Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

No the courts weren't designed to do that. When women fought for the right to vote, no court "suddenly" found that right in the Constitution. The court rightly knew that they could not enact law, and that it had to go thru the system. The reason the SCOTUS today is such a big deal is that because they took law making out of congress and have made themselves the ultimate arbiter of what the Constitution says.

A very dangerous game to play.

Naw, not really. The are already the ultimate arbiter of what the constitution says... that boat sailed 200 years ago with Marbury v. Madison.

So the only real question here is whether or not sexual orientation is a choice or innate facet of a person, like his race or gender.
If two people wish to be married in your state, who live in your state, they are members of "We, the People." of your state.
Yes they are. And they get a vote like everyone else. And if they lose, they should accept that We the People have spoken. Just like I would respect that We the People have spoken if they won. That’s how it works (at least for anyone that isn’t a fascist like you leftists).
Free to move to another state? That is fucking stupid!
No, that’s only “stupid” to fascists. To normal people, that’s called liberty. Everyone is free to live in communities that align with their values.

Fascists like you want to demand that all states suffer under your view of what is acceptable. Just like Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Joseph Stalin, etc.
No the courts weren't designed to do that. When women fought for the right to vote, no court "suddenly" found that right in the Constitution. The court rightly knew that they could not enact law, and that it had to go thru the system. The reason the SCOTUS today is such a big deal is that because they took law making out of congress and have made themselves the ultimate arbiter of what the Constitution says.

A very dangerous game to play.

Naw, not really. The are already the ultimate arbiter of what the constitution says... that boat sailed 200 years ago with Marbury v. Madison.

So the only real question here is whether or not sexual orientation is a choice or innate facet of a person, like his race or gender.

No, they never "made up" rights before. And it will come back and bite them in the ass.

Let 'em get married......They are examples of how NOT to mature into a normal human being. They are good people, just not very normal. Abnormality is a part of life we must teach our children about it, and be tolerant of the mentally sick instead of trying to make it normal.
Would you want to have to move your ass to another state in order to be able to do something that other can do without moving?
Stop with the false narrative. Everyone is bound to the exact same rules. In states where gay marriage was not legalized, all men were prevented from marrying other men and all women were prevented from marrying other women.

Likewise, all men were permitted to marry any woman they wanted and all women were permitted to marry any man they wanted.
So Va. and other states should have been allowed to continue to ban interracial marriage?
Yes, dumb ass. And if any interracial couples didn’t like it, they were free to move to another state. I realize you fascists can’t stand it, but We the People have the right to govern ourselves in our own states. And We the People are also free to move to another state that better aligns with our views if we don’t like it.
Furthermore, the fact that you have to call me a dumb ass
Stop saying stupid shit and I won’t have to call you a dumb ass.
Fuck what the people want.
Fuck the will of the people? You truly are an Anti-American REGRESSIVE PERVERT who doesn't understand he just destroyed his own argument. Learn that running to the courts to overturn the WILL OF THE PEOPLE makes you a whiny little wanna be dictator. Just go to Cuba or Venezuela where you can tell people what to do and think. That doesn't fly in the U.S.A.
:udaman: :udaman: :udaman:
When I take my girl in the ASS. To unload some sperm to feel good. As not jacking MY load on her backside.
So she does not get pregnant.
Is a female asshole any different to a male asshole too fuck? As I have done no male assholes to know the feeling to get off btw.
But seems it should be the same by materials given to fuck to get off.
Seems the church loves fine YOUNG virgin assholes to rape to get access to heaven.

See the BS area that does not exist.... btw. looks like an anal hole to me.

But I pump only willing legal holes in any hole in the end game here.
Spunking my living sperms and killing many
sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.

FYI: Where I will pay for abortions to meet my needs always,
and not to abuse a female of her needs sexually to pay a price for us both to get off.

btw: LICK a Pussy or a Dick seems fare to get us OFF.
But all anal holes, do look the same.

Last edited:
When I take my girl in the ASS. To unload some sperm to feel good. As not jacking MY load on her backside.
So she does not get pregnant.
Is a female asshole any different to a male asshole too fuck? As I have done no male assholes to know the feeling to get off btw.
But seems it should be the same by materials given to fuck to get off.
Seems the church loves fine YOUNG virgin assholes to rape to get access to heaven.

