Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

the only bad thing about his speech was the total hypocrisy of what he now says islam is trying to do exactly what "his" people have done from the beginning. everything isis and iran do has been learned watching the jewish people and israel. get nukes they weren't supposed to. God or his prophet tells them to slaughter women and children et all for homeland of their religion/race. etc. etc.. attack first the strongest killers will rule the world. etc. taxing the gentiles ie 4 billion in aid to a healthy jewish state? for what exactly?
IRan is not the USSR. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and has been for decades.

Seriously. This is the funniest and stupidest thing I have seen this year. I have to give it my highest ranking of five guffaws. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
People laugh at what they dont understand. You laugh a lot.
It's true. I don't understand how you could be this stupid.
Please post proof. ANything to support your contention.
This will be amusing as I wipe the floor with you and you end up having to argue what the meaning of the word "is" is.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

As Netanyahu stated in his speech - the alternative is to agree to a better deal.
I seemed to have misplaced the memo that states that Israel must be the ONLY country in the ME who can have nukes........and, why, would someone ask?.....Well, the Israeli right wingers speak better English than those Arabs.......and such is the "logic" that GOPers base their opinions on.........
I wish we had a leader...Bibi reminded me of what a real leader sounds like.
IRan is not the USSR. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and has been for decades.

Seriously. This is the funniest and stupidest thing I have seen this year. I have to give it my highest ranking of five guffaws. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
People laugh at what they dont understand. You laugh a lot.
It's true. I don't understand how you could be this stupid.
To stupid people smart people appear dumb.
You're not dumb. Just fucking clueless.
I seemed to have misplaced the memo that states that Israel must be the ONLY country in the ME who can have nukes........and, why, would someone ask?.....Well, the Israeli right wingers speak better English than those Arabs.......and such is the "logic" that GOPers base their opinions on.........
You'r right. ANy country in the middle east that supports the rule of law and guarantees minority rights can also have a nuke.
Please list all those countries now.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

As Netanyahu stated in his speech - the alternative is to agree to a better deal.
Of course it is. We had a sanctions regime that was working. It browught Iran to the negotiating table. Obama fliushed sanctions in return for a promise to talk. He said he would reimpose sanctions if they ddint strike a deal within some time frame. They didnt. Obama refused to reimpose sanctions. He even threatened to veto Congressional action that would do merely what he himself had promised to do.
At some point youv'e got to ask which side obama is on.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

As Netanyahu stated in his speech - the alternative is to agree to a better deal.
There's not going to be a better deal, because if the US walks from the deal, the intl support for sanctions will crumble and Iran won't need to deal.

And that's Bibi's end game. He doesn't want a deal because that's his excuse to be the only person who can save Israel. And, he's not going to bomb unilaterally, because the entire world will demand his economy be shattered. Or if he does bomb, Iran wins.
For those who are profoundly ignorant:
Soviet secret services worked to establish a network of terrorist front organizations and have been described as the primary promoters of terrorism worldwide.[79][89][90] According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, General Aleksandr Sakharovsky from the First Chief Directorate of the KGB once said: "In today’s world, whennuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become our main weapon."[91] He also claimed that "Airplane hijacking is my own invention".George Habash, who worked under the KGB's guidance,[92] explained: "Killing one Jew far away from the field of battle is more effective than killing a hundred Jews on the field of battle, because it attracts more attention."[91]

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa described the operation "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") that was devised in 1972, to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and theUnited States. KGB chairman Yury Andropov allegedly explained to Pacepa that "a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States."[93]

The following organizations have been allegedly established with assistance from Eastern Bloc security services: the PLO, the National Liberation Army of Bolivia(created in 1964 with help from Ernesto Che Guevara); the National Liberation Army of Colombia (created in 1965 with help from Cuba), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) in 1969, and the Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia in 1975.[94]

