Terror is real -- and it must be stopped


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.
He can't run again so he is content flying around the country doing his campaign speeches and playing golf. Don't expect anything else out of him.
If the march had been held to show support for Muslims, do you think Obama would have managed to attend?

He refuses to link terrorism with Islam despite the constant terrorist attacks from radical Muslims. The left bitches about Christians being against abortion, but save for a couple nuts in the past, they use words to fight their cause. Muslims resort to killing a little too easily and it should be a cause for concern. The left excuses their actions and blames our policies, but the reason they give are simple. Someone insults their god and they deserve to die as a result. Even Obama blamed Benghazi on offended Muslims. It's all too commonplace for them to kill for minor reasons. The link with Islam and mass killings over the years isn't something that can be ignored. The radicals blend in so well with the average Muslims that you can't tell the difference.

The most dangerous groups out there identify themselves as Muslims. They are extremely well-funded and organized, which tells us that they are not a bunch of small fringe groups. They have some serious training and financial backing to do the shit they do. They need to be taken very seriously, but Obama barely acknowledges them and reduces them to JV.
terrorist were around long before Obama and will be around long after he is gone. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. Anyone that blames terrorism on Obama or anyone else id a bigger idiot.

THAT is all.

Depending on how broadly the term is defined, the roots and practice of terrorism can be traced at least to the 1st-century AD Sicarii Zealots, though some dispute whether the group, which assassinated collaborators with Roman rule in the province of Judea, was in fact terrorist.

Obama's fault.

RW idiots, snap out of it.
No one said the existence of terrorists is Obama's fault. Just saying he is reticent to call them what they are when they are Muslim terrorists. Most of the terrorists call themselves Muslims. Get a clue.
I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.
How can terrorism be stopped? Who can stop them? Where are they? Who are they? Obviously, they're not centralized. They're present around the globe. They're in small groups, large groups, one person, two people, and how many are in uniform? How can they be detected? They dress like anyone else, live in neighborhoods and communities, some attend church, some are in college, some are loosely associated with governments, some are women, some are teens, some own businesses, and some remain dormant until they snap.

Terrorists can be anyone, anywhere, and can strike at anytime. Since they don't wear uniforms, look like everyone else, and blend in with almost any crowd, it's very difficult to stop them. Some attack through the internet, and some do nothing except fund terroristic activity. Stopping them would be a real trick, and real touch of magic.
Great thread! It's clear that Obama doesn't think that terrorism is real. It's clear that every world leader who marched in Paris is 100% against acts of terror.

I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.
Kewl. Your OP is attempting to terrorize.
Terrorism in today's world and today's form will not be defeated as long as people politicize it the way it is being politicized in this thread. It is merely being used as an excuse to blame a specific politician and ignoring the genuine causes which go far beyond a single leader at a single snapshot in time. Every President since Carter shares blame in the terrorism and terrorist groups we are dealing with today. Congress has been reducing the funding for the agencies we use to fight terrorism, yet there are those who prefer to hold them blameless. When it has been time for us to build forces to attack terrorism head on with our mission to bring total victory to our cause, we argue about taxes and make excuses for not building those forces.

The country does not have the will to defeat terrorism. We will not have that will until the terrorist strike us in a way that will force us to take the kind of action that needs to be taken to bring about their demise. That means facing them as if they were the Axis powers of the 20th century. It means building a military that is able to go anywhere in the world with massive firepower and strength of numbers. It means being able to do so on multiple fronts and with massive intelligence resources. In short, total war. We had the will after 9/11 but we squandered it. Now we have to wait for it to come again.

We aren't going to have a total war against terrorism. We will not confront the terrorist supporters in countries that we do business with. We demand our gasoline and all the oil needed to make our lives comfortable so we allow those who fund our enemies to operate without retaliation. We will not commit to the sacrifice it might require, even if only for a few years. We will not ration our oil and gas and we sure as heck will not raise revenue to fund a war on terrorism. We will not implement a draft to build our military. It is easier to put these things off and hope for the best while we blame one leader or another.
I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.
I guess you missed all the anti-terror, pro French statements released by the president and our govt..Or do you play dumb naturally...
I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.
And how do you plan on stopping it? More wars, more dead troops, trillions more dollars we don't have?

I don't know if you noticed the result of Iraq and Afghanistan, but kicking the hornet's nest didn't equal fewer hornets. Quite the opposite.
I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.
And how do you plan on stopping it? More wars, more dead troops, trillions more dollars we don't have?

