Tens Of Thousands Attend Anti-Netanyahu Rally In Tel Aviv

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Actually they tried to get 1 million but achieved only 35,000..next week there is gonna be the right wing rally, stay tuned.

Do you consider Netanyahu right wing?

I'm not sure.

Israel can use right-wing leaders who'll worry both about a stable economy, and keep Israel's interested protected from the Arab enemy. That's what it needs.

Sadly, such a thing cannot be found.
Former Mossad Chief: Netanyahu Lied to Congress
Before a major anti-Netanayhu rally today in Tel Aviv, the former chief of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Meir Dagan, on Friday said the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deceived Congress about key elements of Iran’s nuclear program in his contentious address to Congress about Iran’s nuclear program

Dagan did his job, but he's now irrelevant
No wing nut you are irrelevant...I am an American and I stand with my President against foreign interference in our affairs..Fk Bibi

Well, good for you, but what does that have to do with what I said.
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.

You're not fooling anyone by wishing Israel a good leader. You want Israel destroyed because you're a Jew hater like your friend Sunni. Who're you kiddding, here...
who are you kidding its the oldest trick in the book to accuse Israel critics of anti Semitism
I am talking about the fact Israel is one of the leading medical and pharmaceutical producers in the world and if they were wiped of the face of the earth then many millions of non Jews would die. We could not produce a French f5 catheter in this country of the quality and cost of those produced in Israel. So we would need to get inferior quality goods from Pakistan or China at twice the cost.

By all means reduce the numbers of immigrants by legal means and stay out of international disputes, but never cheer when you will end up killing your own people.
I'm sure with the right equipment and funds we could produce something just as good if not better here.

Not at the cost from Israel we cant, we would need to pay the workers less than minimum wage and have them working 24/7. We cant even produce a decent car at a cost that is affordable.
Then we figure out WHY we can't and we fix it.

You cant even figure out why you are no different to the National socialist workers party of Germany, so what chance do you have of distilling 2000 years of culture into one second. If it was as easy as you say then Japan or one of the other Pacific rim nations would have done so already. Can you remember the last medical supply fiasco when the NHS sourced instruments from Pakistan. They were packed in sterile bags allegedly having been sterilised and the bags had mold growing inside them. On opening the bags the parts used on patients had sharp edges and were still coated with lubricants. They undercut the next best by 10% and it cost 50% more to remedy the dangerous equipment, suffice it to say the contract was annulled.
Very simply NS was for Germany and Germany only,Racial Socialism would encompass the entire white world.That is the most distinct difference. I have posted several link on the difference. If you want you could read Natures Eternal Religion and figure it out for yourself.

WRONG National Socialism was for the whole of the Aryan race, as said the same old same old jut in a new wrapper. You still want to rule the world while ridding it of what you consider to be untermencsh or those that don't hit your racial purity ideals.

NAZISM all packed up in glitzy new colours, a bit like New Labour

Shamir ordered Count Bernadotte assassination to save Jerusalem for Jews. But will his obits tell you that
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.

You're not fooling anyone by wishing Israel a good leader. You want Israel destroyed because you're a Jew hater like your friend Sunni. Who're you kiddding, here...
He clearly stated in this thread that he hates Jews and Israel.
The other day he said he hates Jews because they are .... Ready for this... Trying to eliminate the white race :lol:
Former Mossad Chief: Netanyahu Lied to Congress
Before a major anti-Netanayhu rally today in Tel Aviv, the former chief of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Meir Dagan, on Friday said the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deceived Congress about key elements of Iran’s nuclear program in his contentious address to Congress about Iran’s nuclear program

Dagan did his job, but he's now irrelevant
No wing nut you are irrelevant...I am an American and I stand with my President against foreign interference in our affairs..Fk Bibi
The "American president" stands with Iran, thus I stand against his policies.
So.. anyone wish to play politics with me?
1.Who out of everyone got the biggest no-no from the Arabs 'United List' ?
2.Name the the possible LW coalitions.
3.What is the number of the upcoming ministers in the Knesset?
4.What newspaper you read to base your polls.


Gal'on got OWNED!!!
LMFAO!!! I couldn't stop laughing once I heard that one!!
And Rabbi Kahane...:rolleyes:

and Folke Bernadotte....murdered by terrorist gangs led by :
Bernadotte was assassinated on 17 September 1948 by members of Lehi, a Zionist militant group sometimes known as the Stern Gang. The assassination was approved by the three-man Lehi 'center': Yitzhak Shamir, Natan Yellin-Mor, and Yisrael Eldad,[27] and planned by the Lehi operations chief in Jerusalem, Yehoshua Zetler.


Yes, well, my point was made. People get killed for their opinions all the time, no matter where their loyalties lie.
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.