The leader of the PLO, Yasser Arafat, established close collaboration with the Romanian Securitate service and the Soviet KGB in the beginning of the 1970s.[95]The secret training of PLO guerrillas was provided by the KGB.[96] However, the main KGB activities and arms shipments were channeled through Wadie Haddad of the DFLP organization, who usually stayed in a KGB dacha BARVIKHA-1 during his visits to Russia. Led by Carlos the Jackal, a group of PFLP fighters accomplished a spectacular raid the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries office in Vienna in 1975. Advance notice of this operation "was almost certainly" given to the KGB.[95]

A number of notable operations have been conducted by the KGB to support international terrorists with weapons on the orders from the Soviet Communist Party, including:

Large-scale terrorist operations have been prepared by the KGB and GRU against the United States, Canada and Europe, according to the Mitrokhin Archive,[101]GRU defectors Victor Suvorov[102] and Stanislav Lunev, and former SVR officer Kouzminov.[103] Among the planned operations were the following:

  • Large arms caches were allegedly hidden in many countries for the planned terrorism acts. They were booby-trapped with "Lightning" explosive devices. One of such cache, which was identified by Mitrokhin, exploded when Swiss authorities tried to remove it from woods near Bern. Several others caches (probably not equipped with the "Lightnings") were removed successfully.[104]
  • Preparations for nuclear sabotage. Some of the allegedly hidden caches could contain portable tactical nuclear weapons known as RA-115 "suitcase bombs" prepared to assassinate US leaders in the event of war, according to GRU defector Stanislav Lunev.[79] Lunev states that he had personally looked for hiding places for weapons caches in the Shenandoah Valley area[79] and that "it is surprisingly easy to smuggle nuclear weapons into the US" ether across the Mexican border or using a small transport missile that can slip undetected when launched from a Russian airplane.[79]
  • Extensive sabotage plans in London, Washington, Paris, Bonn, Rome, and other Western capitals have been revealed by KGB defector Oleg Lyalin in 1971, including plan to flood the London underground and deliver poison capsules to Whitehall. This disclosure triggered mass expulsion of Russian spies from London.[105]
  • FSLN leader Carlos Fonseca Amador was described as "a trusted agent" in KGB files. "Sandinista guerrillas formed the basis for a KGB sabotage and intelligence group established in 1966 on the Mexican US border".[106]
  • Disruption of the power supply in the entire New York State by KGB sabotage teams, which would be based along the Delaware River, in the Big Spring Park.[107]
  • An "immensely detailed" plan to destroy "oil refineries and oil and gas pipelines across Canada from British Columbia to Montreal" (operation "Cedar") has been prepared, which took twelve years to complete.[108]
  • A plan for sabotage of Hungry Horse Dam in Montana.[107]
  • A detailed plan to destroy the port of New York (target GRANIT); most vulnerable points of the port were marked at maps.[107]
State sponsored terrorism - USSR
A wise man once said " I've had it with these creeps. "
we've all been killing and attacking many countries for money wealth power and fame. this is the problem with all mankind and it will be our fatal flaw if we aren't careful. quit following warrior killers of God or country like putin and netanyahoo. same guys in charge of isis and iran. war lords of a different color
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.

Why this obsession with pants and diapers? You're the one screaming and throwing the tantrum like a three year old.
For those who are profoundly ignorant:
Soviet secret services worked to establish a network of terrorist front organizations and have been described as the primary promoters of terrorism worldwide.[79][89][90] According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, General Aleksandr Sakharovsky from the First Chief Directorate of the KGB once said: "In today’s world, whennuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become our main weapon."[91] He also claimed that "Airplane hijacking is my own invention".George Habash, who worked under the KGB's guidance,[92] explained: "Killing one Jew far away from the field of battle is more effective than killing a hundred Jews on the field of battle, because it attracts more attention."[91]

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa described the operation "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") that was devised in 1972, to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and theUnited States. KGB chairman Yury Andropov allegedly explained to Pacepa that "a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States."[93]

The following organizations have been allegedly established with assistance from Eastern Bloc security services: the PLO, the National Liberation Army of Bolivia(created in 1964 with help from Ernesto Che Guevara); the National Liberation Army of Colombia (created in 1965 with help from Cuba), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) in 1969, and the Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia in 1975.[94]

