Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

it's called playing the vet card

Still, you aren't a member of the military if you are retired.

Really? Wanna provide some proof, because even though I'm retired Navy, I'm still a member of the Fleet Reserve.

I've served in 4 war zones, and have the paper to prove it.

Where did you serve other than staying in the States Little Rebecca? I'm guessing that your skills as an MP were only served here in the U.S.

I served overseas, what have you pricks done?

we have paid your salary?
Got news for you Squeeze Berry, you're still paying for me.

I'm retired US Military.

My pension is around 1,300/mo.

Wanna bitch about that?

nope, because you earned it.

I'm just not buying your self-righteous " I'm a vet , kiss my ass" bullshit and I'll say that to anyone that plays the vet card.
It is clear to me that if a person sees nothing wrong with allowing a mentally ill person with a violent history to buy a gun with no waiting period or background check, then it is obvious that self eveident common sense is absent with regard to that person. I therefore resign, and move to the real world, and converse with those that understand that insanity and semi-automatic weapons don't mix.:night:

Who decides who is mentally ill or not? The government? They can already declare you a terrorist with no evidence and lock you up forever without a trial or lawyer. In fact, although it cannot be proven, they probably just kill them ... how would you know if they don't?

Keep in mind, that in order to to bar mentally ill people from buying a gun, there must be a NATIONAL REGISTRY of mentally ill people. Such a registry could be used to force mentally ill people to be sterilized. Later it could be used to force mentally ill people to be "euthanized." Also, since the government can decide who is mentally ill, and who is not, without evidence, it is most likely they would use this against anyone who could or has resisted them.

Do this sound like crazy talk, then read this thread:

Crazy Conspiracy theory? Check.

Godwin's Law Example? Check.

Actually, it's a pretty simple thing. If you apply for a gun, you must list your employer, your school and three personal friends.

If any of them say, "Jesus H. Christ, you don't give him a gun! He's fucking nuts!", you don't get a gun.

That simple thing would have stopped Loughner or Holmes from getting guns.
There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power.

Except New York Governor Cuomo just said:

: “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option -

See, this is how the chicken little folks hear only what they want to hear. Is Cuomo talking about all guns? Do you even know, or are you too busy hiding under the house?

There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

I personally think as a U.S. citizen that you are full of shit and don't know a bolt carrier from an e-tool. That makes your opinion somewhere between worthless and irrelevant. I dont care how many grease gun enemas you took.
Oh no, whatever will I do now that you have called me names?

Lots of people want to ban guns, anyone that denies that reality is either crazy, or lying because they want to ban guns and are trying to sneak their agenda in.

There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

Total made up in your little brain bullshit...

Even the right wing robes Scalia, Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito held:

2) Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose

-finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.
Topic armed and dangerous, unlocked and loaded. Bring it on.

Yo Pog

I do not give a shit about your statistics

I intend to own and use "assault" type weapons and High Capacity Magazines even if the SCOTUS was to unanimously rule tomorrow that I have no right to bear arms.

You are right in asserting that the black-market will keep us supplied with firearms and ammo just like it is supplying cocaine, heroine , marihuana....etc.

There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

Total made up in your little brain bullshit...

Even the right wing robes Scalia, Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito held:

2) Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose

-finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.
And nothing being proposed would ban "dangerous and unusual weapons." They would ban weapons "in common use for defense" which is a criterion the court set.
Look like you fail again, hairboy.
Mexico is similar to China in this regard- small, centralized economic districts surrounded by vast stretches of abject poverty...

Very true, and EXACTLY what the left is pushing on America. Mexico has concentrated vast wealth in a ruling elite. The peasants are provided sub-standard government housing, food stamps, Obamacare style state health coverage - which is substandard for the peasants, mediocre for the Apparatchik class, and excellent for the elite.

Mexico is Obama's vision for America.
There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

I personally think you are an ignorant fuck.

As has already been pointed out, it is perfectly legal to own a machine gun.
You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.
OH so you're in the military now? I thought you said you was retired?

He thinks being a retired boatswains mate is the same as being a Navy admiral.
You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

All weapons, really?

I personally think as a member of the U.S. Military, semi auto weapons should be banned.

Do you think that all weapons should be allowed?

How about the machine guns that were made illegal in 1939?

speaking as a non member of the US military, your opinion should carry no more weight than anyone else

Speaking as a vet, I agree 100%.
it's called playing the vet card

Still, you aren't a member of the military if you are retired.

Really? Wanna provide some proof, because even though I'm retired Navy, I'm still a member of the Fleet Reserve.

I've served in 4 war zones, and have the paper to prove it.

Where did you serve other than staying in the States Little Rebecca? I'm guessing that your skills as an MP were only served here in the U.S.

I served overseas, what have you pricks done?

I am not retired, and I am a member of the fleet reserve. Everyone who was ever in the military and is able bodied is considered part of the inactive reserve and is subject to call up. That does not make you, or anyone else who falls into that category, part of the military.
There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power.

Except New York Governor Cuomo just said:

: “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option -

See, this is how the chicken little folks hear only what they want to hear. Is Cuomo talking about all guns? Do you even know, or are you too busy hiding under the house?


I notice you skipped over my proof that somebody is openly admitting they want to ban guns. Even the ones that claim they don't want to ban guns, like Obama, are saying that there is no political capital to ban them, not that they do not want to ban them.
There you go. Justify your paranoid fear. No one is calling for a ban on all weapons. And even if 'some' people say they are, they are not people in power. Even the most liberal Senator like Schumer supports the second amendment. But you can't accept moderation. You just can't fathom that because you believe everyone on the left HAS to be as ultra extreme and absolutist as you are. But you represent a tiny segment of the population. Even a vast majority of NRA members are behind universal background checks.

You are right they aren't calling for a ban on all weapons, Just those weapons that have been ruled Constitutionally protected by the second amendment.

Total made up in your little brain bullshit...

Even the right wing robes Scalia, Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito held:

2) Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose

-finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

do you agree with citizens united that corporations are people?
Topic armed and dangerous, unlocked and loaded. Bring it on.

Yo Pog

I do not give a shit about your statistics

I intend to own and use "assault" type weapons and High Capacity Magazines even if the SCOTUS was to unanimously rule tomorrow that I have no right to bear arms.

You are right in asserting that the black-market will keep us supplied with firearms and ammo just like it is supplying cocaine, heroine , marihuana....etc.


Yo Cont. Sup.
I didn't post anything remotely like that, but it's good to know I'm right anyway. 'Preciate it.

Looking forward to one of those heroines now :eusa_drool:
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