Ten Republican Attorneys General File Amicus Brief with Supreme Court in Pennsylvania Ballot Case

We should be learning how to better practice voting in our democracy.

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
Joseph Stalin
Both parties are participating in the counts.

Not so in Pennsylvania, especially in Philadelphia. GOP watchers were refused access.


The GOP was forced to admit, under oath, there were both GOP and DEM observers present, how else could they have moved from the 10 foot mark to the 6 foot mark?
When you receive this much flak, you know you’re over the drop zone.
We should be learning how to better practice voting in our democracy.

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
Joseph Stalin
Both parties are participating in the counts.

Not so in Pennsylvania, especially in Philadelphia. GOP watchers were refused access.


The GOP was forced to admit, under oath, there were both GOP and DEM observers present, how else could they have moved from the 10 foot mark to the 6 foot mark?

We should be learning how to better practice voting in our democracy.

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
Joseph Stalin
Both parties are participating in the counts.

Not so in Pennsylvania, especially in Philadelphia. GOP watchers were refused access.


The GOP was forced to admit, under oath, there were both GOP and DEM observers present, how else could they have moved from the 10 foot mark to the 6 foot mark?


A federal motion filed by lawyers for President Donald Trump’s campaign that sought to halt vote counting in Philadelphia has been dismissed as moot.

The Thursday afternoon filing against the city’s election board sought an injunction to halt vote counting over allegations that observers from the Trump campaign had been unfairly barred from parts of the city’s ballot-counting area inside the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

In an evening hearing, U.S. District Judge Paul Diamond said the campaign admitted that its observers had been allowed into the venue but that they had not been given equal access or numbers as Democrats.

The federal judge seemed frustrated at times with arguments from the campaign.

“I’m sorry, then what’s your problem?” said Diamond, a President George W. Bush appointee, after Trump lawyers conceded that observers had been admitted to the facility.

Diamond urged both parties to seek a resolution to the suit by agreeing to a set of mutually satisfactory rules for observation. They ultimately agreed that a fixed number of observers from each campaign — up to sixty — could be admitted.

The suit was dismissed without prejudice.


Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
If there is no proof and the Democrats are in the right, then the Dems shouldnt have any reason to deny a recount.
If this was a fair and accurate count, then prove it. We have the time.
If someone accuses you of stealing, then wouldnt you like to prove them wrong ?
If there is no proof and the Democrats are in the right, then the Dems shouldnt have any reason to deny a recount.
If this was a fair and accurate count, then prove it. We have the time.
If someone accuses you of stealing, then wouldnt you like to prove them wrong ?
Do you honestly believe there are enough discrepancies in the PA count to find more than 50k votes for Trump?

Get real, fool.

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
If there is no proof and the Democrats are in the right, then the Dems shouldnt have any reason to deny a recount.

Who's denying a recount? Trump still will not win, lol. Name one time when a recount won somebody an election in a presidential race, I'll wait.

If this was a fair and accurate count, then prove it. We have the time.
If someone accuses you of stealing, then wouldnt you like to prove them wrong ?

If there was fraud prove it with evidence.
I dont know of one example where a recount changed an election, so what ?
For your information, this election has yet to be determined, through the courts.
You said "Trump still will not win", and do you know this ? Did the media tell you so ? - Prove it.
For your information, this election has yet to be determined, through the courts
For your information, elections in this country aren't determined by courts.

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
If there is no proof and the Democrats are in the right, then the Dems shouldnt have any reason to deny a recount.
If this was a fair and accurate count, then prove it. We have the time.
If someone accuses you of stealing, then wouldnt you like to prove them wrong ?
If there is no proof and the Democrats are in the right, then the Dems shouldnt have any reason to deny a recount.
If this was a fair and accurate count, then prove it. We have the time.
If someone accuses you of stealing, then wouldnt you like to prove them wrong ?
Do you honestly believe there are enough discrepancies in the PA count to find more than 50k votes for Trump?

Get real, fool.
Yes, I really do believe there are some fraudulent actions on the Dems behalf.
And you are a lying dog-faced pony-soldier

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
If there is no proof and the Democrats are in the right, then the Dems shouldnt have any reason to deny a recount.

Who's denying a recount? Trump still will not win, lol. Name one time when a recount won somebody an election in a presidential race, I'll wait.

If this was a fair and accurate count, then prove it. We have the time.
If someone accuses you of stealing, then wouldnt you like to prove them wrong ?

If there was fraud prove it with evidence.
I dont know of one example where a recount changed an election, so what ?
For your information, this election has yet to be determined, through the courts.
You said "Trump still will not win", and do you know this ? Did the media tell you so ? - Prove it.
For your information, this election has yet to be determined, through the courts
For your information, elections in this country aren't determined by courts.
"For your information" Ahhh, thats sweet - Is that information for me exclusively or can it be shared with everyone else on the forum ?
Either way, cases of fraud are continually coming forward. So, you word it any way that you please and might causes you less hate and pain.
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Well let's just start with sufficient evidence which is lacking as of yet.

With this particular case it's about judicial activism. All ballots must be cast by Election Day. That's the law in their state. However a PA judge decided he didn't like the law, and said they can count ballots up to three days after the election. What the Republicans are asking is that those ballots be thrown out because you can't change laws on the bench. They absolutely have a case. This is the same thing that happened in the Gore/ Bush race.
For your information, elections in this country aren't determined by courts.

Correct. The courts are for judging the law. If you feel your rights have been violated or in this case, went against state laws, the SC does have the right to make the state follow their own laws.
Do you honestly believe there are enough discrepancies in the PA count to find more than 50k votes for Trump?

Get real, fool.

There is a reason they didn't allow Trump observers oversee the count. It's a law that opposition overseers have the right to watch over the vote count. Now think for a minute: if the votes were legit, then why would they care if Republicans were making sure? I mean.......there had to be seeing something in those ballots they didn't like.

Every ballot that was not checked out by the opposition should be recounted.

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof

Math and science says Dems cheated.

The far right rejects and hates science
Mind readers of the world, unite!

Another baseless suit that has no proof of fraud lol, where is the proof? Should of. could of, would of, is not proof
Besides being scared half to death that Trump is the winner, what are you chinamen worried about if there is no proof?

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