Terrorist Murder In Jerusalem Synagogue

.it's a personal attack. <snip> even though you are a juden,

I find your use of the word "juden" a personal attack on all the world's Jewry. In every post you make.

It is nothing more than RABID ANTISEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED AND RACISM and he should be arrested and charged under civil rights laws for his RACIST REMARKS

Actually we need more like Sunni Man. His kind is the reason why US support for Israel continues to increase. If Israel had no enemies, there would be no need for US financial aid & moral support. Whio but his kind could feel joy over the Palestinian terrorist murder of Jews in a Jerusalem synagogue? Keep up the good work for Israel Sunni Man.

Islamists and their propaganda shills just can't help themselves...

Sooner or later... and almost invariably sooner... their Hate leaches through their monologues, and they 'out' themselves for what they are...

Haters of The West... haters of Christians and Jews and every other 'infidel' religion... haters of those not willing to slavishly submit to Sharia...

Creatures that are dangerous to children and all other living things.

The reaction of these folks to the slaughter in the synagogue is an excellent case in point.
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Once again Israel got what Israel deserved for their treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries?

Prayer massacre Three Americans among four rabbis killed as Palestinian militants storm Jerusalem synagogue - AOL.com
"Israeli forces carried out 30 attacks against al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites during the month of February alone..."

...but you don't say shit about that, do ya, asshole?

Ramzy Baroud? IMEMC? Silent Crow? What Really Happened? Not the most objective sources

Sharon visited the mount, and not for the first time. He never entered the mosque or the dome.
When Israeli forces are called to an incident on the mount or other sites they respond. They do not initiate.
The mount and buildings should be open to all, except during designated prayer. Omar would not enter a church or synagogue but rather would pray outside out of respect. The mount was supposed to be a place of pilgrimage to all, not exclusively the muslims, that is why al-Aqsa was built on the side.
The waqf have authority over the mosques and school, they do not have exclusive ownership or right to the mount itself. God is not the exclusive domain of muslims, he/she/it is for everyone throughout the globe.
I find your use of the word "juden" a personal attack on all the world's Jewry. In every post you make.
The word "juden" is the regular everyday word used by the German people when referring to a jewish person. It is not derogatory nor a slang word. ....... :cool:

WRONG AGAIN ali as the way in which the term is used and the person saying it all count towards how it is perceived by the rest of humanity. Your use of the term is one of RACIST ANTISEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED and you could be arrested for it. You could try the above as your defence but it wont wash as you are not German and you are not in Germany.
Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...

Get your facts straight there bud.

Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists.[7] Upon the tomb, the following words are inscribed: “He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land.”[6] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli Army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. The tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched.[8]

Link: Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So as my quote reports, the 'shrine' was removed, but eludes to the tombstone and epitaph being left alone. However, it seems as though it too was covered:

After the flagstones around it were pried away under the eye of a military chaplain, the ground was covered with gravel.

Link: Israel Destroys Shrine to Mosque Gunman - New York Times
Forcibly removed...plain PR...


Nope fact that you don't like seeing as it destroys your arguments
Once again Israel got what Israel deserved for their treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries?

Prayer massacre Three Americans among four rabbis killed as Palestinian militants storm Jerusalem synagogue - AOL.com
"Israeli forces carried out 30 attacks against al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites during the month of February alone..."

...but you don't say shit about that, do ya, asshole?
"Global Research"? Pfffffffffftttt!

These are exactly the kind of lies and false propaganda that lead to incitement and then two Palestinian animals hacking four old men to death during prayer.
Once again Israel got what Israel deserved for their treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries?

Prayer massacre Three Americans among four rabbis killed as Palestinian militants storm Jerusalem synagogue - AOL.com
"Israeli forces carried out 30 attacks against al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites during the month of February alone..."

...but you don't say shit about that, do ya, asshole?

Ramzy Baroud? IMEMC? Silent Crow? What Really Happened? Not the most objective sources

Sharon visited the mount, and not for the first time. He never entered the mosque or the dome.
When Israeli forces are called to an incident on the mount or other sites they respond. They do not initiate.
The mount and buildings should be open to all, except during designated prayer. Omar would not enter a church or synagogue but rather would pray outside out of respect. The mount was supposed to be a place of pilgrimage to all, not exclusively the muslims, that is why al-Aqsa was built on the side.
The waqf have authority over the mosques and school, they do not have exclusive ownership or right to the mount itself. God is not the exclusive domain of muslims, he/she/it is for everyone throughout the globe.

