Terror attack against Israelis in Bulgaria. Dozens hurt

For the record------the jihado propaganda item "half of israel is populated by russians" is not true In fact half of the jewish population of Israel have recent ancestors or are themselves survivors of the filth jihadist rule-----now that the sudanese have arrived----there are lots more christian survivors of that vile filth in Israel The syrian survivors of the filth are coming in too.
A very unfortunate tragedy-----there is no question----islamic terrorism does produce a HUGE BLOODY FALLOUT Where there are guns----there is death Where there are jihadist pigs----there is LOTS OF DEATH, including the intended and the unintended

A very unfortunate Murder-----there is no question----israeli terrorism does produce a HUGE BLOODY FALLOUT Where there are guns----there is death Where there are Mossad thugs----there is LOTS OF DEATH, including the intended and the unintended
fixed that for ya

You "fixed" nothing------you presented false statements The mossad is not made up of thugs As to LOTS OF DEATH -----you presented another false statement------for death rates learn a bit of history-----its YOUR SIDE WHICH HAS MURDERED IN THE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS ----another problem with your "fix" is you do not know the definition of "murder" In fact an UNINTENDED KILLING is---by defintion---not murder. Did you graduate the 8th grade?

In fact an UNINTENDED KILLING is---by defintion(sic)---not murder
Oh they intended to kill him, the fact that they fingered the wrong guy takes nothing away from this Murder, And if by
you mean non jews, I will keep that in mind
For the record------the jihado propaganda item "half of israel is populated by russians" is not true In fact half of the jewish population of Israel have recent ancestors or are themselves survivors of the filth jihadist rule-----now that the sudanese have arrived----there are lots more christian survivors of that vile filth in Israel The syrian survivors of the filth are coming in too.

What are you on about?..
A very unfortunate Murder-----there is no question----israeli terrorism does produce a HUGE BLOODY FALLOUT Where there are guns----there is death Where there are Mossad thugs----there is LOTS OF DEATH, including the intended and the unintended
fixed that for ya

You "fixed" nothing------you presented false statements The mossad is not made up of thugs As to LOTS OF DEATH -----you presented another false statement------for death rates learn a bit of history-----its YOUR SIDE WHICH HAS MURDERED IN THE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS ----another problem with your "fix" is you do not know the definition of "murder" In fact an UNINTENDED KILLING is---by defintion---not murder. Did you graduate the 8th grade?

In fact an UNINTENDED KILLING is---by defintion(sic)---not murder
Oh they intended to kill him, the fact that they fingered the wrong guy takes nothing away from this Murder, And if by
you mean non jews, I will keep that in mind

You blew it again the INTENTION WAS TO JUSTLY EXECUTE A FILTHY MURDERING PIG (from your side) -------the fact that they killed the wrong person is a matter of negligent manslaughter

By "your side" I have defined "your side" in the previous sentence.

Had assassination attempts against your other hero ADOLF HITLER ---been successful---I would not have called the assassins "murderers" Of course, I do understand----you would I believe that some of the people involved in that which you call a GLORIOUS DEED---to wit the bombing of the bus in Bulgaria ------will go down in a way similar to the tragedy in which a cab driver died in the place of the real murdering pig (from your side)

as to the MURDER OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS learn a bit of history------study the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. It is an ongoing history---just this past hundred years marked by the genocide of at least 25 million ----start with the armenians and work your way all the way up to the sudanese and-----do not leave out Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, ----and lesser but still important ongoing genocide in Pakistan, egypt, syria etc etc expect something in Turkey

In the first 100 years of MOGHUL RULE-------the "rulers" managed to murder 100 million hindus if you wish ----you can try to come up with a yearly average
You "fixed" nothing------you presented false statements The mossad is not made up of thugs As to LOTS OF DEATH -----you presented another false statement------for death rates learn a bit of history-----its YOUR SIDE WHICH HAS MURDERED IN THE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS ----another problem with your "fix" is you do not know the definition of "murder" In fact an UNINTENDED KILLING is---by defintion---not murder. Did you graduate the 8th grade?

