless....”
To add dramatic effect to the “resurrection” story, elements from Simon's adventure were blended into it:
“...an angel of the L--rd descended from heaven, and rolled back the stone,....his clothing was white as snow. And for the fear of him, the guards trembled, and became like dead men.”
After Josephus betrayed his people, and deserted to the Roman side, he tells the following:
“...I saw many captives crucified; and I remembered three of them as my former acquaintances. ...I went to Titus, and told him of them. He immediately commanded them to be taken down....Two of them died under the physician's hands, while the third recovered.”
“And with [Jesus] they crucified two robbers, one on his right and one on his left.... Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council,...went to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus.”
It is certainly peculiar that on separate occasions two prominent individuals both viewed a set of three men being crucified. Both then went to a Roman official to plea that his friend(s) might be taken down. After their request was granted, in each case, two of the crucified men died, and one survived.
In the New Testament's account, the two robbers died, and Jesus survived by means of “resurrection.”
In addition to this, the very name Joseph of Arimathea which in the original Greek of Mark is Joseph apo Arimathias was taken from the genealogy of Josephus. There, he informs us that his grandfather Joseph begot Matthias. The Greek text of which is Josepous Matthias!
The coming of Christ was known since Adam and Eve left the garden. Why the heck wouldn't apostate cultures have remnants of the gospel in their midst?
To think, all they had to do to end the "Jesus Myth" was prevent him from rising from the dead and appearing before 500 witnesses, terrifying the Roman solders there to guard him in the process.

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