Tennessee anti drag law

You know, I reckon that you already have laws against "shaking your dick in childrens faces." Why not enforce those laws rather than outlaw harmless fun ?

I suspect that your analogy is fake and that this doesnt happen. And if it did the culprit would be arrested and charged.

Sp you seek to ban entertainments where parents take their kids. How does that square with your belief in parental rights ?

Or do parents only have rights that you approve of ?

Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Because, clearly in the name of protecting the protected LGBTQVFTHDIK class, this nonsense has gone too far.
Again, if you expose yourself to minors, there are already laws
So a kid has to wait until he is 18 to make a decision that will alter his life, that is taking away their rights? 18 is the age for owning a gun, smoking, getting a tattoo and getting car insurance, under 18 they can’t sign a binding contract, the military won’t let you join until you are 18, it’s 21 before you can legally drink or smoke pot, should we drop all those laws and protect the children’s rights or do you pick and choose which rights you want them to have?
You can join the military younger than 18....With parental consent.

You can get a tattoo with parental consent under 18.

You can own a long gun under the age of 18....in 30 states.

You can get car insurance under 18 with parents co signing.

And under 18 kids can legally have sex and get pregnant without parental consent.

All that being said, waiting for any physical altering of the body thru surgery, until after reaching adulthood seems logical to me....

The number one trans surgery is breast enhancements and breast removals.

This surgery requires all to be 18 or older.... Even for straight girls....parents can't give consent under 18.

Learning how to adapt to your environment is one of the first vital skills that a child must learn in order to mature, and demanding that your environment adapt to fulfill your desires is what causes the kind of frustration and cognitive dissonance that is driving folks to suicide, in my opinion. I'm starting to wonder if that's not just part of natural selection. The way that nature is dealing with the ass backward child rearing policies that started cropping up in the 60's is weeding out the undesirables.


There is a high suicide rate with these people. They go through all these changes with medication and surgeries, then when they figure out they can never really be a woman, they finally off themselves. We should have been working on trying to get them to that realization long before that.

While there is not much we can do about that, it's inhumane to pander to their beliefs; to accept them as normal. Instead of giving them acceptance, they should be getting psychological help. I don't say this in a politically partisan way either as Republicans do the same thing. When they report on something involving one of these weirdos, they refer to him as "she" and that drives me nuts. There is no she here. There is a guy wearing makeup. Call him what he is.
There is a high suicide rate with these people. They go through all these changes with medication and surgeries, then when they figure out they can never really be a woman, they finally off themselves.
Actually, the reason they kill themselves is that they are not accepted by their family and society at large.
Accepting Transexuals will decrease the rate of suicide
You are ducking the question

There are already laws about exposing yourself to minors
What does the Tennessee law change other than harass Transexuals?

No, I'm not. You are refusing to acknowledge the example put right in front of you of what is happening, choosing instead to float a classic red herring. "Let's talk about this instead of that"

Actually, the reason they kill themselves is that they are not accepted by their family and society at large.
Accepting Transexuals will decrease the rate of suicide

That won't help them after they mutilate themselves by some butcher doctor. One of the greatest joys in life is having sex. When these guys get their parts cut off they can never enjoy sex for the remainder of their lives, and that's what sets them off.
There is a high suicide rate with these people. They go through all these changes with medication and surgeries, then when they figure out they can never really be a woman, they finally off themselves. We should have been working on trying to get them to that realization long before that.

While there is not much we can do about that, it's inhumane to pander to their beliefs; to accept them as normal. Instead of giving them acceptance, they should be getting psychological help. I don't say this in a politically partisan way either as Republicans do the same thing. When they report on something involving one of these weirdos, they refer to him as "she" and that drives me nuts. There is no she here. There is a guy wearing makeup. Call him what he is.

Very well said.

That won't help them after they mutilate themselves by some butcher doctor. One of the greatest joys in life is having sex. When these guys get their parts cut off they can never enjoy sex for the remainder of their lives, and that's what sets them off.
Most do not cut their parts off for that reason
Most do not cut their parts off for that reason

Of course they do. Years ago I listened to the Howard Stern show and one of his frequent guests and sidekicks was a guy that did just that. After he got the last surgery and realized he could never feel the experience of an orgasm ever again, he killed himself.
Of course they do. Years ago I listened to the Howard Stern show and one of his frequent guests and sidekicks was a guy that did just that. After he got the last surgery and realized he could never feel the experience of an orgasm ever again, he killed himself.

Which is why most keep their parts

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