Terrorism: man threatens to kill any woman who tries to stop him from going into their restroom

I dare you to try and stop a transgender woman, in my presence, from using the bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make. This is a call to action, you need to arm up.
this guy even looks like a creepo
So, in response to women NOT wanting a physically dangerous environment when they are at their most vulnerable, this guy vows to essentially turn their restroom into a war zone? In all seriousness, this does sound like a good reason for a visit from LE.
This is at least the fourth thread on this creature, but yeah -- it needs to be put down.

The globalists intent on tearing this country apart are encouraging this crap, the Democrat party does their bidding and there isn't one single leftist in this forum with the intelligence necessary to say "enough is enough".
This is at least the fourth thread on this creature, but yeah -- it needs to be put down.

The globalists intent on tearing this country apart are encouraging this crap, the Democrat party does their bidding and there isn't one single leftist in this forum with the intelligence necessary to say "enough is enough".

Keep in mind that every elected representative of the DemoKKKrat party in DC, the entire corporate media, and a huge number of leftists insist that this person is LITERALLY a woman. They believe he is LITERALLY, SCIENTIFICALLY, and LEGALLY a woman. That's where we are right now.
This is terrorism.
I dare you to try and stop a transgender woman, in my presence, from using the bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make. This is a call to action, you need to arm up.
this guy even looks like a creepo
A growing trend we continue to see emerge from the trans community: violent outbreaks, violence and death. When you're dealing with mental illness and you continue to ignore it .. what outcomes do you expect?
I might start to carry a 10mm knowing that thing is out there...

Then again I can easily outrun it...

Grab some snacks off the shelves and distract it. Then get it on my phone camera run around and taunt it...



I wouldn't be able to shoot it after all that though.

I think we should take him at his word that he intends to kill people who do not accept him as a female

He is obviously nuts even without the threats of committing murder

Lets give him his chance

Station two undercover cops at the women’s bathroom and have a third female tell him he cant go in

If he pulls a gun blast him to kingdom come

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