Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

Rub it, Golda.
I guess that's all you got now....age-ism. Sad.
You are indeed.

But I still remember the good old days when you used to hit on me and I would scorn you lol.
Oh...that's right....I remember you fantasizing that.
I'm surprised you remember anything at your age.

When dementia knocks, memory leaves. :)
...considering that both my parents died of Alzheimers.....very conservative republican of you.
Wow that must have been back when they still called it senility.
I find it sick that some christians believe that they have the right to force their religion on our nation and expect those of us who aren't christian to have to follow their religious laws. We don't. Religious laws have absolutely no legal standing in our nation. No one can use religion as a reason to violate our laws and our laws aren't based on any religion.

I wonder how those christians would feel or react if I tried to force my faith on them? Or how about if someone tried to force islamic faith and law on them? I'm sure they would be screaming about freedom of religion and separation of religion and government. However, when it comes to christian laws they are the first to scream that they have the right to force it on our nation.

What you fail to realize is that most of America's laws are based upon our Judeo-Christian faith. Almighty God said "thou shalt not bear false witness", the state uses that as the reason to prohibit Perjury. Likewise Almighty God said "thou shalt not steal", the basis of our laws today against larceny and embezzlement. Should we legalize those things as well? they are religiously based too.

Lying is not again the law except in specific circumstances. And every culture has had laws against stealing. Cultures that had no contact with the 10 commandments had laws against left. The Code of Hammurabi had laws against stealing, and it predates the 10 commandments.

Also, there are very good reasons for outlawing theft. So the law is not based solely on the "thou shalt not steal".
I cant even support qat marriage without you faggots riding my ass. You damn bigots.
Do i have to suck a cock to get some recognition around here?

Sorry for not speaking up sooner. I have seen you argue in favor of same sex marriage. Some people just get defensive. Ignore them.
Why do lefties ALWAYS conveniently forget that the original ruling okaying this overrode the will of the people? EVERY time gay marriage was on a ballot it was defeated handily by the VOTERS. You know, the people who live there and cast the votes. Nice to know you lefties love ignoring the will of the voters.

If we were a democracy, you would have a point. We aren't. You don't.

A simple majority cannot overrule the US Constitution. They should have covered that in civics class.
Muslims like everyone else in this country are bound by US law.
Wow, you’re sharp. Thank you for that keen legal insight. :rolleyes:

Like all low IQ liberals, you believe every left-wing action happens in a vacuum. It doesn’t. Quite the contrary, they cause profound chain of events in response. Once you redefine marriage and claim it is not just one man and one woman, you have no leg to stand on preventing any other form of “marriage”. Any attempt to stop any other form becomes “bigotry”.
Again, equal protection under the law....a concept that you are apparently unable to grasp.
Again...any homosexual man can marry any woman he wants, and any homosexual woman can marry any man she wants. They absolutely have equal rights. Want you want are special rights. And you want to mask them as being “unequal” when those special rights are denied.
Again, equal protection under the law....a concept that you are apparently unable to grasp.
Again...any homosexual man can marry any woman he wants, and any homosexual woman can marry any man she wants. They absolutely have equal rights. Want you want are special rights. And you want to mask them as being “unequal” when those special rights are denied.

They do not want special rights. Since same sex marriage is legal, straight men can marry any man he wants (who will have him) and any woman can marry any other woman she wants. The laws does not limit it to just gays.
Why do lefties ALWAYS conveniently forget that the original ruling okaying this overrode the will of the people? EVERY time gay marriage was on a ballot it was defeated handily by the VOTERS. You know, the people who live there and cast the votes. Nice to know you lefties love ignoring the will of the voters.

You are a liar.

Gay marriage was on the ballot in my state in 2012.

The issue was to make it legal for homosexual people to get married. Not to outlaw homosexual marriage. That never would have passed in my state. Ever.

It passed with over 60% of the vote. I vote in the majority.

