Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

Child abuse sending a child to a public school.

My question is-----who is this EUJIN KIM person--------and who-da-hell does
she think she is?-----SHE DECIDED to void Christmas? and even thanks-giving?-----in Brooklyn, NY????????????????????? It is not clear to me
what sort of demographic she faces

Eujin Kim is the Principal of PS 169 who is a victim of unwarranted rightwing attacks in a bogus "War on Christmas"

She did not ban the Pledge of allegience, she did not ban Thanksgiving and is just fine with Santa and Rudolph
NY Post lied?

Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

Child abuse sending a child to a public school.

My question is-----who is this EUJIN KIM person--------and who-da-hell does
she think she is?-----SHE DECIDED to void Christmas? and even thanks-giving?-----in Brooklyn, NY????????????????????? It is not clear to me
what sort of demographic she faces

Eujin Kim is the Principal of PS 169 who is a victim of unwarranted rightwing attacks in a bogus "War on Christmas"

She did not ban the Pledge of allegience, she did not ban Thanksgiving and is just fine with Santa and Rudolph
NY Post lied?

School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance | New York Post

Seems they overreacted based on bad information

If Principal Kim banned the pledge, Thanksgiving and Christmas...where is the smoking gun?

Where is a memo to staff, students or parents declaring that these things are no longer toleated in PS 169? Other than an outraged parent, where are all the other parents, teachers and students backing the story

Yet another pathetic overreaction from the right
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

Child abuse sending a child to a public school.

My question is-----who is this EUJIN KIM person--------and who-da-hell does
she think she is?-----SHE DECIDED to void Christmas? and even thanks-giving?-----in Brooklyn, NY????????????????????? It is not clear to me
what sort of demographic she faces

Eujin Kim is the Principal of PS 169 who is a victim of unwarranted rightwing attacks in a bogus "War on Christmas"

She did not ban the Pledge of allegience, she did not ban Thanksgiving and is just fine with Santa and Rudolph
NY Post lied?

School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance | New York Post

Seems they overreacted based on bad information

If Principal Kim banned the pledge, Thanksgiving and Christmas...where is the smoking gun?

Where is a memo to staff, students or parents declaring that these things are no longer toleated in PS 169? Other than an outraged parent, where are all the other parents, teachers and students backing the story

Yet another pathetic overreaction from the right
Did I miss Principle Kim's written statement stating the record straight?
Child abuse sending a child to a public school.

My question is-----who is this EUJIN KIM person--------and who-da-hell does
she think she is?-----SHE DECIDED to void Christmas? and even thanks-giving?-----in Brooklyn, NY????????????????????? It is not clear to me
what sort of demographic she faces

Eujin Kim is the Principal of PS 169 who is a victim of unwarranted rightwing attacks in a bogus "War on Christmas"

She did not ban the Pledge of allegience, she did not ban Thanksgiving and is just fine with Santa and Rudolph
NY Post lied?

School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance | New York Post

Seems they overreacted based on bad information

If Principal Kim banned the pledge, Thanksgiving and Christmas...where is the smoking gun?

Where is a memo to staff, students or parents declaring that these things are no longer toleated in PS 169? Other than an outraged parent, where are all the other parents, teachers and students backing the story

Yet another pathetic overreaction from the right
Did I miss Principle Kim's written statement stating the record straight?
And is he calling this named person a liar?

We definitely can’t say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on it, nothing with Santa,” PTA president Mimi Ferrer said administrators told her. “No angels. We can’t even have a star because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of David.”
LOL She got slapped down.....:rolleyes:

UPDATE: A New York City school district has reversed a principal's ban on Santa and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Following media coverage and public outrage, a New York City school district overruled a "PC principal's" ban on the Pledge of Allegiance and Santa Claus.

Principal Eujin Kim apologized for causing confusion in an email to school staff at PS 169 in Brooklyn.

The New York Post reported:

District 15 Superintendent Anita Skop stormed in the front door at 9:50 a.m., and minutes later, two fifth-grade boys were brought to the main office to lead a recital over the public-address system of the Pledge of Allegiance, teachers told The Post.


Santa Claus is now reinstated at the school, and Department of Education officials said on Monday that the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited over the PA system every morning, in response to concerns from the community.

