Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

If Israel, as suspected, has had the bomb for decades she has already proven rational enough to have them. Does any honest, rational poster believe that the minute Iran has one she won't use it? Really?
Only an piss drinking, pants-shitting idiot believes Iran would use a nuke the minute they acquired one.

You don't know what they would do. That's the point - they're unpredictable and crazy. You have to be very arrogant to suggest you know the course of action they would take.

apparently you do, and the end is near ... the end has been near since the 50's
Pakistan hasn't sworn to annihilate India like Iran has for Israel.

Seriously, if you people are coming from ignorance this deep, you should not speak on the subject.

2001 02 India Pakistan standoff - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In late December, both countries moved ballistic missiles closer to each other's border, and mortar and artillery fire was reported in Kashmir

Threat of nuclear war
President Musharraf refused to renounce the use of nuclear weapons even after pressure by the international community. Whereas Prime Minister Vajpayee asserted from the beginning that nuclear weapons would only be used if the other side used them first.

As both India and Pakistan are armed with nuclear weapons, the possibility a conventional war could escalate into a nuclear one was raised several times during the standoff.
They've had nukes for a long time, EINSTEIN. It's mutual destruction, like the US and USSR. The POINT is that Iran has sworn to eliminate Israel. NOT for nuking them. But for BREATHING. Do you understand? Nod your head if you do.
You can't be this retarded. You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe no other countries have threatened their enemies with annihilation.

Please tell me this was all a joke and that you aren't really this stupid.

You are parroting a meme in a vacuum. You heard somewhere that Iran threatened to wipe Israel off the map, and yet it never occurred to you that this kind of threat is not unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

You have allowed hyperbolic panic to overtake you and lead you to believe Iran can't wait to get a nuke so it can use it against Israel six minutes later.

Jesus, you people are gullible!
If Israel, as suspected, has had the bomb for decades she has already proven rational enough to have them. Does any honest, rational poster believe that the minute Iran has one she won't use it? Really?
Only an piss drinking, pants-shitting idiot believes Iran would use a nuke the minute they acquired one.

No they won't, but they have plenty of dupes that will do it for them if they get them.

Watch for Obama's reaction.

He's been brutally exposed for the fool He is (and always has been).

Now He has to react!

Those American bombers headed for Iran? Nope, not going to obliterate the genocidal shitball leadership. Just delivering nukes to save Iran the need to expend any more effort to make their own. Those nukes won't be dropped; just gently landed and the crews will return by commercial airline leaving the planes as well as the nukes.

Maybe Obama should change his first name to "Julius" or - perhaps more appropriately - "Ethel".

Watch for Obama's reaction.

He's been brutally exposed for the fool He is (and always has been).

Now He has to react!

Those American bombers headed for Iran? Nope, not going to obliterate the genocidal shitball leadership. Just delivering nukes to save Iran the need to expend any more effort to make their own. Those nukes won't be dropped; just gently landed and the crews will return by commercial airline leaving the planes as well as the nukes.

Maybe Obama should change his first name to "Julius" or - perhaps more appropriately - "Ethel".

Bibi exposed Obama for the incompetent fool he is and now the left is going berserk, hilarious

Watch for Obama's reaction.

He's been brutally exposed for the fool He is (and always has been).

Now He has to react!

Those American bombers headed for Iran? Nope, not going to obliterate the genocidal shitball leadership. Just delivering nukes to save Iran the need to expend any more effort to make their own. Those nukes won't be dropped; just gently landed and the crews will return by commercial airline leaving the planes as well as the nukes.

Maybe Obama should change his first name to "Julius" or - perhaps more appropriately - "Ethel".

Bibi exposed Obama for the incompetent fool he is and now the left is going berserk, hilarious

fool exposed



he even broke out the red marker to scare the shit out of the RW's ...
A nuke is a saber to be rattled. It's a threat to be used to get your adversaries to back down during an argument. Like flashing a gun in your armpit holster for a moment during a heated argument. Will he use it? I don't know. He might be crazy enough. And the guy without the gun cools down considerably, but now he wants a gun, too.

It provides prestige among your friends. You get to wear Big Boy pants. Everybody wants one.

