Terror attack in Psagot settlement- IDF in the area

If a settler would have shot a young Palestinian boy in cold blood like that, he should have been punished in the same way we expect the shooter will be in THIS situation.

A child playing in the yard of their house doesn't deserve it, no matter if a Jew, Muslim or Christian

I'm not asking you to tell us what is going to happen. I'm telling you to condemn similar acts committed by Jews.

You don't and you over exaggerate any attacks against Jews in the occupied territories.

And we still don't know who's behind this and what the motive is. Although it should be played down as attacks against non Jews are played down.

Israeli soldiers aren't held responsible for their crimes. So you're lying you don't really mean it.

Neither are Israeli terrorist settlers held for their crimes either. And if they are it's usually a minor punishment.

Your expectations are well placed. I said what I think should happen, is all.

What you say is incorrect, and I can say it full mouth since you've never been in military court and never seen soldiers being put to justice for wrong doings.


So please, don't talk about things you don't really know anything about.

Over 1500 Palestinian children killed.

How many perps are in jail?
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Did those civilians shoot a child close range?

They say things.

Just like the Palestinians say things about us.

So that video proves nothing, really.

Yes it just proves what vile creatures you're : )

I don't like to this, but unfortunately some of them are vile in their nature. I've known them long enough and lived with them.

I'm a Palestinian, btw. I moved out but I spent over a year living there when Israel had forces in Gaza.
I don't like to this, but unfortunately some of them are vile in their nature. I've known them long enough and lived with them.

I'm a Palestinian, btw. I moved out but I spent over a year living there when Israel had forces in Gaza.

I dont want to judge all of them but Israelis :poke:
Notice that it's always children that the gutless arabs attack? Then call them "legitimate military targets?" Hide behind their women's skirts then whine like babies when the Israeli's bitch slap them. Now they're even sending their women to this forum to spew their Jew hate.
I'm not asking you to tell us what is going to happen. I'm telling you to condemn similar acts committed by Jews.

You don't and you over exaggerate any attacks against Jews in the occupied territories.

And we still don't know who's behind this and what the motive is. Although it should be played down as attacks against non Jews are played down.

Israeli soldiers aren't held responsible for their crimes. So you're lying you don't really mean it.

Neither are Israeli terrorist settlers held for their crimes either. And if they are it's usually a minor punishment.

Your expectations are well placed. I said what I think should happen, is all.

What you say is incorrect, and I can say it full mouth since you've never been in military court and never seen soldiers being put to justice for wrong doings.


So please, don't talk about things you don't really know anything about.

Over 1500 Palestinian children killed.

How many perps are in jail?

Well Tinman, when your heroes murder Israeli children you call them "legitimate military targets." We'll just play the tit for tat game.
Notice that it's always children that the gutless arabs attack? Then call them "legitimate military targets?" Hide behind their women's skirts then whine like babies when the Israeli's bitch slap them. Now they're even sending their women to this forum to spew their Jew hate.

That's why two Israeli soldiers were killed about two weeks ago?
Your expectations are well placed. I said what I think should happen, is all.

What you say is incorrect, and I can say it full mouth since you've never been in military court and never seen soldiers being put to justice for wrong doings.


So please, don't talk about things you don't really know anything about.

Over 1500 Palestinian children killed.

How many perps are in jail?

Well Tinman, when your heroes murder Israeli children you call them "legitimate military targets." We'll just play the tit for tat game.

Nice duck.
What Americans think....

Israeli child seriously wounded in West Bank settlement shooting
Walter Sobchak 25 minutes ago


Police said it was a Terrorist attack. Not a Militant Attack. Reuters injecting their political opinon again.

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Commenter 17 minutes ago


That's al reuters. The 'west bank' is not occupied either.




Robert 1 hour ago


Whoever it is whether it was a Palestinian or even an Israeli may they be held accountable that´s all I'm saying not taking anyone´s side. Hurting innocent children is never justifiable.

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truth 12 seconds ago



An article every time a Palestinian is wounded.

Reply .

Dan 26 seconds ago


That's too bad. But was there any coverage at all when Israeli's dropped white phosphorous on sleeping women and children in the Gaza mass murder? White phosphorous is a banned chemical weapon which burns in the flesh and skin of the victim until it reaches the bone. Over 600 children were estimated to have murdered this way according to independent investigators. No news from the Jewish MSM, however...

Reply .

Ron 12 minutes ago


Robert, enjoyed reading your fantasy post. Got any facts you can take to the FBI and that will show evidence of an actual crime? Anything that will hold water in Federal Court? Or is all you have fantasy?

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Garden 1 hour ago


No child should be attacked. Period.

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Ron 9 minutes ago


time for a number of posters to get over blaming the victim. And get over the fantasy that suddenly every Jew in Israel will get on a plane or boat 'back to Europe". Israel exists and will continue to exist as the Jewish nation. you can post all the fantasies you want, but in the morning, when the sun comes up, the Israeli flag will be flying over united Jerusalem.

