Terrorist Murder In Jerusalem Synagogue

Why do the zionist juden insist that everyone must believe in the Holocaust fantasy story?

And if you don't believe in their delusion they call you names.

It seems to come from an insecurity deep within the jewish psyche yearning for acceptance. ...... :cool:

It is not some fantasy. It is proven fact.
It is only fantasy in your mind. You refuse to see the evidence.
You have been fed too much conspiracy garbage from your muslim sites. You need to wake up from the dream world you are living in.
The beginning to understanding and peace comes from accepting established facts, not rejecting them.
WWII is a proven fact, the holocaust is not.

Rrrrright. Of course, we must consider the source. :cuckoo:

well of course you got this from rense (what Khara!)
Sunni gets attracted to Khara like flies do to shit.

As soon as he saw the word "dummy" on the book he realized it applied to him. :clap2:
Steve, this was almost a good post, but I take pause in these two parts:

not inflammatory rhetoric. . . . <snip>. ..last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob

The first part is I find many of your posts inflammatory, as for the second part I would like to see some sort of proof to your claim as that is news to all of us.
brilliant cartoon Teddy,Just BRILLIANT

Back off on the hallucinogenics Steve, I do not see a cartoon in my post. . .
I feel sorry for the two Palestinian men who were assassinated in the synagogue by the rabid juden mob.

They were not allowed a trial to prove their innocence. ..... :cool:

And you sir are a sick and depraved man. They were not assassinated, nor were they killed inside the synagogue.

This post of yours just adds to the facts the your are a delusional lair and hater of the Jews. I truly think, again, that your use of the term "juden" is wrong, wrong, wrong. and should be a subject of your continued status here.
This is the kind of hate that Palestinian kids are fed:

But I have just one tiny problem with this video. Just trying to be fair.

Why is this child holding a M-16/AR-15? Where would a Palestinian get one? I thought they usually used the AK-47. Even the portions of the video where he is shooting with his 'dad' they are using an AK-47.

Just curious.
I find your use of the word "juden" a personal attack on all the world's Jewry. In every post you make.
The word "juden" is the regular everyday word used by the German people when referring to a jewish person. It is not derogatory nor a slang word. ....... :cool:

I firmly disagree. I believe it was the 'word' used by the Nazi's when they carted the Jews off to the death camps.

I am not alone when I think it to be a derogatory word:

Link 1 (look at #2):

Urban Dictionary Juden

Link 2: German Glossary of Words to Avoid - Feindbilder - Hate Terms
Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...

Get your facts straight there bud.

Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists.[7] Upon the tomb, the following words are inscribed: “He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land.”[6] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli Army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. The tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched.[8]

Link: Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So as my quote reports, the 'shrine' was removed, but eludes to the tombstone and epitaph being left alone. However, it seems as though it too was covered:

After the flagstones around it were pried away under the eye of a military chaplain, the ground was covered with gravel.

Link: Israel Destroys Shrine to Mosque Gunman - New York Times
Forcibly removed...plain PR...

But removed it was. How about the shrines, posters, etc. for the 'martyrs' on the other side?
Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...

Get your facts straight there bud.

Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists.[7] Upon the tomb, the following words are inscribed: “He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land.”[6] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli Army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. The tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched.[8]

Link: Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So as my quote reports, the 'shrine' was removed, but eludes to the tombstone and epitaph being left alone. However, it seems as though it too was covered:

After the flagstones around it were pried away under the eye of a military chaplain, the ground was covered with gravel.

Link: Israel Destroys Shrine to Mosque Gunman - New York Times
Forcibly removed...plain PR...

But removed it was. How about the shrines, posters, etc. for the 'martyrs' on the other side?
Two wrongs never made a right...You ether live by example or become part of the problem...

America used to be a guiding light to the world but her recent hypocrisy has made her a blight! We need to change course, our support for Israeli atrocities have made us hypocrites and terrorist targets!
Steve, this was almost a good post, but I take pause in these two parts:

not inflammatory rhetoric. . . . <snip>. ..last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob

The first part is I find many of your posts inflammatory, as for the second part I would like to see some sort of proof to your claim as that is news to all of us.

So steve aka theliq, I am still waiting to see your 'proof' (a link or anything to substantiate your claim) about your post of the bus driver being 'lynched'.
By Josh Levs and Mick Krever, CNN

Iran's new president has acknowledged the Holocaust, furthering the stark contrast between himself and his predecessor.

"Any crime that happens in history against humanity, including the crime the Nazis committed towards the Jews as well as non-Jews, was reprehensible and condemnable," President Hassan Rouhani said in an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour.

