Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

Listening to excerpts from Benny, I gotta say he sounds like he wants war with Iran. But he knows he can't win such a war without US involvement.
The one thing that stuck out to me was when he said something like "Israel can now protect itself if it has to."

From what I've heard, it doesn't have the means to act unilaterally to do that. I dunno.


They don't. Their "big deterrent" is a sub-based MAD sorta defense. Conventional forces vs conventional forces though aren't even in the same category as Iran's - Israel is vastly outclassed.

What worked fine against Iraq way back was against one location. Iran has so many facilities contributing to their nuclear program plus many in hardened underground bases no airstrike even WITH nuclear wepaons can destroy them.

Nuclear weapons effects are really good at obliterating things on the surface, but don't penetrate for crap. And no conventional 'bunker buster' goes deep enough to hit anything either. Iran simply found out how deep bunker busters go, and built their primary facilities deeper.

Only realistic solution for Iran is negotiation and in effect buying them off. Remove economic sanctions and monitor their program's ceasing to enrich and move towards weapons-grade uranium. But if you attack, all you achieve is guaranteeing they seek nuclear weapons so you don't attack any more as with DPRK. Once DPRK tested a nuke, US objection melted away. At least publicly. You don't poke and prod and provoke crazy countries with nuclear weapons and nothing to lose.
So nuke Tehran instead. Let's stop pretending this country can't be stopped.

And you're wrong about bunker buster bombs. It doesn't have to penetrate to destroy. The shock is massive enough to bury alive anything underneath it.
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Not at all. The humor resides in your post that use vocabulary typical of a female.

But hey, I understand not all sex changes go as planned :badgrin:


Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?

Meh- Actually they're being taught that it's OK to murder babies while saving the lives of thugs killed by gunfire

Sounds legit


Sounds like some of the crazy shit home schoolers would force on their kids. Thank God for public schools.
God didn't create public schools

No, but his teachings of love and concern for our fellow man guided the people who did create them. Too bad the religious nuts don't care about others any more.
That's quite a stretch. You don't know God and have no idea what God inspires. But I'll give you a hint at what he doesn't inspire.

Big government.
The complete transcript of Netanyahu s address to Congress - The Washington Post

Because America and Israel, we share a common destiny, the destiny of promised lands that cherish freedom and offer hope. Israel is grateful for the support of American -- of America's people and of America's presidents, from Harry Truman to Barack Obama.
We appreciate all that President Obama has done for Israel.

Now, some of that is widely known.
Some of that is widely known, like strengthening security cooperation and intelligence sharing, opposing anti-Israel resolutions at the U.N.

Some of what the president has done for Israel is less well- known.

I called him in 2010 when we had the Carmel forest fire, and he immediately agreed to respond to my request for urgent aid.
In 2011, we had our embassy in Cairo under siege, and again, he provided vital assistance at the crucial moment.

Or his support for more missile interceptors during our operation last summer when we took on Hamas terrorists.
In each of those moments, I called the president, and he was there.

And some of what the president has done for Israel might never be known, because it touches on some of the most sensitive and strategic issues that arise between an American president and an Israeli prime minister.

But I know it, and I will always be grateful to President Obama for that support.

From that speech. The Prime Minister of Isreal has expressed his concerns, and that is a valid thing to do. However, our President also has concerns, and ways of meeting them that a much smaller nation like Isreal does not possess. Thus far, I think that President Obama is on the right track.
Not too sure about that. In the last week, he vetoed a useless pipeline, banned cop killer bullets, and is making strides in negotiations with Iran despite the GOP and Netanyahu trying to sabotage him. Sounds like he is on a pretty good roll. It's a shame that the crazy right wing won't do their jobs, and he has to do it all.

Really? Cop killing bullets? Haven't heard about recent cop killings where the 223 round was armor piercing. Sounds like a solution in search of a problem.

But please, continue to wipe Obama's ass every time he craps himself.

Next on the docket another Supreme Court slam coming on illegal subsides.

Yes, Obama is on a roll of unlawful EO's and actions.

And I cave, Obama is indeed more black than white. How do I know?

He hasn't been impeached, and wont be


It is a solution that was voted into law back in 86. Gun manufacturers knew that selling a pistol that would use that ammo would automatically trigger the ban, but did it anyway.
So are you still searching for an example where this m885 ammo was used against law enforcement? Let us know when you find something.

