Terror attack in Psagot settlement- IDF in the area

They don't SPEAK *AT* MemriTV.

It's not a newschannel.

It's a network following what Arabs say on their OWN media devices.

They take and simply translate what is already out there for all to see.

They connect the Arab language to non-Arab speakers so they could understand what they're saying.

Then why always Memri Tv shows their videos and why this people always trying to disparage islam and always exalt Israel ? Maybe there is a connection between them : ) and this Memri Tv doing lie translations , for example they translate the sentence "jews re shooting at us" as "we will destroy jews" , have you ever heard this event before ? And Yigal Carmon , a manager of the Tv , sounds as like a jewish name : )
Do you even know who that girl is?:eusa_eh:

if she lived in a settlement, her parents may very well have been possessing stolen property.

which is a crime.

So that will be a 'NO'.

This child was daughter of Haredi Jews who lived partly in Israel (INSIDE the green line)
And partly in France.

She was sent into a Jewish school in France, and was killed in a terror attack.

A terrorist shot her in the head, and then two more times, and her own father held her in her arms till he had no tears left in him.

She was nearly 8 when she was killed.

She was her father's only daughter.

Her crime? being Israeli, and being a Jew. The terrorist said he killed her (and two other children) in revenge of the 'Palestinian resistance'.

She was not a settler. Her parents were no thieves.

She wasn't killed because of the 'occupation'. she was killed because terrorists don't need any REASON to kill.

It's what they DO.

That little girl's name was Miriam.

Just one more victim of the Palestinian 'freedom fighting'
They don't SPEAK *AT* MemriTV.

It's not a newschannel.

It's a network following what Arabs say on their OWN media devices.

They take and simply translate what is already out there for all to see.

They connect the Arab language to non-Arab speakers so they could understand what they're saying.

Then why always Memri Tv shows their videos and why this people always trying to disparage islam and always exalt Israel ? Maybe there is a connection between them : ) and this Memri Tv doing lie translations , for example they translate the sentence "jews re shooting at us" as "we will destroy jews" , have you ever heard this event before ? And Yigal Carmon , a manager of the Tv , sounds as like a jewish name : )

The videos featuring Israel are only half of what Memri brings out.

They mostly go against Radical Islam when it oppresses women's rights and Christian rights.

You obviously have not seen many videos of them.
So that will be a 'NO'.

This child was daughter of Haredi Jews who lived partly in Israel (INSIDE the green line)
And partly in France.

She was sent into a Jewish school in France, and was killed in a terror attack.

A terrorist shot her in the head, and then two more times, and her own father held her in her arms till he had no tears left in him.

She was nearly 8 when she was killed.

She was her father's only daughter.

Her crime? being Israeli, and being a Jew. The terrorist said he killed her (and two other children) in revenge of the 'Palestinian resistance'.

She was not a settler. Her parents were no thieves.

She wasn't killed because of the 'occupation'. she was killed because terrorists don't need any REASON to kill.

It's what they DO.

That little girl's name was Miriam.

Just one more victim of the Palestinian 'freedom fighting'

the war should be kept in Israel and the Occupied West Bank.

only military targets outside of these lands are legit.
So that will be a 'NO'.

This child was daughter of Haredi Jews who lived partly in Israel (INSIDE the green line)
And partly in France.

She was sent into a Jewish school in France, and was killed in a terror attack.

A terrorist shot her in the head, and then two more times, and her own father held her in her arms till he had no tears left in him.

She was nearly 8 when she was killed.

She was her father's only daughter.

Her crime? being Israeli, and being a Jew. The terrorist said he killed her (and two other children) in revenge of the 'Palestinian resistance'.

She was not a settler. Her parents were no thieves.

She wasn't killed because of the 'occupation'. she was killed because terrorists don't need any REASON to kill.

It's what they DO.

That little girl's name was Miriam.

