Tennessee anti drag law

Tommy don’t want kids to wait……

There is a long-established history of certain strains of faggotry that like their “partners” very young. From the pederasts of ancient Greece and Rome, to the modern Afghani tradition of Bacha Bāzī. And our own home-grown pedofaggots, as well.

Of course they don't want kids to wait. They want to get at them while they are still children, to be tossed aside once they get much past puberty.

And what do you suppose the real motive is, now, behind pushing these puberty blockers on kids that have been groomed and brainwashed into thinking that they are “trans”?
Tommy don’t want kids to wait……

For transitioning
I am discussing with Tommy ideas and reasons and getting his views, I believe if Tommy thought that in anyway it could do permanent harm to a person he would not be for it
I am discussing with Tommy ideas and reasons and getting his views, I believe if Tommy thought that in anyway it could do permanent harm to a person he would not be for it

Whacking off a perfectly functioning pecker is doing permanent damage. I do not put anything past anyone who would advocate such barbarism
I thought it takes years of therapy before whacking off a peepee? No child could have that done now, can they?

Do any trans actually do that surgery? I mean, more than a handful?
I purpose an organizion of small government social liberterians siding with the left on issues of freedom having to do with drag and transgender rights. This group can in everyone of these states should openly violate these idiotic overreaching laws! All men should dress up in dresses and march down the streets with a gun in the belt! The party for freedom we can call it!

Lets fight for real small government and the rights of our follow American!

Not a great day do the former slave state.

But it is interesting to read the article about the dumb politics at play here.

The original act has been filleted by adults concerned about its first amendment implications.

The resulting bill is just theatre to make stupid bigots happy. The Gov will still be able to dress up in his favourite frocks without fear of arrest.

But the dirextion of travel on this nonsense is pretty clear. At what point will Pres desantis rule that trans folk are not entitled to any rights at all. ?

It really is Americas shame. These loons are making the country a laughing stock around the world.
ira sad that you think being gay or trans means you have to have and use illegal drugs

thanks for highlighting just how bigoted you are
I purpose an organizion of small government social liberterians siding with the left on issues of freedom having to do with drag and transgender rights. This group can in everyone of these states should openly violate these idiotic overreaching laws! All men should dress up in dresses and march down the streets with a gun in the belt! The party for freedom we can call it!

Lets fight for real small government and the rights of our follow American!
So if a 15 y/o identified as a quadriplegic you would support severing his cervical spine and condemning him to a life in a wheelchair? What if he identified as someone with aids. Could he get an injection for that? Where do the adults step in and say, you while an independent being are a stupid child and don't get to make life altering decisions based on your childish whims. When you turn 18 you can take all the hormones you want and hack off whatever pieces of your body you desire. Until then you're stuck with what you were born with. And by the way you were born just the way you were supposed to be born. Any awkwardness you feel is normal. Everyone feels that way to one degree or another. Take some time and get comfortable with who you are you might just find out how great you are. Masculine leaning girls are ok as are feminine leaning boys. There's no reason to change your body chemistry or physical appearance right now. You've got your entire adult life to fuck that up.
Actually, the reason they kill themselves is that they are not accepted by their family and society at large.
Accepting Transexuals will decrease the rate of suicide
Actually, they commit suicide because of a perception of others not accepting them and their inability to accept themselves. Many mentally I’ll they feel they aren’t accepted because of their mental disease and their inability to cope with their mental issues.
Actually, they commit suicide because of a perception of others not accepting them and their inability to accept themselves. Many mentally I’ll they feel they aren’t accepted because of their mental disease and their inability to cope with their mental issues.
You're an idiot.
I want to see drag as a required class in every high school in the nation. It is a highly valued performance art.

I'm sure you would. That's why I've been an advocate for us dividing our country into two countries instead, so we don't have to deal with the warped mentality from people like yourself.
Actually, the reason they kill themselves is that they are not accepted by their family and society at large.
Accepting Transexuals will decrease the rate of suicide
If that were the case wouldn’t the suicide rate in the past be much higher than now? Because it isn’t.

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