Tennessee Reminds SCOTUS: Separation of Powers: Passes Resolution Calling Out Gay Marriage Decision

Who says that the constitution has to enumerate a right for it to be retained by the people?

Spoiler Alert: That wouldn't be me.

See the 9th amendment for why.

Is driving a right?

Has it been recognized as one by the courts,. the constitution or any state?

Neither has marriage...LMAO

Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court and the Obergefell ruling all say differently.

Shall I quote them to you?

The Supreme Court can't amend The Constitution.

This fun...lol

And what wording of the constitution has been changed by the Obergefell ruling?

Laughing....I don't think 'amend' means what you think it means.

Obergefell v. Hodges said:
Applying these tenets, the Court has long held the right to marry is protected by the Constitution. For example, Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 12, invalidated bans on interracial unions, and Turner v. Safley , 482 U. S. 78, 95, held that prisoners could not be denied the
right to marry.


But the courts have never recognized the right to marry, huh?

Laughing......you're right, this is fun!
And yet marriage equality will continue to be the reality in Tennessee as well as the other 49 states and there is nothing you bigots can do about it.
Hating the SIN of homosexuality isn't being a bigot.

If you believe something is a sin, don't do it. Apply your personal morals to your own life. The sexual practices of two consenting adults, in the privacy of their own bedroom, is none of your business nor the state's business. When people are motivated by animosity and seek to impose their morals on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws, that is bigotry. Lawrence v. Texas made it clear: Moral disapproval alone is not enough to justify state intrusion into private matters. There must exist a legitimate public interest and purpose to justify state regulation. That is the core of due process.
Wasn't my business until the retarded mental ward deviants decided to come out of the closet and shove their sick perversions down my throat. Isn't private when the perverts made it public.

It's never been your business.

This became an issue only after bigots hostile to gay Americans sought to disadvantage them through force of law – by denying them access to anti-discrimination law (Romer v. Evans), by seeking to criminalize homosexuality (Lawrence v. Texas), and by denying them their right to equal protection of the law with regard to marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges).

The conflict, acrimony, and court battles were all unnecessary, had bigots simply not sought to discriminate against gay Americans in violation of the Constitution, and only allowed them to enter into marriage contracts they're eligible to participate in.
Which amendment is that? I've never seen, "marriage", anywhere in the Constitution.
“But that's not in the Constitution” is a failed and ignorant 'argument.'

No, it isn't. If wasnt a valid argument, it would give the government license to make up whatever shit they want. Why does it seem so hard for you people to understand that?

So, of course, "it isn't in The Constitution", is a valid argument.
It's no 'argument' at all – the courts rule consistently with settled, accepted case law; the courts are not at liberty to 'make up whatever they want.'

The Supreme Court doesn't use case law to make decisions.
Are you not familiar with the concept of stare decisis? Seriously?

Why is it that these conservatives are always so horribly ignorant of even the basics of our legal system?
Clearly this is rhetorical.
In the case of marriage, the 9th Amendment doesn't apply.

Says who? Let me guess.....you again?

Says the Constitution, since the right marry doesn't exist in the Constitution. A right doesn't require permission from the government.

Can you quote the constitution indicating that the 9th amendment doesn't apply to marriage?

Just highlight it for us.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to show us where they say that marriage is a right?

Who says that the constitution has to enumerate a right for it to be retained by the people?

Spoiler Alert: That wouldn't be me.

See the 9th amendment for why.

So, do I have a right to food and shelter?

Says who? Let me guess.....you again?

Says the Constitution, since the right marry doesn't exist in the Constitution. A right doesn't require permission from the government.

Can you quote the constitution indicating that the 9th amendment doesn't apply to marriage?

Just highlight it for us.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to show us where they say that marriage is a right?

Who says that the constitution has to enumerate a right for it to be retained by the people?

Spoiler Alert: That wouldn't be me.

See the 9th amendment for why.

So, do I have a right to food and shelter?


Has that been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?
And yet marriage equality will continue to be the reality in Tennessee as well as the other 49 states and there is nothing you bigots can do about it.
Hating the SIN of homosexuality isn't being a bigot.

If you believe something is a sin, don't do it. Apply your personal morals to your own life. The sexual practices of two consenting adults, in the privacy of their own bedroom, is none of your business nor the state's business. When people are motivated by animosity and seek to impose their morals on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws, that is bigotry. Lawrence v. Texas made it clear: Moral disapproval alone is not enough to justify state intrusion into private matters. There must exist a legitimate public interest and purpose to justify state regulation. That is the core of due process.
Wasn't my business until the retarded mental ward deviants decided to come out of the closet and shove their sick perversions down my throat. Isn't private when the perverts made it public.