The leader of the PLO, Yasser Arafat, established close collaboration with the Romanian Securitate service and the Soviet KGB in the beginning of the 1970s.[95]The secret training of PLO guerrillas was provided by the KGB.[96] However, the main KGB activities and arms shipments were channeled through Wadie Haddad of the DFLP organization, who usually stayed in a KGB dacha BARVIKHA-1 during his visits to Russia. Led by Carlos the Jackal, a group of PFLP fighters accomplished a spectacular raid the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries office in Vienna in 1975. Advance notice of this operation "was almost certainly" given to the KGB.[95]

A number of notable operations have been conducted by the KGB to support international terrorists with weapons on the orders from the Soviet Communist Party, including:

Large-scale terrorist operations have been prepared by the KGB and GRU against the United States, Canada and Europe, according to the Mitrokhin Archive,[101]GRU defectors Victor Suvorov[102] and Stanislav Lunev, and former SVR officer Kouzminov.[103] Among the planned operations were the following:

  • Large arms caches were allegedly hidden in many countries for the planned terrorism acts. They were booby-trapped with "Lightning" explosive devices. One of such cache, which was identified by Mitrokhin, exploded when Swiss authorities tried to remove it from woods near Bern. Several others caches (probably not equipped with the "Lightnings") were removed successfully.[104]
  • Preparations for nuclear sabotage. Some of the allegedly hidden caches could contain portable tactical nuclear weapons known as RA-115 "suitcase bombs" prepared to assassinate US leaders in the event of war, according to GRU defector Stanislav Lunev.[79] Lunev states that he had personally looked for hiding places for weapons caches in the Shenandoah Valley area[79] and that "it is surprisingly easy to smuggle nuclear weapons into the US" ether across the Mexican border or using a small transport missile that can slip undetected when launched from a Russian airplane.[79]
  • Extensive sabotage plans in London, Washington, Paris, Bonn, Rome, and other Western capitals have been revealed by KGB defector Oleg Lyalin in 1971, including plan to flood the London underground and deliver poison capsules to Whitehall. This disclosure triggered mass expulsion of Russian spies from London.[105]
  • FSLN leader Carlos Fonseca Amador was described as "a trusted agent" in KGB files. "Sandinista guerrillas formed the basis for a KGB sabotage and intelligence group established in 1966 on the Mexican US border".[106]
  • Disruption of the power supply in the entire New York State by KGB sabotage teams, which would be based along the Delaware River, in the Big Spring Park.[107]
  • An "immensely detailed" plan to destroy "oil refineries and oil and gas pipelines across Canada from British Columbia to Montreal" (operation "Cedar") has been prepared, which took twelve years to complete.[108]
  • A plan for sabotage of Hungry Horse Dam in Montana.[107]
  • A detailed plan to destroy the port of New York (target GRANIT); most vulnerable points of the port were marked at maps.[107]
State sponsored terrorism - USSR

And why do we care what Russia does?
Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

As Netanyahu stated in his speech - the alternative is to agree to a better deal.
There's not going to be a better deal, because if the US walks from the deal, the intl support for sanctions will crumble and Iran won't need to deal.

And that's Bibi's end game. He doesn't want a deal because that's his excuse to be the only person who can save Israel. And, he's not going to bomb unilaterally, because the entire world will demand his economy be shattered. Or if he does bomb, Iran wins.

Mr. Netanyahu also was very clear when he stated Iran needs a deal more than we do. We have to be tougher on Iran and be willing to call their bluff. If diplomacy won't work Netanyahu has made it clear that Israel will take matters into their own hands.
For those who are profoundly ignorant:
Soviet secret services worked to establish a network of terrorist front organizations and have been described as the primary promoters of terrorism worldwide.[79][89][90] According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, General Aleksandr Sakharovsky from the First Chief Directorate of the KGB once said: "In today’s world, whennuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become our main weapon."[91] He also claimed that "Airplane hijacking is my own invention".George Habash, who worked under the KGB's guidance,[92] explained: "Killing one Jew far away from the field of battle is more effective than killing a hundred Jews on the field of battle, because it attracts more attention."[91]

