Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

Again, equal protection under the law....a concept that you are apparently unable to grasp.
Again...any homosexual man can marry any woman he wants, and any homosexual woman can marry any man she wants. They absolutely have equal rights. Want you want are special rights. And you want to mask them as being “unequal” when those special rights are denied.
I have heard this ignorant, insensate and flat out stupid shit too many times before

•When one makes the absurd statement that “gays already have equality “because they can, like anyone else, marry someone of the opposite sex, they are presuming that a gay person can decide to live as a straight person and have a fulfilling life with someone of the opposite sex. The other possibility is that you do not believe that fulfillment or love in marriage is a right or a reasonable expectation., at least not for gays. In any case they are, in effect dehumanizing gay people, portraying them as being devoid of emotion and the ability to love and desire another person as heterosexuals do.

In addition, they are reducing the institution of marriage to a loveless business arrangement while for the vast majority of people it is much more. It devalues marriage in a way, much more profoundly than feared by the anti-equality bigots, who bemoan the demise of traditional marriage simply because it is being expanded to include gays.

Heterosexuals are able to choose a marriage partner based in part on sexual attraction and romantic interests. That is a choice, that gay people do not have, if denied legal marriage. Sure they can choose to forgo marriage in order to be with the person who they desire, but to do so would require that they forfeit the legal security, economic benefits and social status that goes with marriage That, is really not much of a choice at all and many courts have agreed.

One of the best illustrations of that is the opinion of the 10th Circuit Court of appeals ruling to uphold the lower court which invalidated Utah’s ban on same sex marriage. Selected passages follow:


Kitchen V. Herbert Utah Gay Marriage | Fourteenth Amendment To The United States Constitution | Defense Of Marriage Act

On cross motions for summary judgment, the district court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. It concluded that “[a]ll citizens, regardless of their sexual identity, have a fundamental right to liberty, and this right protects an individual’s ability to marry and the intimate choices a person makes about marriage and family.” Kitchen v. Herbert, 961 F. Supp. 2d1181, 1204 (D. Utah 2013).

Two landmark decisions by the Supreme Court have undermined the notion that the question presented in Baker v. Nelson ( which was overturned by the Obergefell decision) is insubstantial. Baker was decided before the Supreme Court held that “intimate conduct with another person . . . can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.” Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, (pg. 17)

Windsor is the other case referred to above

DOMA “impose[d] a disadvantage, a separate status, and so a stigma upon all who enter into same-sex marriages . . . .” Id. The statute “undermine[d] both the public and private significance of state-sanctioned same-sex marriages” by telling “those couples, and all the world, that their otherwise valid marriages are unworthy of federal recognition.” Id (pg.21)

It is already apparent that the courts see marriage as much more than a impersonal business arrangement. Even prisoners have the right to marry:

The Turner Court’s description of the “important attributes of marriage [that] remain . . . after taking into account the limitations imposed by prison life,” 482 U.S. at 95, is relevant to the case at bar: First, inmate marriages, like others, are expressions of emotional support and public commitment…………. (pg 29)

We must reject appellants’ efforts to downplay the importance of the personal elements inherent in the institution of marriage, which they contend are “not the principal interests the State pursues by regulating marriage.”

We nonetheless agree with plaintiffs that in describing the liberty interest at stake, it is impermissible to focus on the identity or class-membership of the individual exercising the right. See De Leon, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 26236, at *58-59

A state “cannot define marriage in a way that denies its citizens the freedom of personal choice in deciding whom to marry, nor may it deny the same status and dignity to each citizen’s decision” (quotations omitted)). “Simply put, fundamental rights are fundamental rights. They are not defined in terms of who is entitled to exercise them.” Pg.37)
In summary, we hold that under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the United States Constitution, those who wish to marry a person of the same sex are entitled to exercise the same fundamental right as is recognized for persons who wish to marry a person of the opposite sex, and that Amendment 3 and similar statutory enactments do not withstand constitutional scrutiny.
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
Homos cannot procreate. They still require the opposite gender which makes it hetero.
Then there is no need for any legal recognition of or acquiescence to their homo relationship. It’s 100% personal.