It's never been your business.

This became an issue only after bigots hostile to gay Americans sought to disadvantage them through force of law – by denying them access to anti-discrimination law (Romer v. Evans), by seeking to criminalize homosexuality (Lawrence v. Texas), and by denying them their right to equal protection of the law with regard to marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges).

The conflict, acrimony, and court battles were all unnecessary, had bigots simply not sought to discriminate against gay Americans in violation of the Constitution, and only allowed them to enter into marriage contracts they're eligible to participate in.

If you live by any moral code that you want to enforce under law, you are also a bigot.

So, we "bigots" have a lot of company

Says the Constitution, since the right marry doesn't exist in the Constitution. A right doesn't require permission from the government.

Can you quote the constitution indicating that the 9th amendment doesn't apply to marriage?

Just highlight it for us.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to show us where they say that marriage is a right?

Who says that the constitution has to enumerate a right for it to be retained by the people?

Spoiler Alert: That wouldn't be me.

See the 9th amendment for why.

So, do I have a right to food and shelter?


Has that been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

Well, you said the right to marriage was in there, I want to know what other rights are in there. I would figure a right to food and shelter would be at the top of the list of rights, since both are very hard to live without.

Can you quote the constitution indicating that the 9th amendment doesn't apply to marriage?

Just highlight it for us.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to show us where they say that marriage is a right?

Who says that the constitution has to enumerate a right for it to be retained by the people?

Spoiler Alert: That wouldn't be me.

See the 9th amendment for why.

So, do I have a right to food and shelter?


Has that been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

Well, you said the right to marriage was in there, I want to know what other rights are in there.

No, that would be the Supreme Court. Which I'm quoting. What 'I say' on rights has no particular legal relevance. Just as what you say on rights is gloriously irrelevant to rights.

What the courts find however is immediately relevant. As does the law, the constitution, and States. Though not to equal degrees.

So I ask again....Has the right to food and shelter been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?
And yet marriage equality will continue to be the reality in Tennessee as well as the other 49 states and there is nothing you bigots can do about it.
Hating the SIN of homosexuality isn't being a bigot.

If you believe something is a sin, don't do it. Apply your personal morals to your own life. The sexual practices of two consenting adults, in the privacy of their own bedroom, is none of your business nor the state's business. When people are motivated by animosity and seek to impose their morals on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws, that is bigotry. Lawrence v. Texas made it clear: Moral disapproval alone is not enough to justify state intrusion into private matters. There must exist a legitimate public interest and purpose to justify state regulation. That is the core of due process.
Wasn't my business until the retarded mental ward deviants decided to come out of the closet and shove their sick perversions down my throat. Isn't private when the perverts made it public.

So how does a gay couple getting married effect you? What is taken from you?

I'll give you a hint. The word you're looking for starts with an N. And ends with 'othing'.

Any action in society affects others. Easy divorce won't affect my marriage, but it certainly has upended marriage across the country.

And thats S omething.

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to show us where they say that marriage is a right?

Who says that the constitution has to enumerate a right for it to be retained by the people?

Spoiler Alert: That wouldn't be me.

See the 9th amendment for why.

So, do I have a right to food and shelter?


Has that been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

Well, you said the right to marriage was in there, I want to know what other rights are in there.

No, that would be the Supreme Court. Which I'm quoting. What 'I say' on rights has no particular legal relevance. Just as what you say on rights is gloriously irrelevant to rights.

What the courts find however is immediately relevant. As does the law, the constitution, and States. Though not to equal degrees.

So I ask again....Has the right to food and shelter been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

If they haven't been, why not?

And yet marriage equality will continue to be the reality in Tennessee as well as the other 49 states and there is nothing you bigots can do about it.
Hating the SIN of homosexuality isn't being a bigot.

If you believe something is a sin, don't do it. Apply your personal morals to your own life. The sexual practices of two consenting adults, in the privacy of their own bedroom, is none of your business nor the state's business. When people are motivated by animosity and seek to impose their morals on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws, that is bigotry. Lawrence v. Texas made it clear: Moral disapproval alone is not enough to justify state intrusion into private matters. There must exist a legitimate public interest and purpose to justify state regulation. That is the core of due process.
Wasn't my business until the retarded mental ward deviants decided to come out of the closet and shove their sick perversions down my throat. Isn't private when the perverts made it public.

So how does a gay couple getting married effect you? What is taken from you?

I'll give you a hint. The word you're looking for starts with an N. And ends with 'othing'.

Any action in society affects others.

Then the question will be remarkably easy to answer. Perhaps you'd like to take a shot.
Who says that the constitution has to enumerate a right for it to be retained by the people?

Spoiler Alert: That wouldn't be me.