The people of my state voted to legalize gay marriage 3 years before the Supreme Court correctly ruled all those laws against it were unconstitutional.
Muslims like everyone else in this country are bound by US law.
Wow, you’re sharp. Thank you for that keen legal insight. :rolleyes:

Like all low IQ liberals, you believe every left-wing action happens in a vacuum. It doesn’t. Quite the contrary, they cause profound chain of events in response. Once you redefine marriage and claim it is not just one man and one woman, you have no leg to stand on preventing any other form of “marriage”. Any attempt to stop any other form becomes “bigotry”.
Except that it doesn't. Please do some research about states that allow adult persons to "marry" underage children, some as young as 12 or 13. This form of sexual child abuse has gone for a very long time;
They are offered equally to those who meet the criteria of potential parenting. Procreation. Hetero relationships. Homos can’t procreate as homos.
This is the same worn out, lost argument that close minded homofascists won’t give up on.

If procreation were a criteria of marriage, you might have a point. It isn't. You don't.
I have been married twice. No where in any license was there mention of children. Hetero couples who are sterile are allowed to marry. How many women who have had their uterus removed have gotten married? Homosexual couples have children via other means, just like many, many heterosexual couples.

The "marriage is for procreation" is what is the same worn out, lost argument. It doesn't hold water. The proof is in the fact that those who cannot possibly have children are still allowed to marry.

As I said, same sex marriage has no effect on you. Why do you care?
We’ve been through this too many times; the people who invented marriage, legal or otherwise, never thought they’d have to explain that marriage exists for the purpose of creating families and survival of the species.
Like the guy who invented the latex glove wouldn’t think that he’d be compelled by law to explain that it’s not a synthetic cow udder.
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
Homos cannot procreate. They still require the opposite gender which makes it hetero.

And procreation is still not a legal requirement for marriage.
The ability to or at least the female/male condition necessary for procreation should be. I guess they figured they wouldn’t have to explain that part.
Gay marriage was on the ballot in my state in 2012
And every time that has succeeded,it qas overturned as unconstitutional. Come on man,puzzle this shit out for yourself.

So no, hes right, and you are wrong.
The ability to or at least the female/male condition necessary for procreation should be.
Haha, how fucking retarded. Sorry ladies, menopause mwans divorce, because this Bible thumping moron is uncomfortable with you....
We’ve been through this too many times; the people who invented marriage, legal or otherwise, never thought they’d have to explain that marriage exists for the purpose of creating families and survival of the species.
Like the guy who invented the latex glove wouldn’t think that he’d be compelled by law to explain that it’s not a synthetic cow udder.
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
Homos cannot procreate. They still require the opposite gender which makes it hetero.
Then there is no need for any legal recognition of or acquiescence to their homo relationship. It’s 100% personal.
They have children in their care. Children benefit from the legal protections, social status and financial advantages of having two legal guardians who are married. To deny that is just plain stupid
Children need a mother and a father. Empirical data of a unique post-1960’s period in our culture bears this out. Creating alternatives contributes to social demise. Progress a little and get over it.
You whities once had the right to own black slaves.

Whites were slaves also, and one of the first slave owners in the US was black.

White people were captured in opium dens in Seattle and shipped back over the pacific.

Heather Dugmore: The White Slaves of Africa
Whities once had the right to own slaves.

I demand he retract his erroneous assertion immediately.

Blacks had the rights to own slaves too, and did. :eek:
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
Homos cannot procreate. They still require the opposite gender which makes it hetero.
Then there is no need for any legal recognition of or acquiescence to their homo relationship. It’s 100% personal.
They have children in their care. Children benefit from the legal protections, social status and financial advantages of having two legal guardians who are married. To deny that is just plain stupid
Children need a mother and a father. Empirical data of a unique post-1960’s period in our culture bears this out. Creating alternatives contributes to social demise. Progress a little and get over it.
No idiot, those are studies on single parent homes. You know, exactly what gay marriage would not be.
You whities once had the right to own black slaves.

Whites were slaves also, and one of the first slave owners in the US was black.

White people were captured in opium dens in Seattle and shipped back over the pacific.

Heather Dugmore: The White Slaves of Africa
Whities once had the right to own slaves.

I demand he retract his erroneous assertion immediately.