Muslims always want it all and cannot coexist. What else is new.
Steve, this was almost a good post, but I take pause in these two parts:

not inflammatory rhetoric. . . . <snip>. ..last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob

The first part is I find many of your posts inflammatory, as for the second part I would like to see some sort of proof to your claim as that is news to all of us.

So steve aka theliq, I am still waiting to see your 'proof' (a link or anything to substantiate your claim) about your post of the bus driver being 'lynched'.

I still see this claim that the bus driver was 'lynched' as relevant to this thread. But still all I hear in response to my request is crickets. . . . . . .
Ramzy Baroud? IMEMC? Silent Crow? What Really Happened? Not the most objective sources
Your personal opinions of a particular website are irrelevant.

Sharon visited the mount, and not for the first time. He never entered the mosque or the dome.
The article didn't say how many times he visited and just said he entered the "mosque".

When Israeli forces are called to an incident on the mount or other sites they respond. They do not initiate.
Then why are they preventing Arabs from entering, while letting fanatical settlers to go on in?

The mount and buildings should be open to all, except during designated prayer. Omar would not enter a church or synagogue but rather would pray outside out of respect.
Who's Omar?

The mount was supposed to be a place of pilgrimage to all, not exclusively the muslims, that is why al-Aqsa was built on the side.
The waqf have authority over the mosques and school, they do not have exclusive ownership or right to the mount itself. God is not the exclusive domain of muslims, he/she/it is for everyone throughout the globe.
Do you have any evidence to prove the claims made in my link were false?
Billo, that article takes tiny threads out of the truth to weave a whole boatload of lies. I surely hope you know that.
Are you saying there wasn't 30 attacks in the month of February?

If you are referring to this (in your article):

n a statement released on March 7, the Palestinian Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs said Israeli forces carried out 30 attacks against al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites during the month of February alone. Most of the attacks targeted al-Aqsa itself. While the recurring violations at al-Aqsa were led by Jewish settlers, according to the statement, they have done so under the watchful eye, protection and support of the Israeli police and army.

Yes I am. My reasoning is that the Pro-Palestinian media and related sources call any Jew (and sometimes even just a non moslem) who wishes to ascend the Temple Mount (which the al-Aqsa mosque is only a tiny part of) and 'attack' on al-Aqsa.

I hope you will let me explain further and also read and research these truths for yourself. There is a huge difference between the al-Aqsa mosque and the Temple Mount. The al-Aqsa mosque was built off to the south side of the Temple Mount, originally out of respect for the Jewish Temple.

Side note: Back in the day, the moslems had no problem with any non moslem going up on the Temple Mount.

But now a days, the Palestinian propaganda machine insists that anyone who wishes to go up on the Temple Mount is invading the al-Aqsa mosque.

I hope you can find it in your heart to take the time to research the Temple Mount further so that you too, will know the truth and stop propagandizing lies.
Ramzy Baroud? IMEMC? Silent Crow? What Really Happened? Not the most objective sources
Your personal opinions of a particular website are irrelevant.

Sharon visited the mount, and not for the first time. He never entered the mosque or the dome.
The article didn't say how many times he visited and just said he entered the "mosque".

When Israeli forces are called to an incident on the mount or other sites they respond. They do not initiate.
Then why are they preventing Arabs from entering, while letting fanatical settlers to go on in?

The mount and buildings should be open to all, except during designated prayer. Omar would not enter a church or synagogue but rather would pray outside out of respect.
Who's Omar?

The mount was supposed to be a place of pilgrimage to all, not exclusively the muslims, that is why al-Aqsa was built on the side.
The waqf have authority over the mosques and school, they do not have exclusive ownership or right to the mount itself. God is not the exclusive domain of muslims, he/she/it is for everyone throughout the globe.
Do you have any evidence to prove the claims made in my link were false?

That is the point, the "article" is not factual. Sharon was being filmed and never entered the mosque or dome, nor did he pray while on the mount during that visit. Sharon had visited the mount compound on a number of other occasion over the years. The visit requested was planned to be, and permitted by Arafat, as a meeting place between Sharon and Arafat to finally shake hands. Arafat had other ideas and rejected the peace offering by Sharon and the peace deal that would have given up half of jerusalem to the palestinian state. He even had bus loads of palestinians brought in to ensure a situation that would trigger the intafada. Rocks also were brought and placed around the mount area. It was not a spontaneous response but an orchestrated one, and witnessed by the world.
Israeli forces do more to keep jews from the mount that permit them. Rabble muslims that cause trouble are often limited as a means to prevent rock or fire attacks on the mount or down below at the Kotel. They were allowed to return for friday prayers. More often than not Israeli police do not permit tourism by jews on the mount, especially when emotions are hightened so as not to incite a confrontation.
>>Sharon was only permitted to enter the compound after the Israeli Interior Minister had received assurances from the Palestinian Authority's security chief that no problems would arise if he made the visit.[21] Sharon did not actually go into the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and went during normal tourist hours. Colin Shindler writes "Shlomo Ben-Ami, the Minister of Internal security, was told by Israeli intelligence that there was no concerted risk of violence. This was implicitly confirmed by Jibril Rajoub, the Palestinian head of Preventive Security on the West Bank, who told Ben-Shlomo that Sharon could visit the Haram, but not enter a mosque on security grounds."[22]<<

