Terrorism: man threatens to kill any woman who tries to stop him from going into their restroom

think it would be wiser for women to use the mens can now. looks safer to me

Women don't use urinals. We have stalls, with doors.

So he's threatening to shoot women who have a problem with his ugly self going into their restrooms?? Well....i guess that sorta shows the transterrorists' attitude about women? Dont'
forget the trans'woman' mma fighter who loves beating up women.
More like this is a tranny with a death wish.
Part of the problem in catering to these pussy boys delusion is it furthers their resolve to threaten women and beat up on them
I don’t know what type of faggot , cuck derangement a male has to beat a girl in arm wrestling or a foot race.
Part of the problem in catering to these pussy boys delusion is it furthers their resolve to threaten women and beat up on them
I don’t know what type of faggot , cuck derangement a male has to beat a girl in arm wrestling or a foot race.
Serious insecurity.
How about we state we will bust up any “man” who threatens women?
Is it prohibited to state that here as it is going against a loon?

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