Terrorist Murder In Jerusalem Synagogue

No, Palestinian parents and Hamas teaching kids hatred and that killing Israelis is good, is the cause of retribution, hate and despair.
The parents don't have to teach their children about hate and despair.

All the Palestinian children have to do is step outside of their home and see the death and destruction the Israeli IDF has inflicted on the their own families and neighborhood. ..... :cool:

False. Considering they are Muslims, they teach their kids hate and that murdering Israelis is a good deed . Palestinian parents often call their sons heroes after they just killed innocent Israelis. It's all part of the disgusting death cult called Islam :cool:
True cancer in this world :cool:
'The Muslims Don't Understand - We Don't Want Al-Aqsa'
Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi explains Al-Aqsa Mosque is outside the Temple boundaries, but Islam's focus on force prevents coexistence.

By Yishai Karov, Ari Yashar
First Publish: 11/20/2014, 5:30 PM


Al Aqsa Mosque (bottom-left) is outside the Temple Mount according to Jewish tradition
Nati Shohat/Flash 90
Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi and prominent religious-Zionist scholar Rabbi Ya'akov Ariel spoke to Arutz Sheva about the tensions over the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism which has been at the center of attempts by Palestinian Authority and Islamist leaders to incite a religious war.

Despite being Judaism's holiest site Jews are prevented from praying on the Mount and Jewish visits are severely restricted, due to threats of violence from Muslim leaders.

Islamists and PA officials, including Mahmoud Abbas, regularly accuse Jewish visitors to the Mount of attempting to "storm the Al Aqsa Mosque." Al Aqsa mosque - not to be confused with the golden-domed Dome of the Rock shrine - is the largest of several mosques at the site, where the ancient Jewish Temples once stood.

But In fact, Rabbi Ariel pointed out, no religious Jews have ever attempted or asked to pray inside the mosque - and they have absolutely no desire to do so.

Referring to the binding of Yitzhak (Isaac) as related in the Torah - which took place at the site - Rabbi Ariel noted the Jewish patriarch "came down from the altar as a pure sacrifice whose entire goal was to serve G-d."

"To differentiate, it is known that the Muslims adopted the idea of the binding and celebrate the sacrifice holiday (Eid al-Adha) of the 'binding of Ishmael,' and the messages of Ishmael are the complete opposite (of the binding of Yitzhak)," noted the rabbi, referring to the Islamic festival which co-opts the Biblical story but substitutes Yitzhak for his older half-brother and ancestor of the Arab nation Ishmael.

Ishmael "came down from the altar not as one who was (sacrificially) slaughtered, but as a slaughterer. That's the difference. He wanted to submit the whole world under him by force," Rabbi Ariel said of Islam's focus.

It is that fundamental theological difference which prevents many Muslims from understanding that Jewish demands for equal prayer rights on the Temple Mount - which is Judaism's holiest site - are not an attempt to prevent Muslims from praying there as well.

"They say we want Al-Aqsa (Mosque). Who wants Al-Aqsa? It's outside of the Temple Mount. It's very possible that it will remain even when the Temple is rebuilt!" said Rabbi Ariel, noting that the mosque itself stands outside of the sanctified areas of the Temple Mount according to Jewish tradition - though it is part of the wider complex.

"But because of their forcefulness they are convinced we too want to come to Al-Aqsa by force."

The rabbi's appraisal is backed by, among others, the writings of former Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Shlomo Goren zt''l, who also noted that Al-Aqsa was built outside the boundaries of the Temple.

"Defensive War" how Orwellian. LOL

Fact: Jews came from Europe settled in Palestine and expelled the local people. That's the only thing one needs to know.

Fact: Jews were massacred many time before any Arab was expelled. They were expelled AFTER 5 Arab armies invaded the region and attacked Israel.
You just love skipping those parts of history, don't you ?
Once again Israel got what Israel deserved for their treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries?

Prayer massacre Three Americans among four rabbis killed as Palestinian militants storm Jerusalem synagogue - AOL.com
Get real Krusty, the biggest terrorist attack on worshipers was committed by Dr. Baruch Goldstein by murdering 29 Palestinians and wounding 125...

Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...
No, Palestinian parents and Hamas teaching kids hatred and that killing Israelis is good, is the cause of retribution, hate and despair.

Your not trying to tell us that Israelis don't teach their children to hate are you? BTW, who taught you to hate.
No, they don't. I have never heard of Israeli parent encouraging their kids to kill innocent Palestinians.

What makes you think I was taught to hate?
Once again Israel got what Israel deserved for their treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries?

