Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

yep. anybody that would attack a nuke installation in iran opens the sea way door to suitcase nukes and dirty bombs in the holy land. best to make peace now so no war later. the games are over. stop the stupid pride filled wars of my God's the greatest cause I can kill you all. what a bunch of unholy ass holes all religions are turning into following warriors instead of saviors.
Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant and put a stop to it, apparently, still. Doing nothing will definitely get them nuked if the US doesn't help prevent it. It is a survival issue for them, maybe a religious one for Iran though so your outrage is misplaced.
what about Pakistan ? .. they have nukes.
Pakistan hasn't sworn to annihilate India like Iran has for Israel.
Top Indian official threatens Pakistan with nuclear annihilation

India and Pakistan have been threatening each other's existence for decades.
You need to read beyond the headline. If you're even capable of that much. He didnt threaten to annhilate Pakistan. He threatened that India would respond with overhwelming force if Pakistan used a nuke.
So that's a big old fail. From a abig old failure.
As I listened to Netanyahu's marvelous speech, I asked myself, "Why can't we have an American president like that?"

as I read this post I ask myself " who allows these chickenshit assholes to breathe American air" ?

I have no idea why chickenshit like you imagines that there is something in the atmosphere called "American air"------can I have that on a bun with mustard?

correct ... you have no idea.
As I listened to Netanyahu's marvelous speech, I asked myself, "Why can't we have an American president like that?"

as I read this post I ask myself " who allows these chickenshit assholes to breathe American air" ?

I have no idea why chickenshit like you imagines that there is something in the atmosphere called "American air"------can I have that on a bun with mustard?

Perhaps this could refer to using Constitutional freedoms, from the Internet to right of assembly and free speech to "AIR" our grievances, courtesy of the US military in the spirit of American Constitutionalism and democratic process in defense of freedom, justice and peace for national and global security
(with special thanks to Al Gore for inventing the Internet, along with global warming)
isis wants to do exactly what they saw israel do. why should we back israel and stop them? zionist go home you spy

Dear haissem123 if the leaders want to expand their regime, this should be done peacefully
by campaigning to organize people to create their own campuses and city states, to govern themselves,
all by voluntary choice to follow more effective plans.

No war or violence needs to be involved. Certainly not cleansing whole villages and killing everyone off.

Even if you want to compare or blame other forces and countries for abusing military power,
two wrongs don't make a right. And certainly not three wrongs, four or five!

The people of these countries deserve to live and rebuild in peace.

So all government reform should be done civilly so it is sustainable and not causing
further danger, damage or debts to civilians.

The wrongdoers must still pay for their own consequences,
so now there are more and more wrongs added
on top of the damage done by previous destruction.

The war must stop first before any rebuilding can be done.
The less damage inflicted, the easier it is to recover and restore the country afterwards.

We should all be on the side of peaceful intervention to arrest the violence
and revert to civil means of organizing so all groups can build their own bases
and govern themselves by the system, leadership and regime of their choice.

This is only stable when it is freely chosen. If it is forced on people by war, it keeps erupting
until the people are finally free from further takeovers.

The Jewish Muslim and Christian people do not deserve to keep going through
more wars. The people deserve peace, freedom to rebuild, and justice in correcting these wrongs.
that is why the chosen people, who led us into holy war from their nations very beginning, must be the ones to lead us away from these holy wars. makes perfect sense to me. the chickens are coming home to roost, time for true jews, christians and mulsims, atheist etc.. all mankind to wake up and smell the lies all around.
The contrast between Netanyahu and Hussein Barack is staggering!

How refreshing to watch the Prime Minister of Israel talking in an intelligent and confident manner.....(without a teleprompter on his face) as opposed to you know who.

Great speech Bibi! :clap::clap:
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

As Netanyahu stated in his speech - the alternative is to agree to a better deal.
There's not going to be a better deal, because if the US walks from the deal, the intl support for sanctions will crumble and Iran won't need to deal.

