Ten Wars, Six Million Killed

Russian propaganda

Nothing highlights the absurdity of political dogma more than the fact that for more than 80 years, The Left in this country (and elsewhere) supported everything Russia did ... from Walter Duranty, to Adlai Stevenson, to Noam Chomsky ... they sang the praises of Russia and demonized The Right (or anyone who stood up to Communism) as reactionary war-mongers.

Now The Left have become Joe McCarthy and Ronald Reagan while they vehemently demonize anyone doesn't take a hard-line stance to Russia.

True weapons-grade irony.
St Augustine is the foundation for what is called A Just War. Or Just action.

There is the basis behind the foundational arguments. In almost every one of those actions the US took there was weeks, or months of debate about it. Should we or shouldn’t we? We were not always right. But we always told the truth as we understood it.

Take the bombing of the Aspirin Factory. Samples from waste water contained chemicals that we couldn’t imagine anyone using for legitimate medical uses. We were wrong. But we explained why we did it.

Iraq. The famous bio war trailers. We explained how the trailers could be used for biowar production. They were really used for making hydrogen. But that made no sense. Hydrogen is a byproduct from oil refining. Iraq refined oil. They had hydrogen produced every day. Separating it and bottling it would have been child’s play.

Again. We were wrong. But we had reasonable grounds for our beliefs. We didn’t change it every other day. We didn’t lie and claim we found some. We told the truth as we understood it.

That is the basis of a Just War.

It is illegal. Wrong to break a car window. But I won’t be prosecuted if I do so to rescue a child who is locked and trapped in the car. My justification for breaking the law makes my actions acceptable.

It is illegal to kill someone. But again, my reasons must be provided. My reasons are my justification. I killed your stop a madman from killing me and my family.

So justifications. The truth told as best as you are able is what is a major difference.

Putin and his cronies in the Soviet Union mark 2 have done nothing but lie. Thus their war is unjust. Their actions are unjust.

Picture it this way. A cop shoots a man holding a gun and pointing at a woman. The cop tells his story. His version is backed up by video. A few people object. But the vast majority accept the actions of the cop.

But change a couple elements. And you have a very different situation. There is no weapon. The guy never had one. The cop plants one on the suspect and is caught by video.

One is a justified shooting. A just action. And the other is unjustified. A criminal action.

Putin is unjustified. His war is unjust. He has never told the truth. And the truth is not always right. But you must try and tell it to the best of your ability. That is the definition of honor. It is a key portion of integrity. Putin has neither honor nor integrity. Comparing and claiming our actions are equal to his does not elevate him, but does diminish those making such false equivalencies.
What a load of horseshit. If you want forgiveness for supporting the slaughter and displacement of millions because you fell for the lies of evil men, look elsewhere.
Nothing highlights the absurdity of political dogma more than the fact that for more than 80 years, The Left in this country (and elsewhere) supported everything Russia did ... from Walter Duranty, to Adlai Stevenson, to Noam Chomsky ... they sang the praises of Russia and demonized The Right (or anyone who stood up to Communism) as reactionary war-mongers.

Now The Left have become Joe McCarthy and Ronald Reagan while they vehemently demonize anyone doesn't take a hard-line stance to Russia.

True weapons-grade irony.

It was just different colored and patterned wrapping paper of the same content: maximizing profits for American corporations and a tiny minority of the country's population.

THERE was a very brief period when America did "sing the praises" of Russia, but that was after the Clinton administration financed the 1993 coup d'etat in Russia. After that, a flood of non-Russki capital poured in...

Under conditions of "controlled chaos", the Americans raised the Rossian bourgeoisie (not "Russian").

When the country got back on its feet and declared its sovereignty, corrupt American politicians and the media began to call Russia the "enemy" of the United States.
How about CCP brutality in Sudan, Myanmar, Tibet, Xinjiang…

What about the brutality of the "American genocide" and the brutality of the American army in capturing Iraqi Mosul or destroying Syrian Raqqa by "carpet bombing"?

Where were the White Helmets?




St Augustine is the foundation for what is called A Just War. Or Just action.

There is the basis behind the foundational arguments. In almost every one of those actions the US took there was weeks, or months of debate about it. Should we or shouldn’t we? We were not always right. But we always told the truth as we understood it.

Take the bombing of the Aspirin Factory. Samples from waste water contained chemicals that we couldn’t imagine anyone using for legitimate medical uses. We were wrong. But we explained why we did it.