I don't know if you noticed the result of Iraq and Afghanistan, but kicking the hornet's nest didn't equal fewer hornets. Quite the opposite.
As I have already said, it's almost impossible to stop terrorism. Please re-read what I said. I do not plan to stop them, and never implied otherwise.
I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.
How can terrorism be stopped? Who can stop them? Where are they? Who are they? Obviously, they're not centralized. They're present around the globe. They're in small groups, large groups, one person, two people, and how many are in uniform? How can they be detected? They dress like anyone else, live in neighborhoods and communities, some attend church, some are in college, some are loosely associated with governments, some are women, some are teens, some own businesses, and some remain dormant until they snap.

Terrorists can be anyone, anywhere, and can strike at anytime. Since they don't wear uniforms, look like everyone else, and blend in with almost any crowd, it's very difficult to stop them. Some attack through the internet, and some do nothing except fund terroristic activity. Stopping them would be a real trick, and real touch of magic.

Start bulldozing mosques, and making it generally uncomfortable for muslims in civilized nations. That is the pool where terrorists are being recruited from. And mosques are teaching these ideas within the walls.

Islamic culture does not mesh with western civilization, and it never will. And it doesn't matter how hard the blind try and believe otherwise. There will never be peace, so long as islam is allowed to run free. Slowly people are starting to understand this, maybe there is hope after all.

I'd think that minimizing terrorism has to be done through the culture, which is the way most major problems need to be addressed. It's a heavier lift, and it will require patience and effort, but band-aids just don't work in the long run.

Just punishing people for their opinions and beliefs is not enough, that's the coward's way out. Jihadists do that, and trying to do that to them is folly.

I can think of another group that should learn that lesson, ironically.

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There is no way to get a handle on Islamic terrorism without the support of mainstream Muslims, none, you warhawks that want to have a big holy war on Islam need to STFU and get a fucking clue. Jihadists' main recruiting tool is the belief that the west is out to destroy Islam, you people would publicly prove this to the Muslim world and not even give a shit.
There is no way to get a handle on Islamic terrorism without the support of mainstream Muslims, none, you warhawks that want to have a big holy war on Islam need to STFU and get a fucking clue. Jihadists' main recruiting tool is the belief that the west is out to destroy Islam, you people would publicly prove this to the Muslim world and not even give a shit.

Just needs to be destroyed in our countries, they can do whatever they want in the troglodyte shitholes they come from. Islam is out to destroy western culture, which would you rather fight for?
I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.
How can terrorism be stopped? Who can stop them? Where are they? Who are they? Obviously, they're not centralized. They're present around the globe. They're in small groups, large groups, one person, two people, and how many are in uniform? How can they be detected? They dress like anyone else, live in neighborhoods and communities, some attend church, some are in college, some are loosely associated with governments, some are women, some are teens, some own businesses, and some remain dormant until they snap.

Terrorists can be anyone, anywhere, and can strike at anytime. Since they don't wear uniforms, look like everyone else, and blend in with almost any crowd, it's very difficult to stop them. Some attack through the internet, and some do nothing except fund terroristic activity. Stopping them would be a real trick, and real touch of magic.

Start bulldozing mosques, and making it generally uncomfortable for muslims in civilized nations. That is the pool where terrorists are being recruited from. And mosques are teaching these ideas within the walls.

Islamic culture does not mesh with western civilization, and it never will. And it doesn't matter how hard the blind try and believe otherwise. There will never be peace, so long as islam is allowed to run free. Slowly people are starting to understand this, maybe there is hope after all.
What about where they train? What about North Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East? What about their funding? What about those that harbor and hide them? What about little known sleeper cells? What about single individuals that go postal? What or who can stop them?
I'm not about to write an epilogue on the subject, but here it is.

Regardless of what political affiliation you may espouse to, one thing is clear after the attacks and murders of 12 Charlie Hebdo employees; terror is real. It was real on 9/11, it was real a week ago. You cannot deny that there are people out there who wish to force people into submission through great acts of terrorism and murder.

It doesn't matter who started it, or who kicked the hornets nest, the fact is, you have the hornets. Hornets, like terrorists, evoke fear and terror once unleashed. Terror is real, and it must be stopped. Not showing (as Obama failed to do) unity with the world only says this: "I am unconcerned with your plight. I don't care. I cannot be bothered to help unify a world marred by senseless violence."

That is all.

So when are you rushing down to the recruiter to sign up?

Here's the thing. 26 people get shot up in a school two years ago, and you guys scream about "Founding Fathers" and "Freedom" when people suggest even the most moderate changes in the law.

But someone screams "Allahu Akbar" while shooting people up, and you pretty much shit your pants and say, "We need to totally go to war with one sixth of the world's population because a few of them do crazy shit once in a while!"

Me, I can't get worked up because someone who continually insulted a billion people suddenly found a couple of them who did something nutty.

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