TerralO3 Youtube Channel Was Deleted


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009

My TerralO3 Youtube Channel was somehow deleted. I am still unsure how that happened. Youtube/Google is constantly asking for more and more personal information through a series of popup messages. They want your real name, your phone number, geographical location and list of contacts, as if anyone should trust Google with their private info. I logged in to my TerralO3 Youtube account and hit the 'inbox' button to see my messages, when the Google/Youtube attack began with a series of popup windows asking for my private information. Usually I can reload the initial Youtube page and bypass the components of the Google Data Mining Operation, but this time the popup windows were persistent. I decided to provide some information in order to get to my inbox, when the popup window asked for another email address; which I provided from my gmail account. Then the screen flashes and Google/Youtube created a new Youtube Channel that apparently had my original password.

My Video-making program latched onto the second Youtube account for my weekly newsletter upload. The second Youtube account showed my single video and I could not get the Video-making program to recognize my TerralO3 Youtube Account any longer. The apparent solution was to delete the new account and the single newsletter upload. I went to the control panel of the new account and hit the 'delete' button to remove the newly-created Youtube account and the next think I know the TerralO3 Youtube Account was deleted.

We have a time limit to restore deleted Youtube Channels, so I began the process of restoration. I put in my channel name and password, but the system said that my information was wrong. Youtube has my secondary email address for sending me my password, but the system refused to send me anything. I went through the messages asking for my best friend from childhood and all of that stuff and the system said the information was wrong. Youtube messed me around for hours and hours, until the time limit expired and the TerralO3 Youtube Channel was permanently deleted with hundreds of videos in a similar way that my Terral03 Youtube Channel was taken down over the Alex Jones/David Beach Scandal in early 2011.

Terral BlackStar: Terral BlackStar - YouTube

This is my new Youtube Channel where I must begin all over again.

This is the link to my youtube video explanation of what happened.

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