Terrorism: man threatens to kill any woman who tries to stop him from going into their restroom

We have a serious left-wing terrorism problem in this country, and the current administration and their media are complicit in it.


This is the kind of person who needs to be on more than just a watch list. However, I suspect this person is really a righty and not trans and I'm saying that as a righty who doesn't like the trans crap. This video smells fishy to me, like it is a setup.
Seriously , these freaks and their porno addicted fans really think we will have to 'check their junk' to weed out 99% of these sick gimps to keep them away from kids? lmfao look at the freak.
The license for lawlessness was first granted by minority mayors who allowed city by city lawlessness “ventin” over Brown, Gray and Floyd. This then spread to wholesale lawlessness in 2020. At same time government has engaged in multiple witch hunting trials and locked down America.
Any aberrant group now feels empowered to do precisely what they feel like and the repercussions almost non existent. Abandonment of reality is still in full swing .
"The last mistake you ever make"? Why isn't this person in jail and charged with making terrorist threats?

Don't worry. These gimps want to turn the country into a banana republic, and they have yet to get the full experience of what that means in real life; when the affluent Burb Brats are no longer affluent and half of Mexico is running the Federal, state, and local govts. for their personal benefit, they will find out what most hispanics and hood rats think of degenerate fetishist freaks shows. Those passive Burb Brats that don't do squat about their freaks shows now? They aren't go to do shit about saving the freaks from your thug control gov. either. Enjoy.
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The license for lawlessness was first granted by minority mayors who allowed city by city lawlessness “ventin” over Brown, Gray and Floyd. This then spread to wholesale lawlessness in 2020. At same time government has engaged in multiple witch hunting trials and locked down America.
Any aberrant group now feels empowered to do precisely what they feel like and the repercussions almost non existent. Abandonment of reality is still in full swing .
I am noticing that a disproportionate number of these pro-criminal DAs are black.
My wife saw that and wished we could run into him somewhere. Said she would gladly let him attack her that way I could shoot him to protect her.
Now your wife sounds like more of a domestic terrorist than he/she does. Conspiracy domestic terrorists at that.
I am noticing that a disproportionate number of these pro-criminal DAs are black.
In general all of them created unnecessary police encounters for themselves and didn’t like it but didn’t change their behavior and blamed poluce. Now in positions of authority they continue to spread the irresponsibility around and Still blame the police. Lack of consequences has Dire Consequence.
Just out of curiosity, in this situation how does one know for sure if a person is transgender? Or a transvestite? Or a real female who seems a bit masculine? Sometimes it may be obvious, but very often it is not, and toilets in modern America are in separate stalls, and there aren’t urinals in ladies rooms. So to “be sure” will we need to have a monitor at every ladies room demanding husky-voiced women pull down their drawers to prove they are “real” women? Will we need armed guards?

If you’re a MAGA evangelical who wants to turn the country into a police state where “real women” can NOT even legally end an unwanted pregnancy, or an authoritarian who wants doctors who help women “in trouble” go to jail …. then I guess I can understand those types wanting to fight about transgenders and bathrooms. Ditto with a very small number of crazy “tough guy” trans “women.” But why would the rest of us get so worked up? Who really wants to fight over all this shit? Politicians!

Shall we men, worried about “our women,” undress them, stop masculine looking women and keep them from wearing pants or lipstick, check each other’s and everyone’s gonads before allowing entrance into bathrooms? Are we so fear-ridden and insecure? Let us remember that the overwhelming majority of rapists and abusers of women, including of female children, remain straight men (and often straight young men).

Of course bullying of girls by other girls, boys by other boys, bullying by trouble-makers and little gangs of juvenile delinquents … remains a big problem in many schools. Even teachers sometimes fear their students!

If we’re talking about schools, or competitive athletic programs traditionally separated by sex, I agree that special arrangements may sometimes be necessary to deal with this new phenomenon. Quite a few sports organizations are dealing with this now, changing their criteria for entering female sports competitions. A few unisex bathrooms in schools can usually help calm down some of this hysteria, and help bisexual, faddish, or confused “I don’t know what I am” types feel better and be safer. Bullying is always the worst answer to kids’ sexual confusion.