Oh they intended to kill him, the fact that they fingered the wrong guy takes nothing away from this Murder, And if by you mean non jews, I will keep that in mind

You blew it again the INTENTION WAS TO JUSTLY EXECUTE A FILTHY MURDERING PIG (from your side) -------the fact that they killed the wrong person is a matter of negligent manslaughter

By "your side" I have defined "your side" in the previous sentence.

Had assassination attempts against your other hero ADOLF HITLER ---been successful---I would not have called the assassins "murderers" Of course, I do understand----you would I believe that some of the people involved in that which you call a GLORIOUS DEED---to wit the bombing of the bus in Bulgaria ------will go down in a way similar to the tragedy in which a cab driver died in the place of the real murdering pig (from your side)

as to the MURDER OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS learn a bit of history------study the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. It is an ongoing history---just this past hundred years marked by the genocide of at least 25 million ----start with the armenians and work your way all the way up to the sudanese and-----do not leave out Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, ----and lesser but still important ongoing genocide in Pakistan, egypt, syria etc etc expect something in Turkey

In the first 100 years of MOGHUL RULE-------the "rulers" managed to murder 100 million hindus if you wish ----you can try to come up with a yearly average

are you on drugs, or should you be? why do you bring ADOLF HITLER?
where do I call anything a "GLORIOUS DEED"
will go down in a way similar to the tragedy in which a cab driver died in the place of the real murdering pig (from your side)
WTF are you on? the Israeli thugs killed a waiter, not a cab driver
what does that have to do with me, an European?
Seriously dude you seem unstable, are you planning to go to a cinema anytime soon?
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You blew it again the INTENTION WAS TO JUSTLY EXECUTE A FILTHY MURDERING PIG (from your side) -------the fact that they killed the wrong person is a matter of negligent manslaughter

By "your side" I have defined "your side" in the previous sentence.

Had assassination attempts against your other hero ADOLF HITLER ---been successful---I would not have called the assassins "murderers" Of course, I do understand----you would I believe that some of the people involved in that which you call a GLORIOUS DEED---to wit the bombing of the bus in Bulgaria ------will go down in a way similar to the tragedy in which a cab driver died in the place of the real murdering pig (from your side)

as to the MURDER OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS learn a bit of history------study the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. It is an ongoing history---just this past hundred years marked by the genocide of at least 25 million ----start with the armenians and work your way all the way up to the sudanese and-----do not leave out Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, ----and lesser but still important ongoing genocide in Pakistan, egypt, syria etc etc expect something in Turkey

In the first 100 years of MOGHUL RULE-------the "rulers" managed to murder 100 million hindus if you wish ----you can try to come up with a yearly average

are you on drugs, or should you be? why do you bring ADOLF HITLER?
where do I call anything a "GLORIOUS DEED"
WTF are you on? the Israeli thugs killed a waiter, not a cab driver
what does that have to do with me, an European?
Seriously dude you seem unstable, are you planning to go to a cinema anytime soon?

oh I did make a mistake the person that the Mossad accidentally killed while they were after one of your heroes was a waiter---not a cab driver Your side is the same side as the person who the Mossad was trying to execute ------european or not-------people do "take sides" Adolf Hitler was on the same side as the Munich murderer whom the Mossad was trying to kill ----to summarize Adolf hitler, murderers at munich, you ALL ON THE SAME "SIDE" Always remember ---during the entire decade of the 1930s only one book was translated into arabic--------YOUR ALL TIME FAVE "MEIN KAMPF" chances are that your hero in Bulgaria ------read it. He probably read it in arabic. ANY person who calls himself a "european" would have to be extremly stupid to consider the ISLAMIC AGE OF CONQUEST as having nothing to do with him The islamic age of conquest had a profound effect on europe and all of its inhabitants Did you know that epidemiologists believe that the BUBONIC PLAGUE that knocked off some 20% of europe started in muslim dominated middle east and got carried along with the BRAVE JIHADISTS?
You blew it again the INTENTION WAS TO JUSTLY EXECUTE A FILTHY MURDERING PIG (from your side) -------the fact that they killed the wrong person is a matter of negligent manslaughter

By "your side" I have defined "your side" in the previous sentence.