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.
Really? Cop killing bullets? Haven't heard about recent cop killings where the 223 round was armor piercing. Sounds like a solution in search of a problem.

But please, continue to wipe Obama's ass every time he craps himself.

Next on the docket another Supreme Court slam coming on illegal subsides.

Yes, Obama is on a roll of unlawful EO's and actions.

And I cave, Obama is indeed more black than white. How do I know?

He hasn't been impeached, and wont be


It is a solution that was voted into law back in 86. Gun manufacturers knew that selling a pistol that would use that ammo would automatically trigger the ban, but did it anyway.
So are you still searching for an example where this m885 ammo was used against law enforcement? Let us know when you find something.

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.

So, the law does not apply in all cases?

Really? Cop killing bullets? Haven't heard about recent cop killings where the 223 round was armor piercing. Sounds like a solution in search of a problem.

But please, continue to wipe Obama's ass every time he craps himself.

Next on the docket another Supreme Court slam coming on illegal subsides.

Yes, Obama is on a roll of unlawful EO's and actions.

And I cave, Obama is indeed more black than white. How do I know?

He hasn't been impeached, and wont be


It is a solution that was voted into law back in 86. Gun manufacturers knew that selling a pistol that would use that ammo would automatically trigger the ban, but did it anyway.
So are you still searching for an example where this m885 ammo was used against law enforcement? Let us know when you find something.

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.
Not laws that violate the Constitution.
Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?

Meh- Actually they're being taught that it's OK to murder babies while saving the lives of thugs killed by gunfire

Sounds legit


Sounds like some of the crazy shit home schoolers would force on their kids. Thank God for public schools.
God didn't create public schools

No, but his teachings of love and concern for our fellow man guided the people who did create them. Too bad the religious nuts don't care about others any more.
That's quite a stretch. You don't know God and have no idea what God inspires. But I'll give you a hint at what he doesn't inspire.

Big government.

Wow, You're trying to say God is a teabagger. What an idiot.
It is a solution that was voted into law back in 86. Gun manufacturers knew that selling a pistol that would use that ammo would automatically trigger the ban, but did it anyway.
So are you still searching for an example where this m885 ammo was used against law enforcement? Let us know when you find something.

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.

So, the law does not apply in all cases?


Of course it does. Whether a cop has actually been killed with the recently banned ammo doesn't matter.
Meh- Actually they're being taught that it's OK to murder babies while saving the lives of thugs killed by gunfire

Sounds legit


Sounds like some of the crazy shit home schoolers would force on their kids. Thank God for public schools.
God didn't create public schools

No, but his teachings of love and concern for our fellow man guided the people who did create them. Too bad the religious nuts don't care about others any more.
That's quite a stretch. You don't know God and have no idea what God inspires. But I'll give you a hint at what he doesn't inspire.

Big government.

Wow, You're trying to say God is a teabagger. What an idiot.
God is not a depraved Leftist like you.
So are you still searching for an example where this m885 ammo was used against law enforcement? Let us know when you find something.

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.

So, the law does not apply in all cases?


Of course it does. Whether a cop has actually been killed with the recently banned ammo doesn't matter.
Yes it does.
LMAO- Not long ago, some in this thread were slamming the Gallup CEO who said the UE numbers are skewed to help Obama.Yet now, the poll is legit


sad ickle wiggler, did someone leave you out in the rain
Sounds like some of the crazy shit home schoolers would force on their kids. Thank God for public schools.
God didn't create public schools

No, but his teachings of love and concern for our fellow man guided the people who did create them. Too bad the religious nuts don't care about others any more.
That's quite a stretch. You don't know God and have no idea what God inspires. But I'll give you a hint at what he doesn't inspire.

Big government.

Wow, You're trying to say God is a teabagger. What an idiot.
God is not a depraved Leftist like you.
god who?
It is a solution that was voted into law back in 86. Gun manufacturers knew that selling a pistol that would use that ammo would automatically trigger the ban, but did it anyway.
So are you still searching for an example where this m885 ammo was used against law enforcement? Let us know when you find something.

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.
Not laws that violate the Constitution.

