Tens Of Thousands Attend Anti-Netanyahu Rally In Tel Aviv

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Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.

Those 'lunatics' in Iran are now at the forefront of the fight against ISIS.

That's more than you can say about the Israelis, for starters.
Iran has an ulterior motive because they back ISIS.
Israel will defend their country if ISIS decides to atack.
Every Muslim terrorist supporter here always says, "Yeah but Israel doesn't help anyone fight in Iraq, Afghanistan or any Mid-east country." Dude, If Israel went into a Muslim country to fight, every Muslim on earth would go into a bugfuk rage and wreak havoc all over the planet.
1st one is an outright bald faced lie. I guess its the US that's back Iraqi forces to take back Tikrit from ISIS eh? Oh damn no I forgot that's Iranian Forces.
People usually consider the Likud to be only about Bibi, in fact the Likud has three great members which worth voting for if not for Bibi alone and they are Ze'ev Elkin, Gidon Sa'ar, and Gilad Erdan, the V15 and rest of the political leftist organizations just made their campaign all about Bibi to draw the attention away from them and the rest of the Likud because they know Bibi is the game changer, the funny fact is that 'Rak Lo Bibi' or other mottos that goes against Bibi raising the question 'Who else other than Bibi?' and here is the punch line - Hertzog and Livni... Pffffff....there is one great video Bennet made about how 'Zionist' the 'Zionist Camp' really is - remember the Hamas videos in inarticulate Hebrew? so basicall he made the exact same thing quoting the 'Zionist Camp' members quote, probably the best prop I've ever seen... I couldn't find an English version but you get the idea.
Some of the quotes:
"Great respect for the Zionists soldiers who refuse to serve in the occupied territories"
"There is no difference between the Holocaust memorial day and the Nakba"
"I Pray for another evacuation for them to evicted from their homes"

Not at the cost from Israel we cant, we would need to pay the workers less than minimum wage and have them working 24/7. We cant even produce a decent car at a cost that is affordable.
Then we figure out WHY we can't and we fix it.

You cant even figure out why you are no different to the National socialist workers party of Germany, so what chance do you have of distilling 2000 years of culture into one second. If it was as easy as you say then Japan or one of the other Pacific rim nations would have done so already. Can you remember the last medical supply fiasco when the NHS sourced instruments from Pakistan. They were packed in sterile bags allegedly having been sterilised and the bags had mold growing inside them. On opening the bags the parts used on patients had sharp edges and were still coated with lubricants. They undercut the next best by 10% and it cost 50% more to remedy the dangerous equipment, suffice it to say the contract was annulled.
Very simply NS was for Germany and Germany only,Racial Socialism would encompass the entire white world.That is the most distinct difference. I have posted several link on the difference. If you want you could read Natures Eternal Religion and figure it out for yourself.

WRONG National Socialism was for the whole of the Aryan race, as said the same old same old jut in a new wrapper. You still want to rule the world while ridding it of what you consider to be untermencsh or those that don't hit your racial purity ideals.

NAZISM all packed up in glitzy new colours, a bit like New Labour

1. If NS WAS for ALL of the Aryan Race Hitler would not have attacked France,Norway,Poland,Austria,Russia,Belgium etc. Those were ALL Aryans

I am firmly opposed to any attempt to export National-Socialism. If other countries are determined to preserve their democratic systems and thus rush to their ruin, so much the better for us. And all the more so, because during this same period, thanks to National Socialism, we shall be transforming ourselves, slowly but surely, into the most solid popular community that it is possible to imagine. [Hitler’s Table Talk, entry for 20 May 1942]

Former Mossad Chief: Netanyahu Lied to Congress
Before a major anti-Netanayhu rally today in Tel Aviv, the former chief of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Meir Dagan, on Friday said the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deceived Congress about key elements of Iran’s nuclear program in his contentious address to Congress about Iran’s nuclear program

Dagan did his job, but he's now irrelevant
No wing nut you are irrelevant...I am an American and I stand with my President against foreign interference in our affairs..Fk Bibi
The "American president" stands with Iran, thus I stand against his policies.
That's because you are a traitor to America. You should be charged with treason and imprisoned and then deported to Israel.

Then you have no idea or concept of national socialism, or as you all it racial socialism, it is all about world domination. It is purely a form of totalitarian communism wrapped up in a new glitzy wrapper, just like New Labour which was ols Labour with a new shade of red
Threads been cleaned and infractions issued. Take it to the Flame Zone next time. Back on topic please.
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