Had assassination attempts against your other hero ADOLF HITLER ---been successful---I would not have called the assassins "murderers" Of course, I do understand----you would I believe that some of the people involved in that which you call a GLORIOUS DEED---to wit the bombing of the bus in Bulgaria ------will go down in a way similar to the tragedy in which a cab driver died in the place of the real murdering pig (from your side)

as to the MURDER OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS learn a bit of history------study the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. It is an ongoing history---just this past hundred years marked by the genocide of at least 25 million ----start with the armenians and work your way all the way up to the sudanese and-----do not leave out Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, ----and lesser but still important ongoing genocide in Pakistan, egypt, syria etc etc expect something in Turkey

In the first 100 years of MOGHUL RULE-------the "rulers" managed to murder 100 million hindus if you wish ----you can try to come up with a yearly average

are you on drugs, or should you be? why do you bring ADOLF HITLER?
where do I call anything a "GLORIOUS DEED"
WTF are you on? the Israeli thugs killed a waiter, not a cab driver
what does that have to do with me, an European?
Seriously dude you seem unstable, are you planning to go to a cinema anytime soon?
Forget Israel for a momen, Jos. Did you forget that it is Ramadan when the Muslims really get worked up? 110 people killed in Iraq by Muslims just the other day. The scorecard for Day 5 is 51 terror attacks and 257 dead bodies. Seems like they are having fun and doing what they do best.

You blew it again the INTENTION WAS TO JUSTLY EXECUTE A FILTHY MURDERING PIG (from your side) -------the fact that they killed the wrong person is a matter of negligent manslaughter

By "your side" I have defined "your side" in the previous sentence.

Had assassination attempts against your other hero ADOLF HITLER ---been successful---I would not have called the assassins "murderers" Of course, I do understand----you would I believe that some of the people involved in that which you call a GLORIOUS DEED---to wit the bombing of the bus in Bulgaria ------will go down in a way similar to the tragedy in which a cab driver died in the place of the real murdering pig (from your side)

as to the MURDER OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS learn a bit of history------study the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. It is an ongoing history---just this past hundred years marked by the genocide of at least 25 million ----start with the armenians and work your way all the way up to the sudanese and-----do not leave out Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, ----and lesser but still important ongoing genocide in Pakistan, egypt, syria etc etc expect something in Turkey

In the first 100 years of MOGHUL RULE-------the "rulers" managed to murder 100 million hindus if you wish ----you can try to come up with a yearly average

are you on drugs, or should you be? why do you bring ADOLF HITLER?
where do I call anything a "GLORIOUS DEED"
WTF are you on? the Israeli thugs killed a waiter, not a cab driver
what does that have to do with me, an European?
Seriously dude you seem unstable, are you planning to go to a cinema anytime soon?
Dipshit, the Israelis were targetting what they thought to be a Moooslime terrorist animal. And 99.999999% of the time they are right. Actually Israel is known to have one of the best intelligence agencies in the world. So stick it up your Muhammad.
Actually Israel is known to have one of the best intelligence agencies in the world.
Meet and Greet
They should be given medals for taking out these kinds of Islamic animals...

Meet and greet





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Roudy, what's up? You couldn't give up your gay blowdryer? He give you a chubby?
Roudy, what's up? You couldn't give up your gay blowdryer? He give you a chubby?

Could you translate that into standard english? I do not understand the lingo of gutter whores

Translation: his previous homosexual oriented avatar was changed for one that is just as gay. Makes you wonder whether he knows he's a wannabe bonesmugger.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
Bulgarian Revelations Explode Hezbollah Bombing “Hypothesis”
When European Union foreign ministers discuss a proposal to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation, Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov will present his government’s case for linking two suspects in the Jul. 18, 2012 bombing of an Israeli tourist bus to Hezbollah.

