Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

And here in the U.S., the liberals keep insisting Iran has no aggressive intent, they are no threat to us. :rolleyes-41:
Nice straw man. You've gotten pretty good at manufacturing them. An expert, almost.

Practice makes perfect!
Netanyahu pointed out what Iran has been doing to promote chaos and death across the globe. And these are just the RECENT ones:

"Just last week, near Hormuz, Iran carried out a military exercise blowing up a mock U.S. aircraft carrier. That's just last week, while they're having nuclear talks with the United States. But unfortunately, for the last 36 years, Iran's attacks against the United States have been anything but mock. And the targets have been all too real.

"Iran took dozens of Americans hostage in Tehran, murdered hundreds of American soldiers, Marines, in Beirut, and was responsible for killing and maiming thousands of American service men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Beyond the Middle East, Iran attacks America and its allies through its global terror network. It blew up the Jewish community center and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. It helped Al Qaida bomb U.S. embassies in Africa. It even attempted to assassinate the Saudi ambassador, right here in Washington, D.C.

"In the Middle East, Iran now dominates four Arab capitals, Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Sanaa. And if Iran's aggression is left unchecked, more will surely follow.

"So, at a time when many hope that Iran will join the community of nations, Iran is busy gobbling up the nations."

And here in the U.S., the liberals keep insisting Iran has no aggressive intent, they are no threat to us. :rolleyes-41:

yeah he pointed it out ok ... take a look at that nuclear graph he used ... apparently it impressed the simpleton RW's ...second graders?... not so much.


Nettie stopped by the GOP art Dept and Palin drew him up a presentation graph ..
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IRan is not the USSR. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and has been for decades.

The USSR was not a state sponsor of terrorism?
Not really, no. Certainly not the same way. The countries arent comparable in the least.
Wow. Now THAT is certainly the most ignorant thing said on this forum this year. And that is really saying something.

The USSR was the mother of state sponsors of terrorism.

You are correct the countries aren't comparable, but for the exact opposite reason you think.
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
Iran was, and is, a client state of Russia. They were a client state of the USSR, and are a client state of Russia. As a state sponsor of terror, they are acting as one of many arms of Mother Russia.

It is amazing to me this actually has to be explained to some of the dumber rubes.

It is also precisely because Iran is the lap dog of Russia that a nuclear Iran is nowhere near as unstable as the hyperbolic pants shitters are led to believe.

This is why Russia has offered to provide uranium to Iran for nuclear power plants so as to undercut Iran's claim it is enriching for peaceful purposes.
That's so grossly simplistic as to make me question your sanity.
The USSR was not a state sponsor of terrorism?
Not really, no. Certainly not the same way. The countries arent comparable in the least.
Wow. Now THAT is certainly the most ignorant thing said on this forum this year. And that is really saying something.

The USSR was the mother of state sponsors of terrorism.

You are correct the countries aren't comparable, but for the exact opposite reason you think.
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.
Not really, no. Certainly not the same way. The countries arent comparable in the least.
Wow. Now THAT is certainly the most ignorant thing said on this forum this year. And that is really saying something.

The USSR was the mother of state sponsors of terrorism.

You are correct the countries aren't comparable, but for the exact opposite reason you think.
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.
That would be your upper lip.
Not really, no. Certainly not the same way. The countries arent comparable in the least.
Wow. Now THAT is certainly the most ignorant thing said on this forum this year. And that is really saying something.

The USSR was the mother of state sponsors of terrorism.

You are correct the countries aren't comparable, but for the exact opposite reason you think.
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
This was nothing more than a campaign speech for his election in Israel in a couple of weeks.
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???

So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.
Fifteen minutes before little bulldog posted this, Netanyahu said that some people would tell us that the only alternative to the present course, was war. But, he said, that is NOT the only alternative. The alternative is A BETTER DEAL.

One that the mewling liberals think is impossible... mostly because they don't think. They merely tremble and cry.

Netanyahu saw people like little bulldog coming a mile away.
If Obama got a 20 year deal instead of a 10 year deal, you malleable creeps would be whining that he forced a future Republican President to a deal that future Republican might not want.

You are as transparent as glass.
Obama shouldnt get an any year deal. He should get a permanent commitment from Iran not to develop nuclear weapons. What about that is unclear to you?
Wow. Now THAT is certainly the most ignorant thing said on this forum this year. And that is really saying something.

The USSR was the mother of state sponsors of terrorism.