Prayer massacre Three Americans among four rabbis killed as Palestinian militants storm Jerusalem synagogue - AOL.com

Nonsense. Surrounding Arab countries treat the Palestinians like shit.

Israel should expell every Muslim from the country and then bulldoze their homes.
What makes you think I was taught to hate?
Judging by your daily posts that are full of venom and pure hatred.

I would guess you where taught to hate at a very early age. ....... :cool:
Obviously you're talking about yourself Sunni Welfare Troll.

You spend everyday spreading hated about Jews, mocking the Holocaust, Calling Blacks neegros, lying about Israel.
We could write a book about all the hateful crap you've posted. Are you hateful because you're on welfare??
I think it's because you're Muslim and Islam & hate go hand in hand. Muslim on welfare = Bad Combination :cool:
What makes you think I was taught to hate?
Judging by your daily posts that are full of venom and pure hatred.

I would guess you where taught to hate at a very early age. ....... :cool:
Obviously you're talking about yourself Sunni Welfare Troll.

You spend everyday spreading hated about Jews, mocking the Holocaust, Calling Blacks neegros, lying about Israel.
We could write a book about all the hateful crap you've posted. Are you hateful because you're on welfare??
I think it's because you're Muslim and Islam & hate go hand in hand. Muslim on welfare = Bad Combination :cool:

What is it with you and welfare taunts?

Is it because you have some kind of hang up about picking up your welfare cheque every week?

I think they call that kind of phenomena 'transference' Toasty...

Get over it man!
Once again Israel got what Israel deserved for their treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries?

Prayer massacre Three Americans among four rabbis killed as Palestinian militants storm Jerusalem synagogue - AOL.com
Get real Krusty, the biggest terrorist attack on worshipers was committed by Dr. Baruch Goldstein by murdering 29 Palestinians and wounding 125...

Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...
No, Palestinian parents and Hamas teaching kids hatred and that killing Israelis is good, is the cause of retribution, hate and despair.

Your not trying to tell us that Israelis don't teach their children to hate are you? BTW, who taught you to hate.
No, they don't. I have never heard of Israeli parent encouraging their kids to kill innocent Palestinians.

What makes you think I was taught to hate?

Children do not know hate. You can put a mix of toddlers and children in the same room without conflict. Hate is taught, mostly in the home but also through peer pressure by olders in the neighborhood. They are taught by how they see others behave and speak.
Hate is not natural.
Obviously you're talking about yourself Sunni Welfare Troll.

You spend everyday spreading hated about Jews, mocking the Holocaust, Calling Blacks neegros, lying about Israel.
We could write a book about all the hateful crap you've posted. Are you hateful because you're on welfare??
I think it's because you're Muslim and Islam & hate go hand in hand. Muslim on welfare = Bad Combination
The difference is Toastman.

I generally make posts about the topic under debate.

Whereas, about 90% of your posts are about personally attacking the poster.
The Cave of the Patriarchs massacre or Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, also known as the Hebron massacre,[1] was a shooting attack carried out by American-born Israeli Baruch Goldstein, a member of the far-right Israeli Kach movement, who opened fire on unarmed Palestinian Muslims praying inside the Ibrahimi Mosque (or Mosque of Abraham) at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, West Bank. It took place on February 25, 1994, during the overlapping religious holidays of Purim and Ramadan.[2][3] The attack left 29 male worshippers dead and 125 wounded.[4] The attack only ended after Goldstein was overcome and beaten to death by survivors.
Cave of the Patriarchs massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes while the balance of his mind was disturbed after witnessing the mass murders of many of his friends
So if you use that analogy all Palestinians should use the same excuse but there is NO EXCUSE for what this Loony did........much like the Assination of Prime Minister Rabin,a similar excuse was made about that Murderer...but we all know they were not Mad.....they were bloody evil.....but you Phony always defend the Indefensible because you think the same.....NO CROCIDILE TEARS PLEASE........PATHETIC WEAK COMMENT,yet again

Isnt that the excuse made for the Palestinians when they attack the Jews, that they were forced into it by their deprivation and mental state. Seems that mohameds mental infirmity has been passed down through interbreeding
Once again Israel got what Israel deserved for their treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries?

Prayer massacre Three Americans among four rabbis killed as Palestinian militants storm Jerusalem synagogue - AOL.com
Get real Krusty, the biggest terrorist attack on worshipers was committed by Dr. Baruch Goldstein by murdering 29 Palestinians and wounding 125...

Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...
No, Palestinian parents and Hamas teaching kids hatred and that killing Israelis is good, is the cause of retribution, hate and despair.

Your not trying to tell us that Israelis don't teach their children to hate are you? BTW, who taught you to hate.
No, they don't. I have never heard of Israeli parent encouraging their kids to kill innocent Palestinians.

What makes you think I was taught to hate?

Children do not know hate. You can put a mix of toddlers and children in the same room without conflict. Hate is taught, mostly in the home but also through peer pressure by olders in the neighborhood. They are taught by how they see others behave and speak.
Hate is not natural.

I totally agree. It has to be taught. One of the more frightening things about ISIS, and it's control over the education in the areas it controls, is that it can mold the minds of thousands of young children who won't know any better.
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

~ Rodgers and Hammerstein

You ve Got to Be Carefully Taught - Rodgers and Hammerstein Lyrics and Chords
The chain of incidents has gone so far as to have Samarian girls to attack arab drivers.
This not about land or statehood, this has become about mulsims vs non-muslims, even radical/militant muslims vs moderate muslims.
This is a can of worms not easily put back and resealed.
A game changer.
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

~ Rodgers and Hammerstein

You ve Got to Be Carefully Taught - Rodgers and Hammerstein Lyrics and Chords

So my song for you this evening, it's not to make you sad
Nor for adding to the sorrows of our troubled northern land
But lately I've been thinking and it just won't leave my mind
I'll tell you of two friends of mine who were both good friends of mine
Isaac Scott from Banagh, he lived just across the fields
A great man for the music, the dancing and the reels
McDonald came from South Armagh to court young Alice fair
And we often met on the Ryan Road and laughter filled the air

There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together

Now Isaac he was Protestant and Sean was Catholic born
But it never made a difference, for the friendship it was strong
And sometimes in the evening when we heard the sound of drums
We said it won't divide us, we always will be one

For the ground our fathers plowed in, the soil it is the same
And the places where we say our prayers have just got different names
We talked about the friends who'd died and hoped there'd be no more
It was little then we realized the tragedy in store


It was on a Sunday morning when the awful news came round
Another killing had been done just outside Newry Town
We knew that Isaac danced up there, we knew he liked the band
But when we heard that he was dead we just could not understand

We gathered round the graveside on a cold and rainy day
The minister he closed his eyes and for no revenge he prayed
And all of us who knew him from along the Ryan Road
We bowed our heads and said a prayer for the resting of his soul


Now fear it filled the countryside there was fear in every home
When late at night a car came prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ it's young McDonald they've taken from the door

Isaac was my friend! he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye, it was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind


So my song for you this evening, it's not to make you sad
Nor for adding to the sorrows of our troubled northern land
But lately I've been thinking and it just won't leave my mind
I'll tell you of two friends of mine who were both good friends of mine

Now I don't know where the moral is or where this song should end
But I wonder just how many wars are fought between good friends
And those who give the orders are not the ones to die
It's Scott and McDonald and the likes of you and I

There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together
There were roses, roses
There were roses....
Obviously you're talking about yourself Sunni Welfare Troll.

You spend everyday spreading hated about Jews, mocking the Holocaust, Calling Blacks neegros, lying about Israel.
We could write a book about all the hateful crap you've posted. Are you hateful because you're on welfare??
I think it's because you're Muslim and Islam & hate go hand in hand. Muslim on welfare = Bad Combination
The difference is Toastman.

I generally make posts about the topic under debate.

Whereas, about 90% of your posts are about personally attacking the poster.

Nothing I say about you is a personal attack..... It's all 100% true :cool
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

~ Rodgers and Hammerstein

You ve Got to Be Carefully Taught - Rodgers and Hammerstein Lyrics and Chords

So my song for you this evening, it's not to make you sad
Nor for adding to the sorrows of our troubled northern land
But lately I've been thinking and it just won't leave my mind
I'll tell you of two friends of mine who were both good friends of mine
Isaac Scott from Banagh, he lived just across the fields
A great man for the music, the dancing and the reels
McDonald came from South Armagh to court young Alice fair
And we often met on the Ryan Road and laughter filled the air

There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together

Now Isaac he was Protestant and Sean was Catholic born
But it never made a difference, for the friendship it was strong
And sometimes in the evening when we heard the sound of drums
We said it won't divide us, we always will be one

For the ground our fathers plowed in, the soil it is the same
And the places where we say our prayers have just got different names
We talked about the friends who'd died and hoped there'd be no more
It was little then we realized the tragedy in store