School Reverses PC Principal's Bans on Santa and Pledge of Allegiance
Seems they overreacted based on bad information

If Principal Kim banned the pledge, Thanksgiving and Christmas...where is the smoking gun?

Where is a memo to staff, students or parents declaring that these things are no longer toleated in PS 169? Other than an outraged parent, where are all the other parents, teachers and students backing the story

Yet another pathetic overreaction from the right

Is that right shitflinger? You have evidence that the Post got it wrong?


Are you just flinging shit in hopes of distracting from yet another blatant assault on civil rights by you leftists, then?
Thanksgiving Day is the special day set aside to thank....GOD....for all the many blessings He has given us.

Now what does that have to do with God?

I do not understand your question.

I'll believe Thanksgiving is a religious holiday when Maceys has a giant Jesus balloon.
Macey's did not define Thanksgiving Day, idjit, the Pilgrims and Abraham Lincoln did.

Maceys has pilgrims and turkeys. No Jesus.
Lol, not every Christian religious holiday is about Jesus, doofus.
That's because there was already late a fall festival of thanks that the native Americans had in the North East of the USA...
That is cool. So much of what we did to survive in the NA continent was due to imitation of the Amerindians.

It would not surprise me at all if Thanksgiving was an adaptation of an Amerindian festival. Of course, harvest time is celebrated in most agricultural cultures.
huh??? well----catholics do have SAINT's days-------but in general---my impression from protestants I have known is----JESUS IS IT. Thanksgiving
is SUCCOTH---------a very nice story ------that of Jesus' great great.... grandma---
ruth and lover BOAZ
Well if you are talking about Protestants that only celebrate Jesus, generally you are talking about Protestant fundamentalists. The Seven Main Stream Protestant denominations, (Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Northern Baptists, Congregationalists, Methodists, Christian Church, and Lutherans) observe cultural holidays that are compatible with their own religious culture.

Only people I have ever known to be so centered on Jesus only that they would not observe other holidays were fundamentalists, 'primitive' evangelicals and some Pentecostals. That is a small fragment of the Church world wide.
Seems they overreacted based on bad information

If Principal Kim banned the pledge, Thanksgiving and Christmas...where is the smoking gun?

Where is a memo to staff, students or parents declaring that these things are no longer toleated in PS 169? Other than an outraged parent, where are all the other parents, teachers and students backing the story

Yet another pathetic overreaction from the right

Is that right shitflinger? You have evidence that the Post got it wrong?


Are you just flinging shit in hopes of distracting from yet another blatant assault on civil rights by you leftists, then?
RightWinger flings bullshit because that is all he ever bothers to carry with him. Cow Patties galore.
huh??? well----catholics do have SAINT's days-------but in general---my impression from protestants I have known is----JESUS IS IT. Thanksgiving
is SUCCOTH---------a very nice story ------that of Jesus' great great.... grandma---
ruth and lover BOAZ
Well if you are talking about Protestants that only celebrate Jesus, generally you are talking about Protestant fundamentalists. The Seven Main Stream Protestant denominations, (Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Northern Baptists, Congregationalists, Methodists, Christian Church, and Lutherans) observe cultural holidays that are compatible with their own religious culture.

Only people I have ever known to be so centered on Jesus only that they would not observe other holidays were fundamentalists, 'primitive' evangelicals and some Pentecostals. That is a small fragment of the Church world wide.

I grew up with Lutherans and Episcopalians-----mostly. The only holidays I saw were easter and Christmas and the only persons of importance were Jesus and
---Mary --------except Mary was more important for catholics----than she was for
Lutherans and Episcopalians. -----later on I stumbled into Baptists------who somehow did not play cards
LOL She got slapped down.....:rolleyes:

UPDATE: A New York City school district has reversed a principal's ban on Santa and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Following media coverage and public outrage, a New York City school district overruled a "PC principal's" ban on the Pledge of Allegiance and Santa Claus.

Principal Eujin Kim apologized for causing confusion in an email to school staff at PS 169 in Brooklyn.

The New York Post reported:

District 15 Superintendent Anita Skop stormed in the front door at 9:50 a.m., and minutes later, two fifth-grade boys were brought to the main office to lead a recital over the public-address system of the Pledge of Allegiance, teachers told The Post.


