Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

You said: Except no one is really proposing that...

If you are backing gay marriage, that is exactly what you are proposing.


Nope. We have gay marriage, people still refer to their female parent as their "mother'. Like, "My mother is such a pain in the ass!" and "My Mom is always ragging on me to move out of the basement" -- Oh, wait, that last one was your typical USMB Right Wing Troll.

What if there is no female parent?

Then there just isn't. Plain and simple
So Va. and other states should have been allowed to continue to ban interracial marriage?
Yes, dumb ass. And if any interracial couples didn’t like it, they were free to move to another state. I realize you fascists can’t stand it, but We the People have the right to govern ourselves in our own states. And We the People are also free to move to another state that better aligns with our views if we don’t like it.
So Va. and other states should have been allowed to continue to ban interracial marriage?
Yes, dumb ass. And if any interracial couples didn’t like it, they were free to move to another state. I realize you fascists can’t stand it, but We the People have the right to govern ourselves in our own states. And We the People are also free to move to another state that better aligns with our views if we don’t like it.
Some states are pro-slavery still. So much for We the Peoples. Should read for DOPer types. 'We the Whitey Peoples'
So Va. and other states should have been allowed to continue to ban interracial marriage?
Yes, dumb ass. And if any interracial couples didn’t like it, they were free to move to another state. I realize you fascists can’t stand it, but We the People have the right to govern ourselves in our own states. And We the People are also free to move to another state that better aligns with our views if we don’t like it.
Who are you to think that you are "the People"? No one is. If two people wish to be married in your state, who live in your state, they are members of "We, the People." of your state.
So Va. and other states should have been allowed to continue to ban interracial marriage?
Yes, dumb ass. And if any interracial couples didn’t like it, they were free to move to another state. I realize you fascists can’t stand it, but We the People have the right to govern ourselves in our own states. And We the People are also free to move to another state that better aligns with our views if we don’t like it.
Thank you admitting that you would be quite wiling to allow the states to discriminate against inter racial couples as well as gays > Free to move to another state? That is fucking stupid .! Would you want to have to move your ass to another state in order to be able to do something that other can do without moving? You call me a fascist? The states that banner interracial and gay marriage were the fascists. We the people ratified a constitution that provides for due process and equal protection under that law.
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

You seem to be another cry baby who has no clue as to how a Constitutional Republic works or what equal protection under the law means. Yes DOMA was signed by Clinton, to head off a marriage amendment being pushed by bigots.
So Va. and other states should have been allowed to continue to ban interracial marriage?
Yes, dumb ass. And if any interracial couples didn’t like it, they were free to move to another state. I realize you fascists can’t stand it, but We the People have the right to govern ourselves in our own states. And We the People are also free to move to another state that better aligns with our views if we don’t like it.
Furthermore, the fact that you have to call me a dumb ass shows that you either don't believe your own equine excrement- or- at best don't have much confidence in it. Before you call someone a dumb ass - you should learn something about the subject matter- least you wind up looking like the dumb ass. Ooooops. Too late.
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

You seem to be another cry baby who has no clue as to how a Constitutional Republic works or what equal protection under the law means. Yes DOMA was signed by Clinton, to head off a marriage amendment being pushed by bigots.

And you would be an absolute moron to not know that you were the one being slapped down. Nice dodging of the FACT that people didn't want this sham in their states. It's YOU who doesn't seem to understand that running to the courts to overturn the will of the people makes YOU the dictator wanna be. YOU don't understand that when the people vote down something it means they DON'T want it. But being the anti straight bigot you are, you applaud circumventing the will of the people. Maybe you better learn how things work.
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

You seem to be another cry baby who has no clue as to how a Constitutional Republic works or what equal protection under the law means. Yes DOMA was signed by Clinton, to head off a marriage amendment being pushed by bigots.

