Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

You can't spell because you're retarded.
That really is quite an impressive argument on the topic,
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

. Who the fuck are you to decide what is moral ?

What do you think society does? We enforce moral values everyday. Its why people don't openly fuck in public. Or screw kids.
And unless you are OK with an "everything goes" society, you are also deciding what is moral and what isn't.

Say what?? "What do you think society does? We enforce moral values everyday. Its why people don't openly fuck in public. Or screw kids.
And unless you are OK with an "everything goes" society, you are also deciding what is moral and what isn't."

So in your moronic world, sex in public and child abuse is equivalent to two consenting adults who happen to be of the same gender getting married? What the fuck is wrong with you.? Could you really be that stupid?
When I take my girl in the ASS. To unload some sperm to feel good. As not jacking MY load on her backside.
So she does not get pregnant.
Is a female asshole any different to a male asshole too fuck? As I have done no male assholes to know the feeling to get off btw.
But seems it should be the same by materials given to fuck to get off.
Seems the church loves fine YOUNG virgin assholes to rape to get access to heaven.

See the BS area that does not exist.... btw. looks like an anal hole to me.

But I pump only willing legal holes in any hole in the end game here.
Spunking my living sperms and killing many
sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.

FYI: Where I will pay for abortions to meet my needs always,
and not to abuse a female of her needs sexually to pay a price for us both to get off.

btw: LICK a Pussy or a Dick seems fare to get us OFF.
But all anal holes, do look the same.

That literally might be the worst post in USMB history. The grammar was atrocious. The content was repulsive. And the thoughts were completely and totally incoherent.

I doubt there is a single person here who can honestly say they understood what he was trying to communicate there.
You loved it and fully understood it.
Spunking my living sperms and killing many sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.
Aside from being the single most incoherent sentence ever produced, there is one thing I can tell you for certain. You do not have a “need” to “f*ck”. You have a need for oxygen. You have a need for water. You have a need for food. You do not have a “need” to get off. You want to get off. You don’t have a need to get off.

Stop being a dram queen, stop posting repulsive content, and for the love of all things holy, stop rambling incoherently. If you are intoxicated, walk away. Go sleep it off and come back another day.

Like there is no anal sex in traditional marriages. This is about anal sex with you clowns.
I love some men, my dad, and brothers. Some do fuck family, I don't. So its not about love. People have a right to plow any hole they like. Males or females having anal sex is just a form of sex act.
The only restrictions are they are of legal age and the owner of the holes approval entry.
Unless you belong and support any religious cult. Where it demands raping of the underage, and older
by the lord for entry into heaven. Using the lords' funded by the flocks.
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States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

You seem to be another cry baby who has no clue as to how a Constitutional Republic works or what equal protection under the law means. Yes DOMA was signed by Clinton, to head off a marriage amendment being pushed by bigots.

And you would be an absolute moron to not know that you were the one being slapped down. Nice dodging of the FACT that people didn't want this sham in their states. It's YOU who doesn't seem to understand that running to the courts to overturn the will of the people makes YOU the dictator wanna be. YOU don't understand that when the people vote down something it means they DON'T want it. But being the anti straight bigot you are, you applaud circumventing the will of the people. Maybe you better learn how things work.
I was slapped down?> :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Fuck what the people want. The people , including you, have no fucking business dictating what other people can or cannot do, unless it is something that harms you or others . Same sex marriage has absolutely nothing to do with your life. Anti straight? You fucking moron. I am straight. Again, fuck the will of the people . Learn what a constitutional republic means. And while your at it, look at the current public opinion of the:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024: issue

Fuck the will of the people? You truly are an Anti-American REGRESSIVE PERVERT who doesn't understand he just destroyed his own argument. Equal rights and protection for all but fuck what the people who disagree with you think. YOU have NO right telling me what to think either. Learn that running to the courts to overturn the WILL OF THE PEOPLE makes you a whiny little wanna be dictator. Just go to Cuba or Venezuela where you can tell people what to do and think. That doesn't fly in the U.S.A. Commence whining that we're all bigots and then go look in the mirror.
Holy fucking shit! You actually don't get it!! . You don't understand that the "will of the people "does not trump constitutional law! Too often the "will of the people have been at odds with equal rights . Too many of the "people" -and you are a good example - are bigoted morons who think that they have a right to tell others how to live and what to do based on your questionable moral values. Who the fuck are you to decide what is moral ?

You are the wanna be dictator ! I don't want tell people what to do and what to think. Your sorry bigoted ass does. I don't give a rats hind parts what kind of stupid shit you think, or if you think at all - and apparently that is not much. What I care about is how you treat other people and the extent to which you respect who they are as human beings , and clearly you fall short in that department. I'll ask again, why do you care if same sex couples can marry and how does it effect you?
That's the best retort that you have Lantern? A funny face? That is pretty pathetic
. Who the fuck are you to decide what is moral ?

What do you think society does? We enforce moral values everyday. Its why people don't openly fuck in public. Or screw kids.
And unless you are OK with an "everything goes" society, you are also deciding what is moral and what isn't.

Say what?? "What do you think society does? We enforce moral values everyday. Its why people don't openly fuck in public. Or screw kids.
And unless you are OK with an "everything goes" society, you are also deciding what is moral and what isn't."

So in your moronic world, sex in public and child abuse is equivalent to two consenting adults who happen to be of the same gender getting married? What the fuck is wrong with you.? Could you really be that stupid?

If its not equivalent, you are now passing a moral judgment on society. Because people are the only ones who decide what is moral and what is not.