Blacks had the rights to own slaves too, and did. :eek:
Not no mo'.

They had that right taken away. Progpat was lying.
We’ve been through this too many times; the people who invented marriage, legal or otherwise, never thought they’d have to explain that marriage exists for the purpose of creating families and survival of the species.
Like the guy who invented the latex glove wouldn’t think that he’d be compelled by law to explain that it’s not a synthetic cow udder.
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
Homos cannot procreate. They still require the opposite gender which makes it hetero.
Then there is no need for any legal recognition of or acquiescence to their homo relationship. It’s 100% personal.

Same sex couple provide the same positives to the community that opposite sex couple do. They made The same commitment to each other. They feel the same love for each other.

They should get equal protection under the laws and gain the same hundreds of federal, state and local gov't benefits.
Wrong. Kids need a mom and dad. It’s innate and is especially born out over the past 50 years of diminishing family structure among blacks and the resulting social demise.
Deal with the reality. Stop with the Marxist duping.
Does any of that cause harm? All of them can be practiced in a peaceable non violent manner by humans. How would cannibalisem hurt you? Or incest? And murder? A few weeks ago we had thousands cheer the legalization of birthing a child, naming forceps in its head and sucking outnumbered its brain with an industrial suction device, yet you refuse to recognize to Fay’s need to be affirmed and all the sudden your Pol Pot?

Killing people harms those people (and others).
Cannibals typically kill people to eat them. See above.
Incest drastically increases the chances of severe birth defects, and can cause psychological problems in the child. Similar to abuse.

As for the late term abortion laws, I have no voiced any opinion on them at all. I am talking about same sex marriage.

1.Not if the people want to die.

2.see above. Who are you to say?

3.but it’s consenting adults. If they are willing, who are you to say?

4. Marriage is just a thing. In the case of same sex marriage as it’s argued here, it’s nothing but a thing to get little Halley face “thank hous” on USMB. It’s not even a real issue.
If it's not an issue why are you here with your idiotic horseshit

Why do you start every post with“I’m Jewish”? No one cares, you are probably lying anyway. So go fuck your self an pick some olives or something.

Apparently you’re psychotic. My thought and prayers

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you need to.
Gay marriage was on the ballot in my state in 2012
And every time that has succeeded,it qas overturned as unconstitutional. Come on man,puzzle this shit out for yourself.

So no, hes right, and you are wrong.
The ability to or at least the female/male condition necessary for procreation should be.
Haha, how fucking retarded. Sorry ladies, menopause mwans divorce, because this Bible thumping moron is uncomfortable with you....
Wrong, Mr ultra-conservative backwards leftover. This is based on recent data of the past fifty years. Kids need a mom and dad, not two of either or only one of either. Get out of your echo chamber and open your outdated eyes.
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
Homos cannot procreate. They still require the opposite gender which makes it hetero.
Then there is no need for any legal recognition of or acquiescence to their homo relationship. It’s 100% personal.
They have children in their care. Children benefit from the legal protections, social status and financial advantages of having two legal guardians who are married. To deny that is just plain stupid
Children need a mother and a father. Empirical data of a unique post-1960’s period in our culture bears this out. Creating alternatives contributes to social demise. Progress a little and get over it.
Lets see your empirical data smiley. And even if that were true , please explain how banning same sex marriage will ensure the all or most children will a mom and a day. Gay people have children . Would you advocate sterilizing them?
Muslims like everyone else in this country are bound by US law.
Wow, you’re sharp. Thank you for that keen legal insight. :rolleyes:

Like all low IQ liberals, you believe every left-wing action happens in a vacuum. It doesn’t. Quite the contrary, they cause profound chain of events in response. Once you redefine marriage and claim it is not just one man and one woman, you have no leg to stand on preventing any other form of “marriage”. Any attempt to stop any other form becomes “bigotry”.
Once again you clearly demonstrate your ignorance of constitutional law and the concept of compelling government interest or at minimum a rational basis , in prohibiting certain practices . Instead, you dishonestly and ignorantly peddle these slippery slope logical fallacy scare tactics,

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