But European ministers who demand hard evidence of Hezbollah involvement are not likely to find it in the Bulgarian report on the investigation, which has produced no more than an “assumption” or “hypothesis” of Hezbollah complicity.

Major revelations about the investigation by the former head of the probe and by a top Bulgarian journalist have further damaged the credibility of the Bulgarian claim to have found links between the suspects and Hezbollah.

The chief prosecutor in charge of the Bulgarian investigation revealed in an interview published in early January that the evidence available was too scarce to name any party as responsible, and that investigators had found a key piece of evidence that appeared to contradict it.

An article in a Bulgarian weekly in mid-January confirmed that the investigation had turned up no information on a Hezbollah role, and further reported that one of the suspects had been linked by a friendly intelligence service to Al-Qaeda.
IPS ? Bulgarian Revelations Explode Hezbollah Bombing ?Hypothesis? | Inter Press Service
Bulgarian Revelations Explode Hezbollah Bombing “Hypothesis”
When European Union foreign ministers discuss a proposal to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation, Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov will present his government’s case for linking two suspects in the Jul. 18, 2012 bombing of an Israeli tourist bus to Hezbollah.

But European ministers who demand hard evidence of Hezbollah involvement are not likely to find it in the Bulgarian report on the investigation, which has produced no more than an “assumption” or “hypothesis” of Hezbollah complicity.

Major revelations about the investigation by the former head of the probe and by a top Bulgarian journalist have further damaged the credibility of the Bulgarian claim to have found links between the suspects and Hezbollah.

The chief prosecutor in charge of the Bulgarian investigation revealed in an interview published in early January that the evidence available was too scarce to name any party as responsible, and that investigators had found a key piece of evidence that appeared to contradict it.

An article in a Bulgarian weekly in mid-January confirmed that the investigation had turned up no information on a Hezbollah role, and further reported that one of the suspects had been linked by a friendly intelligence service to Al-Qaeda.
IPS ? Bulgarian Revelations Explode Hezbollah Bombing ?Hypothesis? | Inter Press Service
Rumor has it a Salvation Army bell ringer did the bombing. Who woulda thunk it?
It was Hezbollah.

Bulgaria says clear signs Hezbollah behind Burgas bombing | Reuters

They have clear evidence, the white guy who bombed the bus was Hezbollah.

Sofia still has to identify the bomber and track two of his accomplices, who authorities said were of Lebanese origin with Canadian and Australian passports and were connected to Hezbollah.

They have no clue as to the bomber's name or those of his two supposed mates but they still claim it was Hezbollah.

The rest of the world, not Israel or America, don't think there's even close to enough evidence.

Several EU capitals had objected, arguing such a move could destabilize Lebanon where Hezbollah is part of the government, and questioning whether there was sufficient evidence linking the group to the attack in the seaside resort of Burgas.

Are we really suppose to believe, a man they can't name and his two mates they can't name are Hezbollah because of evidence they can't publish?

What's that smell?
Ah, bullshit.
It was Hezbollah.

Bulgaria says clear signs Hezbollah behind Burgas bombing | Reuters

They have clear evidence, the white guy who bombed the bus was Hezbollah.

Sofia still has to identify the bomber and track two of his accomplices, who authorities said were of Lebanese origin with Canadian and Australian passports and were connected to Hezbollah.

They have no clue as to the bomber's name or those of his two supposed mates but they still claim it was Hezbollah.

The rest of the world, not Israel or America, don't think there's even close to enough evidence.

Several EU capitals had objected, arguing such a move could destabilize Lebanon where Hezbollah is part of the government, and questioning whether there was sufficient evidence linking the group to the attack in the seaside resort of Burgas.

Are we really suppose to believe, a man they can't name and his two mates they can't name are Hezbollah because of evidence they can't publish?

What's that smell?
Ah, bullshit.

SO why else would they say it was Hezbollah ? Let me guess, Zionist conspiracy ?

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