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Taggart 1 minute ago


Yeah whatever after watching the video of the Israel soldiers gunning down a 9 year old kid in front of his dad I think both sides are full of animals and we need to stay the hell away.

Reply .

markv 1 hour ago


There will be comments here justifying attack on a child. Comments saying that parents put their kid in danger, comments saying that occupation is illegal, comments saying that the child is also an occupier and thus a fair target, and comments about dead Palestinian children. ALL of these arguments will be morally wrong made by moral midgets. Yes, occupation is illegal, and yes parents raising kids in settlements face dangers but none of this justifies killing an innocent child. Similarly, dead Palestinian children are also a tragedy but none of this ever justifies killing another child.

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YahJeW 55 seconds ago


Why do the israeli Zionist shove israeli news down our throats? Are stories reported in israel when people get murdered here at home..? NOPE. Any day now we'll begin receiving weather and traffic updates from israel.

Reply .
Israel need to create an artificial island made of shit to live on it . If possible in a remote location to humanity :laugh:

Oh by the way , finally scientists found water on Mars , so this means there is also mud : ) Israelis can move there :woohoo:
Did those civilians shoot a child close range?

They say things.

Just like the Palestinians say things about us.

So that video proves nothing, really.

Yes it just proves what vile creatures you're : )

Oh you wanna talk vile creatures?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOfnih22KVM]Muslims Allowed to Rape Jewish Women - YouTube[/ame]
How can a Jew be thief in JUDEA?

Only in the mind of those hate the Jews.

Wishing quick recovery for the child, and the sniper to be punished and locked up.

Israel has admitted that settlers have stolen land in the Occupied West Bank.

I feel bad that the girl is suffering for the crimes of her parents.
I'm not asking you to tell us what is going to happen. I'm telling you to condemn similar acts committed by Jews.

You don't and you over exaggerate any attacks against Jews in the occupied territories.

And we still don't know who's behind this and what the motive is. Although it should be played down as attacks against non Jews are played down.

Israeli soldiers aren't held responsible for their crimes. So you're lying you don't really mean it.

Neither are Israeli terrorist settlers held for their crimes either. And if they are it's usually a minor punishment.

Your expectations are well placed. I said what I think should happen, is all.

What you say is incorrect, and I can say it full mouth since you've never been in military court and never seen soldiers being put to justice for wrong doings.


So please, don't talk about things you don't really know anything about.

Over 1500 Palestinian children killed.

How many perps are in jail?

Those children died in WAR.

There were cases where Soldiers behaved unproperly, and they were punished and put infront of judge.

Something Palestinians don't do btw. How many Hamas men were judged by their own system for war crimes?


We at least put our killers to justice once that happens.

You heard about Jacob Titel walking free, lately?:doubt:
How can a Jew be thief in JUDEA?

Only in the mind of those hate the Jews.

Wishing quick recovery for the child, and the sniper to be punished and locked up.

Israel has admitted that settlers have stolen land in the Occupied West Bank.

I feel bad that the girl is suffering for the crimes of her parents.

Bring admittion that Israel said that.

Bring the Israeli LAW that said that.

By Israeli law, those settlements are legal. So technically, and FACTUALLY, her parents are not criminals.

If you say those settlements are illegal, so the "crime" is done by the Israeli GOVERNMENT.

The parents are CIVILIANS, and their judge is only the Israeli system, since the international law is against governments, not civilians.

So her parents are not criminals, not by Israeli OR international law. They're clean.

so you telling they are criminals? not only it's propaganda, but it's factually false.

Any complaint is to our government, and our government alone.

This child is daughter if jewish civilians, and the crime was against her AND her family.
Did those civilians shoot a child close range?

They say things.

Just like the Palestinians say things about us.

So that video proves nothing, really.

Yes it just proves what vile creatures you're : )

Oh you wanna talk vile creatures?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOfnih22KVM]Muslims Allowed to Rape Jewish Women - YouTube[/ame]

I dont believe in this videos , faces are so artificial and speeches too fake . Any muslim dont allow such a thing , but still cannot stop thinking if this is real maybe this is because of

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94PbUEPF7ro]Israeli soldiers beating a Palestinian girl and remove her Hijab - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0n9yiuuwJs]Israeli soldiers and palestinian women.flv - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjYmOUArxP4]Israeli Soldiers chasing Palestinian girl and beating her - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhnVbJzckFA]Israeli Soldier Loads and Points Automatic Weapon at Palestinian Woman Trying to go Home - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fakJdN8kyrs]Israeli army attacks and arrests palestinian woman before her kids - YouTube[/ame]
Children should never be targets of military actions.

Settler adults? Im not sure. They are very often co-conspirators in acts of land theft & harrassment.

Soldiers? 100%. They are armed and on-duty combatants in a theater of war.

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