Tennessee anti drag law

Nope. You are projecting. You already have obscenity laws, use them if you have to.
That doesnt radicate the trans community though. And that is hat all this is about.

Tammy, just go away. You are never going to win here.

Thank you for your thought provoking post.

Nope. You are projecting. You already have obscenity laws, use them if you have to.
That doesnt radicate the trans community though. And that is hat all this is about.

I've given examples of these perverts, which you are defending, doing sexually explicit things in front of children, so they are clearly not sufficient.

IDGAF what the trans community does as long as it stays away from children. That they're not is exactly the problem, clearly, as that is what this law addresses and it is this law that you started this thread about and it is that law to protect children which you are opposing.

Prance around the issue all you like, that is the crux of it. Tennessee and other states want to protect children and some in the trans community and some of those that support them oppose that, and it is disgusting to the extreme, as are those that advocate for this insanity.
Nope. You are projecting. You already have obscenity laws, use them if you have to.
That doesnt radicate the trans community though. And that is hat all this is about.

You leftists are such hypocrites. Not to change the subject, but if I recall, you're one of those disarm the public people.

We point out that only a small fraction of gun owners actually use them for crimes. We point out we have regulations in place to try and weed out those not legally allowed to own a firearm. Yet you and your ilk say that's not enough. You Americans simply need to get rid of your guns so there's less chance of bad guys getting them.

Yet when one of these weirdos break the law and harm a child, that's okay. They are a small fraction of the trans community. It doesn't mean you should keep trans people from being out in public or a library with your children.
Most people live inland because that is where they were born and 95% of the country IS inland you idiot.
Pretty much what I said, idiot.
Sure you have. So you didn't just "fly over."
Turns out, roads and railways are also successful ways to travel to different states. :dunno: Check mate, Wright Bros.
That is only a term invented by the entertainment industry anyway because the entertainment industry started in NYC and moved to LA, so they had no choice but to fly over to get to the other half!
You repeat yourself.
Here's a fun one. At a school, no less.
View attachment 762751

These are perverted sexual deviants that get off on showing their bits to kids. The pendulum has swung way too far in terms of allowing these sick freaks anywhere near children. It is disgusting that we even need laws about this, but these freaks obviously won't stop on their own.

We used to keep children away from such filth, and now we are flaunting it in their faces. I think it's just another milestone along the way to legalizing adults having sex with children.
You can join the military younger than 18....With parental consent.

You can get a tattoo with parental consent under 18.

You can own a long gun under the age of 18....in 30 states.

You can get car insurance under 18 with parents co signing.

And under 18 kids can legally have sex and get pregnant without parental consent.

All that being said, waiting for any physical altering of the body thru surgery, until after reaching adulthood seems logical to me....

The number one trans surgery is breast enhancements and breast removals.

This surgery requires all to be 18 or older.... Even for straight girls....parents can't give consent under 18.
So Tennessee’s law is okay for delaying any surgery.
Nope. This is all to do with your transphobla.
Tommy, you'd do well to focus on your own phobias, like heterophobia, Toryphobia, Americaphobia, Trump-phobia, conservativephobia, religionphobia, gun-phobia, and freedom-phobia.

You are targetting drag shows because of your own twisted soul.
Only a sick, twisted psycho like you would have a problem with protecting children from abuse by sexually-deviant grooming.
Tommy, you'd do well to focus on your own phobias, like heterophobia, Toryphobia, Americaphobia, Trump-phobia, conservativephobia, religionphobia, gun-phobia, and freedom-phobia.

Only a sick, twisted psycho like you would have a problem with protecting children from abuse by sexually-deviant grooming.
Children are already protected by existing laws. This is not about children. Its about erasing a minority.
Pretty much what I said, idiot.
No you didn't asshole, do you need me to re-post your own tweet, stupid? You said that people who live "inland" do so because they can't AFFORD to live on the coast!

Turns out, roads and railways are also successful ways to travel to different states.
:clap: Congratulations for figuring out the obvious, Nimrod. Too bad it isn't at all germane to the conversation.
Children are already protected by existing laws.
Laws also protect you from speeders and people running red lights, but that won't stop someone from speeding or running a light and hitting right into you an hour from now. Unlike a fender, once damaged, children don't repair well, they grow up to be, well, more like you--- damaged.

This is not about children.

Its about erasing a minority.
Hitler was a minority. Bank robbers are a minority. Rapists are a minority. Serial killers and canabalists are a minority. Some minorities are a scourge upon civil, decent society and deserve to be erased for the preservation of normality as trans-sexuality only exists in the minds of very emotionally-disturbed and confused people trying to flee their inward problems by convincing themselves that all they need to do is change their outward-appearing sexes.
They are very low quality people.
F Off idiot. You are proof that there are all types of people everywhere. How dare you judge an entire state of people you've never even met classifying them simply by their geographical location! What an insufferable arrogant, conceited total ASS you are.

What do you expect?

I think it has long been obvious that Tainted Tommy is a perfect model example of “low-quality people”.

Did you expect him to behave as if he was anything other than that?
Same reason that it supported slavery, that it bans this. It hates the very concept of human freedom. They can't stand the concept that someone may not think the same as they do so they ban or censor them. These states are why the United states is by far the most imprisoned nation on earth. Even worst then Castro's Cuba or North Korea....

These places are far more like Putins russia and that should scare the living hell out of every freedom loving person.
Just because they don't want you freaks sexualizing small children? Can't you stick with people 18 years and up?
Low quality? You have NO credibility there, bucko.
You are a fat, lazy, welfare leech.
THAT is the very definition of a "low quality person".
You provide nothing useful to society.

Of course, that low-quality person feels entitled, from the position of being a lifelong worthless parasite, a burden on society, to look down on those of us who work in honest professions.

That, in itself, also helps to make a low-quality person—the sense of ersatz superiority over those of us who contribute more to society on a good day than he ever has or ever will in the whole of his worthless existence.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.
So a kid has to wait until he is 18 to make a decision that will alter his life, that is taking away their rights? 18 is the age for owning a gun, smoking, getting a tattoo and getting car insurance, under 18 they can’t sign a binding contract, the military won’t let you join until you are 18, it’s 21 before you can legally drink or smoke pot, should we drop all those laws and protect the children’s rights or do you pick and choose which rights you want them to have?

Tommy don’t want kids to wait……

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