Just one more victim of the Palestinian 'freedom fighting'

the war should be kept in Israel and the Occupied West Bank.

only military targets outside of these lands are legit.

Then why such angels are being killed abroad?

There is no justification for this.

Just like the Moshe Holtzberg case.
What Americans think....

Israeli child seriously wounded in West Bank settlement shooting
Walter Sobchak 25 minutes ago


Police said it was a Terrorist attack. Not a Militant Attack. Reuters injecting their political opinon again.

Expand Replies (3) Reply .

Commenter 17 minutes ago


That's al reuters. The 'west bank' is not occupied either.




Robert 1 hour ago


Whoever it is whether it was a Palestinian or even an Israeli may they be held accountable that´s all I'm saying not taking anyone´s side. Hurting innocent children is never justifiable.

Expand Replies (2) Reply .

truth 12 seconds ago



An article every time a Palestinian is wounded.

Reply .

Dan 26 seconds ago


That's too bad. But was there any coverage at all when Israeli's dropped white phosphorous on sleeping women and children in the Gaza mass murder? White phosphorous is a banned chemical weapon which burns in the flesh and skin of the victim until it reaches the bone. Over 600 children were estimated to have murdered this way according to independent investigators. No news from the Jewish MSM, however...

Reply .

Ron 12 minutes ago


Robert, enjoyed reading your fantasy post. Got any facts you can take to the FBI and that will show evidence of an actual crime? Anything that will hold water in Federal Court? Or is all you have fantasy?

Expand Replies (1) Reply .

Garden 1 hour ago


No child should be attacked. Period.

Expand Replies (2) Reply .

Ron 9 minutes ago


time for a number of posters to get over blaming the victim. And get over the fantasy that suddenly every Jew in Israel will get on a plane or boat 'back to Europe". Israel exists and will continue to exist as the Jewish nation. you can post all the fantasies you want, but in the morning, when the sun comes up, the Israeli flag will be flying over united Jerusalem.

Reply .

Taggart 1 minute ago


Yeah whatever after watching the video of the Israel soldiers gunning down a 9 year old kid in front of his dad I think both sides are full of animals and we need to stay the hell away.

Reply .

markv 1 hour ago


There will be comments here justifying attack on a child. Comments saying that parents put their kid in danger, comments saying that occupation is illegal, comments saying that the child is also an occupier and thus a fair target, and comments about dead Palestinian children. ALL of these arguments will be morally wrong made by moral midgets. Yes, occupation is illegal, and yes parents raising kids in settlements face dangers but none of this justifies killing an innocent child. Similarly, dead Palestinian children are also a tragedy but none of this ever justifies killing another child.

Expand Replies (14) Reply .

YahJeW 55 seconds ago


Why do the israeli Zionist shove israeli news down our throats? Are stories reported in israel when people get murdered here at home..? NOPE. Any day now we'll begin receiving weather and traffic updates from israel.

Reply .
Perhaps Phillip should make a comment in the article saying it is a shame that the media here doesn't report on all those vicious attacks on Christians in Muslim countries. As a country which is still majority Christian, one would think that Phillip would think the Christians have a right to know. However, let's face it -- Phillip is not concerned with how many Christians are persecuted and/or killed in Muslim countries as long as the Jews are not involved.
When a sniper chooses to target a child for a shot that is just plain wrong. It's murder. There is nothing heroic about it.

Children don't have a choice in what adults do. :mad:
Israel need to create an artificial island made of shit to live on it . If possible in a remote location to humanity :laugh:

Oh by the way , finally scientists found water on Mars , so this means there is also mud : ) Israelis can move there :woohoo:
Why, Nox, those Muslims like you living in Turkey are like pieces of "shit" since it seems that the Muslims there don't even have problems gunning down priests. Since the Muslims are so busy murdering many people in several locations on this planet, it would be more apropos to send them to Mars where they can just kill each other up there. Nox can lead the way on the next spaceship to Mars since it is apparent that very few viewers would consider her a civilized, humane person. It seems that wherever there are Muslims, whether in Muslim majority countries or even where they are the minority, there is trouble.
They don't SPEAK *AT* MemriTV.