And that's Bibi's end game. He doesn't want a deal because that's his excuse to be the only person who can save Israel. And, he's not going to bomb unilaterally, because the entire world will demand his economy be shattered. Or if he does bomb, Iran wins.
NO, sanctions brought Iran to thetable beofre and will do so again.

or not Kerry s claim that Iran offered Bush a nuclear deal in 2003 - The Washington Post
As I listened to Netanyahu's marvelous speech, I asked myself, "Why can't we have an American president like that?"

as I read this post I ask myself " who allows these chickenshit assholes to breathe American air" ?

I wonder that about progressives

keep wondering, I'm not a progressive ... you however are an IDIOT

Nice...and you post like a progtard. But I'd never own up to being one either if I were you.....idiot
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

I am a Zionist------I SAY----your post makes no sense.

Why do some Christian groups support Zionists in reclaiming the Holy Land,
and other Christian groups oppose Zionists? Is this over a difference in political agenda or approach?

Are there two types of Zionists, the peaceful SPIRITUAL movement by the people united in faith
(vs. Armageddonists abusing the power to grab land for POLITICAL control similar to Jihadists?)

Are you a member of the peaceful Zionists supported by Christians?
What do you call the violent warmongering type (I've heard the Post-Millenial Dispensationalists were violent not civil
so these were not considered Christian but considered a dangerous political cult of militant terrorist types)

the issue for jews is not Armageddon. ---ie there is no ADVENT thing in Zionist

OK so you are not one of the Armageddonist types of Zionists.

Do you believe that when Israel is reclaimed, this includes Jews only or also Christians?
What is your vision for the rebuilding of the temple? Or are you only focused on the
secular nation and not the spiritual implications affecting the rest of Christendom?
Thread summary:

We have to kill, at a minimum, thousands of people so that the conservatives can "feel" safer. They need that reassurance because the president won't play daddy-figure for them.

With conservatives, everything is always entirely about their feelings. If millions have to die for the sake of their pwecious feewings, that's a sacrifice they're willing to have someone else make.
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

Shaddap. Iran's fervor for nuking Israel overcomes the fact that Palestine will be at ground zero. Oops.

Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in
As I listened to Netanyahu's marvelous speech, I asked myself, "Why can't we have an American president like that?"

as I read this post I ask myself " who allows these chickenshit assholes to breathe American air" ?

I have no idea why chickenshit like you imagines that there is something in the atmosphere called "American air"------can I have that on a bun with mustard?

correct ... you have no idea.

wrong again. I have lots of ideas.
Support for Israel used to be one issue where Republicans and Democrats were virtually the same. In fact, at one point the Democrats, especially liberal Democrats, were a bit more pro-Israeli than the Republicans.

This is one more example of how the Democratic Party has gone to the extreme left and has lost all touch with the center.
Thread summary:

We have to kill, at a minimum, thousands of people so that the conservatives can "feel" safer. They need that reassurance because the president won't play daddy-figure for them.

With conservatives, everything is always entirely about their feelings. If millions have to die for the sake of their pwecious feewings, that's a sacrifice they're willing to have someone else make.

No , not so much
Thread summary:

We have to kill, at a minimum, thousands of people so that the conservatives can "feel" safer. They need that reassurance because the president won't play daddy-figure for them.

With conservatives, everything is always entirely about their feelings. If millions have to die for the sake of their pwecious feewings, that's a sacrifice they're willing to have someone else make.
If thats what you got out of it then you need to kill yourself. Seriously.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

As Netanyahu stated in his speech - the alternative is to agree to a better deal.
There's not going to be a better deal, because if the US walks from the deal, the intl support for sanctions will crumble and Iran won't need to deal.

And that's Bibi's end game. He doesn't want a deal because that's his excuse to be the only person who can save Israel. And, he's not going to bomb unilaterally, because the entire world will demand his economy be shattered. Or if he does bomb, Iran wins.
NO, sanctions brought Iran to thetable beofre and will do so again.

or not Kerry s claim that Iran offered Bush a nuclear deal in 2003 - The Washington Post
that link does not support your assertion.
Your understand America backs the Democrats and liberals here, right?

But by all means, use "We must bomb Iran!" as your platform in 2016. Don't let me stop you. I appreciate the votes you're sending us.
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

Shaddap. Iran's fervor for nuking Israel overcomes the fact that Palestine will be at ground zero. Oops.

Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in

there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

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