Omar....Caliph Omar ibn al Khattab

Amazing you know neither recent event or history about the mount. You would actually believe Sharon just walked into the al-Aqsa mosque with so many people in attendance?
Steve, this was almost a good post, but I take pause in these two parts:

not inflammatory rhetoric. . . . <snip>. ..last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob

The first part is I find many of your posts inflammatory, as for the second part I would like to see some sort of proof to your claim as that is news to all of us.

So steve aka theliq, I am still waiting to see your 'proof' (a link or anything to substantiate your claim) about your post of the bus driver being 'lynched'.
Steve, this was almost a good post, but I take pause in these two parts:

not inflammatory rhetoric. . . . <snip>. ..last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob

The first part is I find many of your posts inflammatory, as for the second part I would like to see some sort of proof to your claim as that is news to all of us.

So steve aka theliq, I am still waiting to see your 'proof' (a link or anything to substantiate your claim) about your post of the bus driver being 'lynched'.
Plus there are loads more on this subject......surprised you could not find them......but then why XZS&^%$*#@*DSW@
Ramzy Baroud? IMEMC? Silent Crow? What Really Happened? Not the most objective sources
Your personal opinions of a particular website are irrelevant.

Sharon visited the mount, and not for the first time. He never entered the mosque or the dome.
The article didn't say how many times he visited and just said he entered the "mosque".

When Israeli forces are called to an incident on the mount or other sites they respond. They do not initiate.
Then why are they preventing Arabs from entering, while letting fanatical settlers to go on in?

The mount and buildings should be open to all, except during designated prayer. Omar would not enter a church or synagogue but rather would pray outside out of respect.
Who's Omar?

The mount was supposed to be a place of pilgrimage to all, not exclusively the muslims, that is why al-Aqsa was built on the side.
The waqf have authority over the mosques and school, they do not have exclusive ownership or right to the mount itself. God is not the exclusive domain of muslims, he/she/it is for everyone throughout the globe.
Do you have any evidence to prove the claims made in my link were false?

That is the point, the "article" is not factual. Sharon was being filmed and never entered the mosque or dome, nor did he pray while on the mount during that visit. Sharon had visited the mount compound on a number of other occasion over the years. The visit requested was planned to be, and permitted by Arafat, as a meeting place between Sharon and Arafat to finally shake hands. Arafat had other ideas and rejected the peace offering by Sharon and the peace deal that would have given up half of jerusalem to the palestinian state. He even had bus loads of palestinians brought in to ensure a situation that would trigger the intafada. Rocks also were brought and placed around the mount area. It was not a spontaneous response but an orchestrated one, and witnessed by the world.
Israeli forces do more to keep jews from the mount that permit them. Rabble muslims that cause trouble are often limited as a means to prevent rock or fire attacks on the mount or down below at the Kotel. They were allowed to return for friday prayers. More often than not Israeli police do not permit tourism by jews on the mount, especially when emotions are hightened so as not to incite a confrontation.
>>Sharon was only permitted to enter the compound after the Israeli Interior Minister had received assurances from the Palestinian Authority's security chief that no problems would arise if he made the visit.[21] Sharon did not actually go into the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and went during normal tourist hours. Colin Shindler writes "Shlomo Ben-Ami, the Minister of Internal security, was told by Israeli intelligence that there was no concerted risk of violence. This was implicitly confirmed by Jibril Rajoub, the Palestinian head of Preventive Security on the West Bank, who told Ben-Shlomo that Sharon could visit the Haram, but not enter a mosque on security grounds."[22]<<

Omar....Caliph Omar ibn al Khattab

Amazing you know neither recent event or history about the mount. You would actually believe Sharon just walked into the al-Aqsa mosque with so many people in attendance?
Did he or Didn't I don't really know...but what I do know is.........HAD HE.......HE WOULD HAVE BEEN ASSINATED (LIKE PRIME MINISTER RABIN,PREVIOUSLY) BY THE ISRAELI RIGHT WING TROLLS..............THEMSELVES
So, to get back on topic, I think slaughtering four old men, while they are praying, regardless of their religion, is totally beyond the pale. It takes a certain mentality to do this type of heinous act. This cannot be remotely compared to soldiers following orders during a war. These are two men, on their own volition, walking into a place of worship, and hacking four old men to death, just because of their faith. One has to blame the social environment and culture that creates such monsters.
Just so...

