Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

Actually, you have to get rid of the delusion that the intent of gun control is not to ban guns. That means that anyone that wants "common sense" regulations on guns is nothing more than a tool of the people that want to ban guns. It might make me look extreme if you actually are sincere, but I prefer to err in the side of freedom than to let people who want to eliminate any of our rights any flexibility.

You are as little as a person can get. I wouldn't use the term 'man' for someone as infested with paranoid fear as you are. What you see proposed by Obama is as far as it will ever go. NO ONE is proposing or has a hidden agenda to ban all guns. That is just messages you hear inside your sniveling little weak and paranoid pea sized mind.

Oh no, whatever will I do now that you have called me names?

Lots of people want to ban guns, anyone that denies that reality is either crazy, or lying because they want to ban guns and are trying to sneak their agenda in.

There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.
You are as little as a person can get. I wouldn't use the term 'man' for someone as infested with paranoid fear as you are. What you see proposed by Obama is as far as it will ever go. NO ONE is proposing or has a hidden agenda to ban all guns. That is just messages you hear inside your sniveling little weak and paranoid pea sized mind.

Oh no, whatever will I do now that you have called me names?

Lots of people want to ban guns, anyone that denies that reality is either crazy, or lying because they want to ban guns and are trying to sneak their agenda in.

There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

Let me explain how intelligent people deal with nincompoops like you, it might help you the next time you want to prove you are smarter than the average ant.

We take your absurd claim that no one wants to ban all guns, find the inevitable person that is actually trying to ban all guns, and destroy you with the absurdity of your assertions.

Step one.

Forget the assault weapons ban, it's time to ban guns completely

Forget the assault weapons ban, it’s time to ban guns completely

The idea that it is unreasonable to demand a complete ban on guns, while the gun lobby refuses to give an inch, is of course another example of agenda denial. The Governor of Michigan is currently considering a bill, rammed through the lame duck session, that would permit concealed carry of guns in schools and churches. To be heard at all, gun control advocates are required to be “reasonable,” while the gun lobby is busy passing bills to allow concealed carry in schools at the same time our schools are becoming morgues.

Gun control advocates have offered capitulation couched as ‘reasonable demands’ for far too long. If the pro-gun lobby is going to resist any significant restriction on guns, then we should put on the table the very thing they fear most.

Forget the assault weapons ban, it's time to ban guns completely

So in short I am not sure that tinkering with gun control will stop horrible massacres like today’s. And I am pretty sure that the sort of gun control that would work—banning all guns—is not going to happen. So I have a feeling that even a more courageous debate than has been heard for some time, with Mr Obama proposing gun-control laws that would have been unthinkable in his first term, will not change very much at all. Hence the gloom.

Gun control: The gun control that works: no guns | The Economist

Step 2.

Since I am, demonstrably, not paranoid about the fact that some people want to ban guns, your entire argument, based on the premise that I am delusional and imagining things, falls apart. I don't think everyone on the left wants to ban guns. In fact, I fully believe that most people on the left are opposed to a gun ban, but they are willing to lie to themselves about the intentions of the power bloc in order to not hate themselves.

You, on the other had, are one of the wackos doesn't care what the power does as long as you get to insult people.
Oh no, whatever will I do now that you have called me names?

Lots of people want to ban guns, anyone that denies that reality is either crazy, or lying because they want to ban guns and are trying to sneak their agenda in.

There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

Let me explain how intelligent people deal with nincompoops like you, it might help you the next time you want to prove you are smarter than the average ant.

We take your absurd claim that no one wants to ban all guns, find the inevitable person that is actually trying to ban all guns, and destroy you with the absurdity of your assertions.

Step one.

Forget the assault weapons ban, it's time to ban guns completely

Forget the assault weapons ban, it’s time to ban guns completely

The idea that it is unreasonable to demand a complete ban on guns, while the gun lobby refuses to give an inch, is of course another example of agenda denial. The Governor of Michigan is currently considering a bill, rammed through the lame duck session, that would permit concealed carry of guns in schools and churches. To be heard at all, gun control advocates are required to be “reasonable,” while the gun lobby is busy passing bills to allow concealed carry in schools at the same time our schools are becoming morgues.