Murder could be moral, and in some countries it is. See, you are a bigot, just like I am, I just have a tiny higher moral standard than you do.

Spunking my living sperms and killing many sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.
Aside from being the single most incoherent sentence ever produced, there is one thing I can tell you for certain. You do not have a “need” to “f*ck”. You have a need for oxygen. You have a need for water. You have a need for food. You do not have a “need” to get off. You want to get off. You don’t have a need to get off.

Stop being a dram queen, stop posting repulsive content, and for the love of all things holy, stop rambling incoherently. If you are intoxicated, walk away. Go sleep it off and come back another day.

Like there is no anal sex in traditional marriages. This is about anal sex with you clowns.
I love some men, my dad, and brothers. Some do fuck family, I don't. So its not about love. People have a right to plow any hole they like. Males or females having anal sex is just a form of sex act.
The only restrictions are they are of legal age and the owner of the holes approval entry.
Unless you belong and support any religious cult. Where it demands raping of the underage, and older
by the lord for entry into heaven. Using the lords' funded by the flocks.

Again, you set the parameters and get upset when someone doesn't agree with you. As a society, we set the legal age. It could be twelve or it could be 21. Either way, society is indeed proclaiming that this is our moral standard.

'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.
States rights. The citizens of a state should not be forced to accept two guys licking each other’s assholes.
Spunking my living sperms and killing many sperm lives in the end, that could conceive more life from my need to fuck.
Aside from being the single most incoherent sentence ever produced, there is one thing I can tell you for certain. You do not have a “need” to “f*ck”. You have a need for oxygen. You have a need for water. You have a need for food. You do not have a “need” to get off. You want to get off. You don’t have a need to get off.

Stop being a dram queen, stop posting repulsive content, and for the love of all things holy, stop rambling incoherently. If you are intoxicated, walk away. Go sleep it off and come back another day.

Like there is no anal sex in traditional marriages. This is about anal sex with you clowns.
I love some men, my dad, and brothers. Some do fuck family, I don't. So its not about love. People have a right to plow any hole they like. Males or females having anal sex is just a form of sex act.
The only restrictions are they are of legal age and the owner of the holes approval entry.
Unless you belong and support any religious cult. Where it demands raping of the underage, and older
by the lord for entry into heaven. Using the lords' funded by the flocks.

Again, you set the parameters and get upset when someone doesn't agree with you. As a society, we set the legal age. It could be twelve or it could be 21. Either way, society is indeed proclaiming that this is our moral standard.

Its set @ 12 years old now in Mormon Utah Cult sex slave prison camps.
Where am I upset? I list what is current laws. Marriage is not a
constitutional right'. Just a contract to do somthang between two peoples.
I care less if its 2 males, 2 females. As 1 male and 1 female works so well. LOL!
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.
States rights. The citizens of a state should not be forced to accept two guys licking each other’s assholes.
Must be licking pussy only, for you. With your nose in an asshole.
As you get a blow job with a finger in your ass.
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.
States rights. The citizens of a state should not be forced to accept two guys licking each other’s assholes.
Must be licking pussy only, for you. With your nose in an asshole.
As you get a blow job with a finger in your ass.
Have you noticed that all they ever zoom in on is the sex?And it's always what men do and not women. I personally never think about it, but they're obsessed by gay men sex. Wonder why that is....
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.
States rights. The citizens of a state should not be forced to accept two guys licking each other’s assholes.
Must be licking pussy only, for you. With your nose in an asshole.
As you get a blow job with a finger in your ass.
Have you noticed that all they ever zoom in on is the sex?And it's always what men do and not women. I personally never think about it, but they're obsessed by gay men sex. Wonder why that is....
You can go for this.

Like there is no anal sex in traditional marriages.
You’re obsessed with anal sex. You can’t stop mentioning it for some reason (you’re also a misogynist prick...but I digress). Nobody is arguing anything about anal sex - any more than they are arguing about oral sex.
That literally might be the worst post in USMB history. The grammar was atrocious. The content was repulsive. And the thoughts were completely and totally incoherent.

I doubt there is a single person here who can honestly say they understood what he was trying to communicate there.
You loved it and fully understood it.
I promise you - there isn’t a single person in the world who could understand that incoherent babbling. It was illiterate to the extreme.
You loved it and fully understood it.
Allow me to illustrate, snowflake. Now let’s review your second sentence:
To unload some sperm to feel good.
Once again, an incomplete sentence. Nobody has the slightest clue what your dumb ass is trying to convey here. What about it? How this even remotely relevant to the discussion at hand? But sadly, it only gets worse from here.
You loved it and fully understood it.
Allow me to illustrate, snowflake. Now this third sentence is a real gem:
As not jacking MY load on her backside.
Wow. Where to go with that mind-boggling, illiterate mess. “As not jacking”? As? As what? What the fuck is your dumb ass trying to say here? And what about it anyway? What does jacking and your horses backside have to do with anything that’s being discussed?
You loved it and fully understood it.
Sentence six just completely falls off the sanity rails:
As I have done no male assholes to know the feeling to get off btw.
Sooooooo you’ve done “male assholes” but just not to know the feeling to get off? You’ve done “male assholes” for other reasons? Because that’s literally what your dumb ass just said. :uhh:
You loved it and fully understood it.
Sentence nine continues down the same path as six:
See the BS area that does not exist.... btw. looks like an anal hole to me.
See the BS area that does not exist? How the fuck can I “see” something that does “not exist”? And of course, whatever the fuck you’re referring to here (and nobody knows), you immediately go righ back to an anus. You’re obsessed with it. It’s pretty sick dude.
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