Tens Of Thousands Attend Anti-Netanyahu Rally In Tel Aviv

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Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.

Your outstanding intelligence comes through in your complex and in-depth answer which illustrates your profound understanding of the situation.

What an :asshole:
Why thank you. :)
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.
Why would anyone want Iran to get the bomb? Besides, Israel won't let them. So much for that wish.
Why wold I not want them to? Israel has one yet won't allow inspectors in or admit they have it etc...yet they think they have a right to stop Iran from making one? Go ahead let Israel stop them. I HOPE they start a damn war just leave us the hell out of it. I would cheer if Israel is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth. :)
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.
Why would anyone want Iran to get the bomb? Besides, Israel won't let them. So much for that wish.
Why wold I not want them to? Israel has one yet won't allow inspectors in or admit they have it etc...yet they think they have a right to stop Iran from making one? Go ahead let Israel stop them. I HOPE they start a damn war just leave us the hell out of it. I would cheer if Israel is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth. :)
Dweeb, you lie, your feet stink and you don't love Jesus. Israel has hundreds of nukes.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.
Why would anyone want Iran to get the bomb? Besides, Israel won't let them. So much for that wish.
Why wold I not want them to? Israel has one yet won't allow inspectors in or admit they have it etc...yet they think they have a right to stop Iran from making one? Go ahead let Israel stop them. I HOPE they start a damn war just leave us the hell out of it. I would cheer if Israel is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth. :)
Dweeb, you lie, your feet stink and you don't love Jesus. Israel has hundreds of nukes.
Ohhhh name calling now its on! ROFLMAO...jewsus is a dead jew on a stick and I don't believe in him or any other of that christian crap
Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.
Why would anyone want Iran to get the bomb? Besides, Israel won't let them. So much for that wish.
Why wold I not want them to? Israel has one yet won't allow inspectors in or admit they have it etc...yet they think they have a right to stop Iran from making one? Go ahead let Israel stop them. I HOPE they start a damn war just leave us the hell out of it. I would cheer if Israel is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth. :)
Dweeb, you lie, your feet stink and you don't love Jesus. Israel has hundreds of nukes.
Ohhhh name calling now its on! ROFLMAO...jewsus is a dead jew on a stick and I don't believe in him or any other of that christian crap
Me neither but I don't go around preaching about it.
Actually they tried to get 1 million but achieved only 35,000..next week there is gonna be the right wing rally, stay tuned.
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.

Those 'lunatics' in Iran are now at the forefront of the fight against ISIS.

That's more than you can say about the Israelis, for starters.
Actually they tried to get 1 million but achieved only 35,000..next week there is gonna be the right wing rally, stay tuned.
Did you attend or are you hoping BiBi wins?
Probably will attend this week for the right wing rally, I'm still not certain about to who I'd vote but Likud vs Left alternatives..comon lets keep it real.
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.

Who cares what white supremacist Nazi has to say about Israel?? LOL

You have zero credibility on this subject. You addmitted yourself that you believe Jews are trying to eliminate the white race :lol:

Of course I'm jot asking you to stop posting here , as you are quite entertaining for the rest of is who are on planet earth :D
Netanyahu's Popularity Rises After Speech To U.S. Congress: Polls :biggrin:

JERUSALEM, March 4 (Reuters) - Israeli opinion polls on Wednesday showed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu got a slight boost in popularity after his U.S. speech slamming an emerging nuclear deal with Iran, but he is still running neck and neck with his leading rival in a March 17 election.

Netanyahu s Popularity Rises After Speech To U.S. Congress Polls
He played congressional rubes like a fiddle and got the election boost he wanted. Boehner should be on his payroll.

he took $300M home and added it to his slush fund.. RW's would rather help his sorry ass than they had help Americans. They can afford Nettie. They can't afford to quit bitching about the National Debt. Funny how that works ... not.
Rw's would rather help people that wants peace, other than people like yourself that want handouts because you think you deserve it. The notional debt has almost doubled under democrat lack of leadership.
Who cares what white supremacist Nazi has to say about Israel?? LOL

You have zero credibility on this subject. You addmitted yourself that you believe Jews are trying to eliminate the white race :lol:

Of course I'm jot asking you to stop posting here , as you are quite entertaining for the rest of is who are on planet earth :D
You can't even comment on what he said. Everything Netanfuckyou said about Iran is bullshit. And opposition to that megalomaniac, is just beginning.

The Toastman
Let me tell you how it will be
There's one for you, nineteen for me
'Cause I'm the toastman, yeah, I'm the toastman

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all
'Cause I'm the toastman, yeah I'm the toastman

If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold, I'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.

Don't ask me what I want it for
If you don't want to pay some more
'Cause I'm the toastman, yeah, I'm the toastman

Now my advice for those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
'Cause I'm the toastman, yeah, I'm the toastman
And you're working for no one but me.
Insulting Netanyahu: How Bibi got Everything Wrong and called you Stupid

When Senator Lindsey Graham, a senior Republican senator, visited Jerusalem last December, he told the Israeli leader: “I’m here to tell you, Mr. Prime Minister, that the Congress will follow your lead… [on Iran].” (1) Therefore, it was no surprise when the Republican Majority leader asked Netanyahu to address a join session of Congress, for the third time, to issue his marching orders.
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.

