Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

Only an piss drinking, pants-shitting idiot believes Iran would use a nuke the minute they acquired one.

When the Ayatollah says he wants 190,000 centrifuges only a blithering idiot would believe that Iran is using its Uranium for peaceful purposes:

Iran Requires 190 000 Centrifuges Says Ayatollah Khamenei
Only a blithering idiot would believe Iran wanting to acquire a nuke is the same thing as Iran wanting to acquire a nuke so they can immediately use it.

Jesus H. Christ, I can't believe I have to walk you retards step by step through this.
what about Pakistan ? .. they have nukes.

And the Saudi financiers of Pakistan's bomb claim if Iran gets one, they will have to get some (from Pakistan) too. Notice that the possibility that Israel has the bomb has not motivated the Saudis to follow suit.
Netanyahu compared and contrasted the regime in Iran, with the founding of the U.S.:

"Iran's regime is not merely a Jewish problem, any more than the Nazi regime was merely a Jewish problem. The 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis were but a fraction of the 60 million people killed in World War II.

"So, too, Iran's regime poses a grave threat, not only to Israel, but also the peace of the entire world. To understand just how dangerous Iran would be with nuclear weapons, we must fully understand the nature of the regime."
I missed that comparison, somehow.....

Because there isn't one...
No Katyusahas for you, Swee......er..ahh...Mam.
yep. anybody that would attack a nuke installation in iran opens the sea way door to suitcase nukes and dirty bombs in the holy land. best to make peace now so no war later. the games are over. stop the stupid pride filled wars of my God's the greatest cause I can kill you all. what a bunch of unholy ass holes all religions are turning into following warriors instead of saviors.
Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant and put a stop to it, apparently, still. Doing nothing will definitely get them nuked if the US doesn't help prevent it. It is a survival issue for them, maybe a religious one for Iran though so your outrage is misplaced.
what about Pakistan ? .. they have nukes.
Pakistan hasn't sworn to annihilate India like Iran has for Israel.
Only an piss drinking, pants-shitting idiot believes Iran would use a nuke the minute they acquired one.

When the Ayatollah says he wants 190,000 centrifuges only a blithering idiot would believe that Iran is using its Uranium for peaceful purposes:

Iran Requires 190 000 Centrifuges Says Ayatollah Khamenei
Only a blithering idiot would believe Iran wanting to acquire a nuke is the same thing as Iran wanting to acquire a nuke so they can immediately use it.

Jesus H. Christ, I can't believe I have to walk you retards step by step through this.

It's gotta be tough to walk on your hands and knees.
Because that conversation is irrelevant to the thread topic. Stop being a troll.

It is completely relevant. All this future tripping is coming from total ignorance. I am providing a historical framework which shows we have been here before and did not get the outcome the retards are projecting.
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

As Netanyahu stated in his speech - the alternative is to agree to a better deal.
There's not going to be a better deal, because if the US walks from the deal, the intl support for sanctions will crumble and Iran won't need to deal. Russia will probably give them enriched uranium just to spite us at this point.

And that's Bibi's end game. He doesn't want a deal because that's his excuse to be the only person who can save Israel. And, he's not going to bomb unilaterally, because the entire world will demand his economy be shattered. Or if he does bomb, Iran wins.

Mr. Netanyahu also was very clear when he stated Iran needs a deal more than we do. We have to be tougher on Iran and be willing to call their bluff. If diplomacy won't work Netanyahu has made it clear that Israel will take matters into their own hands.
We only have leverage over Iran if other nations will support sanctions. We don't have the power to simply crush Iran's economy without the EU and China ... and Russia.

If we walk away from a ten year deal, there isn't going to be support for sanctions. There was not when W was potus. Without sanctions, Iran gets the world off it's economy's neck AND keeps all the centrifuges. Then, we're back to our only leverage being ... bomb them.

Bibi's playing a bait and switch game. He's offering a better deal, when there is none, and the switch is bombing Tehran. That's what he wants. If Iran is no longer a threat, he has no enemy. And, his only justification for keeping a pale state from happening (and keeping the land) is that it's necessary to protect against a threat. He's got to have territory to keep the rockets away.

Yeah, that's preposterous. Netanyahu believes the deal on the table is a path for Iran to get the bomb. This isn't about politics for Israel or land or any of that. This is an existential threat that they are forced to deal with. And as Mr. Netanyahu stated in his speech Israel is prepared to stand alone if they have to.
yep. anybody that would attack a nuke installation in iran opens the sea way door to suitcase nukes and dirty bombs in the holy land. best to make peace now so no war later. the games are over. stop the stupid pride filled wars of my God's the greatest cause I can kill you all. what a bunch of unholy ass holes all religions are turning into following warriors instead of saviors.
Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant and put a stop to it, apparently, still. Doing nothing will definitely get them nuked if the US doesn't help prevent it. It is a survival issue for them, maybe a religious one for Iran though so your outrage is misplaced.
what about Pakistan ? .. they have nukes.
Pakistan hasn't sworn to annihilate India like Iran has for Israel.
Top Indian official threatens Pakistan with nuclear annihilation

India and Pakistan have been threatening each other's existence for decades.
i'm waiting for the masses to realize they aren't fighting each other only their evil rulers having grand ol parties while the masses lives get worse and end badly
Yeah, that's preposterous. Netanyahu believes the deal on the table is a path for Iran to get the bomb. This isn't about politics for Israel or land or any of that. This is an existential threat that they are forced to deal with. And as Mr. Netanyahu stated in his speech Israel is prepared to stand alone if they have to.