Gun control advocates have offered capitulation couched as ‘reasonable demands’ for far too long. If the pro-gun lobby is going to resist any significant restriction on guns, then we should put on the table the very thing they fear most.

Forget the assault weapons ban, it's time to ban guns completely

So in short I am not sure that tinkering with gun control will stop horrible massacres like today’s. And I am pretty sure that the sort of gun control that would work—banning all guns—is not going to happen. So I have a feeling that even a more courageous debate than has been heard for some time, with Mr Obama proposing gun-control laws that would have been unthinkable in his first term, will not change very much at all. Hence the gloom.

Gun control: The gun control that works: no guns | The Economist

Step 2.

Since I am, demonstrably, not paranoid about the fact that some people want to ban guns, your entire argument, based on the premise that I am delusional and imagining things, falls apart. I don't think everyone on the left wants to ban guns. In fact, I fully believe that most people on the left are opposed to a gun ban, but they are willing to lie to themselves about the intentions of the power bloc in order to not hate themselves.

You, on the other had, are one of the wackos doesn't care what the power does as long as you get to insult people.

WOW!!! You found a 'blogger' named Myrddin who would be a prime example of what I said ("And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power")

Why are you so obtuse? Do you have a reading deficiency or a comprehension deficiency?
2nd Amendment -

Ok, let's start with the UK and Australia.

They have far worse VIOLENT CRIME RATES than the United States.

Australia had 30 gun-related homicides. England had 41. The US had 4,971.

Honestly.....I just don't know what to say about the level of intellectual merit on display here....

Guns are the only ingredient in violent crime????
In England some 100 years ago they banned revolvers - the reason was given that they held too many rounds - these were muzzle loading cap and ball revolvers.....
The people were told that they didn't want to ban all the guns - just the most dangerous guns. Over the last 100 years the Britts have completely disarmed their subjects and made it a crime to defend themselves or their property. When someone enters their homes to rob them the owner is supposed to get out and contact the police. After being robbed the third time one Britt decides enough was enough and he fought back - he wounded the attacker who was taken to the hospital, treated and released while the owner was put in jail for attempted murder.
Now the Britts want to ban long kitchen knives because they are the weapon most often used in crimes.
I wonder why it is so hard to believe that the anti-second amendment folks only want to ban the most dangerous guns............
You are as little as a person can get. I wouldn't use the term 'man' for someone as infested with paranoid fear as you are. What you see proposed by Obama is as far as it will ever go. NO ONE is proposing or has a hidden agenda to ban all guns. That is just messages you hear inside your sniveling little weak and paranoid pea sized mind.

Oh no, whatever will I do now that you have called me names?

Lots of people want to ban guns, anyone that denies that reality is either crazy, or lying because they want to ban guns and are trying to sneak their agenda in.

There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.
What they don't tell you in England is how many criminals use guns to simply scare their victims into complying.

The reason the criminals don't actually use the guns, is because if the murder someone with a GUN, the UK police force will hurt you more than police in the United States will hunt a cop killer. As such, the media doesn't report guns being used by criminals in UK, even though those guns are almost always used passively.

Also, the people of the United Kingdom are discovering that HER MAJESTY has been using her veto power for decades to control what legislation is and is not passed. But hey, it's not like the citizens of the UK (serfs?) can resist Her Majesty and overthrow their destructive government anyway.
Oh no, whatever will I do now that you have called me names?

Lots of people want to ban guns, anyone that denies that reality is either crazy, or lying because they want to ban guns and are trying to sneak their agenda in.

There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?
All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

Ok, you get your minority of enlisted US Military (btw what branch? A real military member at least says which branch they are in) buddies to disarm the majority of enlisted Military and veterans.