See the BS area that does not exist.... btw. looks like an anal hole to me.

But I pump only willing legal holes in any hole in the end game here.
Spunking my living sperms and killing many
sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.

FYI: Where I will pay for abortions to meet my needs always,
and not to abuse a female of her needs sexually to pay a price for us both to get off.

btw: LICK a Pussy or a Dick seems fare to get us OFF.
But all anal holes, do look the same.

That literally might be the worst post in USMB history. The grammar was atrocious. The content was repulsive. And the thoughts were completely and totally incoherent.

I doubt there is a single person here who can honestly say they understood what he was trying to communicate there.
Spunking my living sperms and killing many sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.
Aside from being the single most incoherent sentence ever produced, there is one thing I can tell you for certain. You do not have a “need” to “f*ck”. You have a need for oxygen. You have a need for water. You have a need for food. You do not have a “need” to get off. You want to get off. You don’t have a need to get off.

Stop being a dram queen, stop posting repulsive content, and for the love of all things holy, stop rambling incoherently. If you are intoxicated, walk away. Go sleep it off and come back another day.
When I take my girl in the ASS. To unload some sperm to feel good. As not jacking MY load on her backside.
So she does not get pregnant.
Is a female asshole any different to a male asshole too fuck? As I have done no male assholes to know the feeling to get off btw.
But seems it should be the same by materials given to fuck to get off.
Seems the church loves fine YOUNG virgin assholes to rape to get access to heaven.

See the BS area that does not exist.... btw. looks like an anal hole to me.

But I pump only willing legal holes in any hole in the end game here.
Spunking my living sperms and killing many
sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.

FYI: Where I will pay for abortions to meet my needs always,
and not to abuse a female of her needs sexually to pay a price for us both to get off.

btw: LICK a Pussy or a Dick seems fare to get us OFF.
But all anal holes, do look the same.

That literally might be the worst post in USMB history. The grammar was atrocious. The content was repulsive. And the thoughts were completely and totally incoherent.

I doubt there is a single person here who can honestly say they understood what he was trying to communicate there.
When I take my girl in the ASS. To unload some sperm to feel good. As not jacking MY load on her backside.
So she does not get pregnant.
Is a female asshole any different to a male asshole too fuck? As I have done no male assholes to know the feeling to get off btw.
But seems it should be the same by materials given to fuck to get off.
Seems the church loves fine YOUNG virgin assholes to rape to get access to heaven.

See the BS area that does not exist.... btw. looks like an anal hole to me.

But I pump only willing legal holes in any hole in the end game here.
Spunking my living sperms and killing many
sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.

FYI: Where I will pay for abortions to meet my needs always,
and not to abuse a female of her needs sexually to pay a price for us both to get off.

btw: LICK a Pussy or a Dick seems fare to get us OFF.
But all anal holes, do look the same.


"But all anal holes, do look the same"

Voice of experience, Baz the spaz????

I can only imagine in my worst nightmares as to what kind of human being would allow themselves to be mounted by a pig like you..........(shudder)
No, that’s only “stupid” to fascists. To normal people, that’s called liberty. Everyone is free to live in communities that align with their values.

Fascists like you want to demand that all states suffer under your view of what is acceptable. Just like Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Joseph Stalin, etc.

You see, Poodle, this is where you are confused.

Clearly, if the Gay Marriage Question were put to a National Vote, it would pass, easily. The majority has turned the corner on the issue.


So what you want is some little enclave where you can be free to impose your bigotry on others.

Now, my definition of liberty would be "If you don't like gay marriage, don't have one."
And you don’t understand the U.S. Constitution. The constitution clearly makes marriage the responsibility of the states. Game. Set. Match.

Actually, Marriage isn't anywhere on the list of "Best thoughts of Slave Rapists who shit in chamber pots".

Sure we do. Even radically left-wing California voted down Proposition 8. Very few people want gay marriage. Just you Gaystapo nuts.

67% of the country now favors gay marriage. Prop Hate only won because the Mormons lied to people about what it entailed. This is why it was struck down by the courts.

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