The result of a nuclear Iran is not a mushroom cloud over what used to be Tel Aviv. The result would be a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Israel got nukes. They have flashed the gun in their armpit holster. And now Iran wants nukes.

Watch for Obama's reaction.

He's been brutally exposed for the fool He is (and always has been).

Now He has to react!

Those American bombers headed for Iran? Nope, not going to obliterate the genocidal shitball leadership. Just delivering nukes to save Iran the need to expend any more effort to make their own. Those nukes won't be dropped; just gently landed and the crews will return by commercial airline leaving the planes as well as the nukes.

Maybe Obama should change his first name to "Julius" or - perhaps more appropriately - "Ethel".

Bibi exposed Obama for the incompetent fool he is and now the left is going berserk, hilarious

fool exposed


He made your boy look sad
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?
do you suppose Iran could be dumb enough to nuke a nation up wind of their position? that would go over well with everybody down wind too
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

I am a Zionist------I SAY----your post makes no sense.
You can't be this retarded. You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe no other countries have threatened their enemies with annihilation.

Problem. Iran is actually going through with it. You can't possibly believe Iran is going to comply with our demands. If they can go through with slaughtering protesters for speaking out against them, then imagine what they will do to Israel when they get a bomb. One Nuclear strike on Israel and the country will literally be annihilated. So, they are--or will be-- fully capable of doing just that.

Please tell me this was all a joke and that you aren't really this stupid.

And just how many times are you going to call people stupid?

You are parroting a meme in a vacuum. You heard somewhere that Iran threatened to wipe Israel off the map, and yet it never occurred to you that this kind of threat is not unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

In this case, when all you need is one bomb that could literally wipe a country the size of New Jersey off the map, the threats are specific and unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

You have allowed hyperbolic panic to overtake you and lead you to believe Iran can't wait to get a nuke so it can use it against Israel six minutes later.

When they are removing conventional warheads from their missiles, they can have one streaking towards Israel in less than 24 hours:

I seemed to have misplaced the memo that states that Israel must be the ONLY country in the ME who can have nukes........and, why, would someone ask?.....Well, the Israeli right wingers speak better English than those Arabs.......and such is the "logic" that GOPers base their opinions on.........
You'r right. ANy country in the middle east that supports the rule of law and guarantees minority rights can also have a nuke.
Please list all those countries now.

Well, that may depend on WHOSE "rule of law".....Technically, Israel's apartheid of Palestinians is "legal"....and countries such as Cuba DOES have "rules of law' and does respect minority rights...It took our civil war to have the rights of minority respected....well, I take it back, right wingers still don't want minorities to be able to vote, for example....Look in a mirror.
You can't be this retarded. You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe no other countries have threatened their enemies with annihilation.

Problem. Iran is actually going through with it. You can't possibly believe Iran is going to comply with our demands. If they can go through with slaughtering protesters for speaking out against them, then imagine what they will do to Israel when they get a bomb. One Nuclear strike on Israel and the country will literally be annihilated. So, they are--or will be-- fully capable of doing just that.

Please tell me this was all a joke and that you aren't really this stupid.

And just how many times are you going to call people stupid?

You are parroting a meme in a vacuum. You heard somewhere that Iran threatened to wipe Israel off the map, and yet it never occurred to you that this kind of threat is not unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

In this case, when all you need is one bomb that could literally wipe a country the size of New Jersey off the map, the threats are specific and unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

You have allowed hyperbolic panic to overtake you and lead you to believe Iran can't wait to get a nuke so it can use it against Israel six minutes later.

When they are removing conventional warheads from their missiles, they can have one streaking towards Israel in less than 24 hours:


Iran isn't going to nuke anybody. The consequences would mean the end of their country and that's counter productive ... kill a few Jews and be wiped off the face of the earth ....Iran isn't Republican.
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

I am a Zionist------I SAY----your post makes no sense.
isis wants to do exactly what they saw israel do. why should we back israel and stop them? zionist go home you spy
Iran isn't going to nuke anybody. The consequences would mean the end of their country and that's counter productive ... kill a few Jews and be wiped off the face of the earth ....Iran isn't Republican.



Has the Alzheimer's progressed sufficiently that you no longer remember what we have as "president" these days?

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