Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

Wait, so you didn't go through with the sex change?


Weeeeeeee! A nutter shooting for humor. Always so precious. I admire the determination.

Not at all. The humor resides in your post that use vocabulary typical of a female.

But hey, I understand not all sex changes go as planned :badgrin:


Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Since Go4it couldn't explain how my use of our language is feminine....maybe you can. Wanna take a shot at it?
My own take on this?

Merely that there are words and phrases, tones and sentiments, devices and concepts, that are discernible as characteristically 'male' or 'female' in connection with common or routine or average or mainstream usage, between the sexes.

That doesn't mean that there isn't a fair amount of cross-over and a considerable range of exceptions - merely commonly-perceived (and oftentimes largely accurate) traits or attributes or characteristics or usages that average folks-on-the-street would readily identify as more commonly attributed to one gender or another.

The shorthand notation 'gender-specific vocabulary' has merit, with respect to the imagery it conjures-up and the way in which it easily conveys the concept.

Close enough for gubmint work.
Not at all. The humor resides in your post that use vocabulary typical of a female.

But hey, I understand not all sex changes go as planned :badgrin:


Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Of course it exists in some languages. Spanish has gender specific nouns. I'm not aware of any language with words that are for the exclusive use of males or for exclusive use of females. That's what that idiot was implying.

I never said exclusive.. but please,,,, keep projecting


What vocabulary do I use that you consider to be used by females and not males. How about a few examples?

This may help some of you... but I'm not certain



Is your vocabulary more 'male' or 'female'?

Do you know what ‘codec’ means? What about ‘wisteria’?

Chances are that if you know a codec is a device that compresses data, you’re male. If you’re more familiar with the climbing shrub belonging to the pea family, then you’re probably a woman.

Just so we're clear, this is not me being sexist. Instead it's the loose findings of an online study which found there is a big difference between men and women when it comes to recognising certain words.

Mark Brysbaert, director of the Center for Reading Research at Ghent University, asked half a million people to take part in an online vocabulary test. They were shown a number of words – some of which were made up, and others which belong to the English language.

The study found that there were 24 words where there was a vast recognition gap between men and women, which was as high as 40 per cent. Men tended to recognise words referring to science, weapons and transport, while women recognised words related to flowers, fashion and hair.

Is your vocabulary more male or female - Telegraph

Wait, so you didn't go through with the sex change?


Weeeeeeee! A nutter shooting for humor. Always so precious. I admire the determination.

Not at all. The humor resides in your post that use vocabulary typical of a female.

But hey, I understand not all sex changes go as planned :badgrin:


Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Of course it exists in some languages. Spanish has gender specific nouns. I'm not aware of any language with words that are for the exclusive use of males or for exclusive use of females. That's what that idiot was implying.
My observation focused upon practical application and common usage within an English Language framework, not the broad gender-ization of nouns in other languages.

I have been operating under the assumption that this was understood without explicitly declaring it.
Weeeeeeee! A nutter shooting for humor. Always so precious. I admire the determination.

Not at all. The humor resides in your post that use vocabulary typical of a female.

But hey, I understand not all sex changes go as planned :badgrin:


Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Of course it exists in some languages. Spanish has gender specific nouns. I'm not aware of any language with words that are for the exclusive use of males or for exclusive use of females. That's what that idiot was implying.

I never said exclusive.. but please,,,, keep projecting


Then please inform me which particular words you usually use to determine if a person is male or female.
Not at all. The humor resides in your post that use vocabulary typical of a female.

But hey, I understand not all sex changes go as planned :badgrin:


Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Of course it exists in some languages. Spanish has gender specific nouns. I'm not aware of any language with words that are for the exclusive use of males or for exclusive use of females. That's what that idiot was implying.

I never said exclusive.. but please,,,, keep projecting


Then please inform me which particular words you usually use to determine if a person is male or female.

I posted a link above that does an admirable job of explaining typical use of words by men and women

I suggest you start there for a baseline understanding

Weeeeeeee! A nutter shooting for humor. Always so precious. I admire the determination.

Not at all. The humor resides in your post that use vocabulary typical of a female.

But hey, I understand not all sex changes go as planned :badgrin:


Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Since Go4it couldn't explain how my use of our language is feminine....maybe you can. Wanna take a shot at it?
My own take on this?

Merely that there are words and phrases, tones and sentiments, devices and concepts, that are discernible as characteristically 'male' or 'female' in connection with common or routine or average or mainstream usage, between the sexes.

That doesn't mean that there isn't a fair amount of cross-over and a considerable range of exceptions - merely commonly-perceived (and oftentimes largely accurate) traits or attributes or characteristics or usages that average folks-on-the-street would readily identify as more commonly attributed to one gender or another.

The shorthand notation 'gender-specific vocabulary' has merit, with respect to the imagery it conjures-up and the way in which it easily conveys the concept.

Close enough for gubmint work.

Your take is pretty dumb. Perhaps you are from the back woods where wimmin only talk about cooking and house cleaning, and men only talk about plowing and hunting, but that "Little House on the Prairie" existence doesn't reflect the reality of modern life.
The visit was already factored into the polls.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gained popularity with the American people ahead of his Tuesday address to Congress, according to a recent Gallup poll. Forty-five percent of respondents said they had a favorable opinion of Netanyahu -- a level of support Gallup hasn't seen for the political leader since 1998. Netanyahu's unfavorable score remained about the same since it was last measured in 2012, but fewer people had no opinion of him.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Gallup Poll Finds Americans See Israeli Prime Minister Favorably Ahead Of US Visit
Listening to excerpts from Benny, I gotta say he sounds like he wants war with Iran. But he knows he can't win such a war without US involvement.