You are correct the countries aren't comparable, but for the exact opposite reason you think.
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.
Iran was, and is, a client state of Russia. They were a client state of the USSR, and are a client state of Russia. As a state sponsor of terror, they are acting as one of many arms of Mother Russia.

It is amazing to me this actually has to be explained to some of the dumber rubes.

It is also precisely because Iran is the lap dog of Russia that a nuclear Iran is nowhere near as unstable as the hyperbolic pants shitters are led to believe.

This is why Russia has offered to provide uranium to Iran for nuclear power plants so as to undercut Iran's claim it is enriching for peaceful purposes.
That's so grossly simplistic as to make me question your sanity.

Like I said, I am amazed I had to dumb it down this much for you. It all happens to be true. I cannot help it if you are so ignorant that things have to be explained on a third grade level for you.
Wow. Now THAT is certainly the most ignorant thing said on this forum this year. And that is really saying something.

The USSR was the mother of state sponsors of terrorism.

You are correct the countries aren't comparable, but for the exact opposite reason you think.
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?

totally brilliant ^^^^^ .... first graders are in AWE !
IRan is not the USSR. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and has been for decades.

Seriously. This is the funniest and stupidest thing I have seen this year. I have to give it my highest ranking of five guffaws. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Iran was, and is, a client state of Russia. They were a client state of the USSR, and are a client state of Russia. As a state sponsor of terror, they are acting as one of many arms of Mother Russia.

It is amazing to me this actually has to be explained to some of the dumber rubes.

It is also precisely because Iran is the lap dog of Russia that a nuclear Iran is nowhere near as unstable as the hyperbolic pants shitters are led to believe.

This is why Russia has offered to provide uranium to Iran for nuclear power plants so as to undercut Iran's claim it is enriching for peaceful purposes.
That's so grossly simplistic as to make me question your sanity.

Like I said, I am amazed I had to dumb it down this much for you. It all happens to be true. I cannot help it if you are so ignorant that things have to be explained on a third grade level for you.

total horseshit. Iran is as much a danger to Russia as it is to the US. Putin knows it and has told the Ayatollah to focus his shit on Israel and the US. If he fucks with Russia Putin will destroy him. Putin has balls, obama has a pussy.
Iran was, and is, a client state of Russia. They were a client state of the USSR, and are a client state of Russia. As a state sponsor of terror, they are acting as one of many arms of Mother Russia.

It is amazing to me this actually has to be explained to some of the dumber rubes.

It is also precisely because Iran is the lap dog of Russia that a nuclear Iran is nowhere near as unstable as the hyperbolic pants shitters are led to believe.

This is why Russia has offered to provide uranium to Iran for nuclear power plants so as to undercut Iran's claim it is enriching for peaceful purposes.
That's so grossly simplistic as to make me question your sanity.

Like I said, I am amazed I had to dumb it down this much for you. It all happens to be true. I cannot help it if you are so ignorant that things have to be explained on a third grade level for you.
It is grossly and patently untrue.
Not really, no. Certainly not the same way. The countries arent comparable in the least.
Wow. Now THAT is certainly the most ignorant thing said on this forum this year. And that is really saying something.

The USSR was the mother of state sponsors of terrorism.

You are correct the countries aren't comparable, but for the exact opposite reason you think.
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Let me guess, you were following Obama and he came to a sudden stop?
The fact remains once Iran delivers on their threat to annihilate Israel, as a last resort Israel will retaliate, turn Iran and the Mid East into a sheet of glass.
Smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.
I see which one you are.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W, that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You like to parrot brainless axioms. I had a good guffaw when you said Iran differs from the USSR because it is a state sponsor of terrorism.

You are a fool. A fool whose ideas of what our foreign policy should be come from a place of total ignorance.
Thats rich coming from somene who thinks the mullahs are just updated commisars.
You need to change your pants. I can smell the shit from here.

Are you sure you aren't smelling your upper lip?
The stain in the pants of the pants shitters make it pretty clear they are trembling with fear.

You guys should start wearing diapers.
it may not be fear. It could be as simple as the policy of no compromise. The art of doing any deal is twofold: have you gotten as much concession as possible, and if so, are you better off with the deal than without. In this case, the answer to both is yes. It's not a perfect deal, but the options to a deal are killing people who don't pose a imminent threat, and until W that precluded military force, and the Tea partiers simply don't accept taking any compromise.
You buy into the notion that our choices are accept a deal at any cost or invade Iran. That is patently untrue.

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