Tennessee anti drag law

I never said you stated this country should be divided--I stated that. Why did I state that? Because of the stupidity you are arguing for. I'm sick of you commies always trying to take things away from us. I'm sick of your global warming nonsense and this demand we all drive your electric golf carts. I'm sick of your people tearing down statues of historic figures. I'm sick of your riots because your people can't follow the simple concept of obeying authority. I'm sick of your people defending criminals and attacking our police. I'm sick of you and your people insisting your weirdos in dresses compete against our daughters in school athletics, robbing real females of their rightfully deserved trophies and possibly college scholarships. I'm sick of your insistence that we must all accept their way of life. That's why I want to see two countries.

Now if we do that, you can expose your kids to mentally challenged weirdos, and we'll expose ours to the conservative concepts like normalcy, the Constitution, religion, freedom, and less government dependency.
Well, that was quite the MAGA meltdown. Maybe you should take some alone time to go have a good cry. :itsok:


Fool Mother Nature with too much estrogen and Little Willie stops knowing what his role in life is.

As a society we are making a big mistake by not getting these people the proper psychological help they need. Instead it's legal for quacks to load these people up on drugs. Most medications do have side effects and some serious side effects. However these people are so deeply mentally disturbed it's worth a risk to take them anyway.
As a society we are making a big mistake by not getting these people the proper psychological help they need. Instead it's legal for quacks to load these people up on drugs. Most medications do have side effects and some serious side effects. However these people are so deeply mentally disturbed it's worth a risk to take them anyway.

Instead of doing the obvious, we're normalizing it, which is what these drag shows for kids is all about. That just leads to more messed up kids, which can be seen in the data, as suddenly more kids are now magically trans.

Normalizing this is deluded, it is perverted and it is grooming children. IDGAF who howls about what, this sick crap needs to be stopped by whatever measures necessary to stop it.

Not a great day do the former slave state.

But it is interesting to read the article about the dumb politics at play here.

The original act has been filleted by adults concerned about its first amendment implications.

The resulting bill is just theatre to make stupid bigots happy. The Gov will still be able to dress up in his favourite frocks without fear of arrest.

But the dirextion of travel on this nonsense is pretty clear. At what point will Pres desantis rule that trans folk are not entitled to any rights at all. ?

It really is Americas shame. These loons are making the country a laughing stock around the world.
You are a laughing stock here.
Correct, you can't force people to be normal, but you can force them to act normal outside of their home. What do you think they did before the Communists started this movement? They pranced around in their dresses and high heels at home and kept their mental instability to themselves. When they went out, most dressed normal and went to the restrooms and showers of their gender. Not that hard to do at all.
In 1980, I went to Greenwich village with the next door gay neighbor of my grandparents in Brooklyn.

Drag queens were openly everywhere.

RuPaul made is debut in 1982....

This has been going on for a while Ray.
Sure, Tommy

View attachment 762746
Never happened.

You 'suspect' whatever you need to 'suspect' to defend this trash and the exploitation of children.

Says an awful lot about you there Tommy-boy.
There are already laws against exposing yourself in public. This is an empty law that doesmt change anything apart from giving bigots a warm feeling.
By all means lock up the flashers but leave the trans folk alone.
In 1980, I went to Greenwich village with the next door gay neighbor of my grandparents in Brooklyn.

Drag queens were openly everywhere.

RuPaul made is debut in 1982....

This has been going on for a while Ray.

Were those drag queens swinging their grossly oversized prosthetic breasts and sexual organs at children?

Keep in mind, we will ask for proof.

In 1980, I went to Greenwich village with the next door gay neighbor of my grandparents in Brooklyn.

Drag queens were openly everywhere.

RuPaul made is debut in 1982....

This has been going on for a while Ray.
Only an issue in the last year though. Obviously a coorfinated agenda.

Were those drag queens swinging their grossly oversized prosthetic breasts and sexual organs at children?

Keep in mind, we will ask for proof.

I'm pretty certain there were always some sickos that might have tried! :eek: we have some sicko straight men doing it, why not some sicko trannies?
I'm pretty certain there were always some sickos that might have tried! :eek: we have some sicko straight men doing it, why not some sicko trannies?

"I'm pretty certain" means...................


Lame try.

Even lamer deflection.

Go away and get some real skills and then come back and try again.

Thank you for your thought provoking post.

"Former slave state". You can count on ignorant foreign gay activists to play the race card. Are they aware that New Jersey was a slave state? It was the last Northern state to outlaw slavery about ten years before the Civil War. Every boy who was ever sexually molested was a victim of a homosexual man. Tennessee is trying to protect kids from homosexual groomers regardless of how the left tries to twist the intent of the law.
There are already laws against exposing yourself in public. This is an empty law that doesmt change anything apart from giving bigots a warm feeling.
By all means lock up the flashers but leave the trans folk alone.

Sure, Tommy, men in dresses prancing in front of kids in sexually explicit ways should be "left alone"

Not "the kids should be left alone", the men exploiting them and grooming them should be "left alone."

Pretty seriously sick logic employed to twist the situation to the extent that the perverts are somehow the victims, not the children, and the rights of the perverts and groomers should be held above those of young children, but I'm not surprised at all, coming from you.
In 1980, I went to Greenwich village with the next door gay neighbor of my grandparents in Brooklyn.

Drag queens were openly everywhere.

RuPaul made is debut in 1982....

This has been going on for a while Ray.

That's because it's acceptable by people in commie cities and states, but that doesn't mean it has to be acceptable everywhere. People have the right to determine what's a socially acceptable environment or not.
It's called flyover country for pretty good reasons.

It is also called the Homeland of America for very good reasons too, because that is where the vast majority of America is.

It is only called flyover county by pasty little arrogant pukes like you who know that if they landed there, would likely get their asses handed to them.

People who want to "fly over" the vast majority of America's homeland and need to put down 80% of the USA to make themselves feel superior are really just "americans" in name only.
You almost gotta laugh that the flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for the better part of two hundred years was the Union Jack. Now we get a lecture from A Brit about drag shows that reminds us that Tennessee was a slave state. The hypocrisy is stunning.

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