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa described the operation "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") that was devised in 1972, to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and theUnited States. KGB chairman Yury Andropov allegedly explained to Pacepa that "a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States."[93]

The following organizations have been allegedly established with assistance from Eastern Bloc security services: the PLO, the National Liberation Army of Bolivia(created in 1964 with help from Ernesto Che Guevara); the National Liberation Army of Colombia (created in 1965 with help from Cuba), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) in 1969, and the Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia in 1975.[94]

The leader of the PLO, Yasser Arafat, established close collaboration with the Romanian Securitate service and the Soviet KGB in the beginning of the 1970s.[95]The secret training of PLO guerrillas was provided by the KGB.[96] However, the main KGB activities and arms shipments were channeled through Wadie Haddad of the DFLP organization, who usually stayed in a KGB dacha BARVIKHA-1 during his visits to Russia. Led by Carlos the Jackal, a group of PFLP fighters accomplished a spectacular raid the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries office in Vienna in 1975. Advance notice of this operation "was almost certainly" given to the KGB.[95]

A number of notable operations have been conducted by the KGB to support international terrorists with weapons on the orders from the Soviet Communist Party, including:

Large-scale terrorist operations have been prepared by the KGB and GRU against the United States, Canada and Europe, according to the Mitrokhin Archive,[101]GRU defectors Victor Suvorov[102] and Stanislav Lunev, and former SVR officer Kouzminov.[103] Among the planned operations were the following:

  • Large arms caches were allegedly hidden in many countries for the planned terrorism acts. They were booby-trapped with "Lightning" explosive devices. One of such cache, which was identified by Mitrokhin, exploded when Swiss authorities tried to remove it from woods near Bern. Several others caches (probably not equipped with the "Lightnings") were removed successfully.[104]
  • Preparations for nuclear sabotage. Some of the allegedly hidden caches could contain portable tactical nuclear weapons known as RA-115 "suitcase bombs" prepared to assassinate US leaders in the event of war, according to GRU defector Stanislav Lunev.[79] Lunev states that he had personally looked for hiding places for weapons caches in the Shenandoah Valley area[79] and that "it is surprisingly easy to smuggle nuclear weapons into the US" ether across the Mexican border or using a small transport missile that can slip undetected when launched from a Russian airplane.[79]
  • Extensive sabotage plans in London, Washington, Paris, Bonn, Rome, and other Western capitals have been revealed by KGB defector Oleg Lyalin in 1971, including plan to flood the London underground and deliver poison capsules to Whitehall. This disclosure triggered mass expulsion of Russian spies from London.[105]
  • FSLN leader Carlos Fonseca Amador was described as "a trusted agent" in KGB files. "Sandinista guerrillas formed the basis for a KGB sabotage and intelligence group established in 1966 on the Mexican US border".[106]
  • Disruption of the power supply in the entire New York State by KGB sabotage teams, which would be based along the Delaware River, in the Big Spring Park.[107]
  • An "immensely detailed" plan to destroy "oil refineries and oil and gas pipelines across Canada from British Columbia to Montreal" (operation "Cedar") has been prepared, which took twelve years to complete.[108]
  • A plan for sabotage of Hungry Horse Dam in Montana.[107]
  • A detailed plan to destroy the port of New York (target GRANIT); most vulnerable points of the port were marked at maps.[107]
State sponsored terrorism - USSR

And why do we care what Russia does?

I posted that because of this:
IRan is not the USSR. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and has been for decades.
Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

As Netanyahu stated in his speech - the alternative is to agree to a better deal.
There's not going to be a better deal, because if the US walks from the deal, the intl support for sanctions will crumble and Iran won't need to deal.

And that's Bibi's end game. He doesn't want a deal because that's his excuse to be the only person who can save Israel. And, he's not going to bomb unilaterally, because the entire world will demand his economy be shattered. Or if he does bomb, Iran wins.

