Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

As I listened to Netanyahu's marvelous speech, I asked myself, "Why can't we have an American president like that?"

as I read this post I ask myself " who allows these chickenshit assholes to breathe American air" ?

I wonder that about progressives

keep wondering, I'm not a progressive ... you however are an IDIOT

Nice...and you post like a progtard. But I'd never own up to being one either if I were you.....idiot

anyone that disagrees with a RW hack is a progressive. I own up to never voting for Obama ... you are indeed an idiot.
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

Shaddap. Iran's fervor for nuking Israel overcomes the fact that Palestine will be at ground zero. Oops.

Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in

there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

what missiles? the ones they never test ? or the ones RW's dream about?
isis wants to do exactly what they saw israel do. why should we back israel and stop them? zionist go home you spy

Dear haissem123 if the leaders want to expand their regime, this should be done peacefully
by campaigning to organize people to create their own campuses and city states, to govern themselves,
all by voluntary choice to follow more effective plans.

No war or violence needs to be involved. Certainly not cleansing whole villages and killing everyone off.

Even if you want to compare or blame other forces and countries for abusing military power,
two wrongs don't make a right. And certainly not three wrongs, four or five!

The people of these countries deserve to live and rebuild in peace.

So all government reform should be done civilly so it is sustainable and not causing
further danger, damage or debts to civilians.

The wrongdoers must still pay for their own consequences,
so now there are more and more wrongs added
on top of the damage done by previous destruction.

The war must stop first before any rebuilding can be done.
The less damage inflicted, the easier it is to recover and restore the country afterwards.

We should all be on the side of peaceful intervention to arrest the violence
and revert to civil means of organizing so all groups can build their own bases
and govern themselves by the system, leadership and regime of their choice.

This is only stable when it is freely chosen. If it is forced on people by war, it keeps erupting
until the people are finally free from further takeovers.

The Jewish Muslim and Christian people do not deserve to keep going through
more wars. The people deserve peace, freedom to rebuild, and justice in correcting these wrongs.
that is why the chosen people, who led us into holy war from their nations very beginning, must be the ones to lead us away from these holy wars. makes perfect sense to me. the chickens are coming home to roost, time for true jews, christians and mulsims, atheist etc.. all mankind to wake up and smell the lies all around.

Well I join you in prayer that we do all wake up and unite in common agreement
to rebuild and restore instead of allowing any further destruction befall our nations and the people of the world
who cannot afford any more disasters than we are already reeling from.

May all the right minds come together, the right people and ideas,
inspirations and courage to work toward better solutions. May we hear from all those
with wisdom and compassion to heal and unite. May all leaders be moved to stand for even greater
ideals than the compromises being made left and right for fear and control of power.

May God make all things right, and the brotherly love of Jesus for all children, of all tribes and nations,
cover and protect us all, lifting us up in grace and mercy and uniting us on the right path toward justice and peace. Amen.
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

Shaddap. Iran's fervor for nuking Israel overcomes the fact that Palestine will be at ground zero. Oops.

Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in

there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

what missiles? the ones they never test ? or the ones RW's dream about?
You think Iran isnt working on long range missiles Dunce!
The United States feels just as strongly about not letting Iran get the Bomb. Our two countries just have different ideas of how to achieve it.

What's more, it is not a foregone conclusion Iran would use the Bomb if they acquired one. We lived under the umbrella of a nuclear USSR, the world would not end with a nuclear Iran. Much of the pants-shitting over Iran is hyperbole.
Iran and the old soviets can't compared,the threat is very different.
As I listened to Netanyahu's marvelous speech, I asked myself, "Why can't we have an American president like that?"

as I read this post I ask myself " who allows these chickenshit assholes to breathe American air" ?

I wonder that about progressives

keep wondering, I'm not a progressive ... you however are an IDIOT

Nice...and you post like a progtard. But I'd never own up to being one either if I were you.....idiot

anyone that disagrees with a RW hack is a progressive. I own up to never voting for Obama ... you are indeed an idiot.

Your continued use of calling anyone that disagrees with you an idiot is telling...and childish...like a little progtard
Nope. The standing oh's that Congress gave Bibi would suggest otherwise.

Templar logic: The Republicans in Congress applauded Bibi, therefore most Americans want to go to war with Iran.

Such keen logical thinking explains why the Republicans can win some elections. Half of the population is, by definition, below average.

Again, if you think you can win in 2016 with that "bomb Iran" platform, you go for it.
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

Shaddap. Iran's fervor for nuking Israel overcomes the fact that Palestine will be at ground zero. Oops.

Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in

there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

what missiles? the ones they never test ? or the ones RW's dream about?
You think Iran isnt working on long range missiles Dunce!

Nuskharahallah claims that he's got them in Lebanon already----from Iran
Nope. The standing oh's that Congress gave Bibi would suggest otherwise.

Templar logic: The Republicans in Congress applauded Bibi, therefore most Americans want to go to war with Iran.

Such keen logical thinking explains why the Republicans can win some elections. Half of the population is, by definition, below average.
Please show me nywhere in Netanyahu's speech where he advocated going to war with Iran.
you wish a jewish man standing for jews only, as all jews do apparently, was our nations president? what an idiot. we have enough war mongers already. maybe we should fire all nukes now and let God sort us out.? that' lll teach us who's his chosen
few really are. what do you zionists say?

Shaddap. Iran's fervor for nuking Israel overcomes the fact that Palestine will be at ground zero. Oops.

Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in

there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

what missiles? the ones they never test ? or the ones RW's dream about?
You think Iran isnt working on long range missiles Dunce!

Iran SAID they tested a missile capable of carrying a warhead in 2006 and had a range of 1200 miles... Iran SAID they would eliminate Israel ... Israel is still satnding.

Iran like RW's say a lot of shit, and nothing ever happens on either side of the fence ...

Shaddap. Iran's fervor for nuking Israel overcomes the fact that Palestine will be at ground zero. Oops.

Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in

there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

what missiles? the ones they never test ? or the ones RW's dream about?
You think Iran isnt working on long range missiles Dunce!

Iran SAID they tested a missile capable of carrying a warhead in 2006 and had a range of 1200 miles... Iran SAID they would eliminate Israel ... Israel is still satnding.

Iran like RW's say a lot of shit, and nothing ever happens on either side of the fence ...

So the fact that they say it means it isnt true. And if they didnt say it it would also mean it isnt true.
Whee! Libs are bad at logic too!
Nope. The standing oh's that Congress gave Bibi would suggest otherwise.

Templar logic: The Republicans in Congress applauded Bibi, therefore most Americans want to go to war with Iran.

Such keen logical thinking explains why the Republicans can win some elections. Half of the population is, by definition, below average.
Please show me nywhere in Netanyahu's speech where he advocated going to war with Iran.

he advocated for tougher negotiations, Its just that they hate it when someone talks about something openly and not in Secret Negotiations, then spring it on you two days before Christmas break
Nope. The standing oh's that Congress gave Bibi would suggest otherwise.

Templar logic: The Republicans in Congress applauded Bibi, therefore most Americans want to go to war with Iran.

Such keen logical thinking explains why the Republicans can win some elections. Half of the population is, by definition, below average.
Please show me nywhere in Netanyahu's speech where he advocated going to war with Iran.

He did not even come close. However that fact will not stop islamo naik
Shaddap. Iran's fervor for nuking Israel overcomes the fact that Palestine will be at ground zero. Oops.

Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in

there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

what missiles? the ones they never test ? or the ones RW's dream about?
You think Iran isnt working on long range missiles Dunce!

Iran SAID they tested a missile capable of carrying a warhead in 2006 and had a range of 1200 miles... Iran SAID they would eliminate Israel ... Israel is still satnding.

Iran like RW's say a lot of shit, and nothing ever happens on either side of the fence ...


nothing happens? have you been in a coma for the past 25 years
Most Palestinians would be Sunni though, maybe Iran wouldnt care so much, but tell you the truth, I could see Iran using a different type of delivery system. like maybe a tunnel from the west bank or smaller devices smuggled in

there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

what missiles? the ones they never test ? or the ones RW's dream about?
You think Iran isnt working on long range missiles Dunce!

Iran SAID they tested a missile capable of carrying a warhead in 2006 and had a range of 1200 miles... Iran SAID they would eliminate Israel ... Israel is still satnding.

Iran like RW's say a lot of shit, and nothing ever happens on either side of the fence ...

So the fact that they say it means it isnt true. And if they didnt say it it would also mean it isnt true.
Whee! Libs are bad at logic too!

a man enters a track meet everyone assumes he has feet ... he never runs a race, everyone still assumes he has feet ....
Nope. The standing oh's that Congress gave Bibi would suggest otherwise.

Templar logic: The Republicans in Congress applauded Bibi, therefore most Americans want to go to war with Iran.

Such keen logical thinking explains why the Republicans can win some elections. Half of the population is, by definition, below average.
Please show me nywhere in Netanyahu's speech where he advocated going to war with Iran.

Totally agree. What he basically called for was 'containing' Iran, which is what Obama has called for. What Obama means though is 'contain' until he is out of office. What Netanyahu is calling for is keeping the sanctions in place that brought Iran to the table, then increasing them if their bad behaviors continue. That's containment.
there are a whole host of----PRODUCTS OF FISSION crap that the Iranians
can tuck into missiles --------and there is no question that they would not hesitate

what missiles? the ones they never test ? or the ones RW's dream about?
You think Iran isnt working on long range missiles Dunce!

Iran SAID they tested a missile capable of carrying a warhead in 2006 and had a range of 1200 miles... Iran SAID they would eliminate Israel ... Israel is still satnding.

Iran like RW's say a lot of shit, and nothing ever happens on either side of the fence ...

So the fact that they say it means it isnt true. And if they didnt say it it would also mean it isnt true.
Whee! Libs are bad at logic too!

a man enters a track meet everyone assumes he has feet ... he never runs a race, everyone still assumes he has feet ....
nd they assume that if he's there he intends to run a race at some point. Rightly.
WHat was your point, again?
Nope. The standing oh's that Congress gave Bibi would suggest otherwise.

Templar logic: The Republicans in Congress applauded Bibi, therefore most Americans want to go to war with Iran.

Such keen logical thinking explains why the Republicans can win some elections. Half of the population is, by definition, below average.
Please show me nywhere in Netanyahu's speech where he advocated going to war with Iran.

Totally agree. What he basically called for was 'containing' Iran, which is what Obama has called for. What Obama means though is 'contain' until he is out of office. What Netanyahu is calling for is keeping the sanctions in place that brought Iran to the table, then increasing them if their bad behaviors continue. That's containment.
Thats the most succinct summation of this I've seen in the entire thread. Bravo.

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