Santa Claus is now reinstated at the school, and Department of Education officials said on Monday that the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited over the PA system every morning, in response to concerns from the community.

School Reverses PC Principal's Bans on Santa and Pledge of Allegiance

next------Kim is going to ban "THE WEARIN' O' THE GREEN" ----la la la
O' paddy dear, and did you hear, the news that's goin' round-----THE BRITISH
HA' FORBID by law-----the wearin' o' the green.........
I grew up with Lutherans and Episcopalians-----mostly. The only holidays I saw were easter and Christmas and the only persons of importance were Jesus and
---Mary --------except Mary was more important for catholics----than she was for
Lutherans and Episcopalians. -----later on I stumbled into Baptists------who somehow did not play cards
Did they drink alcohol and dance?

You know why Baptists dont believe in sex while standing up? For fear it might lead to the sin of dancing.
I grew up with Lutherans and Episcopalians-----mostly. The only holidays I saw were easter and Christmas and the only persons of importance were Jesus and
---Mary --------except Mary was more important for catholics----than she was for
Lutherans and Episcopalians. -----later on I stumbled into Baptists------who somehow did not play cards
Did they drink alcohol and dance?

You know why Baptists dont believe in sex while standing up? For fear it might lead to the sin of dancing.

no alcohol and no dancing and the girls did not wear slacks ----------but they
did sing and jump around in church------and had a REAL GOOD TIME
I grew up with Lutherans and Episcopalians-----mostly. The only holidays I saw were easter and Christmas and the only persons of importance were Jesus and
---Mary --------except Mary was more important for catholics----than she was for
Lutherans and Episcopalians. -----later on I stumbled into Baptists------who somehow did not play cards
Did they drink alcohol and dance?

You know why Baptists dont believe in sex while standing up? For fear it might lead to the sin of dancing.
SInging is supposedly a no no too. Yet..they sing in church.
Maceys has pilgrims and turkeys. No Jesus.
Lol, not every Christian religious holiday is about Jesus, doofus.
That's because there was already late a fall festival of thanks that the native Americans had in the North East of the USA...

all the different native tribes had the same holiday?
The ones the Pilgrims got high with did...

Why not.....The Pilgrims had beer, even for the wee ones....
LOL She got slapped down.....:rolleyes:

UPDATE: A New York City school district has reversed a principal's ban on Santa and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Following media coverage and public outrage, a New York City school district overruled a "PC principal's" ban on the Pledge of Allegiance and Santa Claus.

Principal Eujin Kim apologized for causing confusion in an email to school staff at PS 169 in Brooklyn.

The New York Post reported:

District 15 Superintendent Anita Skop stormed in the front door at 9:50 a.m., and minutes later, two fifth-grade boys were brought to the main office to lead a recital over the public-address system of the Pledge of Allegiance, teachers told The Post.


Santa Claus is now reinstated at the school, and Department of Education officials said on Monday that the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited over the PA system every morning, in response to concerns from the community.

School Reverses PC Principal's Bans on Santa and Pledge of Allegiance
You mean WrongRinger wasn't right?? :lmao:
huh??? well----catholics do have SAINT's days-------but in general---my impression from protestants I have known is----JESUS IS IT. Thanksgiving
is SUCCOTH---------a very nice story ------that of Jesus' great great.... grandma---
ruth and lover BOAZ
Well if you are talking about Protestants that only celebrate Jesus, generally you are talking about Protestant fundamentalists. The Seven Main Stream Protestant denominations, (Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Northern Baptists, Congregationalists, Methodists, Christian Church, and Lutherans) observe cultural holidays that are compatible with their own religious culture.

Only people I have ever known to be so centered on Jesus only that they would not observe other holidays were fundamentalists, 'primitive' evangelicals and some Pentecostals. That is a small fragment of the Church world wide.
We're Pentecostal and we celebrate all of the holidays and even more Holy Days.....feasts, etc...
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?
If filth is allowed to be outside the home, so can everything else.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for those who do not like Christmas and Thanksgiving, when are they going to learn that they do not have to have anything to do with either holiday if they do not want to have anything to do with either holiday. No one is forcing them to celebrate either one.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?
If filth is allowed to be outside the home, so can everything else.

God bless you always!!!

Why is it you never make any sense?

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