Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.
Not laws that violate the Constitution.

Right. All the constitutional lawyers who studied the law before ever mentioning that ammo recently was covered by existing law, and some goober on a discussion board is going to tell them he knows better than them. That should work.
There's your illiteracy undermining you again. That was a very long, yet incomplete, sentence. And as such I have no idea what you're saying.

Sorry if your comprehension is so poor.
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.
Not laws that violate the Constitution.

Right. All the constitutional lawyers who studied the law before ever mentioning that ammo recently was covered by existing law, and some goober on a discussion board is going to tell them he knows better than them. That should work.
There's your illiteracy undermining you again. That was a very long, yet incomplete, sentence. And as such I have no idea what you're saying.

Sorry if your comprehension is so poor.
An uneducated, illiterate dolt blames the reader for his inscrutable scribblings.
Lots of mental illness in this thread.

lots of demoscum and liberliar mental illness in this thread, i always wonder why dems/libs will stand up for our enemies....., TRAITORS ?????
are you from borneo?
Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress -Only if you are a NeoCon,
The man followed a script to a T. Start by praising congress and the President.
Then goes into his chicken little scenario then he moves into his war mongering posture.
Then finishes up by trotting out a holocaust survivor.
All the while the NeoCons in attendance showing their true Allegiance by acting like teenage girls at a Justin Bieber Concert.
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Lets take a revisit, shall we?

Wonder what changed?


Obama's Crystal-Clear Promise to Stop Iran From Getting a Nuclear Weapon
OCT 2 2012, 3:45 PM ET

Reuters is reporting that President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu are both satisfied with their non-encounter at the United Nations last week. Both men "left the U.N. meeting with more than they arrived with: Obama with an assurance that Israel would not attack Iran's nuclear sites before the November 6 U.S. presidential election, and Netanyahu with a commitment from Obama to do whatever it takes to prevent Iran from producing an atomic bomb."

I found the second half of this statement surprising. If it is indeed news to Netanyahu that Obama has promised to do "whatever it takes" to prevent Iran from crossing the nuclear threshold, then he hasn't been listening. He's not the only one who hasn't heard the President clearly on the subject. I run into people constantly who believe that the bluffer in this relationship is Obama. Their argument holds that Obama will move toward a strategy of containment soon after the election, and that there is no way he would ever use military force to prevent Iran from getting the bomb.

I'm in the camp of people, however, who take him at his word, in part because he's repeated himself on the subject so many times and in part because he has laid out such an effective argument against containment and for disruption, by force, if necessary

Obama s Crystal-Clear Promise to Stop Iran From Getting a Nuclear Weapon - The Atlantic
He is describing the history of people trying to annihilate Jews, reciting quotes from Iran's recent leaders saying they want to do exactly that, pointing out example after example of Iran and other dictators reneging on their word to play nice and restrict their nuclear research... all in the last ten years.
How long have Jews lived in Persia?
How many Jews currently reside in Iran?

"Persian Jews or Iranian Jews (Persian: یهودیان ایرانی‎) (Hebrew: יהודים פרסים‎) are Jews historically associated with Iran, traditionally known as Persia in Western sources.

"Judaism is among the oldest religions practiced in Iran and the Biblical Book of Esther contains references to the experiences of the Jews in Persia.

"Jews have had a continuous presence in Iran since the time of Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid Empire.

"Cyrus invaded Babylon and freed the Jews from Babylonian captivity.

"The history of immigrant Jews to Iran goes back to more than 3000 years ago, during which they were part of a society which included adherents of many other religions such as Zoroastrians, etc..."

Persian Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Fifteen minutes before little bulldog posted this, Netanyahu said that some people would tell us that the only alternative to the present course, was war. But, he said, that is NOT the only alternative. The alternative is A BETTER DEAL.

One that the mewling liberals think is impossible... mostly because they don't think. They merely tremble and cry.

Netanyahu saw people like little bulldog coming a mile away.

I heard what he said, and his claim of a better deal is one where Iran capitulates everything. That isn't going to happen. Sure, we need the best deal possible, and without certain assurances, it will never be signed, but it is unreasonable for Netanyahu to expect the agreement to only go one way. The deal he demands is impossible. Having said that, the only alternative is war. I don't want that.
Iran was intractable prior to sanctions against them. It was the sanctions that forced them to even consider going to the negotiation table.

Rejecting this deal and proposing one in which they [Iran] can have a national energy program that does not include the development of nuclear weapons is the only viable alternative. If they refuse to negotiate on those terms or refuse to continue talks, then you double down on the sanctions. Squeeze them economically to the point that their economy collapes, and then squeeze them some more.

There is no need for a hot war.

I'm not aware of any energy program that requires nuclear weapons, and if you think that is the treaty being negotiated, you are wrong. Netanyahu wants no nuclear capability at all for Iran. There is no reason why, with sufficient inspections, their energy program should be a problem.
The whole fiction of the Iranian nuclear program is for energy. Or didn't you know that?