Stand alone...and do what, exactly?
yep. anybody that would attack a nuke installation in iran opens the sea way door to suitcase nukes and dirty bombs in the holy land. best to make peace now so no war later. the games are over. stop the stupid pride filled wars of my God's the greatest cause I can kill you all. what a bunch of unholy ass holes all religions are turning into following warriors instead of saviors.
Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant and put a stop to it, apparently, still. Doing nothing will definitely get them nuked if the US doesn't help prevent it. It is a survival issue for them, maybe a religious one for Iran though so your outrage is misplaced.

what about Pakistan ? .. they have nukes.
what about them? all those bat shit crazy paranoid countries have em? the world's run by killer cause we don't have the nerve to stand against them without becoming one of them

nuke em all !! get some nerve !

and RW's want to run the country ?
If Israel, as suspected, has had the bomb for decades she has already proven rational enough to have them. Does any honest, rational poster believe that the minute Iran has one she won't use it? Really?
Only an piss drinking, pants-shitting idiot believes Iran would use a nuke the minute they acquired one.

You don't know what they would do. That's the point - they're unpredictable and crazy. You have to be very arrogant to suggest you know the course of action they would take.
Yeah, that's preposterous. Netanyahu believes the deal on the table is a path for Iran to get the bomb. This isn't about politics for Israel or land or any of that. This is an existential threat that they are forced to deal with. And as Mr. Netanyahu stated in his speech Israel is prepared to stand alone if they have to.

Stand alone...and do what, exactly?

Attack Iran..Duh.
Pakistan hasn't sworn to annihilate India like Iran has for Israel.

Seriously, if you people are coming from ignorance this deep, you should not speak on the subject.

2001 02 India Pakistan standoff - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In late December, both countries moved ballistic missiles closer to each other's border, and mortar and artillery fire was reported in Kashmir

Threat of nuclear war
President Musharraf refused to renounce the use of nuclear weapons even after pressure by the international community. Whereas Prime Minister Vajpayee asserted from the beginning that nuclear weapons would only be used if the other side used them first.

As both India and Pakistan are armed with nuclear weapons, the possibility a conventional war could escalate into a nuclear one was raised several times during the standoff.
Pelosi claims to be insulted and in tears because Netanyahu is talking to congress instead of just fully trusting the Obama administration to do what is right. I recall Muslim groups being invited to the White House to discuss various policies. I recall the president of Mexico being invited to speak when immigration reform was being discussed. Why is it okay for Dems to invite like-minded people to address congress when it's their agenda, but don't want to include our allies when a threat directly affects them?

Pelosi is a brain-dead idiot and needs to retire yesterday.
yep. anybody that would attack a nuke installation in iran opens the sea way door to suitcase nukes and dirty bombs in the holy land. best to make peace now so no war later. the games are over. stop the stupid pride filled wars of my God's the greatest cause I can kill you all. what a bunch of unholy ass holes all religions are turning into following warriors instead of saviors.
Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant and put a stop to it, apparently, still. Doing nothing will definitely get them nuked if the US doesn't help prevent it. It is a survival issue for them, maybe a religious one for Iran though so your outrage is misplaced.

what about Pakistan ? .. they have nukes.
what about them? all those bat shit crazy paranoid countries have em? the world's run by killer cause we don't have the nerve to stand against them without becoming one of them

nuke em all !! get some nerve !

and RW's want to run the country ?
No one said that. And LW's want to run the country?
Pakistan hasn't sworn to annihilate India like Iran has for Israel.

Seriously, if you people are coming from ignorance this deep, you should not speak on the subject.

2001 02 India Pakistan standoff - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In late December, both countries moved ballistic missiles closer to each other's border, and mortar and artillery fire was reported in Kashmir

Threat of nuclear war
President Musharraf refused to renounce the use of nuclear weapons even after pressure by the international community. Whereas Prime Minister Vajpayee asserted from the beginning that nuclear weapons would only be used if the other side used them first.

As both India and Pakistan are armed with nuclear weapons, the possibility a conventional war could escalate into a nuclear one was raised several times during the standoff.
They've had nukes for a long time, EINSTEIN. It's mutual destruction, like the US and USSR. The POINT is that Iran has sworn to eliminate Israel. NOT for getting nuked. But for BREATHING. Do you understand? Nod your head if you do.
yep. anybody that would attack a nuke installation in iran opens the sea way door to suitcase nukes and dirty bombs in the holy land. best to make peace now so no war later. the games are over. stop the stupid pride filled wars of my God's the greatest cause I can kill you all. what a bunch of unholy ass holes all religions are turning into following warriors instead of saviors.
Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant and put a stop to it, apparently, still. Doing nothing will definitely get them nuked if the US doesn't help prevent it. It is a survival issue for them, maybe a religious one for Iran though so your outrage is misplaced.

what about Pakistan ? .. they have nukes.
what about them? all those bat shit crazy paranoid countries have em? the world's run by killer cause we don't have the nerve to stand against them without becoming one of them

nuke em all !! get some nerve !

and RW's want to run the country ?
maybe a country founded by their God's prophet, ordering the genocide and murder of women and children for this "holy land", shouldn't be allowed to exist any longer in a rational peaceful world. ? if it should be allowed, why stop isis then?

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