It's not a newschannel.

It's a network following what Arabs say on their OWN media devices.

They take and simply translate what is already out there for all to see.

They connect the Arab language to non-Arab speakers so they could understand what they're saying.

Then why always Memri Tv shows their videos and why this people always trying to disparage islam and always exalt Israel ? Maybe there is a connection between them : ) and this Memri Tv doing lie translations , for example they translate the sentence "jews re shooting at us" as "we will destroy jews" , have you ever heard this event before ? And Yigal Carmon , a manager of the Tv , sounds as like a jewish name : )
Isn't it strange that honest Arabs have no problems with the translations on MEMRI? It is only the Jew-hating Muslims and their fellow travelers who do. Lipush, do you remember one of the Muslim protesters in the U.S. who had a sign "Kill the Juice?" Or the signs carried by Muslims saying Hitler should have finished the Jews? Hmm, for a woman who claims she comes from Switzerland (maybe Arab parents or radicalized like that White Widow who was one of those terrorists in Kenya) and is now living in Turkey because she married a Turk, I wonder how she can be that good in Arabic since they speak Turkish in Turkey. Gee, maybe Nox also speaks Urdu and Pashtun, and we will get her a job as an interpreter at the U.N.
Your expectations are well placed. I said what I think should happen, is all.

What you say is incorrect, and I can say it full mouth since you've never been in military court and never seen soldiers being put to justice for wrong doings.


So please, don't talk about things you don't really know anything about.

Over 1500 Palestinian children killed.

How many perps are in jail?

Those children died in WAR.

There were cases where Soldiers behaved unproperly, and they were punished and put infront of judge.

Something Palestinians don't do btw. How many Hamas men were judged by their own system for war crimes?


We at least put our killers to justice once that happens.

You heard about Jacob Titel walking free, lately?:doubt:

Hanin Tafesh, 10 months, killed when the IDF bombarded her family home.

Fares Al-Basyouni, 9, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Odai Jamal Nasser, 16, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tareq Jamal Nasser, 14, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tamer Abu Asaifan, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on his family home.

Jumana Abu Asaifan, 1, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on her family home.

Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Hussein Jalal Nasser, 6, of northern Gaza, killed in an Israeli air strike on his family home.

Najeeb Ahmed Najeeb, 1, of the Qalandiya refugee camp, died of serious burns he suffered when Israeli troops fired a gas grenade into his family home.

Omar Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal, 14, of Al-Qarara, in southern Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on his family farm.

Suhaib Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ahmad Tawfiq al-Nasasra, 17, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad al-Nasasra, 15, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ayman Talal Al-Assaly, 17, of Gaza City, killed along with his father and sister in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Riham Al-Nabaheen, 4, of Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on her home.

Remember These Children 2012 Memorial

It seems that Israel considers it proper to bomb homes and kill children.

Wafa Sultan is fake.

Musab Hassan Yusuf is fake.

Noni Darwish is fake.

Everyone who sees different POV than yours are fake.

Go sleep on your nose, girl.

Come back once you're an adult:doubt:

Why this people speak at Memri Tv ? Who is the owner of Memri Tv ? and what is mean of word "Memri" ?

Could you share ? : )

The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.

Selective Memri | World news | theguardian.com
Over 1500 Palestinian children killed.

How many perps are in jail?

Those children died in WAR.

There were cases where Soldiers behaved unproperly, and they were punished and put infront of judge.

Something Palestinians don't do btw. How many Hamas men were judged by their own system for war crimes?


We at least put our killers to justice once that happens.

You heard about Jacob Titel walking free, lately?:doubt:

Hanin Tafesh, 10 months, killed when the IDF bombarded her family home.