Of course I did. They are trying to negotiate regular and complete inspections to prevent them from converting their energy program to a bomb program. Why do you oppose that?
I don't. I don't want Iran to have any nuclear program. None at all. They cannot be trusted, at all. They have enough carbon energy to meet their needs. The negotiations are a farce.
Not at all. The humor resides in your post that use vocabulary typical of a female.

But hey, I understand not all sex changes go as planned :badgrin:


Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Since Go4it couldn't explain how my use of our language is feminine....maybe you can. Wanna take a shot at it?
My own take on this?

Merely that there are words and phrases, tones and sentiments, devices and concepts, that are discernible as characteristically 'male' or 'female' in connection with common or routine or average or mainstream usage, between the sexes.

That doesn't mean that there isn't a fair amount of cross-over and a considerable range of exceptions - merely commonly-perceived (and oftentimes largely accurate) traits or attributes or characteristics or usages that average folks-on-the-street would readily identify as more commonly attributed to one gender or another.

The shorthand notation 'gender-specific vocabulary' has merit, with respect to the imagery it conjures-up and the way in which it easily conveys the concept.

Close enough for gubmint work.

Your take is pretty dumb. Perhaps you are from the back woods where wimmin only talk about cooking and house cleaning, and men only talk about plowing and hunting, but that "Little House on the Prairie" existence doesn't reflect the reality of modern life.
Hardly. My 'take' on that is of the common man, and common sense, and, unlike you, I have the good manners not to attack someone, merely because their opinion differs from my own, however, given that you've initiated a hostile tone to the exchange... it appears as though you still have some growing-up to do.
I heard what he said, and his claim of a better deal is one where Iran capitulates everything. That isn't going to happen. Sure, we need the best deal possible, and without certain assurances, it will never be signed, but it is unreasonable for Netanyahu to expect the agreement to only go one way. The deal he demands is impossible. Having said that, the only alternative is war. I don't want that.
Iran was intractable prior to sanctions against them. It was the sanctions that forced them to even consider going to the negotiation table.

Rejecting this deal and proposing one in which they [Iran] can have a national energy program that does not include the development of nuclear weapons is the only viable alternative. If they refuse to negotiate on those terms or refuse to continue talks, then you double down on the sanctions. Squeeze them economically to the point that their economy collapes, and then squeeze them some more.

There is no need for a hot war.

I'm not aware of any energy program that requires nuclear weapons, and if you think that is the treaty being negotiated, you are wrong. Netanyahu wants no nuclear capability at all for Iran. There is no reason why, with sufficient inspections, their energy program should be a problem.
The whole fiction of the Iranian nuclear program is for energy. Or didn't you know that?

Of course I did. They are trying to negotiate regular and complete inspections to prevent them from converting their energy program to a bomb program. Why do you oppose that?
I don't. I don't want Iran to have any nuclear program. None at all. They cannot be trusted, at all. They have enough carbon energy to meet their needs. The negotiations are a farce.

I would not have wanted Pope Urban II nor Pope Julius II to have nukes, either.

Theocracies and nuclear weapons just don't mix.

Really really, really bad idea.
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Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress -Only if you are a NeoCon,
The man followed a script to a T. Start by praising congress and the President.
Then goes into his chicken little scenario then he moves into his war mongering posture.
Then finishes up by trotting out a holocaust survivor.
All the while the NeoCons in attendance showing their true Allegiance by acting like teenage girls at a Justin Bieber Concert.

The man received multiple standing ovations, even Democrats were standing and applauding so stop spitting your hatred and venom.
It is a solution that was voted into law back in 86. Gun manufacturers knew that selling a pistol that would use that ammo would automatically trigger the ban, but did it anyway.
So are you still searching for an example where this m885 ammo was used against law enforcement? Let us know when you find something.

Don't care. Doesn't matter. It fits the criteria for the ban which went into effect in 1986
You needn't inform me that facts don't matter to you.

In this case, the law is what matters. I thought teabaggers were always whining about enforcing the long standing laws.
Not laws that violate the Constitution.

^^^ KABOOM!! You utterly destroyed him.
...The man received multiple standing ovations, even Democrats were standing and applauding so stop spitting your hatred and venom.
Hell, yesterday, even the Lib rag "HuffPo" said that Bibi rocked the House (and the Senate)...

I don't recall Obama receiving those kinds of standing ovations from congress, maybe because he spends too much time whining and complaining and blaming others? It was quite the contrast and frankly refreshing to hear the other side of the issue. We can't rely on our lame ass press anymore its sad a foreign leader has to come here to deliver the message to the people. Illegal immigration same story, all we hear from our politicians and press is oh the poor illegals they just want a menial job. We never hear about the meth they are pouring into our cities, the crime they commit, the tax fraud, the identity theft.
I am sure that the "decent" right wingers in Congress will demand that the Prime Minister of Iran be given the same opportunity to address this on-going debate....right???? After all, shouldn't a well-informed populace be given the chance to hear both sides?????
Of course, Bibi speaks better English than most Iranians ....and the "tail" (Israel) always likes to wag the "dog" (the U.S.) and have us do their dirty work for them (and give them $4 billion per year for the privilege.)

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