Tennessee Reminds SCOTUS: Separation of Powers: Passes Resolution Calling Out Gay Marriage Decision

Has that been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

Well, you said the right to marriage was in there, I want to know what other rights are in there.

No, that would be the Supreme Court. Which I'm quoting. What 'I say' on rights has no particular legal relevance. Just as what you say on rights is gloriously irrelevant to rights.

What the courts find however is immediately relevant. As does the law, the constitution, and States. Though not to equal degrees.

So I ask again....Has the right to food and shelter been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

If they haven't been, why not?


Ask the courts, the states, and the legislatures.

Could it be that such basic things are not in the constitution?


Where did you ever get the idea that something has to be enumerated in the constitution in order to be a right?

And haven't we 'been through this' before? If you're going to pretend that the 9th amendment doesn't exist going forward, just say so now.

You know, to save time.
And yet marriage equality will continue to be the reality in Tennessee as well as the other 49 states and there is nothing you bigots can do abouti it.
I think you're misusing the term "bigot".
No, a bigot is someone who harbors unwarranted animosity toward a class of persons and seeks to disadvantage them through force of law predicated solely on that unwarranted animosity.

Are you against pedophilia? If so, you are a bigot.

The Family Action Council is fooling themselves if they think this lawsuit will succeed. This is the legal equivalent of a 'Hail Marry' pass.

I wonder why they didn't cite Ferber or children being an implicit party to a marriage contract? lol
When we get our three constitutional justices thanks to President Cruz, the court will reverse that foolhardy liberal decision that equated male 2male love with normal male2female love.

Is this before or after you obtain a Monkey's Paw? lol
Well, you said the right to marriage was in there, I want to know what other rights are in there.

No, that would be the Supreme Court. Which I'm quoting. What 'I say' on rights has no particular legal relevance. Just as what you say on rights is gloriously irrelevant to rights.

What the courts find however is immediately relevant. As does the law, the constitution, and States. Though not to equal degrees.

So I ask again....Has the right to food and shelter been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

If they haven't been, why not?


Ask the courts, the states, and the legislatures.

Could it be that such basic things are not in the constitution?


Where did you ever get the idea that something has to be enumerated in the constitution in order to be a right?

And haven't we 'been through this' before? If you're going to pretend that the 9th amendment doesn't exist going forward, just say so now.

You know, to save time.

I didn't. But, I want to know just what other rights we have we don't know about.

No, that would be the Supreme Court. Which I'm quoting. What 'I say' on rights has no particular legal relevance. Just as what you say on rights is gloriously irrelevant to rights.

What the courts find however is immediately relevant. As does the law, the constitution, and States. Though not to equal degrees.

So I ask again....Has the right to food and shelter been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

If they haven't been, why not?


Ask the courts, the states, and the legislatures.

Could it be that such basic things are not in the constitution?


Where did you ever get the idea that something has to be enumerated in the constitution in order to be a right?

And haven't we 'been through this' before? If you're going to pretend that the 9th amendment doesn't exist going forward, just say so now.

You know, to save time.

I didn't. But, I want to know just what other rights we have we don't know about.


Then you'll probably want to check with the court rulings, the laws, the constitution and the States .....rather than pretending that a right needs to be enumerated in order to exist.
I didn't. But, I want to know just what other rights we have we don't know about...Mark

Then you'll probably want to check with the court rulings, the laws, the constitution and the States .....rather than pretending that a right needs to be enumerated in order to exist.

As it turns out there is one exception to the 1st Amendment protections...but its not what the Cult of LGBT was hoping for: Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.
In the last GOP debate, Governor Kasich of Ohio called for an end to gays suing Christians for refusing to play along with gay marriage. He said if they continued, under his Administration,.

LOL....'under his administration'

Kasich will be lucky to carry Ohio at this point.
The Family Action Council is fooling themselves if they think this lawsuit will succeed. This is the legal equivalent of a 'Hail Marry' pass.

I wonder why they didn't cite Ferber or children being an implicit party to a marriage contract? lol
On the contrary. It's clearly a request for clarification from the SCOTUS....

What clarification?

What part of "States laws forbidding same gender marriage' need clarification?
I didn't. But, I want to know just what other rights we have we don't know about...Mark

Then you'll probably want to check with the court rulings, the laws, the constitution and the States .....rather than pretending that a right needs to be enumerated in order to exist.

As it turns out there is one exception to the 1st Amendment protections...but its not what the Cult of LGBT was hoping for: Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

There are lots of exception to 1st Amendment protections- which is why you can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater.