And you would be an absolute moron to not know that you were the one being slapped down. Nice dodging of the FACT that people didn't want this sham in their states. It's YOU who doesn't seem to understand that running to the courts to overturn the will of the people makes YOU the dictator wanna be. YOU don't understand that when the people vote down something it means they DON'T want it. But being the anti straight bigot you are, you applaud circumventing the will of the people. Maybe you better learn how things work.
I was slapped down?> :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Fuck what the people want. The people , including you, have no fucking business dictating what other people can or cannot do, unless it is something that harms you or others . Same sex marriage has absolutely nothing to do with your life. Anti straight? You fucking moron. I am straight. Again, fuck the will of the people . Learn what a constitutional republic means. And while your at it, look at the current public opinion of the:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024: issue
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

You seem to be another cry baby who has no clue as to how a Constitutional Republic works or what equal protection under the law means. Yes DOMA was signed by Clinton, to head off a marriage amendment being pushed by bigots.

And you would be an absolute moron to not know that you were the one being slapped down. Nice dodging of the FACT that people didn't want this sham in their states. It's YOU who doesn't seem to understand that running to the courts to overturn the will of the people makes YOU the dictator wanna be. YOU don't understand that when the people vote down something it means they DON'T want it. But being the anti straight bigot you are, you applaud circumventing the will of the people. Maybe you better learn how things work.
I was slapped down?> :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Fuck what the people want. The people , including you, have no fucking business dictating what other people can or cannot do, unless it is something that harms you or others . Same sex marriage has absolutely nothing to do with your life. Anti straight? You fucking moron. I am straight. Again, fuck the will of the people . Learn what a constitutional republic means. And while your at it, look at the current public opinion of the:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024: issue

Fuck the will of the people? You truly are an Anti-American REGRESSIVE PERVERT who doesn't understand he just destroyed his own argument. Equal rights and protection for all but fuck what the people who disagree with you think. YOU have NO right telling me what to think either. Learn that running to the courts to overturn the WILL OF THE PEOPLE makes you a whiny little wanna be dictator. Just go to Cuba or Venezuela where you can tell people what to do and think. That doesn't fly in the U.S.A. Commence whining that we're all bigots and then go look in the mirror.
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

You seem to be another cry baby who has no clue as to how a Constitutional Republic works or what equal protection under the law means. Yes DOMA was signed by Clinton, to head off a marriage amendment being pushed by bigots.

And you would be an absolute moron to not know that you were the one being slapped down. Nice dodging of the FACT that people didn't want this sham in their states. It's YOU who doesn't seem to understand that running to the courts to overturn the will of the people makes YOU the dictator wanna be. YOU don't understand that when the people vote down something it means they DON'T want it. But being the anti straight bigot you are, you applaud circumventing the will of the people. Maybe you better learn how things work.
I was slapped down?> :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Fuck what the people want. The people , including you, have no fucking business dictating what other people can or cannot do, unless it is something that harms you or others . Same sex marriage has absolutely nothing to do with your life. Anti straight? You fucking moron. I am straight. Again, fuck the will of the people . Learn what a constitutional republic means. And while your at it, look at the current public opinion of the:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024: issue

Fuck the will of the people? You truly are an Anti-American REGRESSIVE PERVERT who doesn't understand he just destroyed his own argument. Equal rights and protection for all but fuck what the people who disagree with you think. YOU have NO right telling me what to think either. Learn that running to the courts to overturn the WILL OF THE PEOPLE makes you a whiny little wanna be dictator. Just go to Cuba or Venezuela where you can tell people what to do and think. That doesn't fly in the U.S.A. Commence whining that we're all bigots and then go look in the mirror.
Holy fucking shit! You actually don't get it!! . You don't understand that the "will of the people "does not trump constitutional law! Too often the "will of the people have been at odds with equal rights . Too many of the "people" -and you are a good example - are bigoted morons who think that they have a right to tell others how to live and what to do based on your questionable moral values. Who the fuck are you to decide what is moral ?

You are the wanna be dictator ! I don't want tell people what to do and what to think. Your sorry bigoted ass does. I don't give a rats hind parts what kind of stupid shit you think, or if you think at all - and apparently that is not much. What I care about is how you treat other people and the extent to which you respect who they are as human beings , and clearly you fall short in that department. I'll ask again, why do you care if same sex couples can marry and how does it effect you?
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States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

You seem to be another cry baby who has no clue as to how a Constitutional Republic works or what equal protection under the law means. Yes DOMA was signed by Clinton, to head off a marriage amendment being pushed by bigots.