Same sex couple provide the same positives to the community that opposite sex couple do. They made The same commitment to each other. They feel the same love for each other.

They should get equal protection under the laws and gain the same hundreds of federal, state and local gov't benefits.
Wrong. Kids need a mom and dad. It’s innate and is especially born out over the past 50 years of diminishing family structure among blacks and the resulting social demise.
Deal with the reality. Stop with the Marxist duping.
You deal with the reality that no legitimate research supports your claim. I think that you know that or you would have posted a link by now
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally
They are. A homo I man can marry. But MARRIAGE means a man and a woman. Marriage doesn't mean whatever the hell you Want it to mean. Words mean things.
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally
They are. A homo I man can marry. But MARRIAGE means a man and a woman. Marriage doesn't mean whatever the hell you Want it to mean. Words mean things.
See post 201 Dude. Your saying that marriage is a man and a women is just an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. It does not make it true. In addition, no one has said that marriage can be anything that anyone wants it to be. The Obergefell decision makes it clear that same sex couples are to be afforded the same rights as heterosexual couples-no more and no less.
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
Homos cannot procreate. They still require the opposite gender which makes it hetero.
Then there is no need for any legal recognition of or acquiescence to their homo relationship. It’s 100% personal.
They have children in their care. Children benefit from the legal protections, social status and financial advantages of having two legal guardians who are married. To deny that is just plain stupid
Children need a mother and a father. Empirical data of a unique post-1960’s period in our culture bears this out. Creating alternatives contributes to social demise. Progress a little and get over it.

Actually, a fairly comprehensive study on children raised by straight couples and gay couples showed no significant difference in the children. The biggest problems were with the unwanted children. That isn't an issue with same sex couples.

If I recall, the pairings that produce the best kids were the lesbian couples.
This is based on recent data of the past fifty years.
It's based on studies of single parent households. Not that you know what it's based on, as you are merely parroting talking points from Bible beater websites.

And, try to remember: nobody gives a shit what you think is best. You make decisions for yourself. Stop sucking dick, and don't get gay married. Problem solved.
Gay marriage was on the ballot in my state in 2012
And every time that has succeeded,it qas overturned as unconstitutional. Come on man,puzzle this shit out for yourself.

So no, hes right, and you are wrong.
The ability to or at least the female/male condition necessary for procreation should be.
Haha, how fucking retarded. Sorry ladies, menopause mwans divorce, because this Bible thumping moron is uncomfortable with you....

It was on the ballot for us voters to approve to make homosexual marriage legal.

It passed with a good margin of voters. I voted in the majority.

No one took it to any court. Homosexual people have been getting married in my state legally since 2012.

No I'm not wrong.

Please provide credible proof that anyone disputed the law we passed at the ballot and took it to court to over turn it and that it was over turned.

It didn't happen.

I'm not wrong.

I find it very strange you could make that claim without even knowing what state it happened in or how it happened. It's never a good idea to make statements before you know all facts of the situation.

This happened in Washington state in 2012.

I'm not going to do your work for you but here are some facts:

Same-sex marriage has been legally recognized in Washington state since December 6, 2012.

On February 13, 2012, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire signed legislation that established full marriage rights for same-sex couples in the state of Washington. Opponents mounted a challenge that required voters to approve the statute at a referendum, which they did on November 6. The law took effect on December 6, and the first marriages were celebrated on December 9. Within a couple of days, more than 600 same-sex marriage licenses were issued in King County alone.
Gay marriage was on the ballot in my state in 2012
And every time that has succeeded,it qas overturned as unconstitutional. Come on man,puzzle this shit out for yourself.