See the 9th amendment for why.

So, do I have a right to food and shelter?


Has that been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

Well, you said the right to marriage was in there, I want to know what other rights are in there.

No, that would be the Supreme Court. Which I'm quoting. What 'I say' on rights has no particular legal relevance. Just as what you say on rights is gloriously irrelevant to rights.

What the courts find however is immediately relevant. As does the law, the constitution, and States. Though not to equal degrees.

So I ask again....Has the right to food and shelter been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

If they haven't been, why not?


Ask the courts, the states, and the legislatures.
In the last GOP debate, Governor Kasich of Ohio called for an end to gays suing Christians for refusing to play along with gay marriage. He said if they continued, under his Administration, laws would have to be passed to force them to respect Christians' rights to passively refuse to play along with their behaviors. He agreed: Obergefell was a legal train wreck. Kasich from his comments almost certainly would appoint a Justice who would fill Scalia's shoes in the conservative interpretation of the Constitution which means, for just one example, that the Judicial Branch of government cannot amend it from the Bench as they did last Summer in Obergefell.

Tennessee is calling them out. Tennessee has an ally in candidate Governor Kasich..
Tennessee would have a better ally in Ted Cruz.
The Family Action Council is fooling themselves if they think this lawsuit will succeed. This is the legal equivalent of a 'Hail Marry' pass.

I wonder why they didn't cite Ferber or children being an implicit party to a marriage contract? lol
When we get our three constitutional justices thanks to President Cruz, the court will reverse that foolhardy liberal decision that equated male 2male love with normal male2female love.
The Family Action Council is fooling themselves if they think this lawsuit will succeed. This is the legal equivalent of a 'Hail Marry' pass.

I wonder why they didn't cite Ferber or children being an implicit party to a marriage contract? lol
When we get our three constitutional justices thanks to President Cruz, the court will reverse that foolhardy liberal decision that equated male 2male love with normal male2female love.

Unless you don't.
And yet marriage equality will continue to be the reality in Tennessee as well as the other 49 states and there is nothing you bigots can do abouti it.
I think you're misusing the term "bigot".
No, a bigot is someone who harbors unwarranted animosity toward a class of persons and seeks to disadvantage them through force of law predicated solely on that unwarranted animosity.
Hating the SIN of homosexuality isn't being a bigot.

If you believe something is a sin, don't do it. Apply your personal morals to your own life. The sexual practices of two consenting adults, in the privacy of their own bedroom, is none of your business nor the state's business. When people are motivated by animosity and seek to impose their morals on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws, that is bigotry. Lawrence v. Texas made it clear: Moral disapproval alone is not enough to justify state intrusion into private matters. There must exist a legitimate public interest and purpose to justify state regulation. That is the core of due process.
Wasn't my business until the retarded mental ward deviants decided to come out of the closet and shove their sick perversions down my throat. Isn't private when the perverts made it public.

So how does a gay couple getting married effect you? What is taken from you?

I'll give you a hint. The word you're looking for starts with an N. And ends with 'othing'.

Any action in society affects others.

Then the question will be remarkably easy to answer. Perhaps you'd like to take a shot.

We have been through this before. I already have.

So, do I have a right to food and shelter?


Has that been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

Well, you said the right to marriage was in there, I want to know what other rights are in there.

No, that would be the Supreme Court. Which I'm quoting. What 'I say' on rights has no particular legal relevance. Just as what you say on rights is gloriously irrelevant to rights.

What the courts find however is immediately relevant. As does the law, the constitution, and States. Though not to equal degrees.

So I ask again....Has the right to food and shelter been recognized as a right by the courts, the law, the constitution or any State?

If they haven't been, why not?


Ask the courts, the states, and the legislatures.

Could it be that such basic things are not in the constitution?

If you believe something is a sin, don't do it. Apply your personal morals to your own life. The sexual practices of two consenting adults, in the privacy of their own bedroom, is none of your business nor the state's business. When people are motivated by animosity and seek to impose their morals on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws, that is bigotry. Lawrence v. Texas made it clear: Moral disapproval alone is not enough to justify state intrusion into private matters. There must exist a legitimate public interest and purpose to justify state regulation. That is the core of due process.
Wasn't my business until the retarded mental ward deviants decided to come out of the closet and shove their sick perversions down my throat. Isn't private when the perverts made it public.

So how does a gay couple getting married effect you? What is taken from you?

I'll give you a hint. The word you're looking for starts with an N. And ends with 'othing'.

Any action in society affects others.

Then the question will be remarkably easy to answer. Perhaps you'd like to take a shot.

We have been through this before. I already have.


You couldn't answer then either. But its okay, Zephy. Its not like we're expecting you to be able to.

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