Right. All the constitutional lawyers who studied the law before ever mentioning that ammo recently was covered by existing law, and some goober on a discussion board is going to tell them he knows better than them. That should work.
So are you still searching for an example where this m885 ammo was used against law enforcement? Let us know when you find something.

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.
Not laws that violate the Constitution.

Right. All the constitutional lawyers who studied the law before ever mentioning that ammo recently was covered by existing law, and some goober on a discussion board is going to tell them he knows better than them. That should work.
There's your illiteracy undermining you again. That was a very long, yet incomplete, sentence. And as such I have no idea what you're saying.
Sounds like some of the crazy shit home schoolers would force on their kids. Thank God for public schools.
God didn't create public schools

No, but his teachings of love and concern for our fellow man guided the people who did create them. Too bad the religious nuts don't care about others any more.
That's quite a stretch. You don't know God and have no idea what God inspires. But I'll give you a hint at what he doesn't inspire.

Big government.

Wow, You're trying to say God is a teabagger. What an idiot.
God is not a depraved Leftist like you.

He isn't a hateful idiot like you
Listening to excerpts from Benny, I gotta say he sounds like he wants war with Iran. But he knows he can't win such a war without US involvement.
The one thing that stuck out to me was when he said something like "Israel can now protect itself if it has to."

From what I've heard, it doesn't have the means to act unilaterally to do that. I dunno.


They don't. Their "big deterrent" is a sub-based MAD sorta defense. Conventional forces vs conventional forces though aren't even in the same category as Iran's - Israel is vastly outclassed.

What worked fine against Iraq way back was against one location. Iran has so many facilities contributing to their nuclear program plus many in hardened underground bases no airstrike even WITH nuclear wepaons can destroy them.

Nuclear weapons effects are really good at obliterating things on the surface, but don't penetrate for crap. And no conventional 'bunker buster' goes deep enough to hit anything either. Iran simply found out how deep bunker busters go, and built their primary facilities deeper.

Only realistic solution for Iran is negotiation and in effect buying them off. Remove economic sanctions and monitor their program's ceasing to enrich and move towards weapons-grade uranium. But if you attack, all you achieve is guaranteeing they seek nuclear weapons so you don't attack any more as with DPRK. Once DPRK tested a nuke, US objection melted away. At least publicly. You don't poke and prod and provoke crazy countries with nuclear weapons and nothing to lose.
So nuke Tehran instead. Let's stop pretending this country can't be stopped.

And you're wrong about bunker buster bombs. It doesn't have to penetrate to destroy. The shock is massive enough to bury alive anything underneath it.
I concur, I mean whats killing another 10000 jews got to do with anything.

Iran is the new Nazi Germany and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the new Hitler. Or so Israeli officials have been declaring for months as they and their American allies try to persuade the doubters in Washington that an attack on Tehran is essential. And if the latest media reports are to be trusted, it looks like they may again be winning the battle for hearts and minds: vice-president Dick Cheney is said to be diverting the White House back on track to launch a military strike.

Earlier this year Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's opposition leader and the man who appears to be styling himself as scaremonger-in-chief, told us: "It's 1938 and Iran is Germany. And Iran is racing to arm itself with atomic bombs." Of Ahmadinejad, he said: "He is preparing another Holocaust for the Jewish state."

A few weeks ago, as Israel's military intelligence claimed - as it has been doing regularly since the early 1990s - that Iran is only a year or so away from the "point of no return" on developing a nuclear warhead, Netanyahu was at it again. "Iran could be the first undeterrable nuclear power," he warned, adding: "This is a Jewish problem like Hitler was a Jewish problem ... The future of the Jewish people depends on the future of Israel."

But Netanyahu has been far from alone in making extravagant claims about a looming genocide from Iran. Israel's new president, Shimon Peres, has comparedan Iranian nuclear bomb to a "flying concentration camp". And the prime minister, Ehud Olmert, told a German newspaper last year: "[Ahmadinejad] speaks as Hitler did in his time of the extermination of the entire Jewish nation."

There is an interesting problem with selling the "Iran as Nazi Germany" line. If Ahmadinejad really is Hitler, ready to commit genocide against Israel's Jews as soon as he can get his hands on a nuclear weapon, why are some 25,000 Jews living peacefully in Iran and more than reluctant to leave, despite repeated enticements from Israel and American Jews?