But Ferber has nothing to do with 'gay marriage'- or homosexuals and no one will even mention it to a court.
The Family Action Council is fooling themselves if they think this lawsuit will succeed. This is the legal equivalent of a 'Hail Marry' pass.

I wonder why they didn't cite Ferber or children being an implicit party to a marriage contract? lol
When we get our three constitutional justices thanks to President Cruz, the court will reverse that foolhardy liberal decision that equated male 2male love with normal male2female love.

LOL........and when wishes are horses...beggers will ride....
In the last GOP debate, Governor Kasich of Ohio called for an end to gays suing Christians for refusing to play along with gay marriage. He said if they continued, under his Administration,.

LOL....'under his administration'

Kasich will be lucky to carry Ohio at this point.

I think you would be hoping for that since he's the one polling as the candidate most likely to beat Hillary in the general election..

In a hypothetical contest for the presidency, a new national poll finds that Ohio Gov. John Kasich would be the most likely Republican candidate to beat Democrat Hillary Clinton....The poll’s hypothetical contests put Kasich over Clinton 49 to 38 percent; and Rubio over Clinton 48 to 42 percent. The contests with Ted Cruz and Trump would be much closer — Cruz led 45 percent to Clinton’s 44 percent, and Trump led 45 percent to Clinton’s 43 percent. New poll shows Ohio Gov. John Kasich most likely Republican to beat Hillary Clinton
No, that would be the Supreme Court. Which I'm quoting. What 'I say' on rights has no particular legal relevance. Just as what you say on rights is gloriously irrelevant to rights.

What the courts find however is immediately relevant. As does the law, the constitution, and States. Though not to equal degrees.

So I ask again....Has the right to food and shelter been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

If they haven't been, why not?


Ask the courts, the states, and the legislatures.

Could it be that such basic things are not in the constitution?


Where did you ever get the idea that something has to be enumerated in the constitution in order to be a right?

And haven't we 'been through this' before? If you're going to pretend that the 9th amendment doesn't exist going forward, just say so now.

You know, to save time.

I didn't. But, I want to know just what other rights we have we don't know about.



Do you have the right to have sex with a consenting woman in the privacy of your home, using contraception?
In the last GOP debate, Governor Kasich of Ohio called for an end to gays suing Christians for refusing to play along with gay marriage. He said if they continued, under his Administration,.

LOL....'under his administration'

Kasich will be lucky to carry Ohio at this point.

I think you would be hoping for that since he's the one polling as the candidate most likely to beat Hillary in the general election..

A) Why would I want a GOP candidate to beat Hilary? and
B) Kasich will be lucky to carry Ohio.

The most Kasich can hope for at this point is to be a Vice Presidential flunky for Trump or Cruz.
I wonder how the Supreme Court will direct the states to write the language of the new marriage laws? The march from Tennessee has begun.. to culminate probably in the High Court by next year's calendar..
And yet marriage equality will continue to be the reality in Tennessee as well as the other 49 states and there is nothing you bigots can do abouti it.
I think you're misusing the term "bigot".
No, a bigot is someone who harbors unwarranted animosity toward a class of persons and seeks to disadvantage them through force of law predicated solely on that unwarranted animosity.

Are you against pedophilia? If so, you are a bigot.


So you equate pedophilia- the rape of a child- with consensual sex between two adults.

Why am I not surprised?
I wonder how the Supreme Court will direct the states to write the language of the new marriage laws? The march from Tennessee has begun.. to culminate probably in the High Court by next year's calendar..

The Supreme Court doesn't need to direct States to write new marriage laws.

State laws against Sodomy have been unconstitutional for some 20 years- and are still on the books. The Supreme Court never told any state how to rewrite their sodomy laws.

God you are delusional,.
I didn't. But, I want to know just what other rights we have we don't know about...Mark

Then you'll probably want to check with the court rulings, the laws, the constitution and the States .....rather than pretending that a right needs to be enumerated in order to exist.

As it turns out there is one exception to the 1st Amendment protections...but its not what the Cult of LGBT was hoping for: Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Nope. That still doesn't work either. Care to cite any relevant case law concerning marriage?
I wonder how the Supreme Court will direct the states to write the language of the new marriage laws? The march from Tennessee has begun.. to culminate probably in the High Court by next year's calendar..

Or the court won't even consider this nonsense. Piss in the wind...
A judicial branch rewriting state laws is not a trivial matter. Four will vote to take it up.

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