You're not fooling anyone by wishing Israel a good leader. You want Israel destroyed because you're a Jew hater like your friend Sunni. Who're you kiddding, here...
who are you kidding its the oldest trick in the book to accuse Israel critics of anti Semitism

Why do you assume I called him antisemite based on his opinions on Israel? I'm not that stupid, I know his opinions regarding Jews.

Why don't you keep your nose in your face, hm?
I'm sure with the right equipment and funds we could produce something just as good if not better here.

Not at the cost from Israel we cant, we would need to pay the workers less than minimum wage and have them working 24/7. We cant even produce a decent car at a cost that is affordable.
Then we figure out WHY we can't and we fix it.

You cant even figure out why you are no different to the National socialist workers party of Germany, so what chance do you have of distilling 2000 years of culture into one second. If it was as easy as you say then Japan or one of the other Pacific rim nations would have done so already. Can you remember the last medical supply fiasco when the NHS sourced instruments from Pakistan. They were packed in sterile bags allegedly having been sterilised and the bags had mold growing inside them. On opening the bags the parts used on patients had sharp edges and were still coated with lubricants. They undercut the next best by 10% and it cost 50% more to remedy the dangerous equipment, suffice it to say the contract was annulled.
Very simply NS was for Germany and Germany only,Racial Socialism would encompass the entire white world.That is the most distinct difference. I have posted several link on the difference. If you want you could read Natures Eternal Religion and figure it out for yourself.

WRONG National Socialism was for the whole of the Aryan race, as said the same old same old jut in a new wrapper. You still want to rule the world while ridding it of what you consider to be untermencsh or those that don't hit your racial purity ideals.

NAZISM all packed up in glitzy new colours, a bit like New Labour

1. If NS WAS for ALL of the Aryan Race Hitler would not have attacked France,Norway,Poland,Austria,Russia,Belgium etc. Those were ALL Aryans

I am firmly opposed to any attempt to export National-Socialism. If other countries are determined to preserve their democratic systems and thus rush to their ruin, so much the better for us. And all the more so, because during this same period, thanks to National Socialism, we shall be transforming ourselves, slowly but surely, into the most solid popular community that it is possible to imagine. [Hitler’s Table Talk, entry for 20 May 1942]

Former Mossad Chief: Netanyahu Lied to Congress
Before a major anti-Netanayhu rally today in Tel Aviv, the former chief of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Meir Dagan, on Friday said the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deceived Congress about key elements of Iran’s nuclear program in his contentious address to Congress about Iran’s nuclear program

Dagan did his job, but he's now irrelevant
No wing nut you are irrelevant...I am an American and I stand with my President against foreign interference in our affairs..Fk Bibi
The "American president" stands with Iran, thus I stand against his policies.
That's because you are a traitor to America. You should be charged with treason and imprisoned and then deported to Israel.
and Folke Bernadotte....murdered by terrorist gangs led by :
Bernadotte was assassinated on 17 September 1948 by members of Lehi, a Zionist militant group sometimes known as the Stern Gang. The assassination was approved by the three-man Lehi 'center': Yitzhak Shamir, Natan Yellin-Mor, and Yisrael Eldad,[27] and planned by the Lehi operations chief in Jerusalem, Yehoshua Zetler.


There ya go! Real relevance with today's politics in Israel!
So.. anyone wish to play politics with me?
1.Who out of everyone got the biggest no-no from the Arabs 'United List' ?
2.Name the the possible LW coalitions.
3.What is the number of the upcoming ministers in the Knesset?
4.What newspaper you read to base your polls.


This post tops them all for me. I always think it is funnier than crap when some 'person' decides to post about Israeli politics; especially when they try to express an opinion about Israeli politicians as they relate to Israeli's and upcoming elections.

Ludicrous at the very least. How the fuck (um heck since the police have been after me for cussing) do you think you know what's best for Israel when you do not live there? Eh?

Daniyel and Lipush would perhaps be the only ones on this board qualified to discuss Israel politics with the possible addition of aris2chat; otherwise STFU and stay off their porch (like you own it) people. I will say I will visit said porch after the elections, but whatever they decide to do is their business, not mine what so ever.

But go ahead and 'armchair quarterback' their elections from outside the country all you want. It is entertaining for some here on this board.
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.

Those 'lunatics' in Iran are now at the forefront of the fight against ISIS.

That's more than you can say about the Israelis, for starters.
Iran has an ulterior motive because they back ISIS.
Israel will defend their country if ISIS decides to atack.
Every Muslim terrorist supporter here always says, "Yeah but Israel doesn't help anyone fight in Iraq, Afghanistan or any Mid-east country." Dude, If Israel went into a Muslim country to fight, every Muslim on earth would go into a bugfuk rage and wreak havoc all over the planet.
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