Tennessee anti drag law

Next, we get a national dress code? Those with a penis wear pants, those with a vagina wear a dress? The hate is identical to the Taliban on its own people. They have a savage-like sadism towards a collective target. It is a fetish for over punishment and almost sexual in nature. Religious dogma becomes their moral basis on sex, gender roles, dress codes, and medical care, to name a few. Why is it that religious groups always degrade to violence? The conservative Confederates are the religious group of terrorists, and we should call them terrorists, because calling them traitors is part of their proud heritage, so it has no effect. The Republicans chant "freedom", while stripping those they don't like of their freedoms.

Not a great day do the former slave state.

But it is interesting to read the article about the dumb politics at play here.

The original act has been filleted by adults concerned about its first amendment implications.

The resulting bill is just theatre to make stupid bigots happy. The Gov will still be able to dress up in his favourite frocks without fear of arrest.

But the dirextion of travel on this nonsense is pretty clear. At what point will Pres desantis rule that trans folk are not entitled to any rights at all. ?

It really is Americas shame. These loons are making the country a laughing stock around the world.
”….making the country a laughing stock around the world

It never ceases to amaze me the level of arrogance and bullshit level of moral authority that these non-Americans hurl at US about being “laughing stocks” around the world. Most thinking Americans don’t give a flying fuck what the rest of the world thinks especially when so many around the world depend on US “laughing stock” to bail their asses out economically and/or militarily.
Next, we get a national dress code? Those with a penis wear pants, those with a vagina wear a dress? The hate is identical to the Taliban on its own people. They have a savage-like sadism towards a collective target. It is a fetish for over punishment and almost sexual in nature. Religious dogma becomes their moral basis on sex, gender roles, dress codes, and medical care, to name a few. Why is it that religious groups always degrade to violence? The conservative Confederates are the religious group of terrorists, and we should call them terrorists, because calling them traitors is part of their proud heritage, so it has no effect. The Republicans chant "freedom", while stripping those they don't like of their freedoms.

Freedom doesn't include poisoning the minds of our children. And what violence do you speak of? This is legislation for crying out loud, something you anti-Americans hate along with States Rights and the Constitution in general.

The solution to your problem of course is you stay in your own commie states and we'll stay in our morally superior states. Oh, that's right, you can't do that. When you people ruin where you live with your anti-gun, pro-crime, anti-police, pro-illegal alien, high taxed states, you come running to live next door to us and then try to ruin where we live.
Next, we get a national dress code? Those with a penis wear pants, those with a vagina wear a dress? The hate is identical to the Taliban on its own people. They have a savage-like sadism towards a collective target. It is a fetish for over punishment and almost sexual in nature. Religious dogma becomes their moral basis on sex, gender roles, dress codes, and medical care, to name a few. Why is it that religious groups always degrade to violence? The conservative Confederates are the religious group of terrorists, and we should call them terrorists, because calling them traitors is part of their proud heritage, so it has no effect. The Republicans chant "freedom", while stripping those they don't like of their freedoms.
I don’t care what you wear, you can dress in whatw you like, allowing 18 or under to have life altering cosmetic surgery is wrong, you could cut off your arms and legs if you wished, you could dress in a tent in your underwear, pj’s a woman, a man, an elephant, black face, I really don’t care.
I want to see drag as a required class in every high school in the nation. It is a highly valued performance art.
I see your inner fascism on display, demanding your tastes be pushed on others. I liked taking classes I was interested in not classes I didnt like other than the basics.

Not a great day do the former slave state.

But it is interesting to read the article about the dumb politics at play here.

The original act has been filleted by adults concerned about its first amendment implications.

The resulting bill is just theatre to make stupid bigots happy. The Gov will still be able to dress up in his favourite frocks without fear of arrest.

But the dirextion of travel on this nonsense is pretty clear. At what point will Pres desantis rule that trans folk are not entitled to any rights at all. ?

It really is Americas shame. These loons are making the country a laughing stock around the world.

Well your article says the new law doesn't ban anything that is not already illegal so it really isn't a big shift in policy there. The only reason I am really responding is to let you know that the Great State of Tennessee had a very complicated history with slavery and the Civil War you probably weren't aware of. In the same way that Maryland was a union state in name only; parts of Tennesee were a Confederate State in name only.
Freedom doesn't include poisoning the minds of our children. And what violence do you speak of? This is legislation for crying out loud, something you anti-Americans hate along with States Rights and the Constitution in general.

The solution to your problem of course is you stay in your own commie states and we'll stay in our morally superior states. Oh, that's right, you can't do that. When you people ruin where you live with your anti-gun, pro-crime, anti-police, pro-illegal alien, high taxed states, you come running to live next door to us and then try to ruin where we live.

Not a great day do the former slave state.

But it is interesting to read the article about the dumb politics at play here.

The original act has been filleted by adults concerned about its first amendment implications.
Did you mean "fellated?" That's what them fellas enjoy, ain't it?
The resulting bill is just theatre to make stupid bigots happy. The Gov will still be able to dress up in his favourite frocks without fear of arrest.

But the dirextion of travel on this nonsense is pretty clear. At what point will Pres desantis rule that trans folk are not entitled to any rights at all. ?

It really is Americas shame. These loons are making the country a laughing stock around the world.
From your own article:

Meanwhile, drag performances, particularly family-friendly drag brunches and drag queen story hours at libraries, have become a focal point of histrionic Republican rhetoric and far-right militia attacks.

There are people in the country to whome the phrase "family-friendly drag brunches," makes sense.

With obsessive ferocity, the right is attempting to criminalize, harass, and legislate gender nonconformity out of existence. Tennessee has taken a step forward in this goal with the recent passage of companion bills targeting drag shows, which, contrary to most media reports, do not actually ban anything that wasn’t already illegal.

If they don't ban anything that wasn't already illegal, why the lisping hysteria?
Ah, Tennessee triggered the fetishists and sociopaths again, threatened the leaders of their grooming campaigns access to kids. Democrats need to toss them in camps like the North Koreans they admire do.

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