So no, hes right, and you are wrong.
The ability to or at least the female/male condition necessary for procreation should be.
Haha, how fucking retarded. Sorry ladies, menopause mwans divorce, because this Bible thumping moron is uncomfortable with you....

It was on the ballot for us voters to approve to make homosexual marriage legal.

It passed with a good margin of voters. I voted in the majority.

No one took it to any court. Homosexual people have been getting married in my state legally since 2012.

No I'm not wrong.

Please provide credible proof that anyone disputed the law we passed at the ballot and took it to court to over turn it and that it was over turned.

It didn't happen.

I'm not wrong.

I find it very strange you could make that claim without even knowing what state it happened in or how it happened. It's never a good idea to make statements before you know all facts of the situation.

This happened in Washington state in 2012.

I'm not going to do your work for you but here are some facts:

Same-sex marriage has been legally recognized in Washington state since December 6, 2012.

On February 13, 2012, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire signed legislation that established full marriage rights for same-sex couples in the state of Washington. Opponents mounted a challenge that required voters to approve the statute at a referendum, which they did on November 6. The law took effect on December 6, and the first marriages were celebrated on December 9. Within a couple of days, more than 600 same-sex marriage licenses were issued in King County alone.
Without checking...i believe you...

But it will be ruled unconstitutional.
Gay marriage was on the ballot in my state in 2012
And every time that has succeeded,it qas overturned as unconstitutional. Come on man,puzzle this shit out for yourself.

So no, hes right, and you are wrong.
The ability to or at least the female/male condition necessary for procreation should be.
Haha, how fucking retarded. Sorry ladies, menopause mwans divorce, because this Bible thumping moron is uncomfortable with you....

It was on the ballot for us voters to approve to make homosexual marriage legal.

It passed with a good margin of voters. I voted in the majority.

No one took it to any court. Homosexual people have been getting married in my state legally since 2012.

No I'm not wrong.

Please provide credible proof that anyone disputed the law we passed at the ballot and took it to court to over turn it and that it was over turned.

It didn't happen.

I'm not wrong.

I find it very strange you could make that claim without even knowing what state it happened in or how it happened. It's never a good idea to make statements before you know all facts of the situation.

This happened in Washington state in 2012.

I'm not going to do your work for you but here are some facts:

Same-sex marriage has been legally recognized in Washington state since December 6, 2012.

On February 13, 2012, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire signed legislation that established full marriage rights for same-sex couples in the state of Washington. Opponents mounted a challenge that required voters to approve the statute at a referendum, which they did on November 6. The law took effect on December 6, and the first marriages were celebrated on December 9. Within a couple of days, more than 600 same-sex marriage licenses were issued in King County alone.
Without checking...i believe you...

But it will be ruled unconstitutional.

No one has taken it to court. No one has challenged it.

For it to be ruled unconstitutional someone has to challenge it.

It's been over 6 years. Not one challenge. No court has ever heard any case in regard to the law.

Just admit that you're wrong. The person I replied to was very wrong.

I've lived here for 58 years. I know what happened and what I did a short 6 years ago.

You don't live here in Washington. I would be surprised if you even know what happens here.

We are a real liberal state. We didn't like that homosexual marriage was illegal here. So we elected politicians who would change the law here. They did. Then stupid homophobic people forced it to be put to a vote by the people. The people spoke and loudly, homosexual marriage has been legal here since 2012.

As a side note, I'm a professional photographer and have made a lot of money off photographing homosexual weddings since December 2012. There were a lot of holiday weddings that year. Business was very good at first since so many who had been denied the right to marry finally had that right.

Are you now going to tell me I didn't do those jobs and those people didn't legally get married here starting in 2012? I didn't take photos of those couples signing those marriage certificates? I didn't take photos of their hands with rings on their fingers on those marriage certificates? I didn't take photos of wedding bouquets next to those certificates?

It's interesting that you would post that since you don't know me and don't know anything about the law in Washington State that gave homosexuals the right to marry in 2012.
Last edited:
No one has taken it to court. No one has challenged it.