I can't imasgine anything worse, or more prone to spiral out of control than the US assisting Israel in anything military re: Iran.

Iran is not Iraq or Afganistan (not that we did so hot there.) And would field hundreds of thousands of suicide troops as they did against Iraq. There is no winning a war with Iran not involving nuclear weapons.

Idiot civilians saying how we should go to war with Iran are the most fucking ignorant commentators ever. What makes you guys think when we get our butts kicked by Afganistan goat-herders we're gonna magically do so much better against fanatical regular military forces?
Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Of course it exists in some languages. Spanish has gender specific nouns. I'm not aware of any language with words that are for the exclusive use of males or for exclusive use of females. That's what that idiot was implying.

I never said exclusive.. but please,,,, keep projecting


What vocabulary do I use that you consider to be used by females and not males. How about a few examples?

This may help some of you... but I'm not certain



Is your vocabulary more 'male' or 'female'?

Do you know what ‘codec’ means? What about ‘wisteria’?

Chances are that if you know a codec is a device that compresses data, you’re male. If you’re more familiar with the climbing shrub belonging to the pea family, then you’re probably a woman.

Just so we're clear, this is not me being sexist. Instead it's the loose findings of an online study which found there is a big difference between men and women when it comes to recognising certain words.

Mark Brysbaert, director of the Center for Reading Research at Ghent University, asked half a million people to take part in an online vocabulary test. They were shown a number of words – some of which were made up, and others which belong to the English language.

The study found that there were 24 words where there was a vast recognition gap between men and women, which was as high as 40 per cent. Men tended to recognise words referring to science, weapons and transport, while women recognised words related to flowers, fashion and hair.

Is your vocabulary more male or female - Telegraph
You fail miserably. I know only three of the words that the study claims as being feminine and I have never used any of them
Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Of course it exists in some languages. Spanish has gender specific nouns. I'm not aware of any language with words that are for the exclusive use of males or for exclusive use of females. That's what that idiot was implying.

I never said exclusive.. but please,,,, keep projecting


Then please inform me which particular words you usually use to determine if a person is male or female.

I posted a link above that does an admirable job of explaining typical use of words by men and women

I suggest you start there for a baseline understanding


I went to your link. I took the test.....which did not give me a result indicating any gender. I did get a 79%.

I looked at the article and the example words. I don't use any of the words in the feminine list. I only know three of them. I do use a few of those in the masculine list. I am familiar with 10 of them. You fail again.

And you guys complain about 'sources'? LMAO- PoliticusUSA? 'Real Liberal Politics? :banana:

They are reporting on a Gallup poll...here are the results of the polls they reported on...the large red letter items are links :badgrin::banana::ahole-1:

From February 26-28, President Obama’s approval rating was 44% in the Gallup Daily Tracking Poll. The president’s disapproval rating was 51%. Once Netanyahu’s arrived in the United States, President Obama’s approval rating jumped to 49%, and his disapproval rating fell to 47%.

There were signs that the Republican handling of the Netanyahu invitation was not playing well with many Americans. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday found that by a margin of 48%-30%, registered voters said that John Boehner should have talked to President Obama before inviting Netanyahu.

.are you stupid ....do you think they made up the poll? is it your position that Politicus made it all up...you are stupid....call Gallup let them know
The REAL "point" of this thread is not so much about Iran's nuclear ambitions,,,rather, it served to allow Obama haters to, once again, vent their animosity toward ANYTHING that this president has tried to accomplish.
You dont think the fact that Obama's negotiations with Iran are a farce and will result in a nuclear Iran and a less safer world have anythign to do with it?

"Farce" is YOUR opinion, fueled by the on-going hatred of Obama. One would wonder if your ilk contemplated "....a less safer world..." when war-criminals like Cheney convinced you to invade Iraq will all those WMDs and eliminated the ONLY viable, regional check to Iranian ambitions.
Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Of course it exists in some languages. Spanish has gender specific nouns. I'm not aware of any language with words that are for the exclusive use of males or for exclusive use of females. That's what that idiot was implying.

I never said exclusive.. but please,,,, keep projecting


Then please inform me which particular words you usually use to determine if a person is male or female.

I posted a link above that does an admirable job of explaining typical use of words by men and women

I suggest you start there for a baseline understanding

Oh shut up. You said something dumb. Do you want to continue being ridiculed for it?
Listening to excerpts from Benny, I gotta say he sounds like he wants war with Iran. But he knows he can't win such a war without US involvement.
The one thing that stuck out to me was when he said something like "Israel can now protect itself if it has to."

From what I've heard, it doesn't have the means to act unilaterally to do that. I dunno.


He's gonna fast track the deal now... When Obama thinks he's been embarrassed, when Obama thinks he's been shown up, doubles down on revenge.
Yes, that seems to be the case. Now, however, I find myself wondering whether he can make it stick. There are ways to circumvent such outcomes, generated by a lame-duck President that has lost the confidence of Congress and the American People, but the Pubs have - so far - not demonstrated the courage to intervene in the ways that count.
self aggrandising drivel
Gender specific vocabulary? Is that what home schoolers are being taught now?
Are you operating under the impression that gender-specific vocabulary (widespread or mainstream or average usages, male vs. female) doesn't exist?

Of course it exists in some languages. Spanish has gender specific nouns. I'm not aware of any language with words that are for the exclusive use of males or for exclusive use of females. That's what that idiot was implying.

I never said exclusive.. but please,,,, keep projecting


Then please inform me which particular words you usually use to determine if a person is male or female.

I posted a link above that does an admirable job of explaining typical use of words by men and women

I suggest you start there for a baseline understanding

Fuck me Gateaux you can read?

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