And you would be an absolute moron to not know that you were the one being slapped down. Nice dodging of the FACT that people didn't want this sham in their states. It's YOU who doesn't seem to understand that running to the courts to overturn the will of the people makes YOU the dictator wanna be. YOU don't understand that when the people vote down something it means they DON'T want it. But being the anti straight bigot you are, you applaud circumventing the will of the people. Maybe you better learn how things work.
I was slapped down?> :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Fuck what the people want. The people , including you, have no fucking business dictating what other people can or cannot do, unless it is something that harms you or others . Same sex marriage has absolutely nothing to do with your life. Anti straight? You fucking moron. I am straight. Again, fuck the will of the people . Learn what a constitutional republic means. And while your at it, look at the current public opinion of the:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024: issue

Fuck the will of the people? You truly are an Anti-American REGRESSIVE PERVERT who doesn't understand he just destroyed his own argument. Equal rights and protection for all but fuck what the people who disagree with you think. YOU have NO right telling me what to think either. Learn that running to the courts to overturn the WILL OF THE PEOPLE makes you a whiny little wanna be dictator. Just go to Cuba or Venezuela where you can tell people what to do and think. That doesn't fly in the U.S.A. Commence whining that we're all bigots and then go look in the mirror.
PS You have no fucking idea what the will of the people is currently and, I'll guess, don't want to know.
Yes, dumb ass. And if any interracial couples didn’t like it, they were free to move to another state. I realize you fascists can’t stand it, but We the People have the right to govern ourselves in our own states. And We the People are also free to move to another state that better aligns with our views if we don’t like it.

Wow... dude, that's kind of fucked up... SO you don't like when the FEDERAL government makes arbitrary decisions but you are cool when states do it, because people can just uproot their lives and move to another one.
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.

Jim Crow would have been approved by voters in the 1950's and 1960's and maybe the 1970's in some states.

The Courts are doing exactly what they are designed to do, reign in the excesses of the legislative branch.
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.
Who exactly are you addressing? It would be helpful if you learned how to you the quote function.

. Who the fuck are you to decide what is moral ?

What do you think society does? We enforce moral values everyday. Its why people don't openly fuck in public. Or screw kids.
And unless you are OK with an "everything goes" society, you are also deciding what is moral and what isn't.

Fuck the will of the people? You truly are an Anti-American REGRESSIVE PERVERT who doesn't understand he just destroyed his own argument. Equal rights and protection for all but fuck what the people who disagree with you think. YOU have NO right telling me what to think either. Learn that running to the courts to overturn the WILL OF THE PEOPLE makes you a whiny little wanna be dictator. Just go to Cuba or Venezuela where you can tell people what to do and think. That doesn't fly in the U.S.A. Commence whining that we're all bigots and then go look in the mirror.

Would you want everything you do that you might enjoy left up to a popular vote?

I wouldnt' think so.

The problem with you homophobes is all your arguments boil down to "I think it's icky!"
States that banned gay "marriage" did so the majority of the time after it was put on the ballot and the PEOPLE rejected it. Even California's crazies didn't want this. If you were unable to convince the people to approve it, maybe the people don't want this. Yes you would be the fascist. Running to the courts to overturn the will of the people. As well as DOMA. Signed by Bill Clinton.

Jim Crow would have been approved by voters in the 1950's and 1960's and maybe the 1970's in some states.

The Courts are doing exactly what they are designed to do, reign in the excesses of the legislative branch.

No the courts weren't designed to do that. When women fought for the right to vote, no court "suddenly" found that right in the Constitution. The court rightly knew that they could not enact law, and that it had to go thru the system. The reason the SCOTUS today is such a big deal is that because they took law making out of congress and have made themselves the ultimate arbiter of what the Constitution says.

A very dangerous game to play.


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