For it to be ruled unconstitutional someone has to challenge it.
The people spoke and loudly, homosexual marriage has been legal here since 2012
So...what is there to challenge?

It has been legal everywhere since 2015, as ruled by the supreme Court.

You said it would be ruled unconstitutional would be over turned. You said I was wrong without even knowing the situation.

I showed you that you were wrong and don't know the situation and circumstances how it became legal.

If you acknowledge that it's been legal everywhere then you know there's no reason to challenge it in court and it won't ever be ruled unconstitutional.

You also know it was strange for you to post it would be ruled unconstitutional and over turned.

Just admit you were wrong or just don't reply back.
Homos cannot procreate. They still require the opposite gender which makes it hetero.
Then there is no need for any legal recognition of or acquiescence to their homo relationship. It’s 100% personal.
They have children in their care. Children benefit from the legal protections, social status and financial advantages of having two legal guardians who are married. To deny that is just plain stupid
Children need a mother and a father. Empirical data of a unique post-1960’s period in our culture bears this out. Creating alternatives contributes to social demise. Progress a little and get over it.

Actually, a fairly comprehensive study on children raised by straight couples and gay couples showed no significant difference in the children. The biggest problems were with the unwanted children. That isn't an issue with same sex couples.

If I recall, the pairings that produce the best kids were the lesbian couples.
You need to look beyond mostly-white locales where the predominance of structured families positively influences those raised by alternatives and look instead where the lack of structure is the norm and the influence is negative.
Vet your info and progress a little.
This is based on recent data of the past fifty years.
It's based on studies of single parent households. Not that you know what it's based on, as you are merely parroting talking points from Bible beater websites.

And, try to remember: nobody gives a shit what you think is best. You make decisions for yourself. Stop sucking dick, and don't get gay married. Problem solved.
I base my position on info accrued having lived and worked in a middle class ‘hood for 34 years, including 35 years in the public schools here.
Then there is no need for any legal recognition of or acquiescence to their homo relationship. It’s 100% personal.
They have children in their care. Children benefit from the legal protections, social status and financial advantages of having two legal guardians who are married. To deny that is just plain stupid
Children need a mother and a father. Empirical data of a unique post-1960’s period in our culture bears this out. Creating alternatives contributes to social demise. Progress a little and get over it.

Actually, a fairly comprehensive study on children raised by straight couples and gay couples showed no significant difference in the children. The biggest problems were with the unwanted children. That isn't an issue with same sex couples.

If I recall, the pairings that produce the best kids were the lesbian couples.
You need to look beyond mostly-white locales where the predominance of structured families positively influences those raised by alternatives and look instead where the lack of structure is the norm and the influence is negative.
Vet your info and progress a little.

I need to vet my info? So you want me to reject the families in the mostly white areas, and focus on ghettos? Sorry, but straight couples don't do particularly well when you filter it that way.
This is based on recent data of the past fifty years.
It's based on studies of single parent households. Not that you know what it's based on, as you are merely parroting talking points from Bible beater websites.

And, try to remember: nobody gives a shit what you think is best. You make decisions for yourself. Stop sucking dick, and don't get gay married. Problem solved.
I base my position on info accrued having lived and worked in a middle class ‘hood for 34 years, including 35 years in the public schools here.

So you base your position on your own experiences, and time in public schools, in one limited area? How many married same sex couples did you deal with? Same sex marriage, on a federal level, has only been around for 3 or 4 years. Same sex couples represent about 5% of the population. And you propose a national policy based on your own limited experience? lol Okey dokey.
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

The state not recognizing queer marriages isn’t “banning” them.

Get a grip.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

By that logic, there is no right to a gun, free speech, due process of law, the religion of your choice.

Just ask Japanese-Americans in 1942. Or the Branch Davidians.

There are no "rights" at all, whether enumerated in the constitution or by court ruling. There are only privileges that the majority thinks you should have.

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