Who cares what white supremacist Nazi has to say about Israel?? LOL

You have zero credibility on this subject. You addmitted yourself that you believe Jews are trying to eliminate the white race :lol:

Of course I'm jot asking you to stop posting here , as you are quite entertaining for the rest of is who are on planet earth :D
No one asked your opinion so,Although I hate Israel and Jews I follow politics with a passion. I know more than you think I do.
Insulting Netanyahu: How Bibi got Everything Wrong and called you Stupid

When Senator Lindsey Graham, a senior Republican senator, visited Jerusalem last December, he told the Israeli leader: “I’m here to tell you, Mr. Prime Minister, that the Congress will follow your lead… [on Iran].” (1) Therefore, it was no surprise when the Republican Majority leader asked Netanyahu to address a join session of Congress, for the third time, to issue his marching orders.
Why is it people like Graham aren't arrested and charged with treason? They took an oath to obey our constitution which says the president decides when and where and with who we declare war on etc. What Graham said it treasonous.
Unfortunately naive left wing progressives who are completely out of touch with reality exist everywhere.

As every sane person knows their view points are usually 100% wrong.

There are 6 million Jews in Israel and 10 thousand idiots marching mean nothing at all.

Despite Obama best attempts, Bibi will win this election because the majority clearly see the inmense dangers posed by the lunatics in the Iranian Regime.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.
Why would anyone want Iran to get the bomb? Besides, Israel won't let them. So much for that wish.
Why wold I not want them to? Israel has one yet won't allow inspectors in or admit they have it etc...yet they think they have a right to stop Iran from making one? Go ahead let Israel stop them. I HOPE they start a damn war just leave us the hell out of it. I would cheer if Israel is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth. :)

Then start crying when you could not afford the health care you and your family need. Or find that your next car is one horse power courtesy of a horse. You don't realise just how much you depend on all these foreign nations to provide you with basic living.
THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! LOL....Israel firsters are funny....fanatical that makes terrorists look tame but still funny.

Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.
Why would anyone want Iran to get the bomb? Besides, Israel won't let them. So much for that wish.
Why wold I not want them to? Israel has one yet won't allow inspectors in or admit they have it etc...yet they think they have a right to stop Iran from making one? Go ahead let Israel stop them. I HOPE they start a damn war just leave us the hell out of it. I would cheer if Israel is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth. :)

Then start crying when you could not afford the health care you and your family need. Or find that your next car is one horse power courtesy of a horse. You don't realise just how much you depend on all these foreign nations to provide you with basic living.
Lol...yeah...no idea what the fuck you are talking about but OK. I think trade with countries is great and there are many things that used to be made here that aren't a longer that we can bring back here
Problem is that if there are too many idiots like you around.. the sky will definitely fall, courtesy of the Iranian bomb!
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.
Why would anyone want Iran to get the bomb? Besides, Israel won't let them. So much for that wish.
Why wold I not want them to? Israel has one yet won't allow inspectors in or admit they have it etc...yet they think they have a right to stop Iran from making one? Go ahead let Israel stop them. I HOPE they start a damn war just leave us the hell out of it. I would cheer if Israel is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth. :)

Then start crying when you could not afford the health care you and your family need. Or find that your next car is one horse power courtesy of a horse. You don't realise just how much you depend on all these foreign nations to provide you with basic living.
Lol...yeah...no idea what the fuck you are talking about but OK. I think trade with countries is great and there are many things that used to be made here that aren't a longer that we can bring back here

I am talking about the fact Israel is one of the leading medical and pharmaceutical producers in the world and if they were wiped of the face of the earth then many millions of non Jews would die. We could not produce a French f5 catheter in this country of the quality and cost of those produced in Israel. So we would need to get inferior quality goods from Pakistan or China at twice the cost.

By all means reduce the numbers of immigrants by legal means and stay out of international disputes, but never cheer when you will end up killing your own people.
The are gona get the bomb. Get used to it. :) I wish Iran luck! With luck Israel will elect a leader who doesn't use lies and propaganda to get the US to invade another country for them and cares about his citizens...Iran isn't going to harm anyone Israel is just scared of not being the big dog on the block any longer. That's tough shit.
Why would anyone want Iran to get the bomb? Besides, Israel won't let them. So much for that wish.
Why wold I not want them to? Israel has one yet won't allow inspectors in or admit they have it etc...yet they think they have a right to stop Iran from making one? Go ahead let Israel stop them. I HOPE they start a damn war just leave us the hell out of it. I would cheer if Israel is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth. :)

Then start crying when you could not afford the health care you and your family need. Or find that your next car is one horse power courtesy of a horse. You don't realise just how much you depend on all these foreign nations to provide you with basic living.
Lol...yeah...no idea what the fuck you are talking about but OK. I think trade with countries is great and there are many things that used to be made here that aren't a longer that we can bring back here

I am talking about the fact Israel is one of the leading medical and pharmaceutical producers in the world and if they were wiped of the face of the earth then many millions of non Jews would die. We could not produce a French f5 catheter in this country of the quality and cost of those produced in Israel. So we would need to get inferior quality goods from Pakistan or China at twice the cost.

By all means reduce the numbers of immigrants by legal means and stay out of international disputes, but never cheer when you will end up killing your own people.
I'm sure with the right equipment and funds we could produce something just as good if not better here.
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