"Whatever criminality they committed against the Jews we condemn. The taking of human life is contemptible. It makes no difference whether that life is a Jewish life, Christian or Muslim."

He followed with an apparent reference to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying it's not acceptable to "usurp the land of another group and occupy it." He called for "an even-handed discussion."

Rouhani also emphasized that he is "not a historian."

The Anti-Defamation League responded quickly.

"It is about time an Iranian leader acknowledged the Holocaust as a tragic fact of history," ADL National Director Abraham Foxman said in a written statement.

"But in practically the same breath President Rouhani engaged in the more subtle form of Holocaust revisionism, minimizing it by accusing the Jewish survivors of taking vengeance on the Palestinians in fulfilling their 2,000-year-old dream of returning to their homeland, Israel. This was a gratuitous swipe at the survivors.

"There is no moral equivalency between the slaughter of 6 million Jews and millions of other innocent men, women and children in the Nazi gas chambers and the plight of the Palestinian people living in the West Bank and Gaza. The Iranians, apparently, are willing to come only so far."

Days earlier, in an interview with NBC, Rouhani declined to say whether the Holocaust happened.

The country's previous president, the firebrand Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, infamously denied the Holocaust, calling it a "myth."

Rouhani, widely considered more moderate, has struck a positive tone and reached out to the West to improve relations, particularly with the United States.

"I would like to say to American people: I bring peace and friendship from Iranians to Americans," he said in English, marking the first time he's spoken the language in a TV interview since becoming president. For the rest of the interview Rouhani spoke Farsi.

In many ways, Rouhani is the "it" man of this week's U.N. General Assembly, as Western leaders look to gauge whether his diplomatic overtures will translate into concrete policy changes.

There was widespread speculation that he and U.S. President Barack Obama might meet face-to-face.

"There were some talks about" a possible meeting, Rouhani told Amanpour through a translator. "And preparation for the work was done a bit as well."

But no such meeting happened.

Two senior U.S. administration officials told CNN Tuesday that the encounter was called off because it was considered "too complicated" for Iran back home.

"I believe we didn't have sufficient time to really coordinate the meeting to the full extent that we needed to," Rouhani told CNN.

Still, the two men recently exchanged letters, and Rouhani said the ice is "already beginning to break because the environment is changing and that has come about as a result of the will of the people of Iran to create a new era of relations between the people of Iran and the rest of the world."

There is sufficient time to coordinate a meeting, he said.

Rouhani said he has full permission from Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to negotiate with the West.

"I think that the president of Iran has the authority whenever the national interest of the country is involved," Rouhani told Amanpour. "The supreme leader of Iran has said that should negotiations be necessary for the national interest of the country, he is in fact not opposed to it."

"Now, if an opportunity was created today, had arisen today," the Iranian president said, "and the prep work for that had been done, most probably the talks would have haven taken place, primarily focused on the nuclear issue or the developments on the Middle East. Therefore the supreme leader, I can tell you, has given permission for my government to freely negotiate on these issues."

Iran s new president Yes the Holocaust happened 8211 Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs
Kids, there is a lot of completely off topic crap on this thread. So much so that I don't have the boots to wade through and clean.

Letsget back on topic NOW. Just to remind you, the topic is NOT:
the Holocaust
Holocaust denial
Islam in general

The topic is an attack on a synagogue in Israel by terrorists. There's a lot of latitude there but not as much as you seem to think.

Further derailments may result in infractions.
So, to get back on topic, I think slaughtering four old men, while they are praying, regardless of their religion, is totally beyond the pale. It takes a certain mentality to do this type of heinous act. This cannot be remotely compared to soldiers following orders during a war. These are two men, on their own volition, walking into a place of worship, and hacking four old men to death, just because of their faith. One has to blame the social environment and culture that creates such monsters.
So, to get back on topic, I think slaughtering four old men, while they are praying, regardless of their religion, is totally beyond the pale. It takes a certain mentality to do this type of heinous act. This cannot be remotely compared to soldiers following orders during a war. These are two men, on their own volition, walking into a place of worship, and hacking four old men to death, just because of their faith. One has to blame the social environment and culture that creates such monsters.
Just so...

And religion is a huge part of their culture...

Entirely relevant in any discussion of the ease with which such Suicide Troops are cultivated and recruited and employed.
Once again Israel got what Israel deserved for their treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries?

Prayer massacre Three Americans among four rabbis killed as Palestinian militants storm Jerusalem synagogue - AOL.com
"Israeli forces carried out 30 attacks against al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites during the month of February alone..."

...but you don't say shit about that, do ya, asshole?

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