And religion is a huge part of their culture...

Entirely relevant in any discussion of the ease with which such Suicide Troops are cultivated and recruited and employed.
And more importantly Israel Itself,Kondie......I don't need to explain to you why,because I don't want to insult your intelligence..steve
So, to get back on topic, I think slaughtering four old men, while they are praying, regardless of their religion, is totally beyond the pale. It takes a certain mentality to do this type of heinous act. This cannot be remotely compared to soldiers following orders during a war. These are two men, on their own volition, walking into a place of worship, and hacking four old men to death, just because of their faith. One has to blame the social environment and culture that creates such monsters.
Unfortunately Roudy......this horror for both sides will only continue....regrettably.....the Right Wing Israelis are completely out of control or should that be in control.steve
So, to get back on topic, I think slaughtering four old men, while they are praying, regardless of their religion, is totally beyond the pale. It takes a certain mentality to do this type of heinous act. This cannot be remotely compared to soldiers following orders during a war. These are two men, on their own volition, walking into a place of worship, and hacking four old men to death, just because of their faith. One has to blame the social environment and culture that creates such monsters.
Just so...

And religion is a huge part of their culture...

Entirely relevant in any discussion of the ease with which such Suicide Troops are cultivated and recruited and employed.
And more importantly Israel Itself,Kondie......I don't need to explain to you why,because I don't want to insult your intelligence..steve
That makes no sense. Explain it anyway, Steve. It won't insult anyone.
So, to get back on topic, I think slaughtering four old men, while they are praying, regardless of their religion, is totally beyond the pale. It takes a certain mentality to do this type of heinous act. This cannot be remotely compared to soldiers following orders during a war. These are two men, on their own volition, walking into a place of worship, and hacking four old men to death, just because of their faith. One has to blame the social environment and culture that creates such monsters.
Just so...

And religion is a huge part of their culture...

Entirely relevant in any discussion of the ease with which such Suicide Troops are cultivated and recruited and employed.
And more importantly Israel Itself,Kondie......I don't need to explain to you why,because I don't want to insult your intelligence..steve
That makes no sense. Explain it anyway, Steve. It won't insult anyone.
Hi Hoss...........fcuk me,you have a brain of sorts.....if you repress and unfairly occupy a nation...they will react....in this schism,it is just tit-for-tat response from one side to the other.......the total repression of the Palestinians allows one to understand their frustration and seething anger.....as any fair minded person would understand clearly.......and the killings etc of Jewish folk in Israel...has just the same response,understandably.......I think the "War" is horrendous for both sides...and eventually pointless(well no loss of any loss of life is pointless,sorry to use that term,stupid of me really.) But it helps no one.

I have unlike others on here have always encouraged a negotiated peace settlement for both sides as all of you well know

Israeli immigrants over the last 10 years or so has been loaded in favour of Right Wing Settlers........to most, a vindictive faithful to an archaich religion which most of the world passed by milliemeim sic ago.....as totally irrelevant to modernism ....there may be so few in world terms(same as ISIS types in Islam) the trouble with these people they do not want Democracy in and form, but a Theocracy...paid for by secular Jews......That Israel has decided to follow this track,has and will create huge problems...within and outside Israel......."A type of Banana Republic" if you know what I mean.........The reason they still have an economy is the financial support of America....and the abnormal power of the Jewish lobby....who in reality control America politically and financially....but this power will diminish eventually or at least be curtailed.........."Crying pity since 1948,just does not wash anymore" ........Israel are completely on the nose worldwide.

America these days are not regarded as highly as they were(mind you in my opinion most are pretty savvie) but you have been led by the nose by your pathetic and shameful politicians....FULL STOP.........but you have or will not accept other political parties,for some unknown reason????????

Anyhow this is not really a Critique of America..........but my assessment of the Horror for both peoples in the Holy Land.......you can all scramble to take me to task.....but all the same I am RIGHT(as usual) I find it very hard to be humble on USMB sometimes but on the other hand have and do find it amazing,and never take it for granted

Viva Palestine,Viva Israel......less the NUTTERS on both sides.......just sayin steve

ps Hoss I always make sense,have you ever thought it maybe your interpretation.......my good friend.
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