Iraq. The famous bio war trailers. We explained how the trailers could be used for biowar production. They were really used for making hydrogen. But that made no sense. Hydrogen is a byproduct from oil refining. Iraq refined oil. They had hydrogen produced every day. Separating it and bottling it would have been child’s play.

Again. We were wrong. But we had reasonable grounds for our beliefs. We didn’t change it every other day. We didn’t lie and claim we found some. We told the truth as we understood it.

That is the basis of a Just War.

It is illegal. Wrong to break a car window. But I won’t be prosecuted if I do so to rescue a child who is locked and trapped in the car. My justification for breaking the law makes my actions acceptable.

It is illegal to kill someone. But again, my reasons must be provided. My reasons are my justification. I killed your stop a madman from killing me and my family.

So justifications. The truth told as best as you are able is what is a major difference.

Putin and his cronies in the Soviet Union mark 2 have done nothing but lie. Thus their war is unjust. Their actions are unjust.

Picture it this way. A cop shoots a man holding a gun and pointing at a woman. The cop tells his story. His version is backed up by video. A few people object. But the vast majority accept the actions of the cop.

But change a couple elements. And you have a very different situation. There is no weapon. The guy never had one. The cop plants one on the suspect and is caught by video.

One is a justified shooting. A just action. And the other is unjustified. A criminal action.

Putin is unjustified. His war is unjust. He has never told the truth. And the truth is not always right. But you must try and tell it to the best of your ability. That is the definition of honor. It is a key portion of integrity. Putin has neither honor nor integrity. Comparing and claiming our actions are equal to his does not elevate him, but does diminish those making such false equivalencies.

Did you rewrite all this from the New York Times publications or CNN programs?

Or from Psaki's speeches?

I could argumentatively destroy every line of your comment, but it makes no sense since it's all taken from the cryptoneozionist media...
What a load of horseshit. If you want forgiveness for supporting the slaughter and displacement of millions because you fell for the lies of evil men, look elsewhere.

Nonsense. I am saying that Putin must be opposed. Just as bad cops who lie must be opposed. Because it is the right thing to do.
Did you rewrite all this from the New York Times publications or CNN programs?

Or from Psaki's speeches?

I could argumentatively destroy every line of your comment, but it makes no sense since it's all taken from the cryptoneozionist media...

No. It is what I was taught as a child. The foundation of right and wrong that has guided me.

To simplify. A quote from my father. If you have to lie about it. You know you did the wrong thing.

Or a quote from a long dead Caesar. If it is not true. Do not say it. If it is not right. Do not do it.

These are the principles that have guided me through my life. What guides you? How can you support a demonstrated liar like Putin?
No. It is what I was taught as a child. The foundation of right and wrong that has guided me.

To simplify. A quote from my father. If you have to lie about it. You know you did the wrong thing.

Or a quote from a long dead Caesar. If it is not true. Do not say it. If it is not right. Do not do it.

These are the principles that have guided me through my life. What guides you? How can you support a demonstrated liar like Putin?

I am so anti-Putin that I cannot fly to Moscow and worship the graves of my mother and sister because I will be arrested as soon as the plane lands.

My grandparents, father, and mother also taught me what your father taught you. Then I grew up I started observing, learning about the world, and drawing conclusions on my own.

By the way, at one time I was one of the leaders of the "democratic movement" in Moscow. During that time there I also matured as a political scientist. Not only that, though. For example, I am currently working on the problem of how to preserve humanity during the phase transition (which, frankly speaking, is a cause for concern).

My principle is absolute independence and maximum criticality of thinking. The first question I ask myself when analyzing the social phenomenon: WHO WILL benefit from it?

I was introduced to Ukrainian nationalism, which in our time has developed into Nazism with a completely OTHER content when I was 7 years old when I was forced to learn the Ukrainian language, and I refused because I was Russian-speaking and already spoke two foreign languages. I was persecuted and beaten by children from Bandera families, who were not shot, but were sent to rebuild the mines in Donbas.

I also went through Soviet prisons, and transfers; I was bitten by the dogs that the guards set on us, and fed with herring, after which they wouldn't let us drink... I went through a 32-day wet hunger strike. Escape. I have seen a lot in my life.

Enough to disbelieve corrupt and deceitful politicians.


I am so anti-Putin that I cannot fly to Moscow and worship the graves of my mother and sister because I will be arrested as soon as the plane lands.

