Ten Republican Attorneys General File Amicus Brief with Supreme Court in Pennsylvania Ballot Case

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of (sic) . could (sic) of (sic) , would of (sic) , is not proof

You should "of" not dropped out of seventh grade.
"Should HAVE, could HAVE and would HAVE" would HAVE been grammatically correct *lol*.

Do you think ten attorneys general don't know what evidence is? Do you think you're smarter than all of them combined? *lol*

The hatefulness, the arrogance, the mendacity, and the ignorance of Leftists constitute a truly destructive brew.

You obviously didn't read the article.

All the brief says is that the state increased the risk for fraud in the election.

That's all.

They didn't say how the states increased the risk.

They didn't say that the states did commit fraud. They didn't show any evidence of fraud.

Just words saying the state increased the risk.

Please read the article.
Very strange ... according to the SCOTUS website ... the case referred to in the article was denied on Oct 19th {Cite} ... PA SC's ruling stands ...

Maybe they're sending the briefs to God ...

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
It's right next to the proof of Russian Collusion.

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
It's right next to the proof of Russian Collusion.

Yawn no proof of election fraud.
They didn't say that the states did commit fraud. They didn't show any evidence of fraud.

Just words saying the state increased the risk.

Please read the article.

Learn what an amicus brief is.

The evidence of widespread voter fraud is deep, wide, and growing.
In point of fact, then president barack obama said in abject ignorance and anti-patriotism to illegals, "If you vote, you're a(n) (American) citizen."

Utterly imbecilic, from someone who claimed to be an attorney.

Here's a judge who pled guilty to election fraud.

U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain Announces Charges and Guilty Plea of Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Who Committed Election Fraud
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Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
What are you afraid of?

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof

Math and science says Dems cheated.

The far right rejects and hates science
The same science that men with tits are women?
If there is no proof and the Democrats are in the right, then the Dems shouldnt have any reason to deny a recount.

Which is why the Democrats aren't denying or blocking any recounts. We fully support any recounts, provided they're done the honest way prescribed by law -- by the local election boards, and not by corrupt Republican party hacks.

There will be a recount in Georgia. The Trump team is free to ask for a recount in other states. They just have to pay cash up front to finance it. If it's so important to you, I suggest you donate to a recount fund (which Trump will then steal from).

As it is, the Trump team isn't asking for any recounts, because they don't want any recounts. They know recounts would just confirm Biden's win. The Trump team wants to lie and pretend the Democrats are blocking recounts. After it, that tactic fooled you.
They didn't say that the states did commit fraud. They didn't show any evidence of fraud.

Just words saying the state increased the risk.

Please read the article.

Learn what an amicus brief is.

The evidence of widespread voter fraud is deep, wide, and growing.
In point of fact, then president barack obama said in abject ignorance and anti-patriotism to illegals, "If you vote, you're a(n) (American) citizen."

Utterly imbecilic, from someone who claimed to be an attorney.

Here's a judge who pled guilty to election fraud.


If it was widespread they would have presented already. Trump said the same crap BEFORE the 2016 election that if he lost it would be because the election was rigged, now he's just trying to save face by filing baseless, meritless lawsuits.
Why is anyone even engaging this bed wetting piece of shit frog? He can go eat some cheese and let a muslim rape his ass for all I care.

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
It's right next to the proof of Russian Collusion.

Yawn no proof of election fraud.
Idk for sure, but I believe most, if not all evidence has been presented to the courts, and we must wait.
I wonder how many of these reports are substantial ???


Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
It's right next to the proof of Russian Collusion.

Yawn no proof of election fraud.
Idk for sure, but I believe most, if not all evidence has been presented to the courts, and we must wait.
I wonder how many of these reports are substantial ???

They have presented NO evidence at all period.
Any law firm involved in these frivolous lawsuits should be shunned by civil society and heavily fined by the courts.
Remember The Queen of Birtherism Orly Taitz? That's precisely what happened to her.


Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof

Loads of shifty shit in PA but you can always hope it goes away. LOL
Which is why the Democrats aren't denying or blocking any recounts. We fully support any recounts, provided they're done the honest way prescribed by law -- by the local election boards, and not by corrupt Republican party hacks.
Many reports are surfacing that "honest" counting methods were not witness by both parties - we shall see in time.
There will be a recount in Georgia. The Trump team is free to ask for a recount in other states. They just have to pay cash up front to finance it. If it's so important to you, I suggest you donate to a recount fund (which Trump will then steal from).
I dont believe $ will be an issue.
As it is, the Trump team isn't asking for any recounts, because they don't want any recounts. They know recounts would just confirm Biden's win. The Trump team wants to lie and pretend the Democrats are blocking recounts. After it, that tactic fooled you.
I sure thought that Trump was asking for a recount, and if Im wrong so be it.
Bottom line is that evidence is being presented and whether or not it goes anywhere has yet to be determined.

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof

Loads of shifty shit in PA but you can always hope it goes away. LOL

Loads indeed eh?

On Friday evening, Justice Samuel Alito ordered election officials in Pennsylvania to keep late-arriving ballots separate and not to include them in announced vote tallies. (Pennsylvania’s secretary of state had already given the same guidance.)

Six Jones Day lawyers said that given the small number of late-arriving ballots involved in the litigation, and the fact that they already had been segregated, the main goal of the litigation seemed to be to erode public confidence in the election results.

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof

Loads of shifty shit in PA but you can always hope it goes away. LOL

Loads indeed eh?

On Friday evening, Justice Samuel Alito ordered election officials in Pennsylvania to keep late-arriving ballots separate and not to include them in announced vote tallies. (Pennsylvania’s secretary of state had already given the same guidance.)

Six Jones Day lawyers said that given the small number of late-arriving ballots involved in the litigation, and the fact that they already had been segregated, the main goal of the litigation seemed to be to erode public confidence in the election results.

Load's indeed. Yes. If there weren't no one would want a recount. Oh and SC is looking at PA. They don't waste their time on nothing.
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