What is the basis for Israel's dire forecasts - the ideological scaffolding being erected, presumably, to justify an attack on Iran? Helpfully, as George Bush defended his Iraq policies last month, he reminded us yet again of the menace Iran supposedly poses: it is "threatening to wipe Israel off the map".

This myth has been endlessly recycled since a translating error was made of a speech Ahmadinejad delivered nearly two years ago. Farsi experts have verifiedthat the Iranian president, far from threatening to destroy Israel, was quoting from an earlier speech by the late Ayatollah Khomeini in which he reassured supporters of the Palestinians that "the Zionist regime in Jerusalem" would "vanish from the page of time".

He was not threatening to exterminate Jews or even Israel. He was comparing Israel's occupation of the Palestinians with other illegitimate systems of rule whose time had passed, including the Shahs who once ruled Iran, apartheid South Africa and the Soviet empire. Nonetheless, this erroneous translation has survived and prospered because Israel and her supporters have exploited it for their own crude propaganda purposes.

In the meantime, the 25,000-strong Iranian Jewish community is the largest in the Middle East outside Israel and traces its roots back 3,000 years. As one of several non-Muslim minorities in Iran, Jews there suffer discrimination, but they are certainly no worse off than the one million Palestinian citizens of Israel - and far better off than Palestinians under Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza.

Iranian Jews have little influence on decision-making and are not allowed to hold senior posts in the army or bureaucracy. But they enjoy many freedoms. They have an elected representative in parliament, they practice their religion openly in synagogues, their charities are funded by the Jewish diaspora, and they can travel freely, including to Israel. In Tehran there are six kosher butchers and about 30 synagogues. Ahmadinejad's office recently made a donation to a Jewish hospital in Tehran.

As Ciamak Moresadegh, an Iranian Jewish leader, observed: "If you think Judaism and Zionism are one, it is like thinking Islam and the Taliban are the same, and they are not." Iran's leaders denounce Zionism, which they blame for fuelling discrimination against the Palestinians, but they have also repeatedly avowed that they have no problem with Jews, Judaism or even the state of Israel. Ahmadinejad, caricatured as a merchant of genocide, has in fact called for "regime change" - and then only in the sense that he believes a referendum should be held of all inhabitants of Israel and the occupied territories, including refugees from war, on the nature of the government.

Despite the absence of any threat to Iran's Jews, the Israeli media recently reported that the Israeli government has been trying to find new ways to entice Iranian Jews to Israel. The Ma'ariv newspaper pointed out that previous schemes had found few takers. There was, noted the report, "a lack of desire on the part of thousands of Iranian Jews to leave". According to the New York-based Forward newspaper, a campaign to persuade Iranian Jews to emigrate to Israel caused only 152 out of these 25,000 Jews to leave Iran between October 2005 and September 2006, and most of them were said to have emigrated for economic reasons, not political ones.

To step up these efforts - and presumably to avoid the embarrassing incongruence of claiming Iran's genocidal intent while thousands of Jews live happily in Tehran - Israel is now backing a move by Jewish donors to guarantee every Iranian Jewish family $60,000 to settle in Israel, in addition to a host of existing financial incentives that are offered to Jewish immigrants, including loans and cheap mortgages.

The announcement was met with scorn by the Society of Iranian Jews, which issued a statement that their national identity was not for sale. "The identity of Iranian Jews is not tradeable for any amount of money. Iranian Jews are among the most ancient Iranians. Iran's Jews love their Iranian identity and their culture, so threats and this immature political enticement will not achieve their aim of wiping out the identity of Iranian Jews."

More important than the welfare of Iranian Jewish families, it seems, is the value of Iranian Jews as a propaganda tool in Israel's battle to persuade the world that coexistence with the Muslim world is impossible. For those who want to engineer a clash of civilisations, the 3,000-year-old Jewish legacy in Iran is not something to be treasured, only another obstacle to war.
God didn't create public schools

No, but his teachings of love and concern for our fellow man guided the people who did create them. Too bad the religious nuts don't care about others any more.
That's quite a stretch. You don't know God and have no idea what God inspires. But I'll give you a hint at what he doesn't inspire.

Big government.

Wow, You're trying to say God is a teabagger. What an idiot.
God is not a depraved Leftist like you.

He isn't a hateful idiot like you
No period? Horray for public school!

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