My grandparents, father, and mother also taught me what your father taught you. Then I grew up I started observing, learning about the world, and drawing conclusions on my own.

By the way, at one time I was one of the leaders of the "democratic movement" in Moscow. During that time there I also matured as a political scientist. Not only that, though. For example, I am currently working on the problem of how to preserve humanity during the phase transition (which, frankly speaking, is a cause for concern).

My principle is absolute independence and maximum criticality of thinking. The first question I ask myself when analyzing the social phenomenon: WHO WILL benefit from it?

I was introduced to Ukrainian nationalism, which in our time has developed into Nazism with a completely OTHER content when I was 7 years old when I was forced to learn the Ukrainian language, and I refused because I was Russian-speaking and already spoke two foreign languages. I was persecuted and beaten by children from Bandera families, who were not shot, but were sent to rebuild the mines in Donbas.

I also went through Soviet prisons, and transfers; I was bitten by the dogs that the guards set on us, and fed with herring, after which they wouldn't let us drink... I went through a 32-day wet hunger strike. Escape. I have seen a lot in my life.

Enough to disbelieve corrupt and deceitful politicians.

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When John Robert’s was going through the confirmation process for the Supreme Court he was asked who he would rule in favor of, the big guy or the little guy.

John Robert’s replied that he would rule based upon the Constitution. If the Constitution said the little guy was right, that is who would get the ruling. If however the Constitution said the big guy was in the right, he would rule for the big guy.

There are times when the big guys are right, and when they are wrong.

Putin is 100% wrong. As my Father told me. If you have to lie, you know you’ve done the wrong thing. That simple truth explains why Putin is the bad guy. The support of the Russian People, explains why they are the bad guys.

I have taken issue with every President during most of my life. The ones where I was old enough to understand. And others when I read about them. I’ve given credit to each President for things I thought they did well. Not based upon party. Not based upon political spectrum. But an assessment of their actions on a specific issue.

This honest assessment reflecting my opinion is evidenced by my post history. I’ve spoken praises of Carter, and Reagan. And other Presidents.
I am so anti-Putin that I cannot fly to Moscow and worship the graves of my mother and sister because I will be arrested as soon as the plane lands.

My grandparents, father, and mother also taught me what your father taught you. Then I grew up I started observing, learning about the world, and drawing conclusions on my own.

By the way, at one time I was one of the leaders of the "democratic movement" in Moscow. During that time there I also matured as a political scientist. Not only that, though. For example, I am currently working on the problem of how to preserve humanity during the phase transition (which, frankly speaking, is a cause for concern).

My principle is absolute independence and maximum criticality of thinking. The first question I ask myself when analyzing the social phenomenon: WHO WILL benefit from it?

I was introduced to Ukrainian nationalism, which in our time has developed into Nazism with a completely OTHER content when I was 7 years old when I was forced to learn the Ukrainian language, and I refused because I was Russian-speaking and already spoke two foreign languages. I was persecuted and beaten by children from Bandera families, who were not shot, but were sent to rebuild the mines in Donbas.

I also went through Soviet prisons, and transfers; I was bitten by the dogs that the guards set on us, and fed with herring, after which they wouldn't let us drink... I went through a 32-day wet hunger strike. Escape. I have seen a lot in my life.

Enough to disbelieve corrupt and deceitful politicians.

Now. Find the similarity. Find a war or action in which the United States denied right up to the point of troops crossing the border any intention of doing the invasion. Find an example where lies and propaganda were used to justify a blatant land grab.

You can’t. Because it didn’t happen.

Oh nonsense; your post makes a mockery of all those Guamian martyrs who have died trying to drive out the Evul U.S. Imperialists from their island homeland.
Oh nonsense; your post makes a mockery of all those Guamian martyrs who have died trying to drive out the Evul U.S. Imperialists from their island homeland.

Actually, Guam always had very peaceful relations with the US.

Which is not the case when they were ruled by the Spanish. Feel free to look up the Spanish-Chamorro Wars if you think otherwise. That was a war that went on for almost 30 years, and the Spanish largely destroyed Guam in the process.

And for 40 years, there have been efforts to make them a Commonwealth then State. But like Puerto Rico, that is on hold until they can pass a Proposed Territorial Constitution that agrees with the US Constitution. The vast majority of the people of Guam want to be a state, but it is up to them to make the next step.

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