In fact, I hear they are arresting Veterans right now in New York, maybe you should publicly declare your support for Andrew Cuomo who admitted that confiscation is his goal.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTqVrNkr6ug]300 Come and Get Them - YouTube[/ame]
There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

OH so you're in the military now? I thought you said you was retired?
More Americans say they are now in favor of stricter gun laws than at any time since 2000, after the Columbine shooting, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Sixty-one percent said so, a nine-point jump from before the December 2012 Newtown shootings. The last time the question was asked before the shooting was in January 2011. Then, 52 percent said guns laws should be "more strict."

Urban: 71% (Feb. 2013) - 55% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +16

African Americans: 86% (Feb. 2013) - 71% (Jan. 2011) Net change: +15

Republicans: 37% (Feb. 2013) - 24% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +13

Hispanics: 72% (Feb. 2013) - 60% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +12

Democrats: 82% (Feb. 2013) - 71% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +11

Men: 51% (Feb. 2013) - 42% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +9

Women: 69% (Feb. 2013) - 61% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +8

Suburban: 59% (Feb. 2013) - 51% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +8

Whites: 55% (Feb. 2013) - 48% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +7

Rural: 48% (Feb. 2013) - 41% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +7

Independents: 49% (Feb. 2013) - 48% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +1

Source: Guns in America: Who owns them and who believes laws should be stricter (or not) - First Read

So Urban, Blacks, Hispanics and Republicans changed the most about their opinion for stricter gun control measures. Urban Blacks and Hispanics are the two ethnic groups suffering the most as victims. I would say the Christian and women Republicans account the most for that shift, but it's odd that Independents only shifted a +1. What are they space aliens or something? The poll covered ethnicity and gender.
More Americans say they are now in favor of stricter gun laws than at any time since 2000, after the Columbine shooting, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Sixty-one percent said so, a nine-point jump from before the December 2012 Newtown shootings. The last time the question was asked before the shooting was in January 2011. Then, 52 percent said guns laws should be "more strict."

Urban: 71% (Feb. 2013) - 55% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +16

African Americans: 86% (Feb. 2013) - 71% (Jan. 2011) Net change: +15

Republicans: 37% (Feb. 2013) - 24% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +13

Hispanics: 72% (Feb. 2013) - 60% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +12

Democrats: 82% (Feb. 2013) - 71% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +11

Men: 51% (Feb. 2013) - 42% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +9

Women: 69% (Feb. 2013) - 61% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +8

Suburban: 59% (Feb. 2013) - 51% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +8

Whites: 55% (Feb. 2013) - 48% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +7

Rural: 48% (Feb. 2013) - 41% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +7

Independents: 49% (Feb. 2013) - 48% (Jan. 2011). Net change: +1

Source: Guns in America: Who owns them and who believes laws should be stricter (or not) - First Read

So Urban, Blacks, Hispanics and Republicans changed the most about their opinion for stricter gun control measures. Urban Blacks and Hispanics are the two ethnic groups suffering the most as victims. I would say the Christian and women Republicans account the most for that shift, but it's odd that Independents only shifted a +1. What are they space aliens or something? The poll covered ethnicity and gender.
When it comes to polls in regards to gun control the only poll I watch is the number of new Carry conceal permits that are issued. A new Carry Conceal permit means a new gun owner.
There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

speaking as a non member of the US military, your opinion should carry no more weight than anyone else
You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

speaking as a non member of the US military, your opinion should carry no more weight than anyone else
I've been here since 2010 he's always bragged about being retired from the navy, now he says that he's a member of the military?
All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

speaking as a non member of the US military, your opinion should carry no more weight than anyone else
I've been here since 2010 he's always bragged about being retired from the navy, now he says that he's a member of the military?

it's called playing the vet card
I've been here since 2010 he's always bragged about being retired from the navy, now he says that he's a member of the military?

it's called playing the vet card

Still, you aren't a member of the military if you are retired.

Really? Wanna provide some proof, because even though I'm retired Navy, I'm still a member of the Fleet Reserve.

I've served in 4 war zones, and have the paper to prove it.

Where did you serve other than staying in the States Little Rebecca? I'm guessing that your skills as an MP were only served here in the U.S.

I served overseas, what have you pricks done?

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