Fares Al-Basyouni, 9, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Odai Jamal Nasser, 16, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tareq Jamal Nasser, 14, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tamer Abu Asaifan, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on his family home.

Jumana Abu Asaifan, 1, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on her family home.

Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Hussein Jalal Nasser, 6, of northern Gaza, killed in an Israeli air strike on his family home.

Najeeb Ahmed Najeeb, 1, of the Qalandiya refugee camp, died of serious burns he suffered when Israeli troops fired a gas grenade into his family home.

Omar Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal, 14, of Al-Qarara, in southern Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on his family farm.

Suhaib Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ahmad Tawfiq al-Nasasra, 17, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad al-Nasasra, 15, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ayman Talal Al-Assaly, 17, of Gaza City, killed along with his father and sister in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Riham Al-Nabaheen, 4, of Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on her home.

Remember These Children 2012 Memorial

It seems that Israel considers it proper to bomb homes and kill children.
You mean to tell us, Tinnie, that you don't also keep the names of all the Muslim and Christian children who have been killed by your fellow Arabs in the Middle East. Don't these children count too? I can just imagine how long the list would be if Tinnie kept just a list of those children who have been killed in Syria, and not other Muslim countries. Come on, Tinnie, there has to be some organization which has kept track of the names of the children killed in Syria. Maybe they just keep the names of the children listed by Tinnie because the Jews are involved but don't bother with lists when it is Muslims doing the killing. By now we have seen Tinnie's list numerous times, but not one list of the other children killed. Gee, with computers in wide use today, you would think there would be some kind of database of all the other children killed in places like Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, etc. Maybe Tinnie has some explanation of why there are no lists for these children. And, let's face ot,. Tinnie, your fellow Arabs think it is proper to kill children, especially when you think of the huge amount of children killed.
Those children died in WAR.

There were cases where Soldiers behaved unproperly, and they were punished and put infront of judge.

Something Palestinians don't do btw. How many Hamas men were judged by their own system for war crimes?


We at least put our killers to justice once that happens.

You heard about Jacob Titel walking free, lately?:doubt:

Hanin Tafesh, 10 months, killed when the IDF bombarded her family home.

Fares Al-Basyouni, 9, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Odai Jamal Nasser, 16, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tareq Jamal Nasser, 14, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tamer Abu Asaifan, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on his family home.

Jumana Abu Asaifan, 1, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on her family home.

Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Hussein Jalal Nasser, 6, of northern Gaza, killed in an Israeli air strike on his family home.

Najeeb Ahmed Najeeb, 1, of the Qalandiya refugee camp, died of serious burns he suffered when Israeli troops fired a gas grenade into his family home.

Omar Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal, 14, of Al-Qarara, in southern Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on his family farm.

Suhaib Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ahmad Tawfiq al-Nasasra, 17, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad al-Nasasra, 15, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ayman Talal Al-Assaly, 17, of Gaza City, killed along with his father and sister in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Riham Al-Nabaheen, 4, of Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on her home.

Remember These Children 2012 Memorial

It seems that Israel considers it proper to bomb homes and kill children.
You mean to tell us, Tinnie, that you don't also keep the names of all the Muslim and Christian children who have been killed by your fellow Arabs in the Middle East. Don't these children count too? I can just imagine how long the list would be if Tinnie kept just a list of those children who have been killed in Syria, and not other Muslim countries. Come on, Tinnie, there has to be some organization which has kept track of the names of the children killed in Syria. Maybe they just keep the names of the children listed by Tinnie because the Jews are involved but don't bother with lists when it is Muslims doing the killing. By now we have seen Tinnie's list numerous times, but not one list of the other children killed. Gee, with computers in wide use today, you would think there would be some kind of database of all the other children killed in places like Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, etc. Maybe Tinnie has some explanation of why there are no lists for these children. And, let's face ot,. Tinnie, your fellow Arabs think it is proper to kill children, especially when you think of the huge amount of children killed.