It was on a Sunday morning when the awful news came round
Another killing had been done just outside Newry Town
We knew that Isaac danced up there, we knew he liked the band
But when we heard that he was dead we just could not understand

We gathered round the graveside on a cold and rainy day
The minister he closed his eyes and for no revenge he prayed
And all of us who knew him from along the Ryan Road
We bowed our heads and said a prayer for the resting of his soul


Now fear it filled the countryside there was fear in every home
When late at night a car came prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ it's young McDonald they've taken from the door

Isaac was my friend! he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye, it was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind


So my song for you this evening, it's not to make you sad
Nor for adding to the sorrows of our troubled northern land
But lately I've been thinking and it just won't leave my mind
I'll tell you of two friends of mine who were both good friends of mine

Now I don't know where the moral is or where this song should end
But I wonder just how many wars are fought between good friends
And those who give the orders are not the ones to die
It's Scott and McDonald and the likes of you and I

There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together
There were roses, roses
There were roses....

I know in Lebanon we had students in the upper classes that on weekends might well have been shooting at each other and sat side by side or even share dorm rooms during the school week.
When the school was threatened they were shoulder to shoulder protecting the school, students and teachers against syrian military forces that wanted the school as a based.
Politically and religiously they were placed in the position of enemy by their communities but they also share so many goals for their school, education and country.
It was one of the many ironies of civil war.
Even at home we entertained those from opposing families and political parties and they behaved as friends but beyond our living room they ordered the death of members of the other. Too much blood by those who shared food, drink and laughter with each other.

Brother fighting brother, father fighting son in many cases.
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

~ Rodgers and Hammerstein

You ve Got to Be Carefully Taught - Rodgers and Hammerstein Lyrics and Chords

So my song for you this evening, it's not to make you sad
Nor for adding to the sorrows of our troubled northern land
But lately I've been thinking and it just won't leave my mind
I'll tell you of two friends of mine who were both good friends of mine
Isaac Scott from Banagh, he lived just across the fields
A great man for the music, the dancing and the reels
McDonald came from South Armagh to court young Alice fair
And we often met on the Ryan Road and laughter filled the air

There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together

Now Isaac he was Protestant and Sean was Catholic born
But it never made a difference, for the friendship it was strong
And sometimes in the evening when we heard the sound of drums
We said it won't divide us, we always will be one

For the ground our fathers plowed in, the soil it is the same
And the places where we say our prayers have just got different names
We talked about the friends who'd died and hoped there'd be no more
It was little then we realized the tragedy in store


It was on a Sunday morning when the awful news came round
Another killing had been done just outside Newry Town
We knew that Isaac danced up there, we knew he liked the band
But when we heard that he was dead we just could not understand

We gathered round the graveside on a cold and rainy day
The minister he closed his eyes and for no revenge he prayed
And all of us who knew him from along the Ryan Road
We bowed our heads and said a prayer for the resting of his soul


Now fear it filled the countryside there was fear in every home
When late at night a car came prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight to even up the score
Oh Christ it's young McDonald they've taken from the door

Isaac was my friend! he cried, he begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye, it was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind


So my song for you this evening, it's not to make you sad
Nor for adding to the sorrows of our troubled northern land
But lately I've been thinking and it just won't leave my mind
I'll tell you of two friends of mine who were both good friends of mine

Now I don't know where the moral is or where this song should end
But I wonder just how many wars are fought between good friends
And those who give the orders are not the ones to die
It's Scott and McDonald and the likes of you and I

There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together
There were roses, roses
There were roses....

I know in Lebanon we had students in the upper classes that on weekends might well have been shooting at each other and sat side by side or even share dorm rooms during the school week.
When the school was threatened they were shoulder to shoulder protecting the school, students and teachers against syrian military forces that wanted the school as a based.
Politically and religiously they were placed in the position of enemy by their communities but they also share so many goals for their school, education and country.
It was one of the many ironies of civil war.
Even at home we entertained those from opposing families and political parties and they behaved as friends but beyond our living room they ordered the death of members of the other. Too much blood by those who shared food, drink and laughter with each other.

Brother fighting brother, father fighting son in many cases.

This is digressing a bit, but one of horrible things about the conflicts in the Balkans after the break up of the USSR was the re-emergence of ancient ethnic grudges and people who had formerly lived as neighbors were suddenly finding themselves enemies. Listening to some of the stories was heart breaking. I can't imagine killing someone I knew like that. People fleeing their neighbors unable to understand what was happening. Crazyness.

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