Tennessee anti drag law

And I hope that sentiment spreads like wildfire because as you probably already know, I am a heavy supporter of dividing this country into two countries instead: one for your side and one for ours. Then you never have to deal with us again and likewise for our side. Nothing would make me happier than liberals gone forever so I never have to put up with them shoving their agendas up my ass like this one. Then they will leave me alone, leave my children alone, leave my guns alone, and leave our Constitution alone.
I didn’t say we should be divided

Just that there is more damage done to a child subjected to a Conservative than a child subjected to a Drag Show

Your post shows why
I didn’t say we should be divided

Just that there is more damage done to a child subjected to a Conservative than a child subjected to a Drag Show

Your post shows why

I never said you stated this country should be divided--I stated that. Why did I state that? Because of the stupidity you are arguing for. I'm sick of you commies always trying to take things away from us. I'm sick of your global warming nonsense and this demand we all drive your electric golf carts. I'm sick of your people tearing down statues of historic figures. I'm sick of your riots because your people can't follow the simple concept of obeying authority. I'm sick of your people defending criminals and attacking our police. I'm sick of you and your people insisting your weirdos in dresses compete against our daughters in school athletics, robbing real females of their rightfully deserved trophies and possibly college scholarships. I'm sick of your insistence that we must all accept their way of life. That's why I want to see two countries.

Now if we do that, you can expose your kids to mentally challenged weirdos, and we'll expose ours to the conservative concepts like normalcy, the Constitution, religion, freedom, and less government dependency.
Yes I do which is why I'd like to see it wiped out of our social environment. You want to dress like a woman, do so and stay at home. Put an ad out and make friends with other weirdos and visit each other at their homes. If you want to go out, dress normally and go out, and when you get back home, put on your dress.

You see, that way you are conforming to society, not insisting society conform to you. We are the majority after all.

Learning how to adapt to your environment is one of the first vital skills that a child must learn in order to mature, and demanding that your environment adapt to fulfill your desires is what causes the kind of frustration and cognitive dissonance that is driving folks to suicide, in my opinion. I'm starting to wonder if that's not just part of natural selection. The way that nature is dealing with the ass backward child rearing policies that started cropping up in the 60's is weeding out the undesirables.

The loons are the ones that think men shoudn't dress as women and shake their dicks in kid's faces.

Yah, ok.

Thanks for that little insider view of your psyche, Tommy. Freak.
You know, I reckon that you already have laws against "shaking your dick in childrens faces." Why not enforce those laws rather than outlaw harmless fun ?

I suspect that your analogy is fake and that this doesnt happen. And if it did the culprit would be arrested and charged.

Sp you seek to ban entertainments where parents take their kids. How does that square with your belief in parental rights ?

Or do parents only have rights that you approve of ?
Yes I do which is why I'd like to see it wiped out of our social environment. You want to dress like a woman, do so and stay at home. Put an ad out and make friends with other weirdos and visit each other at their homes. If you want to go out, dress normally and go out, and when you get back home, put on your dress.

You see, that way you are conforming to society, not insisting society conform to you. We are the majority after all.
You have gone full nazi with this one Ray. Think about it for a minute.
This is terrible. Why if the state is allowed to get away with this, it will make them......well.......normal again. We can't have normalcy in America with liberals around. Their goal is to make the entire country a bunch of weirdos and freaks.
You can't force people to be "normal".

So much for America being the Land of the Free..... :rolleyes-41:

Not a great day do the former slave state.

But it is interesting to read the article about the dumb politics at play here.

The original act has been filleted by adults concerned about its first amendment implications.

The resulting bill is just theatre to make stupid bigots happy. The Gov will still be able to dress up in his favourite frocks without fear of arrest.

But the dirextion of travel on this nonsense is pretty clear. At what point will Pres desantis rule that trans folk are not entitled to any rights at all.?

It really is Americas shame. These loons are making the country a laughing stock around the world.
So a kid has to wait until he is 18 to make a decision that will alter his life, that is taking away their rights? 18 is the age for owning a gun, smoking, getting a tattoo and getting car insurance, under 18 they can’t sign a binding contract, the military won’t let you join until you are 18, it’s 21 before you can legally drink or smoke pot, should we drop all those laws and protect the children’s rights or do you pick and choose which rights you want them to have?
Once people like you started insisting that children be involved in your fetishes, you should have known that eventually normal adults would step in and restrict your playtime.

When perverts prance around in their bedrooms doing disgusting things to themselves and other perverts it was not a big deal

Hardly anyone knew

But then for some reason that makes no sense to me they had to go public

And they insist on involving small children

Now they have our attention and the shit hit the fan
You know, I reckon that you already have laws against "shaking your dick in childrens faces." Why not enforce those laws rather than outlaw harmless fun ?

I suspect that your analogy is fake and that this doesnt happen. And if it did the culprit would be arrested and charged.

Sp you seek to ban entertainments where parents take their kids. How does that square with your belief in parental rights ?

Or do parents only have rights that you approve of ?
Sure, Tommy


Never happened.

You 'suspect' whatever you need to 'suspect' to defend this trash and the exploitation of children.

Says an awful lot about you there Tommy-boy.
You can't force people to be "normal".

So much for America being the Land of the Free..... :rolleyes-41:

Correct, you can't force people to be normal, but you can force them to act normal outside of their home. What do you think they did before the Communists started this movement? They pranced around in their dresses and high heels at home and kept their mental instability to themselves. When they went out, most dressed normal and went to the restrooms and showers of their gender. Not that hard to do at all.
Sure, Tommy

View attachment 762746
Never happened.

You 'suspect' whatever you need to 'suspect' to defend this trash and the exploitation of children.

Says an awful lot about you there Tommy-boy.
There are already laws against exposing yourself to children
Why does Tennessee need new ones?
Here's a fun one. At a school, no less.

These are perverted sexual deviants that get off on showing their bits to kids. The pendulum has swung way too far in terms of allowing these sick freaks anywhere near children. It is disgusting that we even need laws about this, but these freaks obviously won't stop on their own.

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