Nice deflection.

If you are truly concerned, look up the stats and post the results in the appropriate forum..
Hanin Tafesh, 10 months, killed when the IDF bombarded her family home.

Fares Al-Basyouni, 9, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Odai Jamal Nasser, 16, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tareq Jamal Nasser, 14, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tamer Abu Asaifan, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on his family home.

Jumana Abu Asaifan, 1, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on her family home.

Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Hussein Jalal Nasser, 6, of northern Gaza, killed in an Israeli air strike on his family home.

Najeeb Ahmed Najeeb, 1, of the Qalandiya refugee camp, died of serious burns he suffered when Israeli troops fired a gas grenade into his family home.

Omar Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal, 14, of Al-Qarara, in southern Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on his family farm.

Suhaib Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ahmad Tawfiq al-Nasasra, 17, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad al-Nasasra, 15, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ayman Talal Al-Assaly, 17, of Gaza City, killed along with his father and sister in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Riham Al-Nabaheen, 4, of Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on her home.

Remember These Children 2012 Memorial

It seems that Israel considers it proper to bomb homes and kill children.
You mean to tell us, Tinnie, that you don't also keep the names of all the Muslim and Christian children who have been killed by your fellow Arabs in the Middle East. Don't these children count too? I can just imagine how long the list would be if Tinnie kept just a list of those children who have been killed in Syria, and not other Muslim countries. Come on, Tinnie, there has to be some organization which has kept track of the names of the children killed in Syria. Maybe they just keep the names of the children listed by Tinnie because the Jews are involved but don't bother with lists when it is Muslims doing the killing. By now we have seen Tinnie's list numerous times, but not one list of the other children killed. Gee, with computers in wide use today, you would think there would be some kind of database of all the other children killed in places like Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, etc. Maybe Tinnie has some explanation of why there are no lists for these children. And, let's face ot,. Tinnie, your fellow Arabs think it is proper to kill children, especially when you think of the huge amount of children killed.

Nice deflection.

If you are truly concerned, look up the stats and post the results in the appropriate forum..
Then you put your stats in the appropriate forum, Uncle.

Wafa Sultan is fake.

Musab Hassan Yusuf is fake.

Noni Darwish is fake.

Everyone who sees different POV than yours are fake.

Go sleep on your nose, girl.

Come back once you're an adult:doubt:

Why this people speak at Memri Tv ? Who is the owner of Memri Tv ? and what is mean of word "Memri" ?

Could you share ? : )

The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.

Selective Memri | World news | theguardian.com
But Tinnie has no problem with all the Arab propaganda sites such as WRMEA which was established by some guy named Ali something or other. Meanwhile, the U.S. uses MEMRI translations because they know that MEMRI is good at that. No doubt Tinnie knows Arabic, and the next time someone posts a MEMRI youtube, Tinnie can tell us where the translator went wrong. And probably Tinnie thinks that C.A.I.R. is the cat's meow.
Over 1500 Palestinian children killed.

How many perps are in jail?

Those children died in WAR.

There were cases where Soldiers behaved unproperly, and they were punished and put infront of judge.

Something Palestinians don't do btw. How many Hamas men were judged by their own system for war crimes?


We at least put our killers to justice once that happens.

You heard about Jacob Titel walking free, lately?:doubt:

Hanin Tafesh, 10 months, killed when the IDF bombarded her family home.

Fares Al-Basyouni, 9, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Odai Jamal Nasser, 16, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tareq Jamal Nasser, 14, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tamer Abu Asaifan, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on his family home.

Jumana Abu Asaifan, 1, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on her family home.

Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Hussein Jalal Nasser, 6, of northern Gaza, killed in an Israeli air strike on his family home.

Najeeb Ahmed Najeeb, 1, of the Qalandiya refugee camp, died of serious burns he suffered when Israeli troops fired a gas grenade into his family home.