Well this was in the news this morning before Netanyahu's speech.
Don't know if it's true or not but it seems Iran will not take the deal.
Wonder what the administrations back up plan will be it it is true.
Iran calls Obama s 10-year nuclear demand unacceptable - Yahoo News
For those who are profoundly ignorant:
Soviet secret services worked to establish a network of terrorist front organizations and have been described as the primary promoters of terrorism worldwide.[79][89][90] According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, General Aleksandr Sakharovsky from the First Chief Directorate of the KGB once said: "In today’s world, whennuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become our main weapon."[91] He also claimed that "Airplane hijacking is my own invention".George Habash, who worked under the KGB's guidance,[92] explained: "Killing one Jew far away from the field of battle is more effective than killing a hundred Jews on the field of battle, because it attracts more attention."[91]

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa described the operation "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") that was devised in 1972, to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and theUnited States. KGB chairman Yury Andropov allegedly explained to Pacepa that "a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States."[93]

The following organizations have been allegedly established with assistance from Eastern Bloc security services: the PLO, the National Liberation Army of Bolivia(created in 1964 with help from Ernesto Che Guevara); the National Liberation Army of Colombia (created in 1965 with help from Cuba), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) in 1969, and the Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia in 1975.[94]

The leader of the PLO, Yasser Arafat, established close collaboration with the Romanian Securitate service and the Soviet KGB in the beginning of the 1970s.[95]The secret training of PLO guerrillas was provided by the KGB.[96] However, the main KGB activities and arms shipments were channeled through Wadie Haddad of the DFLP organization, who usually stayed in a KGB dacha BARVIKHA-1 during his visits to Russia. Led by Carlos the Jackal, a group of PFLP fighters accomplished a spectacular raid the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries office in Vienna in 1975. Advance notice of this operation "was almost certainly" given to the KGB.[95]

A number of notable operations have been conducted by the KGB to support international terrorists with weapons on the orders from the Soviet Communist Party, including:

Large-scale terrorist operations have been prepared by the KGB and GRU against the United States, Canada and Europe, according to the Mitrokhin Archive,[101]GRU defectors Victor Suvorov[102] and Stanislav Lunev, and former SVR officer Kouzminov.[103] Among the planned operations were the following:

  • Large arms caches were allegedly hidden in many countries for the planned terrorism acts. They were booby-trapped with "Lightning" explosive devices. One of such cache, which was identified by Mitrokhin, exploded when Swiss authorities tried to remove it from woods near Bern. Several others caches (probably not equipped with the "Lightnings") were removed successfully.[104]
  • Preparations for nuclear sabotage. Some of the allegedly hidden caches could contain portable tactical nuclear weapons known as RA-115 "suitcase bombs" prepared to assassinate US leaders in the event of war, according to GRU defector Stanislav Lunev.[79] Lunev states that he had personally looked for hiding places for weapons caches in the Shenandoah Valley area[79] and that "it is surprisingly easy to smuggle nuclear weapons into the US" ether across the Mexican border or using a small transport missile that can slip undetected when launched from a Russian airplane.[79]
  • Extensive sabotage plans in London, Washington, Paris, Bonn, Rome, and other Western capitals have been revealed by KGB defector Oleg Lyalin in 1971, including plan to flood the London underground and deliver poison capsules to Whitehall. This disclosure triggered mass expulsion of Russian spies from London.[105]
  • FSLN leader Carlos Fonseca Amador was described as "a trusted agent" in KGB files. "Sandinista guerrillas formed the basis for a KGB sabotage and intelligence group established in 1966 on the Mexican US border".[106]
  • Disruption of the power supply in the entire New York State by KGB sabotage teams, which would be based along the Delaware River, in the Big Spring Park.[107]
  • An "immensely detailed" plan to destroy "oil refineries and oil and gas pipelines across Canada from British Columbia to Montreal" (operation "Cedar") has been prepared, which took twelve years to complete.[108]
  • A plan for sabotage of Hungry Horse Dam in Montana.[107]
  • A detailed plan to destroy the port of New York (target GRANIT); most vulnerable points of the port were marked at maps.[107]
State sponsored terrorism - USSR

And why do we care what Russia does?

I posted that because of this:
IRan is not the USSR. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and has been for decades.

Did it ever occur to you that they are BOTH state sponsors of terrorism?

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