I am also against a lot of the liberal faddishness around this issue, which can indeed confuse impressionistic kids just learning about sex and their own sexual feelings. But toleration and calm is necessary on the part of authority figures, whose job it is to protect ALL students from bullying — as with youth who identify as gay.

In public schools and in loco parentis situations, authorities — also government and politicians — should stay out of the bedroom. Teachers should not advocate on hot-button cultural / sexual controversies while working. In schools, administrators and teachers also generally have a duty to inform parents of serious problems their kids are having — something the vast majority of teachers already understand.
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Just out of curiosity, in this situation how does one know for sure if a person is transgender? Or a transvestite? Or a real female who seems a bit masculine? Sometimes it may be obvious, but very often it is not, and toilets in modern America are in separate stalls, and there aren’t urinals in ladies rooms. So to “be sure” will we need to have a monitor at every ladies room demanding husky-voiced women pull down their drawers to prove they are “real” women? Will we need armed guards? :rolleyes:

If you’re a MAGA evangelical who wants to turn the country into a police state where “real women” can NOT even legally end an unwanted pregnancy, or an authoritarian who wants doctors who help women “in trouble” go to jail …. then I guess I can understand those types wanting to fight about transgenders and bathrooms. Ditto with a very small number of crazy “tough guy” trans “women.” But why would the rest of us get so worked up? Who really wants to fight over all this shit? Politicians!

Shall we men, worried about “our women,” undress them, stop masculine looking women and keep them from wearing pants or lipstick, check each other’s and everyone’s gonads before allowing entrance into bathrooms? Are we so fear-ridden and insecure? Let us remember that the overwhelming majority of rapists and abusers of women, including of female children, remain straight men (and often straight young men).

Of course bullying of girls by other girls, boys by other boys, bullying by trouble-makers and little gangs of juvenile delinquents … remains a big problem in many schools. Even teachers sometimes fear their students!

If we’re talking about schools, or competitive athletic programs traditionally separated by sex, I agree that special arrangements may sometimes be necessary to deal with this new phenomenon. Quite a few sports organizations are dealing with this now, changing their criteria for entering female sports competitions. A few unisex bathrooms in schools can usually help calm down some of this hysteria, and help bisexual, faddish, or confused “I don’t know what I am” types feel better and be safer. Bullying is always the worst answer to kids’ sexual confusion.

I am also against a lot of the liberal faddishness around this issue, which can indeed confuse impressionistic kids just learning about sex and their own sexual feelings. But toleration and calm is necessary on the part of authority figures, whose job it is to protect ALL students from bullying — as with youth who identify as gay.

In public schools and in loco parentis situations, authorities — also government and politicians — should stay out of the bedroom. Teachers should not advocate on hot-button cultural / sexual controversies while working. In schools, administrators and teachers also generally have a duty to inform parents of serious problems their kids are having — something the vast majority of teachers already understand.

None of this was a problem until the leftist establishment demanded that men pretending to be women be treated as if they were ACTUALLY women. That delusion is the root of all the current problems we have with these people.
To marvin martian : I don’t believe your “leftist establishment” exists in the way you imagine it to. Like on the question of granting women, gays and gay marriages equal rights, dramatic social and cultural changes often have complex origins and blossom when social conditions have reached a certain stage of development. Civil rights for African-Americans, the end to anti-miscegenation laws, abortion rights for women — these were historical and cultural changes many thought disgusting or immoral … but most Americans support them now. They were not the product of a communist or an NWO conspiracy.

Indeed, liberals and Democrats are not united on implementing any special “trans agenda,” not for using “pronouns” in any special way, and certainly not for allowing sex change surgery for kids. Most liberals only draw a hard line against abusing the civil rights of minorities. Of course some on boards like this will over-react when opposing the hysterical use of these issues by rightwingers and rightwing political hustlers.
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