Omar Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal, 14, of Al-Qarara, in southern Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on his family farm.

Suhaib Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ahmad Tawfiq al-Nasasra, 17, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad al-Nasasra, 15, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ayman Talal Al-Assaly, 17, of Gaza City, killed along with his father and sister in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Riham Al-Nabaheen, 4, of Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on her home.

Remember These Children 2012 Memorial

It seems that Israel considers it proper to bomb homes and kill children.

I wonder how many of those children had to live with missile stocks in their houses, put by their Hamas parents.

Just sayin'
What Americans think....

Israeli child seriously wounded in West Bank settlement shooting
Walter Sobchak 25 minutes ago


Police said it was a Terrorist attack. Not a Militant Attack. Reuters injecting their political opinon again.

Expand Replies (3) Reply .

Commenter 17 minutes ago


That's al reuters. The 'west bank' is not occupied either.




Robert 1 hour ago


Whoever it is whether it was a Palestinian or even an Israeli may they be held accountable that´s all I'm saying not taking anyone´s side. Hurting innocent children is never justifiable.

Expand Replies (2) Reply .

truth 12 seconds ago



An article every time a Palestinian is wounded.

Reply .

Dan 26 seconds ago


That's too bad. But was there any coverage at all when Israeli's dropped white phosphorous on sleeping women and children in the Gaza mass murder? White phosphorous is a banned chemical weapon which burns in the flesh and skin of the victim until it reaches the bone. Over 600 children were estimated to have murdered this way according to independent investigators. No news from the Jewish MSM, however...

Reply .

Ron 12 minutes ago


Robert, enjoyed reading your fantasy post. Got any facts you can take to the FBI and that will show evidence of an actual crime? Anything that will hold water in Federal Court? Or is all you have fantasy?

Expand Replies (1) Reply .

Garden 1 hour ago


No child should be attacked. Period.

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Ron 9 minutes ago


time for a number of posters to get over blaming the victim. And get over the fantasy that suddenly every Jew in Israel will get on a plane or boat 'back to Europe". Israel exists and will continue to exist as the Jewish nation. you can post all the fantasies you want, but in the morning, when the sun comes up, the Israeli flag will be flying over united Jerusalem.

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Taggart 1 minute ago


Yeah whatever after watching the video of the Israel soldiers gunning down a 9 year old kid in front of his dad I think both sides are full of animals and we need to stay the hell away.

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markv 1 hour ago


There will be comments here justifying attack on a child. Comments saying that parents put their kid in danger, comments saying that occupation is illegal, comments saying that the child is also an occupier and thus a fair target, and comments about dead Palestinian children. ALL of these arguments will be morally wrong made by moral midgets. Yes, occupation is illegal, and yes parents raising kids in settlements face dangers but none of this justifies killing an innocent child. Similarly, dead Palestinian children are also a tragedy but none of this ever justifies killing another child.

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YahJeW 55 seconds ago


Why do the israeli Zionist shove israeli news down our throats? Are stories reported in israel when people get murdered here at home..? NOPE. Any day now we'll begin receiving weather and traffic updates from israel.

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Perhaps Phillip should make a comment in the article saying it is a shame that the media here doesn't report on all those vicious attacks on Christians in Muslim countries. As a country which is still majority Christian, one would think that Phillip would think the Christians have a right to know. However, let's face it -- Phillip is not concerned with how many Christians are persecuted and/or killed in Muslim countries as long as the Jews are not involved.

Do you ever get tired of posting lies? Daily I post and support killing Terrorists like recently in Somalia and the capture of al Liby...you unfortunately sound like an illiterate hillbilly that does not seem to have left dem hills.

US forces nab al-Qaida leader in Tripoli

US forces nab al-Qaida leader in Tripoli

blueartist 9 hours ago


Beautiful...keep killing and capturing their leaders without invasions that cost money and manpower!

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